Sure Trump is a wannabe dictator, but it’s important to separate him from history’s examples


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Fascists like Hitler or Stalin as evil as they were, were still intelligent and capable which is how they achieved the evil that they did.

Trump, like them, is a narcissist who wants everything his way. However, that is where the similarities stop. Trump is in no danger of upending our republic system even if he wants to. Why? Because he’s a goddamn moron. He’s petty, childish, impulsive and too stupid to achieve anything beyond his current legal power.
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I'm gonna let you know if I ever read someone here that is even half as full of shit as you are.

Don't hold your breath, I doubt they exist.
Fascists like Hitler or Stalin as evil as they were, were still intelligent and capable which is how they achieved the evil that they did.

Trump, like them, is a narcissist who wants everything his way. However, that is where the similarities stop. Trump is in no danger of upending our republic system even if he wants to. Why? Because he’s a goddamn moron. He’s petty, childish, impulsive and too stupid to achieve anything beyond his current legal power.
And yet, he keeps wiping the floor with you guys.

Which one of the following scenarios represents the greatest threat to American liberty:

A) After identifying a U.S. citizen volunteering for the U.S. presidential campaign of the party out of power, the FBI makes false claims and persuades a federal court that the citizen may be a Russian agent and should be subjected to electronic surveillance.​

B) After observing a U.S. citizen obtain a Ukrainian company board seat for which he was manifestly unqualified while his father was running Ukrainian policy for the U.S. government—and in which capacity the father would later demand the firing of a local prosecutor investigating the son’s business associates—the U.S. President urges the government of Ukraine to investigate.​

The FBI’s FISA abuse in the surveillance of Carter Page and the Trump campaign is the most serious abuse of our democratic process by officials of the federal government.
hes a real estate billionaire and the president .... what do you think..
Because daddy gave him 10s of millions in the 80’s. His dumbass would be working fast food at this point otherwise.
hes a real estate billionaire and the president .... what do you think..
Because daddy gave him 10s of millions in the 80’s. His dumbass would be working fast food at this point otherwise.
Actually, he would be dead.

Private Bone Spurs would've been drafted, shipped off to Vietnam, and the dumb fuck would have gotten his head blown off within 2 weeks.
hes a real estate billionaire and the president .... what do you think..
Because daddy gave him 10s of millions in the 80’s. His dumbass would be working fast food at this point otherwise.
And yet, he whipped your asses.

Race-Baiters Ruined As Poll Shows Americans' Satisfaction With Race-Relations Jumped Since Trump Elected

Well this doesn't fit the mainstream media narrative...


In a poll reported by Gallup's 'Mood of the Nation' this week, it turns out that Americans' satisfaction with race relations has jumped 14% since Trump’s inauguration.


As The Daily Caller's David Krayden notes, the numbers on race relations fly in the face of rhetoric from "progressives" who falsely label the president as a racist and promoting a white supremacist agenda. Democratic New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker has called the president “worse than a racist” while Fake News CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin labelled Trump a racist for calling Democratic California Rep. Mad Maxine Waters a “low IQ individual.”

When Trump criticized the infrastructure in Baltimore and said the city was “rodent-infested” Crazy Nancy Pelosi called the comments “racist.”


Trying to think up the next stupid thing to say.

Trump's unemployment for black and Hispanic Americans has reached an all-time low and minorities are benefiting from the Trump economic boom the country is experiencing.

Additionally, as Trump enters his re-election year, Americans are more positive on eight key issues than they were just before he took office in January 2017.
  • Gallup records double-digit increases in public satisfaction with the nation's economy, security from terrorism, military strength and the state of race relations.

  • Satisfaction is also up by between six and nine points on crime, the position of blacks and other racial minorities, the distribution of income and wealth, and the opportunity for a person to get ahead through hard work.
    Gallup has measured Americans' satisfaction with most of these issues each year since 2001, except from 2009 to 2011, when a more limited number of issues were rated or the question was not asked.
Americans' average satisfaction rating for the 27 issues Gallup has tracked consistently since 2001 is now 47%. This is up three points from a year ago and is the highest since the January 2005 poll.


Today's average satisfaction is roughly on par with the level of the early 2000s. Only in 2002 was the average for this metric substantially higher than it is today. The average 53% recorded that year reflected heightened satisfaction as Americans were in full "rally around the flag" mode shortly after the 9/11 attacks.

One reason average satisfaction isn't higher now than in 2001 is that satisfaction has since declined sharply on matters related to the performance of the federal government: the system of government and how well it works (down 25 points); the role the U.S. plays in world affairs (-18); and the size and power of the federal government (-12).


President Trump's upbeat view of the nation's economy, military strength, economic opportunity and overall quality of life will powerfully resonate with Americans when he delivers his State of the Union address to Congress next week.

Sadly, for one group of Americans, the address may not go down so well, the race-baiters will need to work harder to divide the nation.


A Great Time To Be In America!
hes a real estate billionaire and the president .... what do you think..
Because daddy gave him 10s of millions in the 80’s. His dumbass would be working fast food at this point otherwise.
Actually, he would be dead.

Private Bone Spurs would've been drafted, shipped off to Vietnam, and the dumb fuck would have gotten his head blown off within 2 weeks.
Reality, however, is that he's the POTUS and a successful one at that, and there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry for messing up your wet dream.
hes a real estate billionaire and the president .... what do you think..
Because daddy gave him 10s of millions in the 80’s. His dumbass would be working fast food at this point otherwise.
Actually, he would be dead.

Private Bone Spurs would've been drafted, shipped off to Vietnam, and the dumb fuck would have gotten his head blown off within 2 weeks.
Speaking of posting stupid crap.........
Fascists like Hitler or Stalin as evil as they were, were still intelligent and capable which is how they achieved the evil that they did.

Trump, like them, is a narcissist who wants everything his way. However, that is where the similarities stop. Trump is in no danger of upending our republic system even if he wants to. Why? Because he’s a goddamn moron. He’s petty, childish, impulsive and too stupid to achieve anything beyond his current legal power.
You're a damn fool.
hes a real estate billionaire and the president .... what do you think..
Because daddy gave him 10s of millions in the 80’s. His dumbass would be working fast food at this point otherwise.
Actually, he would be dead.

Private Bone Spurs would've been drafted, shipped off to Vietnam, and the dumb fuck would have gotten his head blown off within 2 weeks.
Reality, however, is that he's the POTUS and a successful one at that, and there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry for messing up your wet dream.
Not a dream, just a fact.

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