Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

Hobby Lobby was decided today, 5-4, along the usual conservative/liberal split. Alito, writing for the majority, qualifies up his opinion in various ways:

* The decision only pertains to closely held companies governed by the ridiculously named “Religious Freedom Restoration Act.” Arguably, if Congress wanted to make an exception under the RFRA to remove birth control as a “religious” issue, it could.

* The decision applies only to birth control.

* Alito believes there is a less-restrictive means for the government to provide birth control.

* The decision — and this is classic Alito — does not, according to SCOTUSblog, “provide a shield for employers who might cloak illegal discrimination as a religious practice.” See, this is what Alito does. When you tell him something like “this decision will provide a shield for employers looking to cloak illegal discrimination as a religious practice,” that man shakes his head and says “not true,” as if shaking his head is part of the law.

There are three separate opinions in this case — a concurrence by Justice Kennedy and two dissents. It’s one of those “everybody gets to play” SCOTUS decisions. The Notorious R.B.G. seems to say everything worth saying about the majority’s dangerous precedent here, while Kennedy wrote something responding to her dissent that can be summarized as “come now, silly woman, don’t be hysterical.” It’s fun times at One First Street.

In terms of force and effect, this might not be a huge deal.The Court is clear that the government can provide contraceptives if it wants to. The Obama Administration will almost surely do that now. So even if your employer doesn’t cover birth control, the government will. Of course, that will lead to conservatives bitching about the “high cost of government,” and the really stupid ones will accuse Obama of passing out “slut pills,” but that is to be expected. The anti-contraception crowd is a nutty bunch.

Hobby Lobby And The True Gangsta Life Of Justice Alito « Above the Law: A Legal Web Site ? News, Commentary, and Opinions on Law Firms, Lawyers, Law Schools, Law Suits, Judges and Courts + Career Resources
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The contraceptives at issue before the court were the emergency contraceptives Plan B and ella, and two IUDs.

My wife works for Hobby Lobby and receives contraception under the insurance they provide. They did not want to provide ABORTION causing drugs. The so-called morning after pill.

The left is obsessed with abortion. It is the holy sacrament.

The morning after pill is not an abortion pill, moronN. They shouldn't have to cover it, but at least be honest.

For those who believe life begins at conception, the "morning after" drug IS abortion.

Well that's good, because it prevents conception. Which is why you have to take within 48-72 hrs.
Semantics asshole. I consider it an abortion-inducing drug, and guess what ASSHOLE so does Planned Parenthood.

The Abortion Pill - Planned Parenthood - YouTube


Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The "abortion pill" mentioned in that video is Mifeprex, more commonly known as RU-486. It is an abortion pill in that it can terminate a pregnancy.

You are confusing that with the morning after pill, Levonorgestrel, which prevents a pregnancy from occurring. It does not terminate an abortion and is not an "abortion pill."

He even negged me with the same link. Lol
You can't make that shit up. Hahahaha

It's amazing that someone could watch that video and think they're talking about the "morning after pill" or that Planned Parenthood calls the "morning after pill" the "abortion pill." Just goes to show how uninformed some folks are. :eek:
Ruling on Constitutional rights is not re-writing the law.

Justice Roberts re-wrote the Affordable Health Care Act. That's Legislation by a Justice.

Kind of like confusing what Plan B is?

It is not stopping any woman from buying the morning after pill or getting it for free from a clinic.

This is about the religious family owned businesses being forced to provide the morning after pill.

Why should they be responsible for a woman who had unprotected sex the night before?

If a woman wants to be irresponsibly then she should pay for it, not her employer.

I don't they should have to cover it. Buying it once for fifty dollars is very educational. I just wish the Supreme Court and hobby lobby would be honest about what it actually is.
I actually have no problem with Hobby Lobby, they provide birth control coverage. It's the dishonesty about Plan B that gets me.
For those who believe life begins at conception, the "morning after" drug IS abortion.

I believe women should have access to that drug. And I believe women in tough spots ought to be able to choose if they want a kid or not early on in the pregnancy. But after a certain number of weeks it does cross that fine line between fetus and person. Then it gets seedy.

I'm glad we have people on the left fighting for a woman's right to choose until the baby is viable. And I'm equally glad we have people on the right fighting for the other extreme: that life begins the moment a guy withdraws from a woman. Somewhere between the two we can find sanity.
TemplarKormac said:
June 30th, 2014, the day when many a liberal head exploded. Man, it's gonna take a while to get this off the walls...

their plan to defeat religion through the trojan horse of Obamacare just got set back big time...

they wanted to relegate Christianity to just a practice the inside the walls of a church.....

but now that the Court affirmed our Constitutional right to freedom of religion.....that religious beliefs can actually exist in the really screwed up their plans...

I wonder if they will deny Viagra to single men, or men who's partner has gone through menopause?

Most insurances DON'T pay for Viagra, Cialis, etc.

Actually many do. Trust me, I order it for a few male married residents and unmarried. :eek:
Which I have no problem with. Life is too short to not have sex when you are 90 if you can.

Well hell. Life is too short to not watch tv in 1080p on a 90" screen. You gonna buy me or force someone else to buy me one of those too?
June 30th, 2014, the day when many a liberal head exploded. Man, it's gonna take a while to get this off the walls...

You're either against violent rhetoric OR you are against violent rhetoric and lies and bullshit when it isn't from your team.

Which is it?

Huh? What are you talking about?

Weren't you guys cheering when they upheld Obamacare? Now look at you. Your world has come crashing down around you. If you're against violent rhetoric, condemn this

?Fu*k you:? Left-wingers want to ?burn down? Hobby Lobby after SCOTUS win | Twitchy

then get back to me.
For those who believe life begins at conception, the "morning after" drug IS abortion.

I believe women should have access to that drug. And I believe women in tough spots ought to be able to choose if they want a kid or not early on in the pregnancy. But after a certain number of weeks it does cross that fine line between fetus and person. Then it gets seedy.

I'm glad we have people on the left fighting for a woman's right to choose until the baby is viable. And I'm equally glad we have people on the right fighting for the other extreme: that life begins the moment a guy withdraws from a woman. Somewhere between the two we can find sanity.
Sanity? Compromise? In America? I wish...
Why should Christian Scientists pay for ANY medical care, instead of just giving employees a free pass to their reading room?

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The morning after pill is not an abortion pill, moronN. They shouldn't have to cover it, but at least be honest.

For those who believe life begins at conception, the "morning after" drug IS abortion.

Well that's good, because it prevents conception. Which is why you have to take within 48-72 hrs.
But conception can begin within 30 how can taking a pill 48-72 hours prevent conception?

HowStuffWorks "From Sex to Conception"

The fastest sperm can get to a fallopian tube is about 30 minutes, meaning that the quickest conception could occur following sex is in the half-hour range [source: WebMD]. This means that, following sex, the egg could be fertilized before you've gotten up to get a drink of water.

Conception can occur as many as five days after sex or possibly longer, as strong, healthy sperm can survive for about that many days (and perhaps even longer) in the supportive environment of the fallopian tubes as they wait for an egg to be released, if one isn't already present [source: Harms].
Possibly, but I doubt it.

It is.

It has opened the door to religious discrimination.

This was an extremely stupid ruling.

It's nonsense.

I want you to do me a favor. Take this out of the insurance argument.

Let me ask you this: Lets say that someday a company is founded by a Muslim that becomes, lets say, a nationwide chain of car dealerships. As we know, Muslims have a big problem being subordinate to a woman.

Could a company that is completely privately held by a Muslim family, find religious footing to not promote women?

They most certainly can deny promotions, but they aren't stupid enough to say it was based on the sex of the person.

They may promote them and not pay them as much as a man in that position. Wasn't that what the NY Times did?

How about any Christians or Jews that they have on the payroll. Would they get promoted in a closely held muslim company, if they even hired any?
It makes me wonder. Suppose they have a religious objection to homsexuality. Can they refuse to cover drugs to treat aids?

That's a strawman. Aids doesn't always afflict homosexuals. Thus such reasoning is preposterous.

Doesn't matter

Why can't Hobby Lobby refuse to cover drugs that treat AIDS? They can have religious convictions against sexually transmitted disease

What if they firmly believe AIDS is gods punishment?

Psst. Tell us arbitrary one, just what is the absolute, universal justification for you to impose your will on private concerns with regard to any given procedure?


What's the justification that the government officially declare any one of your ideological meanderings to be sacrosanct and those of others to be illegitimate, not covered or protected by natural and constitutional law, you braying jackass?

You leftist morons pose your questions as if they highlighted some obviously absolute truth or another, some indisputable fact of reality that we are all obliged to obey or else . . . as if you weren't relativist loons stupidly contradicting yourselves with your arbitrary collection of slogans and mindless clichés.









That's why natural and constitutional law prohibit the government from doing what Obama wanted it to do.

Can you say arbitrary?

Government . . . prohibited.
The people . . . not prohibited.


Knock, knock, anybody home? Anyone at all at home in that echo chamber of yours?

Now, go ahead and neg rep me, punk, as slogan spouting and neg repping is all you've ever contributed to this board for as long as I've been here.

I swear I am so burned out on these slogan-spouting leftist morons, the statist bootlicks among us who would mindlessly drive this nation toward anarchy and despotism.
For those who believe life begins at conception, the "morning after" drug IS abortion.

Well that's good, because it prevents conception. Which is why you have to take within 48-72 hrs.
But conception can begin within 30 how can taking a pill 48-72 hours prevent conception?

HowStuffWorks "From Sex to Conception"

The fastest sperm can get to a fallopian tube is about 30 minutes, meaning that the quickest conception could occur following sex is in the half-hour range [source: WebMD]. This means that, following sex, the egg could be fertilized before you've gotten up to get a drink of water.

Conception can occur as many as five days after sex or possibly longer, as strong, healthy sperm can survive for about that many days (and perhaps even longer) in the supportive environment of the fallopian tubes as they wait for an egg to be released, if one isn't already present [source: Harms].

It doesn't work in cases when it's taken after conception.
Well didn't.

Since I came up with a pertinent example that addressed the post.

Actually,..... you missed the point.

Go re-read the first amendment.

Key words: Freedom of Religion

And those rights are for individuals.

They were never meant for corporate entities.

And with good reason.

Having commerce promote religion is just as bad as having government do it.

Duh! So of course the Court's decision is correct? Right? It's tyrannical for the government to impose YOUR religion on the private concerns of others, which is precisely what you and your fellow Obamanites tried to do.

Moving on. . . .

And again the mindless contradiction that imagines that private institutions, for profit or not, exist in ideological vacuums.

So what you're actually saying in the above is that human beings and the institutions they create should be ideological blank slates, believing absolutely nothing, doing absolutely nothing, being absolutely nothing? Your statement is absurd and meaningless at the same time. In what universe do such things exist?

Leftists: slogan-spouting dufeses.
Kind of like confusing what Plan B is?

It is not stopping any woman from buying the morning after pill or getting it for free from a clinic.

This is about the religious family owned businesses being forced to provide the morning after pill.

Why should they be responsible for a woman who had unprotected sex the night before?

If a woman wants to be irresponsibly then she should pay for it, not her employer.

I don't they should have to cover it. Buying it once for fifty dollars is very educational. I just wish the Supreme Court and hobby lobby would be honest about what it actually is.
I actually have no problem with Hobby Lobby, they provide birth control coverage. It's the dishonesty about Plan B that gets me.

What dishonesty?
The court and hobby lobby is very clear that plan B prevents a fertilized egg from developing any further by inhibiting it's attachment to the uterus.
There are 4 contraceptions that do this and hobby lobby won their rights not to cover them.
June 30th, 2014, the day when many a liberal head exploded. Man, it's gonna take a while to get this off the walls...

You're either against violent rhetoric OR you are against violent rhetoric and lies and bullshit when it isn't from your team.

Which is it?

Huh? What are you talking about?

Weren't you guys cheering when they upheld Obamacare? Now look at you. Your world has come crashing down around you. If you're against violent rhetoric, condemn this

?Fu*k you:? Left-wingers want to ?burn down? Hobby Lobby after SCOTUS win | Twitchy

then get back to me.

You're a hypocrite.
I wonder if they will deny Viagra to single men, or men who's partner has gone through menopause?

Most insurances DON'T pay for Viagra, Cialis, etc.

Actually many do. Trust me, I order it for a few male married residents and unmarried. :eek:
Which I have no problem with. Life is too short to not have sex when you are 90 if you can.

Many more don't, Luissa. True story

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