Supremes: Mandatory union dues violate First Amendment rights...

It's disturbing that the decision wasn't unanimous. It should have been a no brainer for anyone.
Public Emplyee Unions are Karl Marx's Dream come true. There is nothing that is more of a cancer to America.

The typical scam is repeated over and over.

The Public employee Uninions give a load of money to the Democrat candidate, and after that candidate is elected, he is the one they sit down with to negotiate their Union Contract.

They own him, so of course they get everything they want. They were shrewd enough not to grab it all up front, but instead to back load most contracts for huge retirement the screwed taxpayer doesn't realize the screwing he has taken for a few years.

But the end result is always the same...the bilking of the the Taxpayer by a criminal conspiracy of Democrats.

The scam has bankrupted Detroit, Stockton, Ca and it will bankrupt many others eventually. And it is why the Post Office will always lose money.

Public Employee Unions. Something Karl Marx didn't think of...but wishes he had.
It's disturbing that the decision wasn't unanimous. It should have been a no brainer for anyone.

Exactly. Disturbing that such an affront to personal liberty is recognized only by conservative judges.

I bet anything that Ginsburg retires before Obama leaves office.
The Heller case wasnt unanimous and that simply hinged on reading the Constitution. And 4 justices couldnt manage to do that.
Excellent decision. The Court is busy rolling back Obama's agenda. The government has been losing every case. Watch for Obama to threaten to pack the court.
Another decision I'd love to read. Seems like a no brainer though. You shouldn't be able to compel people to join a union or compel them to pay dues.
Supremes: Mandatory union dues violate First Amendment rights...
Good news. Would be even better news if right to work laws were to apply to every state.
"Justice Alito wrote that home-care aides who are typically employed by an ill or disabled person with Medicaid’s paying their wages would be classified as partial public employees, which would not be the same as public-school teachers or police officers who work directly for the government.

Because states often set wages for partial public employees like home-care aides and because unions often do not conduct collective bargaining for them, these aides cannot be required to pay union fees, Justice Alito wrote. He wrote that requiring these home-care aides to pay would be a violation of their First Amendment rights."

No biggie...
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Another decision I'd love to read. Seems like a no brainer though. You shouldn't be able to compel people to join a union or compel them to pay dues.

Leaving the job is no longer an option? I guess thats only said to people when they want better wages

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