Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

I can live with this. I understand the ruling and how they might have concluded that this was not the governments business to force people into complying with something that they deemed morally reprehensible.

This ruling is very narrow, with tight requirements for qualification.

Chic-Fil-A may. Some others. The overwhelming number will have an incredible burden to quality.
I can live with this. I understand the ruling and how they might have concluded that this was not the governments business to force people into complying with something that they deemed morally reprehensible.


yeah, it just puts closely held family corps and partnership in with the religious orders employing people. The workers are still covered, but by a "middleman."
Opinion analysis: Does the new religious exemption go far enough? (UPDATED) : SCOTUSblog

As long as people can say - well, this is something I fought against, then God knows who the good guys are.

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Oh, lookie what I found:

The Green family has no moral objection to the use of 16 of 20 preventive contraceptives required in the mandate, and Hobby Lobby will continue its longstanding practice of covering these preventive contraceptives for its employees. However, the Green family cannot provide or pay for four potentially life-threatening drugs and devices. These drugs include Plan B and Ella, the so-called morning-after pill and the week-after pill. Covering these drugs and devices would violate their deeply held religious belief that life begins at the moment of conception, when an egg is fertilized.
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby -

There it is. The difference between what HL is refusing to do and the left wing nut bull shit about blood transfusions and HIV.

Not that any of the sheeple will accept these facts.

To be fair, [MENTION=33194]PredFan[/MENTION] and [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION]
Luddly Neddite did post links showing HL invested indirectly in companies
providing the same abortifacient drugs they oppose (as well as supporting
slave labor in China)

the DIFFERENCE is that is free choice in business
it is NOT the FEDERAL GOVT telling you to must do so or be fined

They don't seem to get the difference between
* free choice naturally existing BY DEFAULT
* and freedom established or taken away BY GOVT
(to them Govt is the people or the default)

People who don't believe in natural laws and rights "naturally existing"
believe in depending on govt to establish these or they DON'T EXIST

This is a serious issue of political religions clashing:
If people don't have any concept or BELIEF in naturally existing freedoms without govt
that is causing this constant battle
where the only way they believe they have rights is electing leaders
to pass these laws through govt. or their rights do not exist.
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The GOP war on the poor has now expanded to a war on poor women....they should be proud.

Then allow women to purchase them with their foodstamp cards. This was an effort to impose democratic party i.e. upper middle class white suburban values onto the whole country. It does have a lot of implications, but a war on poor women is ridiculous rhetoric.
I am not surprised Templar thanked that. He has no idea how to think for himself and actually read a link.
I agree, although I say that with the caveat that I haven't read the decision in its entirety.

On the other hand, conservatives should be thrilled that it's a small win, in principle,

for Sharia Law


Sharia Law is based on religious beliefs and doctrines. If the Court has held that religious 'laws' can be exempted from having to adhere to other protected rights in the Constitution,

then Sharia law becomes superior to the Constitution.
I guess its a good thing that wasn't what was ruled upon.
This ruling is very narrow, with tight requirements for qualification.

Chic-Fil-A may. Some others. The overwhelming number will have an incredible burden to quality.

Because the federal govt should not be in the business
of regulating decisions on health care in the first place.

These are individualized choices and beliefs,
and federal govt is clearly NOT designed to micromanage that,
especially with the diverse states and conflicting beliefs we have the right to exercise without infringement by govt.

That is why it is so bureaucratic -- health care should be managed
locally by free choice of individuals so there isn't this huge mess with federal regs.
Libs got what they wanted - they wanted healthcare reform.

I don't have to have everything my way and I hope that this is not appealed.

This country has enough room for libs and conservatives alike, I'm happy for republicans and I'm also glad that I now have insurance!
I love ya, Meister, but that is funny. Trust me, I know what I am talking about ordering and faxing doctors about medications is what I do for a living.

The image is for dumb ass, Templar.
1. the conservatives/Constitutionalist I know OPPOSE giving govt/companies power over your health care. So don't give them control in the first place.

Keep your health care and insurance choices OUT of Govt and Corporate hands.
invest in independent business, hospitals and schools AWAY from this bureaucracy.

Don't go there in the first place

Once you hand over control to larger groups than yourself
do you really expect to be able to micromanage them by passing laws?

Nix the whole relationship and shift to local control and management of
choices and resources. States rights and people's rights directly.

Awesome. Now we can all die because a corporation can assert that their religion prevents them from covering blood transfusions and life saving procedures. While they laugh their asses off to the bank knowing they lied, got Americans killed, and take in more profits.

This country is heading to third world status fast.

omg.. EPIC meltdown starting.. :badgrin::badgrin:

I know this is hard for you but think about it.

You get cancer, you expect your company's insurance plan to cover it. However, the corporation says it's against their religion to cover any cancer treatments. Well now they have legal precedent to do that. So they save money and you die. How is that okay? I am shocked how so many conservatives are excited about this. Your company now has legal precedent to let you die. Did you even think about that?

Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

2. Not the ones who WANTED limited govt and keep liberty/democracy in the hands of the people. The Founding Fathers who bother my conscience are RISING from their graves over the ACA and the call to conscience to get back to Constitutional principles and checks on govt.

Not sure which Founding Father you are hearing, but the ones in Heaven moving people toward a Constitutional Convention on this issue are for less govt bureaucracy not more.

3. Added NOTE: I might know how you feel
I also felt SHOCK that the Democrats would pass and support ACA
that negates prochoice arguments against prolife legislation

If the right to health care is so much more pressing
that it TRUMPS right to choice, this opens the door
for Prolife groups to use right to life to TRUMP free choice.

the only thing stopping this is only Prochoice Democrats
believe in Roe V Wade free choice and substantive due process.
The conservatives prolife don't agree with this ruling.
If they could use it, they could argue that ACA
violates substantive due process.

or argue that Democrats commit "political discrimination by creed"
by applying "free choice" to the BELIEF in abortion and right to reproductive care through govt
but penalizing free choice for those who "believe in" other health care choices
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