Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

Does the left now actually want in based on Love? I guess than we would need the State Legislators to define what Love is? To develop a "Love Test" of some kind?

Or do they wan't the State Legislatures to define what qualifies as sanctioned sex? How much Sex would be required to keep a valid license? Would a women in a male/female marriage be forced to engage in anal sex?Can you imagine the Utah legislature debating what qualifies? And if sex is a requirement, then wouldn't a man forcing himself on his wife be sanctioned as well?

I find it amazing that you guys want to redefine even love if you don't get your way on things.

Okay, one more time, tell me how gays being able to get married effects your life in any way, shape or form.


Tell me one more time why you think I care.
He just quoted you on that. Clearly obsessed with anything imaginable going on in the privacy of another's home. Otherwise oblivious. Typical of the Christian Right perceived victim here. Like peas in a pod.
Clearly obsessed with anything imaginable going on in the privacy of another's home. Otherwise oblivious. Typical of the Christian Right perceived victim here. Like peas in a pod.
Well let's see, the baker's shop isn't the privacy of the two gay lifestylists' home. The lewd sex acts they perform "in pride" in public (where they anticipate children will be watching and even inviting children to march in these parades) aren't done in the privacy of the LGBT homes. So, you're chasing a strawman there pal.

Nice to see the thread finally un-dungeoned. :clap2:
I'm saying if you avoid hiring or discouraging customers that are Gay, Latino, Black, Foreign, or Women you are most likely making a bad business decisions.
I like how you almost seamlessly wove the word "gay" into the list of other categories that actually are Constitutionally protected.

And if you argue next that sexual orientation is protected, I'll ask you to list them all. And; why some could be excluded.
It is protect but not in the US Constitution. There is blanket protection against sexual orientation and gender discrimination in 19 states, one of the them being Colorado. In addition, 2 states have laws against sexual orientation discrimination only, and 12 states have communities that have passed laws.

"Protection"? You mean like from wolf attacks or chiggers? The gay lifestyle has no protection that makes anyone else accept it or promote it. The Court says religion has to have respect in the marketplace & cant be penalized there for passive refusal to promote other value systems
What you are referring to as a gay lifestyle is basically a stereotype. Just as there is no heterosexual lifestyle, there is no homosexual lifestyle.
I'm saying if you avoid hiring or discouraging customers that are Gay, Latino, Black, Foreign, or Women you are most likely making a bad business decisions.
I like how you almost seamlessly wove the word "gay" into the list of other categories that actually are Constitutionally protected.

And if you argue next that sexual orientation is protected, I'll ask you to list them all. And; why some could be excluded.
It is protect but not in the US Constitution. There is blanket protection against sexual orientation and gender discrimination in 19 states, one of the them being Colorado. In addition, 2 states have laws against sexual orientation discrimination only, and 12 states have communities that have passed laws.

"Protection"? You mean like from wolf attacks or chiggers? The gay lifestyle has no protection that makes anyone else accept it or promote it. The Court says religion has to have respect in the marketplace & cant be penalized there for passive refusal to promote other value systems
What you are referring to as a gay lifestyle is basically a stereotype. Just as there is no heterosexual lifestyle, there is no homosexual lifestyle.

There is a Christian lifestyle. They can't be forced to bake cakes that disgust them.
This case and the decision on this case has far more "precedent" and impact than most of the media is hollering on about in silly conclusions of "narrow" or ready to be overturned by following cases. WHY? well first of all: Kennedy was angered and bold in his oral statements at the Scotus hearings and he fashioned his concern about the unfairness of the Colorado commission into the prominent voice of the majority written opinion. The decision is not "narrow" in numbers of judges in the majority and not "narrow" in the consideration of the US Constitution's prioritizing protection of religion or religious conscience if there is demonstrated a vital sincerely held religious belief.

It was very 'narrow' in the scope of this ruling and is not a precedent that says any person, any time, can refuse service to gays by claiming his religious beliefs says he cannot serve a gay person.
I'm saying if you avoid hiring or discouraging customers that are Gay, Latino, Black, Foreign, or Women you are most likely making a bad business decisions.
I like how you almost seamlessly wove the word "gay" into the list of other categories that actually are Constitutionally protected.

And if you argue next that sexual orientation is protected, I'll ask you to list them all. And; why some could be excluded.
It is protect but not in the US Constitution. There is blanket protection against sexual orientation and gender discrimination in 19 states, one of the them being Colorado. In addition, 2 states have laws against sexual orientation discrimination only, and 12 states have communities that have passed laws.

"Protection"? You mean like from wolf attacks or chiggers? The gay lifestyle has no protection that makes anyone else accept it or promote it. The Court says religion has to have respect in the marketplace & cant be penalized there for passive refusal to promote other value systems
What you are referring to as a gay lifestyle is basically a stereotype. Just as there is no heterosexual lifestyle, there is no homosexual lifestyle.

Silhouette just uses the term 'lifestyle' to lie about- well everything.
I'm saying if you avoid hiring or discouraging customers that are Gay, Latino, Black, Foreign, or Women you are most likely making a bad business decisions.
I like how you almost seamlessly wove the word "gay" into the list of other categories that actually are Constitutionally protected.

And if you argue next that sexual orientation is protected, I'll ask you to list them all. And; why some could be excluded.
It is protect but not in the US Constitution. There is blanket protection against sexual orientation and gender discrimination in 19 states, one of the them being Colorado. In addition, 2 states have laws against sexual orientation discrimination only, and 12 states have communities that have passed laws.

"Protection"? You mean like from wolf attacks or chiggers? The gay lifestyle has no protection that makes anyone else accept it or promote it. The Court says religion has to have respect in the marketplace & cant be penalized there for passive refusal to promote other value systems
What you are referring to as a gay lifestyle is basically a stereotype. Just as there is no heterosexual lifestyle, there is no homosexual lifestyle.

There is a Christian lifestyle. They can't be forced to bake cakes that disgust them.

Like a wedding cake for a mixed race couple......
I like how you almost seamlessly wove the word "gay" into the list of other categories that actually are Constitutionally protected.

And if you argue next that sexual orientation is protected, I'll ask you to list them all. And; why some could be excluded.
It is protect but not in the US Constitution. There is blanket protection against sexual orientation and gender discrimination in 19 states, one of the them being Colorado. In addition, 2 states have laws against sexual orientation discrimination only, and 12 states have communities that have passed laws.

"Protection"? You mean like from wolf attacks or chiggers? The gay lifestyle has no protection that makes anyone else accept it or promote it. The Court says religion has to have respect in the marketplace & cant be penalized there for passive refusal to promote other value systems
What you are referring to as a gay lifestyle is basically a stereotype. Just as there is no heterosexual lifestyle, there is no homosexual lifestyle.

There is a Christian lifestyle. They can't be forced to bake cakes that disgust them.

Like a wedding cake for a mixed race couple......
Ours was very simple. Black girl and white guy. :)
What you are referring to as a gay lifestyle is basically a stereotype. Just as there is no heterosexual lifestyle, there is no homosexual lifestyle.

Tell it to the judges after they've viewed like 100 reels of gay pride parades over the years.

In fact, if LGBTs are SO proud of their lifestyles then we should require every single court case with gay litigants in it to have reels of gay pride parades shown to the judges or Justices as the opening argument for the gay litigants.
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This case and the decision on this case has far more "precedent" and impact than most of the media is hollering on about in silly conclusions of "narrow" or ready to be overturned by following cases. WHY? well first of all: Kennedy was angered and bold in his oral statements at the Scotus hearings and he fashioned his concern about the unfairness of the Colorado commission into the prominent voice of the majority written opinion. The decision is not "narrow" in numbers of judges in the majority and not "narrow" in the consideration of the US Constitution's prioritizing protection of religion or religious conscience if there is demonstrated a vital sincerely held religious belief.

It was very 'narrow' in the scope of this ruling and is not a precedent that says any person, any time, can refuse service to gays by claiming his religious beliefs says he cannot serve a gay person.

Of course not, and no savvy businessman would do so. But certain requests that would require an exercise of an expression of acceptance on the part of the person of faith can be rejected on the basis of free expression.

Try going into a halal restaurant and demand a bacon sandwich. With extra bacon.
This case and the decision on this case has far more "precedent" and impact than most of the media is hollering on about in silly conclusions of "narrow" or ready to be overturned by following cases. WHY? well first of all: Kennedy was angered and bold in his oral statements at the Scotus hearings and he fashioned his concern about the unfairness of the Colorado commission into the prominent voice of the majority written opinion. The decision is not "narrow" in numbers of judges in the majority and not "narrow" in the consideration of the US Constitution's prioritizing protection of religion or religious conscience if there is demonstrated a vital sincerely held religious belief.

It was very 'narrow' in the scope of this ruling and is not a precedent that says any person, any time, can refuse service to gays by claiming his religious beliefs says he cannot serve a gay person.

Of course not, and no savvy businessman would do so. But certain requests that would require an exercise of an expression of acceptance on the part of the person of faith can be rejected on the basis of free expression.

Try going into a halal restaurant and demand a bacon sandwich. With extra bacon.
Or a Jewish deli, for that matter.
It is protect but not in the US Constitution. There is blanket protection against sexual orientation and gender discrimination in 19 states, one of the them being Colorado. In addition, 2 states have laws against sexual orientation discrimination only, and 12 states have communities that have passed laws.

"Protection"? You mean like from wolf attacks or chiggers? The gay lifestyle has no protection that makes anyone else accept it or promote it. The Court says religion has to have respect in the marketplace & cant be penalized there for passive refusal to promote other value systems
What you are referring to as a gay lifestyle is basically a stereotype. Just as there is no heterosexual lifestyle, there is no homosexual lifestyle.

There is a Christian lifestyle. They can't be forced to bake cakes that disgust them.

Like a wedding cake for a mixed race couple......
Ours was very simple. Black girl and white guy. :)

Had a family in my school with that description. Foreign Service agent guy (white) and medical whiz (black). Not sure where in Africa she was from but she was really black, like indigo black. Three beige kids. Very nice, intelligent, great people.
"Protection"? You mean like from wolf attacks or chiggers? The gay lifestyle has no protection that makes anyone else accept it or promote it. The Court says religion has to have respect in the marketplace & cant be penalized there for passive refusal to promote other value systems
What you are referring to as a gay lifestyle is basically a stereotype. Just as there is no heterosexual lifestyle, there is no homosexual lifestyle.

There is a Christian lifestyle. They can't be forced to bake cakes that disgust them.

Like a wedding cake for a mixed race couple......
Ours was very simple. Black girl and white guy. :)

Had a family in my school with that description. Foreign Service agent guy (white) and medical whiz (black). Not sure where in Africa she was from but she was really black, like indigo black. Three beige kids. Very nice, intelligent, great people.
I'm pretty dark, but not midnight. We have 4 grown children. 35th anniversary this month.
What you are referring to as a gay lifestyle is basically a stereotype. Just as there is no heterosexual lifestyle, there is no homosexual lifestyle.

There is a Christian lifestyle. They can't be forced to bake cakes that disgust them.

Like a wedding cake for a mixed race couple......
Ours was very simple. Black girl and white guy. :)

Had a family in my school with that description. Foreign Service agent guy (white) and medical whiz (black). Not sure where in Africa she was from but she was really black, like indigo black. Three beige kids. Very nice, intelligent, great people.
I'm pretty dark, but not midnight. We have 4 grown children. 35th anniversary this month.

Wow, Congrats!
Adoption cases should and most likely will go well for gays and lesbians. No worries there. I myself do not agree with trans whatever "medicine" but I fully support gays and lesbians enjoying parenthood as long as there is a healthy family dynamic. In Arizona a lesbian woman must share custody of her biological child with her female partner after their divorce. She did not want to but the other "mother" cares for the child too.

Would you consider a "healthy family dynamic" having a contract that banishes all hope forever of the children involved having either a mother or father?

Except there is no such situation. Except in your bigoted little mind.

Remember- the leading cause for a child not to have a mother or father- is divorce.

And regardless of whether or not a child is adopted by a single parent, or two same gender parents, the child still can have a biological parent in their lives.

I know- I have known of exactly that situation- two grandparents who adopted their daughter's kids, and the biological father was in their lives.
Adoption cases should and most likely will go well for gays and lesbians. No worries there. I myself do not agree with trans whatever "medicine" but I fully support gays and lesbians enjoying parenthood as long as there is a healthy family dynamic. In Arizona a lesbian woman must share custody of her biological child with her female partner after their divorce. She did not want to but the other "mother" cares for the child too.

Would you consider a "healthy family dynamic" having a contract that banishes all hope forever of the children involved having either a mother or father?

Except there is no such situation. Except in your bigoted little mind.

Remember- the leading cause for a child not to have a mother or father- is divorce.

And regardless of whether or not a child is adopted by a single parent, or two same gender parents, the child still can have a biological parent in their lives.

I know- I have known of exactly that situation- two grandparents who adopted their daughter's kids, and the biological father was in their lives.
You're the bigot who wants government enforced labor. Guess what. The SCOTUS disagrees with you.
Does the left now actually want in based on Love? I guess than we would need the State Legislators to define what Love is? To develop a "Love Test" of some kind?

Or do they wan't the State Legislatures to define what qualifies as sanctioned sex? How much Sex would be required to keep a valid license? Would a women in a male/female marriage be forced to engage in anal sex?Can you imagine the Utah legislature debating what qualifies? And if sex is a requirement, then wouldn't a man forcing himself on his wife be sanctioned as well?

I find it amazing that you guys want to redefine even love if you don't get your way on things.

Okay, one more time, tell me how gays being able to get married effects your life in any way, shape or form.


Tell me one more time why you think I care.
He just quoted you on that. Clearly obsessed with anything imaginable going on in the privacy of another's home. Otherwise oblivious. Typical of the Christian Right perceived victim here. Like peas in a pod.

There ya go.

Looking to destroy religion will somehow make homosexuality more acceptable.

Ain’t going to work and the electoral map will continue to get more red because of it.

You had your time in the spotlight. It’s over. You’ve become boring and annoying
The marriage between a man and a woman is not sin. The marriage between a man and a man is. And the promotion and encouragement of sin is also sin.
You've failed to cover a few things there, no? Between a woman and a woman?, bi vs bi?, trans...
Bi-sexuality is proof that homosexuality isn't all it is reputed to be and is still fornication. Transgender is taking a human with natural GOD given sexual abilities and turning them inside out into a mere facade that lacks any procreative purpose. Women with women can only play with toys that mimic what they themselves claim to abhor. The entire rationalization is hypocrisy and abuse of nature.

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