Surprise! It's another Muslim!

White House is claiming they don't know about the attack.
When they find out, Obama will never refer to it as terrorism.
The police haven't even called it that yet. All these threads are made up crap so far.
Just heard the newsbreak at the top of the hour. NYPD Chief Bratton says they haven't ruled it out.

I don't know about you, but I am going to be totally shocked if this one turns out to be another "lone wolf" terrorist aka crazy Muslim asshole gone mad.

IMO there really is no such thing as a "lone wolf", and or a Muslim nut. Whether they are part of a cell, or completely on their own, the bottom line it's Islam attacking the West, and they are all part of the same theme.
Whether they were sent here, or home grown, they are all acting out against us, and it really doesn't matter if they are officially part of an Islamic army, or a lone agent, it's still terrorism. It still is part of the central theme.
Look up this loser on Facebook. Gee, nothing there to see... move on lol..



Terror connection not ruled out in ax attack, police say

A terroristic motive is not being ruled out in Thursday’s hatchet attack on New York City police officers.

The New York City police shot and killed a man identified as 32-year-old Zale Thompson in multiple media reports, who attacked officers with a hatchet in the middle of the day in the Queens section of the city.

Videotape and witness accounts appeared to show Thompson purposely targeting four rookie New York Police Department officers, police said. The man was seen minutes before the attack pulling a hatchet from his backpack and began swinging toward the officers, police said.

A possible terror connection to the ax attack has not been dismissed, police said, as the suspect’s alleged Facebook posts could be a cause for concern.

"This early on, we really cannot say yes or no to that question," Police Commissioner William Bratton said.

Terror connection not ruled out in ax attack police say Fox News


Hey Canadians, you are hugged from this side of the border.

Bystander Told Dying Canada Soldier Nathan Cirillo You Are Loved - NBC News

They.....being extremist Muslim nut jobs.....right?

It's much more than that. When Muslim nurses in western countries DEMAND that they be exempt from washing their hands before being on a surgery team.
When Muslim taxi drivers demand they be exempt from having to pick up a rider with a dog.
When Muslims DEMAND that every school in western countries have a Muslim prayer room.
When Muslims DEMAND rest rooms have facilities to wash their feet.
When Muslims DEMAND signs be removed that advertise bacon.

I could go on and on, but the point is it's more than just the piles of shit that strap bombs to themselves, or the ones that behead co-workers, or behead a member of the military. It's members of a religion that make demands in countries that don't fit their culture.

Anyone IMO is at war with the west that is not willing to assimilate into their culture.
White House is claiming they don't know about the attack.
When they find out, Obama will never refer to it as terrorism.
The police haven't even called it that yet. All these threads are made up crap so far.
Just heard the newsbreak at the top of the hour. NYPD Chief Bratton says they haven't ruled it out.

I don't know about you, but I am going to be totally shocked if this one turns out to be another "lone wolf" terrorist aka crazy Muslim asshole gone mad.

IMO there really is no such thing as a "lone wolf", and or a Muslim nut. Whether they are part of a cell, or completely on their own, the bottom line it's Islam attacking the West, and they are all part of the same theme.
Whether they were sent here, or home grown, they are all acting out against us, and it really doesn't matter if they are officially part of an Islamic army, or a lone agent, it's still terrorism. It still is part of the central theme.

For some fun, light reading, Google "no-go europe". While certainly some of what you find will be alarmist, you will read about the many (and increasing) areas in Europe where police will literally no longer go, in European cities. Why? Because they are controlled by Islam. These areas are not rare or small, they are increasing in both numbers and size.

They've told us what they're gonna do, and they're doing it.

But that's okay, no big deal. It's the PC-protected religion.

They.....being extremist Muslim nut jobs.....right?

Moderate Muslims may be moderate, but in the Muslim Brotherhood campaign of stealth Jihad EVERY Muslim has value, as a pawn or a sheeple.

The more Muslims there are in an area the more political and economic and social power they can demand. And the more typically Muslim problems will also result.

Look at the Five Stages of Islam and see what typically Muslim problems occur with increasing numbers of Muslims in the general population.

We need to recognize their "religion" produces an unacceptable amount of toxicity as a by-product.
Not every Muslim is a terrorist but a hell of a lot of terrorists are Muslim.
And that's what constantly goes right over the heads of the left.
Either that, or they simply work tirelessly to excuse them.

Have you ever looked at these findings?

When the % of Muslims in the general population grows to specific levels we can predict like clockwork what types of Muslim problems a nation will experience.


by Richard Butrick

Forget the Five Pillars[1] of Islam. It is the Five Stages of Islam that threaten the fundamental freedoms of Western Democracy. Freedoms which include freedom of thought, expression, and association and the crucial derived right of freedom of the press. We should never forget that "Islam" means submission -- the opposite of self-determination and Enlightenment values.

Six years ago Dr. Peter Hammond published[2] a remarkable book which included a statistical study of the correlation between Muslim to non-Muslim population ratios and the transition from conciliatory Islam to fascist Islam. The stages are the same in 2011 but the demographics have changed to show an alarming progression. Many European nations and the U.S. are on the cusp of moving to a higher bracket. The demographics change but the story is the same. First comes the taqiyya and[3] the kitman; then comes the Sword of Islam. Imam[4] Rauf, the Ground Zero Mosque promoter, is the current master of taqiyya. He has gulled everyone from Bloomberg[5] to Maureen Dowd[6] of the NYT -- who fanaticizes over male Muslims. Expect doppelgangers of Khomeini for stage 5 and Islamic PEACE at last.

Stage 1. Establish a Beachhead
Population density at 2% (US, Australia, Canada**).

Muslims are conciliatory, deferential but request harmless special treatment (foot bath facilities, removal/elimination of that which is offensive to delicate Muslim sensibilities - like walking dogs near Mosques).

Stage 2. Establish Outposts
Population density 2% - 5% (UK, Germany, Denmark).

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. A recent example[7] is that of Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal who is back in Jamaica after being kicked out of the UK. Sound harmless? Read on:

The dispatch, dated February 2010, warns that that Jamaica could be fertile ground for jihadists because of its underground drug economy, marginalized youth, insufficient security and gang networks in U.S. and British prisons.

Stage 3. Establish Sectional Control of Major Cities.
Population density 5%-10% (France, Sweden, Netherlands).

First comes the demand for halal food in supermarkets, and the blocking of streets for prayers; then comes the demand for self rule (within their ghettos) under Sharia. When Muslims approach 10% of the population the demands turn to lawlessness. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any criticism of Islam results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam. In France which may be over the 10% range, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law. The national police do not even enter these ghettos.[8] There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrassas. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death.

Stage 4. Establish Regional Control.
Population density 20%-50% (Europe 2020?).

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues.

Stage 5. Total Control, Brutal Suppression, and Dhimmitude.
Population density > 50%.

Unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and jizya, the tax placed on infidels. As Muslim population levels increase and all infidels cower in submission there will peace at last. Dar al-Islam is achieved and everyone lives under Sharia and the Koran is the only word.

Our current Western world leaders are suckered by taqiyya and kitman and steering us into stage 3. Allen West[9] seems to get it but I can't see that any of the crop of current GOP contenders really get it. Fear of bigotry at stage 2 is the Islamists' greatest weapon. Crucified on the cross of bigotry -- is that the future of the Western democracies? Bigotry is only bigotry if it is out of touch with reality and it is the suckers who believe the stage 1-2 peace pitch of Islam who are the ones who are out of touch with reality -- not to mention our mesmerized President. The first GOP candidate who announces to Imam Rauf and his supporters, "Fine. A Mosque at ground zero. But how about a cathedral in Mecca first? It is part of our Christian outreach program of bridge building." will be the first to get it and a big boost in the polls.

Canada** - Recent estimates place the number of Muslims in Canada at slightly more than 3% of the total nationwide population, making it a Stage Two nation and prone to suffering Stage Two levels of Muslim problems.

That's why IMO Muslims should be removed from western countries. It's a guarantee western culture will die unless changes are not made in the coming years regarding Muslim immigration into the west.

In his celebrated essay, "Al Qaeda's Fantasy Ideology", Lee Harris concludes by saying Montezuma would have been better off killing every one of the Spanish conquerors set foot in his country, on the spot. (Ed. My words, not Harris'.)

Before they wiped out an entire civilization.

Al Qaeda s Fantasy Ideology Hoover Institution
When they find out, Obama will never refer to it as terrorism.
The police haven't even called it that yet. All these threads are made up crap so far.
Just heard the newsbreak at the top of the hour. NYPD Chief Bratton says they haven't ruled it out.

I don't know about you, but I am going to be totally shocked if this one turns out to be another "lone wolf" terrorist aka crazy Muslim asshole gone mad.

IMO there really is no such thing as a "lone wolf", and or a Muslim nut. Whether they are part of a cell, or completely on their own, the bottom line it's Islam attacking the West, and they are all part of the same theme.
Whether they were sent here, or home grown, they are all acting out against us, and it really doesn't matter if they are officially part of an Islamic army, or a lone agent, it's still terrorism. It still is part of the central theme.

For some fun, light reading, Google "no-go europe". While certainly some of what you find will be alarmist, you will read about the many (and increasing) areas in Europe where police will literally no longer go, in European cities. Why? Because they are controlled by Islam. These areas are not rare or small, they are increasing in both numbers and size.

They've told us what they're gonna do, and they're doing it.

But that's okay, no big deal. It's the PC-protected religion.


I think they protect it because the left in western countries are happy to see their culture die since they themselves have always been at war with it as well.
White House is claiming they don't know about the attack.
When they find out, Obama will never refer to it as terrorism.
The police haven't even called it that yet. All these threads are made up crap so far.
Just heard the newsbreak at the top of the hour. NYPD Chief Bratton says they haven't ruled it out.

I don't know about you, but I am going to be totally shocked if this one turns out to be another "lone wolf" terrorist aka crazy Muslim asshole gone mad.

IMO there really is no such thing as a "lone wolf", and or a Muslim nut. Whether they are part of a cell, or completely on their own, the bottom line it's Islam attacking the West, and they are all part of the same theme.
Whether they were sent here, or home grown, they are all acting out against us, and it really doesn't matter if they are officially part of an Islamic army, or a lone agent, it's still terrorism. It still is part of the central theme.

"IMO there really is no such thing as a "lone wolf", and or a Muslim nut. Whether they are part of a cell, or completely on their own, the bottom line it's Islam attacking the West, and they are all part of the same theme.

Whether they were sent here, or home grown, they are all acting out against us, and it really doesn't matter if they are officially part of an Islamic army, or a lone agent, it's still terrorism. It still is part of the central theme."



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When they find out, Obama will never refer to it as terrorism.
The police haven't even called it that yet. All these threads are made up crap so far.
Just heard the newsbreak at the top of the hour. NYPD Chief Bratton says they haven't ruled it out.

I don't know about you, but I am going to be totally shocked if this one turns out to be another "lone wolf" terrorist aka crazy Muslim asshole gone mad.

IMO there really is no such thing as a "lone wolf", and or a Muslim nut. Whether they are part of a cell, or completely on their own, the bottom line it's Islam attacking the West, and they are all part of the same theme.
Whether they were sent here, or home grown, they are all acting out against us, and it really doesn't matter if they are officially part of an Islamic army, or a lone agent, it's still terrorism. It still is part of the central theme.

For some fun, light reading, Google "no-go europe". While certainly some of what you find will be alarmist, you will read about the many (and increasing) areas in Europe where police will literally no longer go, in European cities. Why? Because they are controlled by Islam. These areas are not rare or small, they are increasing in both numbers and size.

They've told us what they're gonna do, and they're doing it.

But that's okay, no big deal. It's the PC-protected religion.



Published on Jun 26, 2012
Like video? Show support here: Page Not Found - Piryx
Stay informed, Volunteer, or Send us news story here: Home - The United West
Read full story of stoning here: American activists in Cairo seek refuge at U.S. Embassy - The United West

If this extremely disturbing video does not result in a Federal investigation into the human rights violations of those Christians physically attacked at the 2012 Dearborn Arab Festival then we are watching the beginning of a new America, a MUSLIM AMERICA.

In this new America, a MUSLIM AMERICA, shariah-compliant Muslims have succeeded in striking fear into the hearts of the infidels. In the case of the Dearborn Arab Festival, you will see that the infidels are NOT the few, brave Christians who withstood the physical attacks by the blood-thirsty Muslims, but the fearful are those who have taken an oath to protect Americans. The fearful, are the Dearborn Sheriff and Police. Sadly, you will see the Police fearful of confronting the criminals and enforcing the law as they stand by watching "Muslims Gone Wild," attack the helpless Christians.

The United West predicts that success of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt combined with the mounting fury of the "Arab Spring," coupled with the support of President Obama will result in an expansive, "strong-horse" onslaught of Muslim physical aggression, similar to this Dearborn disaster, all across the new, MUSLIM AMERICA.

A Detroit judge has awarded over $100,000 in attorney’s fees in the case of a Christian, George Saieg, who was attacked and arrested at the festival.

“This case is a stunning example of the pernicious influence of stealth jihad and Shariah law in America. The city of Dearborn is now a serial violator of Christians’ constitutional rights and has wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and costs defending its insidious conduct. Apparently, in Dearborn, where Shariah and jihad is advocated openly, it is a crime to preach the Christian gospel. AFLC is committed to stopping this attack on our Constitution. And the ruling today allows us to do just that,” said Yerushalmi, an AFLC attorney.​

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Uploaded on Apr 16, 2011
Street Preacher is attacked by Muslim while preaching at a Lady Gaga Concert. This may be a bad thing but what is worse is the way the police handled the attack. They actually charge the Christian with battery. They would not view the video nor did they talk to any of the witnesses. Here is the video you be the judge and then call the Tampa police department and tell them to drop these trumped up charges and do their job properly.

Case # 11-217735, ORI# 0290200

The (I hate to give him this title) police officers name and badge number are Kevin Krupa Badge # 565.

Here is their number (813) 242-3800

You can also call the Chief of Police 813-276-3799

Or the Mayor at 813-274-8251​

Uploaded on Apr 16, 2011
Street Preacher is attacked by Muslim while preaching at a Lady Gaga Concert. This may be a bad thing but what is worse is the way the police handled the attack. They actually charge the Christian with battery. They would not view the video nor did they talk to any of the witnesses. Here is the video you be the judge and then call the Tampa police department and tell them to drop these trumped up charges and do their job properly.

Case # 11-217735, ORI# 0290200

The (I hate to give him this title) police officers name and badge number are Kevin Krupa Badge # 565.

Here is their number (813) 242-3800

You can also call the Chief of Police 813-276-3799

Or the Mayor at 813-274-8251​

I would of shot the son of a bitch


Uploaded on Apr 16, 2011
Street Preacher is attacked by Muslim while preaching at a Lady Gaga Concert. This may be a bad thing but what is worse is the way the police handled the attack. They actually charge the Christian with battery. They would not view the video nor did they talk to any of the witnesses. Here is the video you be the judge and then call the Tampa police department and tell them to drop these trumped up charges and do their job properly.

Case # 11-217735, ORI# 0290200

The (I hate to give him this title) police officers name and badge number are Kevin Krupa Badge # 565.

Here is their number (813) 242-3800

You can also call the Chief of Police 813-276-3799

Or the Mayor at 813-274-8251​

I would of shot the son of a bitch


And the cop was filmed LOOKING RIGHT AT THE ASSAULT!!!
White House is claiming they don't know about the attack.
When they find out, Obama will never refer to it as terrorism.
The police haven't even called it that yet. All these threads are made up crap so far.

Denial much?
No stating fact. Now as of this afternoon they have made a statement on it. And if this thread weren't really about about racism and Muslim hating it would be relevant now.

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