Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

That's a profoundly terrible ruling.

It's a pretty small victory; Hobby Lobby will have to cover some forms of contraception; it applies to 4 types.

Appearance is a reality in Politics and it looks like a defeat for the Administration so it is.

Hobby Lobby was providing contraception before Obamacare came along, they just have the right to refuse to provide products that violate their religions beliefs.

But you are right about it being a defeat for Obama's side, he tried to argue that people lose their 1st Amendment rights when they start a business. He was smacked hard for that.
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A national corporate chain doesn't have to pay their employees a decent wage or health benefits.

Great ruling, Supreme Court! You've made morons happy.

Hobby Lobby provides better insurance that you will ever get from Obamacare, but keep pretending you are an intelligent person.

Better until you incur a very, serious lifelong ailment. Then they drop you like a hot potato, and you'll wish you had that Obamacare to fall back on. But we wouldn't expect you to know any better would we, you dumbshit moron.

I want you to do me a favor. Take this out of the insurance argument.

Let me ask you this: Lets say that someday a company is founded by a Muslim that becomes, lets say, a nationwide chain of car dealerships. As we know, Muslims have a big problem being subordinate to a woman.

Could a company that is completely privately held by a Muslim family, find religious footing to not promote women?

They most certainly can deny promotions, but they aren't stupid enough to say it was based on the sex of the person.
Why not? This ruling apparently gives license to do so--if your religion's tenants are that men should not be subordinate women as is the case in Islam from the best I can tell.

How about any Christians or Jews that they have on the payroll. Would they get promoted in a closely held muslim company, if they even hired any?

As far as I know, there is nothing in the religion about males being subordinate to other males who are Christians or Jews.

Apparently I was correct that the racist far left Obama drones would much rather see the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Then again it is like dealing with a two year old.
I want you to do me a favor. Take this out of the insurance argument.

Let me ask you this: Lets say that someday a company is founded by a Muslim that becomes, lets say, a nationwide chain of car dealerships. As we know, Muslims have a big problem being subordinate to a woman.

Could a company that is completely privately held by a Muslim family, find religious footing to not promote women?

They most certainly can deny promotions, but they aren't stupid enough to say it was based on the sex of the person.
Why not? This ruling apparently gives license to do so--if your religion's tenants are that men should not be subordinate women as is the case in Islam from the best I can tell.

How about any Christians or Jews that they have on the payroll. Would they get promoted in a closely held muslim company, if they even hired any?

As far as I know, there is nothing in the religion about males being subordinate to other males who are Christians or Jews.
I'm wondering if you realize how unstable you sound?

You act as if employees would accept such a scenario from an employer. Your world view must be that companies have thugs who are at your bedside when you wake, force you to work, and then only release you to your own devices after 20 hours of hard labor.

This ruling does not give carte blanc to companies to abuse employees, and in fact, the ruling simply says that an employee cannot force someone else to pay for specific health needs that violate their own beliefs. It DOES NOT STOP THEM from going out and having those health needs met.

Not in any way, shape or form.
The left tells you to stay out of their bedrooms and and that it's their body, until it's time to pay the bill. Then it's your duty or else you are conducting a war on women.

Go to hell.
Cover Viagra, cover Birth Control. BC is a whole lot cheaper than paying for pregnancy. Common sense.

Spiritual Healing is free, effective, safe and would drastically save costs and lives lost to cancer and other diseases that have been cured this way
(and even crime where the causes can be prevented for far less than the billions wasted on prisons instead of covering health care for more people)

But the Govt cannot impose "spiritual healing and health care" on everyone
just because it would "save costs" and make universal coverage possible and affordable.

A lot more lives would be saved, and more people covered with resources currently wasted,
but it is NOT govt's job or jurisdiction to impose on private decisions to 'save money'
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That's a profoundly terrible ruling.

It's a pretty small victory; Hobby Lobby will have to cover some forms of contraception; it applies to 4 types.

Appearance is a reality in Politics and it looks like a defeat for the Administration so it is.

Hobby Lobby was providing contraception before Obamacare came along, they just have the right to refuse to provide products that violate their religions beliefs.

But you are right about it being a defeat for Obama's side, he tried to argue that people lose their 1st Amendment rights when they start a business. He was smacked hard for that.

[ame=]U Didn't Build That - YouTube[/ame]
Sharia Law is based on religious beliefs and doctrines. If the Court has held that religious 'laws' can be exempted from having to adhere to other protected rights in the Constitution,

then Sharia law becomes superior to the Constitution.

Where is the "protected right" of free contraception and morning after pills being provided by corporations in the US Constitution?

The protected right is equal treatment under the law.

That right applies only to the government, but thanks for playing.
Companies get sold all the time; should I have to give up my career if my new employers are Muslim? How would I be able to find out if they are Muslim? I don't know the faith of my current company's owners.... In fact, with the exception of my first job, I haven't known the religious faith of any of my employers.

Partnerships have buy-outs all the time too. What if your family-held-business decides they want to convert to Islam; should I have to quit because of their religious beliefs getting in the way of my career?

I'm really not trying to play "gotcha"; I was curious if this opens the door to the Muslim family to employ this argument for not promoting women.

Can you answer it?

I did answer it. I think it was post #98.

The answer is YES, YOU WOULD NEED TO CHANGE JOBS. It's called property rights. You buy something, you own it. Employees have had to change jobs for many reasons, and I'm certain that Unfairness is at the top of each one's excuse.

Grow Up.

and it all goes back to the same that makes sense, but the left refuses to acknowledge.

If an employer does something that turns the employees off, they will not be able to retain the better employees.

Who does this NOT affect?

The mediocre employees that work 9-5 but show no differential. And that, too, is their choice.

Likewise, if a business does something that the general public doesn't like, the company will find it hard to stay in business as the public will likely stay away form their product.

I see what you're saying. My question, that [MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION] answered, was whether this now gives legal cover to claim religious grounds and simply deny a promotion based on gender. If you're a hard line Muslim and your religion tells you that men are not to be subordinate to simply now will not promote someone based on gender alone regardless of their mediocrity or not.

Whereas if you simply pay bad wages, provide no benefits, or poor working conditions across the board; you end up losing people regardless of gender and you're not allowed to target one group or the other.
Awesome. Now we can all die because a corporation can assert that their religion prevents them from covering blood transfusions and life saving procedures. While they laugh their asses off to the bank knowing they lied, got Americans killed, and take in more profits.

This country is heading to third world status fast.

omg.. EPIC meltdown starting.. :badgrin::badgrin:

I know this is hard for you but think about it.

You get cancer, you expect your company's insurance plan to cover it. However, the corporation says it's against their religion to cover any cancer treatments. Well now they have legal precedent to do that. So they save money and you die. How is that okay? I am shocked how so many conservatives are excited about this. Your company now has legal precedent to let you die. Did you even think about that?

Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

Every time I think I have seen the stupidest argument possible I read something like this.
Lets don't lose touch with the impact the Catholic Church also has. They already told OHitler, I mean Obama, that the law would not apply to them. So Obama gave them a 1 year extension to comply.

We win which means Obama loses


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Dear [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]
I did hear of a case of a woman suing a Baptist institution
for not promoting her based on gender. The court ruled in favor of the school's
right to keep with their beliefs that a woman could not hold a teaching position over men.

What I would have recommended in That case is for
the school to OFFER an equally paid/ranked position where a woman could teach,
such as over women, or other functions that don't involve teaching men.

As long as they had such an equal position available, that is not discrimination.
If no women students enroll, where this job remains vacant, that isn't their fault.

So for the case of the Muslim company, this can ALSO be resolved by
creating equal positions for women who have contact with other women
and do not interact with men in ways that are against their beliefs.

Possibly, but I doubt it.

It is.

It has opened the door to religious discrimination.

This was an extremely stupid ruling.

It's nonsense.

I want you to do me a favor. Take this out of the insurance argument.

Let me ask you this: Lets say that someday a company is founded by a Muslim that becomes, lets say, a nationwide chain of car dealerships. As we know, Muslims have a big problem being subordinate to a woman.

Could a company that is completely privately held by a Muslim family, find religious footing to not promote women?
[MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] the ACA already discriminates by religion through govt regulations based on religion
1. the exemptions regulate what religions qualify so if you don't belong or your religion doesn't qualify, you don't get the same exempt status as a religion that does
2. the mandates discriminate by political beliefs or creed
if you believe in nationalized health care through govt, you are represented, you get to use this system of your choice that matches your beliefs
the govt is basing endorsing and enforcing your political beliefs in govt health care, and punishing people with fines whose beliefs are violated:
if you do not believe in this, if it goes AGAINST your beliefs, you get fined for not buying insurance under the regulations by govt, even if that is against your beliefs.
you do not have religious free choice if you believe in "free market health care"
as the people who believe in "right to health care through govt"
which are the only ones the govt approves through this bill

Unlike the freedom of choice in abortion, which leaves the choice open to the person to have abortion or not,
this punishes people's free choice, and forces the "choice" of federal health care or mandated insurance, and penalizes free choice to provide and pay for health care in other ways besides govt.
paying for medical services through charity and education DO NOT count as an exemption and are still fined; only insurance counts as the only way to avoid fines
unless you fit the exemptions also regulated by govt. So it was ALWAYS discriminating religiously from its very writing and passage.

Sallow maybe you didn't notice it because you didn't disagree with it, and didn't feel it violated your beliefs.
but for others, it did from the start, and this HL case only addresses ONE instance of proof of violation among many more.

The HL case was used as the legal process to point out these flaws exist, just ONE example
This is necessary to go through the legal system to make the argument "through govt"
even though it already exists in principle -- the violations are written in the ACA and this is just formality in proving it in court.

Even without this case, the flaw is there, and always was the way the bill was written to penalize some choices and exempt others
People still believe in their own beliefs, which are still violated by the insurance mandates
but we are going through the expensive tedious process of proving it legally through courts
since people did not respect these religious liberties BEFORE passing the bill.
now we have to address and correct them AFTERWARDS
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Have to see what the scope of the ruling is

On the surface, it can go well beyond birth control

If my boss is Jehovah's Witness, will the insurance he provides have to cover blood transfusions? If my boss is Southern Baptist and my child needs stem cell therapy, will the insurance he provides be required to cover it?

The Conservatives are crowing about this Hobby Lobby decision. Well, crowing right up until they are forced to realize that the religious knife cuts deeper than contraceptives.

Stem cell therapy isn't covered by any insurance anywhere right now, so that was just stupid.
Companies get sold all the time; should I have to give up my career if my new employers are Muslim? How would I be able to find out if they are Muslim? I don't know the faith of my current company's owners.... In fact, with the exception of my first job, I haven't known the religious faith of any of my employers.

Partnerships have buy-outs all the time too. What if your family-held-business decides they want to convert to Islam; should I have to quit because of their religious beliefs getting in the way of my career?

I'm really not trying to play "gotcha"; I was curious if this opens the door to the Muslim family to employ this argument for not promoting women.

Can you answer it?

I did answer it. I think it was post #98.

The answer is YES, YOU WOULD NEED TO CHANGE JOBS. It's called property rights. You buy something, you own it. Employees have had to change jobs for many reasons, and I'm certain that Unfairness is at the top of each one's excuse.

Grow Up.

Thanks for the clarity. Swallow must be right then. If you're okay with this--that you can be discriminated against--LEGALLY--because of the owner's faith then today is a dark day.

Not so much if the question is contraception but if your career is now jeopardized simply because of your gender and the court approves of it...we are in trouble.

No discrimination here. Providing job health insurance is not a law. No one is stopping anyone from buying BC. Where do you get the idea that your employer has to give you free health insurance?
They most certainly can deny promotions, but they aren't stupid enough to say it was based on the sex of the person.
Why not? This ruling apparently gives license to do so--if your religion's tenants are that men should not be subordinate women as is the case in Islam from the best I can tell.

How about any Christians or Jews that they have on the payroll. Would they get promoted in a closely held muslim company, if they even hired any?

As far as I know, there is nothing in the religion about males being subordinate to other males who are Christians or Jews.

This ruling does not give carte blanc to companies to abuse employees, and in fact, the ruling simply says that an employee cannot force someone else to pay for specific health needs that violate their own beliefs. It DOES NOT STOP THEM from going out and having those health needs met.

Not in any way, shape or form. you're saying that if I work for ABC Dry Cleaners or XYZ Car Dealership as a counter person or salesperson and one day, the owner sells to someone who practices Islam, they CANNOT use their religious beliefs to avoid promoting me; the belief that I would be supervising men and their religion forbids it (as best I can tell)?

[MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION] seems to think that the new owners of ABC Dry Cleaners of XYZ Car Dealership now has that right.

It has nothing to do with contraception or healthcare--my question doesn't anyway.

Again, no "gotcha" being played here. I am curious if this ruling allows such a thing.
Obama To Overrule Supreme Court? President Considers "Mitigating" Obamacare Ruling

zero hedge ^

Having had his omnipotence chipped away at last week, President Obama has - seemingly - been pushed too far by the Supreme Court's decision on contraception and Obamacare this morning: The White House stated... SUPREME COURT DECISION ON CONTRACEPTION COVERAGE JEOPARDIZES HEALTH OF WOMEN EMPLOYED BY THESE COMPANIESWILL WORK WITH CONGRESS TO MAKE SURE WOMEN AFFECTED BY RULING WILL HAVE SAME ACCESS TO CONTRACEPTIONWILL CONSIDER WHETHER PRESIDENT CAN ACT ON HIS OWN TO MITIGATE EFFECT OF SUPREME COURT RULING Totalitarian? You decide... One wonders if the phrase "do you know who I am?" was uttered this morning? As The Hill adds,...

Obama To Overrule Supreme Court? President Considers "Mitigating" Obamacare Ruling | Zero Hedge
I did answer it. I think it was post #98.

The answer is YES, YOU WOULD NEED TO CHANGE JOBS. It's called property rights. You buy something, you own it. Employees have had to change jobs for many reasons, and I'm certain that Unfairness is at the top of each one's excuse.

Grow Up.

Thanks for the clarity. Swallow must be right then. If you're okay with this--that you can be discriminated against--LEGALLY--because of the owner's faith then today is a dark day.

Not so much if the question is contraception but if your career is now jeopardized simply because of your gender and the court approves of it...we are in trouble.

No discrimination here. Providing job health insurance is not a law. No one is stopping anyone from buying BC. Where do you get the idea that your employer has to give you free health insurance?

I didn't mention insurance once. I think you may be replying to the wrong post.
Possibly, but I doubt it.

It is.

It has opened the door to religious discrimination.

This was an extremely stupid ruling.

It's nonsense.

I want you to do me a favor. Take this out of the insurance argument.

Let me ask you this: Lets say that someday a company is founded by a Muslim that becomes, lets say, a nationwide chain of car dealerships. As we know, Muslims have a big problem being subordinate to a woman.

Could a company that is completely privately held by a Muslim family, find religious footing to not promote women?

No, because the decision already says that the government has a compelling government interest in that area, which you would know if you actually did a little research.

On the other hand, you did prove you are willing to jump to wild assed conclusions without any evidence to support them.
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Why not? This ruling apparently gives license to do so--if your religion's tenants are that men should not be subordinate women as is the case in Islam from the best I can tell.

As far as I know, there is nothing in the religion about males being subordinate to other males who are Christians or Jews.

This ruling does not give carte blanc to companies to abuse employees, and in fact, the ruling simply says that an employee cannot force someone else to pay for specific health needs that violate their own beliefs. It DOES NOT STOP THEM from going out and having those health needs met.

Not in any way, shape or form. you're saying that if I work for ABC Dry Cleaners or XYZ Car Dealership as a counter person or salesperson and one day, the owner sells to someone who practices Islam, they CANNOT use their religious beliefs to avoid promoting me; the belief that I would be supervising men and their religion forbids it (as best I can tell)?

[MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION] seems to think that the new owners of ABC Dry Cleaners of XYZ Car Dealership now has that right.

It has nothing to do with contraception or healthcare--my question doesn't anyway.

Again, no "gotcha" being played here. I am curious if this ruling allows such a thing.

Based on racist far left Obama drone propaganda?

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