Supremes Rule In Favor Of Baker

Look dblack , Lets drill this down as to what Government did to us. I am going to use "Loving" and it's opening up Interracial Marriage and the arguments against it, and why the arguments were bogus, and "Obergfell" and why some arguments against it are not bogus.

1. "Loving" would lead to Polygamy.

Bogus, as marriage remained an institution in which it remained "one man and one woman, not too closely related" Thus still limiting the number to 2 because the children raised with in the relationship would have the stability of only having two parents and sex was implied by the limiting factor of "not too closely related". There is a rational legal basis for limiting the number to 2, and that they not be too closely related

Not Bogus: In Obergfell, the rational legal basis for limiting the number or that they "not be too closely related" lost this as same sex couples cannot have offspring, no matter how hard they try, or no matter how many participate. The argument that Marriage must be limited to a set number of participants fails. Then the argument is, we can't allow this because opposite sex multi partner units might want the same right. See the folly of the argument. You just denied a right, based on nothing more than that other unit can procreate? Isn't this the failed argument in Obergfell? What is the States Compelling Interest would their be in denial of this right>

2. "Loving" will lead to Incest. Those too closely related marrying

Bogus: See #1

Not Bogus. In Obergfell, much like above, the rational legal basis, limiting Marriage to "One Man and One Woman, not too closely related" also lost the rational legal basis. Two same sex individuals cannot produce offspring, whether related to closely or not. But then the argument could be made that, because two opposite sex, closely related individuals can have children, we can deny the same sex couple. See the folly? It again is denying a right to one set based on the ability for another sets to have offspring. Again, the exact same failed argument in Obergfell.

Additionally, you need to come to grips with another reality. Marriage does not require sex to be a recognized union, nor Love, nor much else. Marriage is simply defined as what the couple wants it to be. And as it applies to Sexual Incest, it can still remain Illegal within a marriage as marriage is not predicated on Sex.

State sanctioned "Marriage" is, in actuality, a pretty sterile legal entity, not much different than two family members creating an S.Corp or an LLC.

Neither Sil or I advocate for Polygamy nor Incestuous Marriage, but neither of us, having analysed this, can come up with the rational legal basis that either CAN BE DENIED under current law.
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^^ That and 56 times in Windsor the Court averred that marriage is wholly up to the individual states to define...and that marriage in no way shape or form was up to the federal government (subjectively, favoring some but not others) to define....
When I point out your obvious mistake, just say "Thank You". Otherwise it is you that express "Blissful ignorance" and act like a "petulant child".

Dimwit, it is the lender that is sinner, not the recipient when he pays. Re-read the quote.
You clearly mean this one, Foghorn Leghorn:
A few problems with this argument, buddy.

The first is that religion should be an excuse to ignore contract and commerce law.

For instance, what if I said I wasn't going to pay my bank and credit card back because the bible says Usury is a sin.

Exodus 22:24 (25)—If thou lend money to any of My people, even to the poor with thee, thou shalt not be to him as a creditor; neither shall ye lay upon him interest.
Leviticus 25:36— Take thou no interest of him or increase; but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with thee.

It's right there in the bible. Charging me interest on a loan is violation of God's will. If I pay interest on a loan that you gave me, I'm totally at risk of going to Hell.
Which clearly went woosh! way over your beak. Never fear, dear Foggy, I'm here to gently hold your claw and guide you to actual reason, whether you ever get 'round to thanking me for it or not. See, the analogy is thus:

Christian argues: Gay couples all go to Hell for the presumed "sin" of having sexual relations with zero possibility of reproducing nor intent to do so. Marriage or no. Cake or no.
Christian baker cries: Heck, if I sell gay couples wedding cakes I'll go straight to Hell for entangling myself in whatever private "sin" I can imagine they do! Ew, yuck! I can't do it!

Christian "God" argues: If you've got money to spare, lend some, "even to" those who need it, then charge them interest, guess what? Straight to Hell? You got it!
Christian lendee should argue: Hell, if I borrow money from one of them Usury "sinners" I'll go straight to Hell for entangling myself in their public "sin"! Ew, yuck! I can't do it!

Christian lendee does not argue the above,... 'cause that's hypocrisy!... Having your cake and eating it too!

Side note: Today "Usury" only means charging an unusually high rate of interest,... 'cause that's capitalism!... Having your cake and mine and eating it all too!
When I point out your obvious mistake, just say "Thank You". Otherwise it is you that express "Blissful ignorance" and act like a "petulant child".

Dimwit, it is the lender that is sinner, not the recipient when he pays. Re-read the quote.
You clearly mean this one, Foghorn Leghorn:
A few problems with this argument, buddy.

The first is that religion should be an excuse to ignore contract and commerce law.

For instance, what if I said I wasn't going to pay my bank and credit card back because the bible says Usury is a sin.

Exodus 22:24 (25)—If thou lend money to any of My people, even to the poor with thee, thou shalt not be to him as a creditor; neither shall ye lay upon him interest.
Leviticus 25:36— Take thou no interest of him or increase; but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with thee.

It's right there in the bible. Charging me interest on a loan is violation of God's will. If I pay interest on a loan that you gave me, I'm totally at risk of going to Hell.
Which clearly went woosh! way over your beak. Never fear, dear Foggy, I'm here to gently hold your claw and guide you to actual reason, whether you ever get 'round to thanking me for it or not. See, the analogy is thus:

Christian argues: Gay couples all go to Hell for the presumed "sin" of having sexual relations with zero possibility of reproducing nor intent to do so. Marriage or no. Cake or no.
Christian baker cries: Heck, if I sell gay couples wedding cakes I'll go straight to Hell for entangling myself in whatever private "sin" I can imagine they do! Ew, yuck! I can't do it!

Christian "God" argues: If you've got money to spare, lend some, "even to" those who need it, then charge them interest, guess what? Straight to Hell? You got it!
Christian lendee should argue: Hell, if I borrow money from one of them Usury "sinners" I'll go straight to Hell for entangling myself in their public "sin"! Ew, yuck! I can't do it!

Christian lendee does not argue the above,... 'cause that's hypocrisy!... Having your cake and eating it too!

Side note: Today "Usury" only means charging an unusually high rate of interest,... 'cause that's capitalism!... Having your cake and mine and eating it all too!

Dear Dimwit, their is nothing in your rant that stipulates that the person that accepted the Loan, didn't knowingly know that he would burn in hell. What the teaching was aimed at the Lender so that he wouldn't tempt those into supporting the sin.

The Baker did the exact opposite that the Borrower did.

You REALLY screwed the pooch on that one you old fart.
^^ Pop, I reported his post....

Of course you did. That's the theme of the thread - using the rules to get one over on people you don't like.
Common infantile "BEHAVIOR" in every one of these annoyingly americentric political forums. This one is actually a bit less prone to take tattlers seriously from what I've seen, thank goodness, but good luck arguing with the Mod...
^^ Pop, I reported his post....

Of course you did. That's the theme of the thread - using the rules to get one over on people you don't like.
Common infantile "BEHAVIOR" in every one of these annoyingly americentric political forums.

It's also the behavior of our government and elected leaders. And that's the problem. Authoritarian gasbags on a message board don't bother me so much. The one's we elect to office are another story. They do real damage.
"The Colorado law requires everyone to condone everyone else's behaviors." well well...It is extremely clear that the Supreme Court makes the Constitution and the nation's rights to freedom of religion and freedom of conscience and freedom of speech a HIGHER STANDARD than a bunch of hypocrites in Colorado that pretend to protect "civil rights" by preferring some "civil rights" over others "civil rights". So...THE WHOLE CAKE SCAM BLEW UP IN ALL THEIR LYING FACES. So there. Maybe no one wanted a cake. Or if they did they tried to get a cake through coercion and targeted making an example out of someone who they felt disdain for- kind of like a set up. Huh.

coercion - Dictionary Definition :
The World's Fastest Dictionary : is making something happen by force, like when bullies use coercion to make kids give them their lunch money.
thought you hit a home run, but actually hit into a triple play!
Ah, man, that's sad.. used to have much better..
Here <- memory refresh, Foggy!
Just a tiny sample:
“Nice boy but he’s got more nerve than a bum tooth”
“I say, boy, pay attention when I’m talkin’ to ya, boy”
“Pay attention, boy, I’m cuttin’ but you ain’t bleedin’!”
“Smart boy, got a mind like a steel trap – full of mice”
“He’s so dumb he thinks a Mexican border pays rent”
“Hmmm, bare, I say bare as a cooch dancers midriff”
“Oh, that woman, got a mouth like an outboard motor”
“That dog’s like taxes, he just don’t know when to stop”
“That boy’s as strong as an ox, and just about as smart”

Heh, that Trump! So dumb he thinks Mexico's gonna pay for his wall!”
thought you hit a home run, but actually hit into a triple play!
Ah, man, that's sad.. used to have much better..
Here <- memory refresh, Foggy!
Just a tiny sample:
“Nice boy but he’s got more nerve than a bum tooth”
“I say, boy, pay attention when I’m talkin’ to ya, boy”
“Pay attention, boy, I’m cuttin’ but you ain’t bleedin’!”
“Smart boy, got a mind like a steel trap – full of mice”
“He’s so dumb he thinks a Mexican border pays rent”
“Hmmm, bare, I say bare as a cooch dancers midriff”
“Oh, that woman, got a mouth like an outboard motor”
“That dog’s like taxes, he just don’t know when to stop”
“That boy’s as strong as an ox, and just about as smart”

Heh, that Trump! So dumb he thinks Mexico's gonna pay for his wall!”

Still batting .000

Don't worry, you could a looked like this dude!

Still batting .000

Don't worry, you could a looked like this dude!
Yep, that's what I said!
May be a bit overweight.
Beats being a huge, fat, loudmouth chicken any day ;)
The right to refuse service to anybody... should be the law of the land
Once upon a time in the USA we respected and were grateful for these things: our country, our businesses, our president, our honesty, our news, our integrity, our safety, our future...

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