Sure a lot of UFO sightings being reported.

[Why would an alien spaceship have any lights at all?

Pretty stupid question to ask since obviously no one can know for sure. But for the most part, they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation). FWIW, every flying vehicle we have does too (both marking lights and at the very least, light in the IR).
[Why would an alien spaceship have any lights at all?

Pretty stupid question to ask since obviously no one can know for sure. But for the most part, they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation). FWIW, every flying vehicle we have does too (both marking lights and at the very least, light in the IR).
Let me get this say my question was stupid "since we dont know for sure", yet you can declare "they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation)"? :laugh:
[Why would an alien spaceship have any lights at all?

Pretty stupid question to ask since obviously no one can know for sure. But for the most part, they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation). FWIW, every flying vehicle we have does too (both marking lights and at the very least, light in the IR).
Let me get this say my question was stupid "since we dont know for sure", yet you can declare "they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation)"? :laugh:

Moron, don't laugh at anyone but yourself for apparently seeing no difference between a plane with headlights and lamps on it and some kind of unidentified vehicle that hovers without wings and just glows and pulses all over. Honestly, USMB must really stand for uneducated & stupid member board!
Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.

Where do most of these sightings happen?

Over the US? You think this is a coincidence? You think the aliens are coming for only America?

Or perhaps there are just enough nutters in the air in the US to make this the case.

THEY are watching! The Alien Powers that be see war mongering by Trump&Co, and have begun more surveillance since Bolton has become the person in power.

They know Trump is opposed to aliens, immigrants or visitors, and Bolton is now the man who will shoot first and ask questions later.

t~Rump will build a dome and make The Federation pay for it !
[Why would an alien spaceship have any lights at all?

Pretty stupid question to ask since obviously no one can know for sure. But for the most part, they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation). FWIW, every flying vehicle we have does too (both marking lights and at the very least, light in the IR).
Let me get this say my question was stupid "since we dont know for sure", yet you can declare "they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation)"? :laugh:

Moron, don't laugh at anyone but yourself for apparently seeing no difference between a plane with headlights and lamps on it and some kind of unidentified vehicle that hovers without wings and just glows and pulses all over. Honestly, USMB must really stand for uneducated & stupid member board!
Lets assume you are right. If they know we see their lights, why do they keep coming without saying hello? Its ridiculous. :laugh:
[Why would an alien spaceship have any lights at all?

Pretty stupid question to ask since obviously no one can know for sure. But for the most part, they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation). FWIW, every flying vehicle we have does too (both marking lights and at the very least, light in the IR).
Let me get this say my question was stupid "since we dont know for sure", yet you can declare "they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation)"? :laugh:

Moron, don't laugh at anyone but yourself for apparently seeing no difference between a plane with headlights and lamps on it and some kind of unidentified vehicle that hovers without wings and just glows and pulses all over. Honestly, USMB must really stand for uneducated & stupid member board!
Lets assume you are right. If they know we see their lights, why do they keep coming without saying hello? Its ridiculous. :laugh:

What is ridiculous is the fact that you keep making assumptions about something no one knows anything about. We don't know whether they know we see them or not! We don't know whether they can do anything about it or not (hide their light)! We don't know whether they even care or not! We don't even know who or what these things are! Maybe they WANT us to see them. Maybe they don't care. Maybe they don't think we are ready for contact. Maybe they don't WANT to contact us. Maybe we are nothing to them. Maybe they aren't even here for us, they might be here for the whales, or the dolphins, or the honey bees. Maybe they are slowly getting us used to them for the right time. Maybe these things are just an atmospheric phenomena. Maybe they are Martians. Maybe they are a psychic phenomena. Maybe they have said hello 10,000 times and we just don't realize it. Maybe it is just the government screwing with you. Maybe you should just stop drawing conclusions about something when you haven't even the first fact to go on.
[Why would an alien spaceship have any lights at all?

Pretty stupid question to ask since obviously no one can know for sure. But for the most part, they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation). FWIW, every flying vehicle we have does too (both marking lights and at the very least, light in the IR).
Let me get this say my question was stupid "since we dont know for sure", yet you can declare "they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation)"? :laugh:

Moron, don't laugh at anyone but yourself for apparently seeing no difference between a plane with headlights and lamps on it and some kind of unidentified vehicle that hovers without wings and just glows and pulses all over. Honestly, USMB must really stand for uneducated & stupid member board!
Lets assume you are right. If they know we see their lights, why do they keep coming without saying hello? Its ridiculous. :laugh:

What is ridiculous is the fact that you keep making assumptions about something no one knows anything about. We don't know whether they know we see them or not! We don't know whether they can do anything about it or not (hide their light)! We don't know whether they even care or not! We don't even know who or what these things are! Maybe they WANT us to see them. Maybe they don't care. Maybe they don't think we are ready for contact. Maybe they don't WANT to contact us. Maybe we are nothing to them. Maybe they aren't even here for us, they might be here for the whales, or the dolphins, or the honey bees. Maybe they are slowly getting us used to them for the right time. Maybe these things are just an atmospheric phenomena. Maybe they are Martians. Maybe they are a psychic phenomena. Maybe they have said hello 10,000 times and we just don't realize it. Maybe it is just the government screwing with you. Maybe you should just stop drawing conclusions about something when you haven't even the first fact to go on.
If we were nothing to them, then they wouldnt have much reason to come here in the first place. One thing we do know is, if they did come here, they came a long fucking way, and they wouldnt travel such a distance to do fly bys at night time.

The truth is, all of these lights arent alien. They are mostly hoaxes, using lights tied to balloons. Anything else is just top secret aircraft that the US isnt ready to unveil to the public.

Mysterious Phoenix Lights a UFO Hoax
UFO Hoax Was a Social Experiment
Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.

Sooo...after drinking a case of beer you went outside to smoke a joint and pee...and then you saw something strange.


I don't drink. Fair chance I was under a one-hitter off the pipe though....ha! I'm honest and know what I saw:1peleas:
I have smoked way over a one hit and have never seen any trhing even interesting so the gonja can not be blamed! Still most likely man made, our tech has taken leaps and bounds lately, how ever I do not belive we are alone in the universe! I do question whether any one out there is getting here.
Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.

Where do most of these sightings happen?

Over the US? You think this is a coincidence? You think the aliens are coming for only America?

Or perhaps there are just enough nutters in the air in the US to make this the case.

Dear frigidweirdo Because of access to freedom of the press and media in this country,
we'll hear more stories shared publicly, while we don't hear all the stories or people from elsewhere.
When's the last time you heard rock songs from Japan or Korea, yet the Asian pop rock market is huge.

The weirdest story I heard reported by multiple people occurred in Humble Texas.
Excerpts from the real life 911 calls can be heard rolling with the credits at the end of the movie the Fourth Kind.

Basically, people in Humble called in to authorities because they all saw a huge craft flying
overhead that appeared to be escorted or surrounded by military craft.

The people who watched it from their windows, and were exposed to the lights or energy
emitting from the oversized craft reported higher incidence of cancer in the years that followed.

Many people call in nationally and worldwide to radio shows to report weird sightings.
These could also be "spiritual phenomena" from other dimensions, similar to the
level of dreams where we don't know where these impulses come from that we can see in our minds.

I have friends who have seen "demons" and other entities on that spiritual level
which operates somewhere between this dimension and higher levels of forces and entities
that aren't limited to this plane and human bodies and perception.

So it could be that "alien" sightings and interactions are from a universe or dimension
that intersects with our perception in this world but doesn't come from here.
Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.
Our military pilots always turn off their lights during real missions. Why do you suppose aliens always forget?

Also, the lights on our planes aren't there to help the pilots see at night, they are there to help avoid collisions with other aircraft at night. Why would an alien spaceship have any lights at all?

Couldn't tell you, just reporting what I saw.
[Why would an alien spaceship have any lights at all?

Pretty stupid question to ask since obviously no one can know for sure. But for the most part, they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation). FWIW, every flying vehicle we have does too (both marking lights and at the very least, light in the IR).
Let me get this say my question was stupid "since we dont know for sure", yet you can declare "they don't have "lights"-- -- -- they give off light (ie: radiation)"? :laugh:

Moron, don't laugh at anyone but yourself for apparently seeing no difference between a plane with headlights and lamps on it and some kind of unidentified vehicle that hovers without wings and just glows and pulses all over. Honestly, USMB must really stand for uneducated & stupid member board!
Lets assume you are right. If they know we see their lights, why do they keep coming without saying hello? Its ridiculous. :laugh:

What is ridiculous is the fact that you keep making assumptions about something no one knows anything about. We don't know whether they know we see them or not! We don't know whether they can do anything about it or not (hide their light)! We don't know whether they even care or not! We don't even know who or what these things are! Maybe they WANT us to see them. Maybe they don't care. Maybe they don't think we are ready for contact. Maybe they don't WANT to contact us. Maybe we are nothing to them. Maybe they aren't even here for us, they might be here for the whales, or the dolphins, or the honey bees. Maybe they are slowly getting us used to them for the right time. Maybe these things are just an atmospheric phenomena. Maybe they are Martians. Maybe they are a psychic phenomena. Maybe they have said hello 10,000 times and we just don't realize it. Maybe it is just the government screwing with you. Maybe you should just stop drawing conclusions about something when you haven't even the first fact to go on.

Yep. What I do know is human perception is very limited. Many of us, and perhaps all of us fail to recognize things that should be obvious. So we can't very well perceive what's beyond us.
Last edited:
Trump wants to build a space wall to keep the aliens out. "They're rapists, they analy probe people, they're kidnappers, they fly too fast or hover, they land in productive wheat and corn fields rather than parking lots. I'd have my lawyers pay them $130,000 just to keep them out. They aren't real Earthericans."
Just as cons are saddened by the death of Art Bell .. now it's a hoax.

Oh that's too bad. I actually liked Art Bell, mainly for his Halloween shows and the New Year's predictions. The show is 95% conspiracy weird nonsense but Bell was more of a gentle soul. One thing I can't believe is Michio Kaku appears on that show every now and then. I listen to maybe 5 minutes a night and as soon as they have a guest or caller say they are an alien from the 6th dimension - CLICK.
Why would an alien spaceship have any lights at all?

To look really cool ....

Pilots report close encounters with UFO over Arizona: 'Something just passed over us'

Bet your ass it's out there. I know what I saw, and though I can't say what "it" is, I'm convinced it's genuine.

Three years ago I went outside on a dark clear night for a smoke and leak. I was in the process of both when a light caught my peripheral vision at 22 degrees to the East. The distance between us was 1/8 to two miles at most. I know because of the mountain. I may have thought it was just a very low flying plane, but then it took off at a 70-75 degree angle to the North.

Picture this; at first the light was similar a very low flying aircraft or brighter, probably stationary. It took off like a bat from Hell, and in that instance the light was bright as a common jet might appear at 30K feet. A few seconds pass and now the light appears similar a satellite, only at the 70-75 degree trajectory.

I followed it all the way until gone, which was a 6-7 second duration. I'm guessing it disappeared after escaping the atmosphere.

I've seen videos of rockets, missiles and such, and nothing comes close to this speed, especially at that trajectory. The UFO didn't make a sound.

It's possible a flash of brightness is what caught my attention to it. You know, perhaps gaining energy or some BS we've never thought of. I saw it stationary for 1-2 seconds................... I'm not ruling out man, however, to-date this technology is at least beyond common science, aeronautics, etc.

Where do most of these sightings happen?

Over the US? You think this is a coincidence? You think the aliens are coming for only America?

Or perhaps there are just enough nutters in the air in the US to make this the case.

Lol.... you you come up with this analysis all by yourself?:113:
Aliens from outer space....c'mon people. Wake up and smell the maple nut crunch. The technology the government possesses is decades beyond what a vast majority of the public knows now.....duh.

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