Sure a lot of UFO sightings being reported.


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.
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Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.

Where do most of these sightings happen?

Over the US? You think this is a coincidence? You think the aliens are coming for only America?

Or perhaps there are just enough nutters in the air in the US to make this the case.
Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.

Sooo...after drinking a case of beer you went outside to smoke a joint and pee...and then you saw something strange.

Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.

Where do most of these sightings happen?

Over the US? You think this is a coincidence? You think the aliens are coming for only America?

Or perhaps there are just enough nutters in the air in the US to make this the case.

They happen mostly over populated areas because that is where people are to see them. But they are reported the world over and going back thousands of years. How you get to this being just an "America" things, well, we all know you are just a horse's ass anyway.
I was interviewed in 1968 along with several other people who the same one
Looked like an airliner but wings to fueselege not right proportion, moving from about 45 degrees in the northern sky downward toward horizon . Full and clear view for 3-4 seconds
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Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.

I've noticed this too, there have been at least THREE high profile UFO sightings recently by military and the like, the first they released the video. These people do not lie. I'll share one such event, I think it was my first, I was about ten years old and outside out back with my first telescope looking at the stars when I came across a row of three equidistant "stars" moving against the backdrop, all in a line. They were pinpoint and not visible to the eye, apparently very high up. They were moving exactly the same speed all together and had I stopped looking, I would have thought them just three jets at high altitude.

But then the middle one shot far ahead of the other two---- it was not quite instantaneous, but far too fast I knew that ordinary aircraft couldn't make such dramatic and instant speed changes. Just that fast, it stopped on a dime, now they were like a triangle. Then the lead object made a perfect 90° right angle course change----- no turn, no banking, no curve---- just suddenly, instantly going the other way. After that the other two turned and followed him. I knew even then that planes just don't do that. I followed them for several minutes more seeing no other strange activity and finally gave up following them, but the experience was burned in my memory. Now the idiots can all laugh and make fun.

I will tell you this, Dude, yours is not the first story like this (of yours) I've heard, and from credible people who had no reason to lie to me. The issue about the extreme speed and no sound, well, as a person well-schooled in physics I can tell you that such things are IMPOSSIBLE for any body to do in a thick atmosphere! Which means that for them to float, hover, zip around with no wings, no rocket engines, no sound means, they are somehow slipping out of being quit IN our physical space as we know it. They are somehow cancelling out having MASS. How they do that, where they are from, what they are, whether they are from another place or some secret black project here on Earth is anyone's guess. But in order to travel the stars, what they are doing, slipping out of normal space, is a virtual necessity. Does one of our governments have such secret technology? I hope not. But no one can study the volume of reports and evidence out there and say there is not something funny going on that we are not being told. The one thing I DO know is that our government is not telling us everything they know.
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Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.

I've noticed this too, there have been at least THREE high profile UFO sightings recently by military and the like, the first they released the video. These people do not lie. I'll share one such event, I think it was my first, I was about ten years old and outside out back with my first telescope looking at the stars when I came across a row of three equidistant "stars" moving against the backdrop, all in a line. They were pinpoint and not visible to the eye, apparently very high up. They were moving exactly the same speed all together and had I stopped looking, I would have thought them just three jets at high altitude.

But then the middle one shot far ahead of the other two---- it was not quite instantaneous, but far too fast I knew that ordinary aircraft couldn't make such dramatic and instant speed changes. Just that fast, it stopped on a dime, now they were like a triangle. Then the lead object made a perfect 90° right angle course change----- no turn, no banking, no curve---- just suddenly, instantly going the other way. After that the other two turned and followed him. I knew even then that planes just don't do that. I followed them for several minutes more seeing no other strange activity and finally gave up following them, but the experience was burned in my memory. Now the idiots can all laugh and make fun.

I will tell you this, Dude, yours is not the first story like this (of yours) I've heard, and from credible people who had no reason to lie to me. The issue about the extreme speed and no sound, well, as a person well-schooled in physics I can tell you that such things are IMPOSSIBLE for any body to do in a thick atmosphere! Which means that for them to float, hover, zip around with no wings, no rocket engines, no sound means, they are somehow slipping out of being quit IN our physical space as we know it. They are somehow cancelling out having MASS. How they do that, where they are from, what they are, whether they are from another place or some secret black project here on Earth is anyone's guess. But in order to travel the stars, what they are doing, slipping out of normal space, is a virtual necessity. Does one of our governments have such secret technology? I hope not. But no one can study the volume of reports and evidence out there and say there is not something funny going on that we are not being told. The one thing I DO know is that our government is not telling us everything they know.

Tucker Carlson has been all over the story of the Pentagon releasing those fighter jet videos of them engaging flying saucers. I think they're preparing us for disclosure.
Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.

Sooo...after drinking a case of beer you went outside to smoke a joint and pee...and then you saw something strange.


I don't drink. Fair chance I was under a one-hitter off the pipe though....ha! I'm honest and know what I saw:1peleas:
Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East.
I hope you didn't pee all over yourself!

Pretty sure I didn't. Just picture it, cock in one hand, cig in the other with awesome entertainment. It's real dark where I live, mountains surround a valley of homes, so I saw it quite clearly. My neighbor has seen some sort of strange lights too, not the same thing. On that note, he and his family have seen/heard some other things for straight-up goose bumps. They're perfectly normal people otherwise. But that's another phenomenon. I hope to shit it never makes it's way into this direction. I can do without, thanks.

Alright, fk it, I'll tell his story. They've seen quite a few ghosts at his place. At one point the "culprit" would turn the volume on the stereo up and down on command, with a few witnesses. The father is regular guy, conservative, nice, no drugs, hard-working, and he was a disbeliever. But that ended partially because of the BBs and tools thrown at him while he was in the garage. The WORST of it was the 17 year old was in the living room mid-day, and a woman's SHRIEKING ran down the stairs and out the door. At that point the kid was staying at our place. Apparently that was the straw the broke the camel's back. They hired some cleaners for whatever it's worth. According to them it worked, but it always bugged me the cleaner told them "it could enter a neighbor's house". Yeah, fuck that noise.

I've only experienced one thing near similar over the 17 years I've lived here. I was home alone playing the drums while the door was open. I heard the bathroom switch and saw the light had turned on. Obviously I thought someone had come home, but they didn't close the door to the drums and I just continued playing. 10 minutes later I heard the switch again and saw the light turned off. Few minutes later I found nobody home, and they hadn't been home for hours. I suppose it could have been the dog. He's opened doors anyway...........ha!
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Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.

Where do most of these sightings happen?

Over the US? You think this is a coincidence? You think the aliens are coming for only America?

Or perhaps there are just enough nutters in the air in the US to make this the case.

THEY are watching! The Alien Powers that be see war mongering by Trump&Co, and have begun more surveillance since Bolton has become the person in power.

They know Trump is opposed to aliens, immigrants or visitors, and Bolton is now the man who will shoot first and ask questions later.
Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.
Our military pilots always turn off their lights during real missions. Why do you suppose aliens always forget?

Also, the lights on our planes aren't there to help the pilots see at night, they are there to help avoid collisions with other aircraft at night. Why would an alien spaceship have any lights at all?

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