Surprise! The average working American causes the biggest tax loophole,$689 billion write off...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Take a look at the below table and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year
in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay? The working American!
Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"
Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

I am sorry but I am just sharing the truth. I'm not a "corporate" shill which some of you ignorant idiots immediately jump to the conclusion!
I'm sharing the below link from the CBO and they show that nearly $700 billion a year in tax revenue is NOT collected because of the average American!

No matter how you idiots cut it, these are the facts!

So if the objective of Husseincare is to go to a single payer system, that means employers won't be able
to deduct health care and that's how Hussein plans to destroy $100 billion in tax revenue, 400,000 jobs when he wipes out the 1,300 companies involved in health insurance. And IT IS HIS GOAL!
Read his words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
He wipes them out then who pays the $248 billion a year in health plans that employers are paying?
YOU! YOU that are 1 of 2 Americans currently covered by employ health plans.
YOU will have to pay and the government subsidy comes from this additional revenue that is NOT

Take a look at the below table and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year
in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay? The working American!
Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"
Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

I am sorry but I am just sharing the truth. I'm not a "corporate" shill which some of you ignorant idiots immediately jump to the conclusion!
I'm sharing the below link from the CBO and they show that nearly $700 billion a year in tax revenue is NOT collected because of the average American!

No matter how you idiots cut it, these are the facts!

So if the objective of Husseincare is to go to a single payer system, that means employers won't be able
to deduct health care and that's how Hussein plans to destroy $100 billion in tax revenue, 400,000 jobs when he wipes out the 1,300 companies involved in health insurance. And IT IS HIS GOAL!
Read his words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
He wipes them out then who pays the $248 billion a year in health plans that employers are paying?
YOU! YOU that are 1 of 2 Americans currently covered by employ health plans.
YOU will have to pay and the government subsidy comes from this additional revenue that is NOT

View attachment 34969

You made a mistake in your OP.

Its HusseinO'care.


The working American deserves it a hell of a lot more than the billionaire. A larger middle class is better than having a tiny super rich class of assholes like Mexico.

Oh good.

This means you'll be voting Dem, right?

Take a look at the below table and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year
in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay? The working American!
Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"
Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

I am sorry but I am just sharing the truth. I'm not a "corporate" shill which some of you ignorant idiots immediately jump to the conclusion!
I'm sharing the below link from the CBO and they show that nearly $700 billion a year in tax revenue is NOT collected because of the average American!

No matter how you idiots cut it, these are the facts!

So if the objective of Husseincare is to go to a single payer system, that means employers won't be able
to deduct health care and that's how Hussein plans to destroy $100 billion in tax revenue, 400,000 jobs when he wipes out the 1,300 companies involved in health insurance. And IT IS HIS GOAL!
Read his words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
He wipes them out then who pays the $248 billion a year in health plans that employers are paying?
YOU! YOU that are 1 of 2 Americans currently covered by employ health plans.
YOU will have to pay and the government subsidy comes from this additional revenue that is NOT

View attachment 34969

We're ignorant idiots as opposed to what, intelligent idiots?
The working American deserves it a hell of a lot more than the billionaire. A larger middle class is better than having a tiny super rich class of assholes like Mexico.

Oh good.

This means you'll be voting Dem, right?


I'd consider it if you stopped the identity politics.
Fund science
Fund infrastructure
Fund education...Reform it. ;)
Fund r&d
and of course raise the minimum wage and legalize pot!

There is so much you could run on without getting ugly. So many good issues that make the avg person happy!
Take a look at the below table and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year
in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay? The working American!
Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"
Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

I am sorry but I am just sharing the truth. I'm not a "corporate" shill which some of you ignorant idiots immediately jump to the conclusion!
I'm sharing the below link from the CBO and they show that nearly $700 billion a year in tax revenue is NOT collected because of the average American!

No matter how you idiots cut it, these are the facts!

So if the objective of Husseincare is to go to a single payer system, that means employers won't be able
to deduct health care and that's how Hussein plans to destroy $100 billion in tax revenue, 400,000 jobs when he wipes out the 1,300 companies involved in health insurance. And IT IS HIS GOAL!
Read his words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
He wipes them out then who pays the $248 billion a year in health plans that employers are paying?
YOU! YOU that are 1 of 2 Americans currently covered by employ health plans.
YOU will have to pay and the government subsidy comes from this additional revenue that is NOT

View attachment 34969

Apparently you do not know that pensions are taxed when the money is distributed. So you can take that amount out of your calculations.
Take a look at the below table and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year
in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay? The working American!
Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"
Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

I am sorry but I am just sharing the truth. I'm not a "corporate" shill which some of you ignorant idiots immediately jump to the conclusion!
I'm sharing the below link from the CBO and they show that nearly $700 billion a year in tax revenue is NOT collected because of the average American!

No matter how you idiots cut it, these are the facts!

So if the objective of Husseincare is to go to a single payer system, that means employers won't be able
to deduct health care and that's how Hussein plans to destroy $100 billion in tax revenue, 400,000 jobs when he wipes out the 1,300 companies involved in health insurance. And IT IS HIS GOAL!
Read his words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
He wipes them out then who pays the $248 billion a year in health plans that employers are paying?
YOU! YOU that are 1 of 2 Americans currently covered by employ health plans.
YOU will have to pay and the government subsidy comes from this additional revenue that is NOT

View attachment 34969

Apparently you do not know that pensions are taxed when the money is distributed. So you can take that amount out of your calculations.
THE EMPLOYERS pay the pension! They deduct the payment from their tax liability!
Apparently YOU don't know what YOU are talking about!
AGAIN I'll do it slowly...
$137 billion is deducted BY employers from tax liability. It then goes into a Pension where YES it is tax sheltered!
But this is a straight out deduction against tax liability by employers. Understand???
Take a look at the below table and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year
in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay? The working American!
Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"
Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

I am sorry but I am just sharing the truth. I'm not a "corporate" shill which some of you ignorant idiots immediately jump to the conclusion!
I'm sharing the below link from the CBO and they show that nearly $700 billion a year in tax revenue is NOT collected because of the average American!

No matter how you idiots cut it, these are the facts!

So if the objective of Husseincare is to go to a single payer system, that means employers won't be able
to deduct health care and that's how Hussein plans to destroy $100 billion in tax revenue, 400,000 jobs when he wipes out the 1,300 companies involved in health insurance. And IT IS HIS GOAL!
Read his words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
He wipes them out then who pays the $248 billion a year in health plans that employers are paying?
YOU! YOU that are 1 of 2 Americans currently covered by employ health plans.
YOU will have to pay and the government subsidy comes from this additional revenue that is NOT

View attachment 34969

We're ignorant idiots as opposed to what, intelligent idiots?
Yea... you caught me. truly sorry about that. Was redundant wasn't I?
NO SHIT! There are more average Americans than wealthy, but thanks to Republicans, the wealthy pay far less effective rate than the average American.
Does the left really think that all money belongs to the government and they only let us use it for a while?
NO the LEFT doesn't think that ...THE GOVERNMENT DOES!
Why do you think they call it "expenditures"???
From the Federal government's point of view ALL INCOME belongs to the government.
The government allows "expenditures" like health insurance premiums... tax deduction...government expenditure!
Pensions again money that should go to the government that would go IF the government didn't allow the "expenditure" for Pensions!
You get it??
I'm being very serious.
Here is the definition of tax deductions.....
A tax expenditure program is government spending through the tax code.
Tax expenditures alter the horizontal and vertical equity of the basic tax system by allowing exemptions,deductions, or credits to select groups or specific activities.
For example, two people who earn exactly the same income can have different effective tax rates if one of the tax payers qualifies for certain tax expenditure programs by owning a home, having children, and receiving employer health care and pension insurance. Static scoring perpetuates the assumption that tax expenditures have the same effect on the budget deficit as appropriations spending.
A new tax expenditure program, say to encourage employment, that costs the government $500 million in revenues has the same effect on the national deficit as providing $500M in grants to businesses that hire the unemployed, only if the assumption holds that no increased economic activity results due to the incentives created by the tax expenditure. In some circumstances, increased economic interactions spurred on by tax expenditures can generate augmented revenues that more than offset the amount not taken by the government.
Tax expenditure - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The working American deserves it a hell of a lot more than the billionaire. A larger middle class is better than having a tiny super rich class of assholes like Mexico.
So I take it then you are NOT in favor of closing ALL TAX LOOPHOLES?
That is the number 1 and number 2 which are in favor of the average working American?
See when people talk about closing "wealthy" tax loopholes that is a GREAT excuse to get rid of 1,300 companies THAT PAY $100 billion a year in taxes and
employ 400,000 people!
But it is so f...king manufactured this "health care crisis"! There never was a crisis!
Tell me what the "crisis" was, 46 million uninsured Americans? THAT is BULLC...p there never WERE 46 million uninsured!
4 million that really want and needed health insurance...but because as Gruber so succinctly said "Stupidity of American Voter" believed that phony number and
even with LYING about HusseinCare cutting premiums, and lying about 1 of 2 Americans had pre-existing conditions... the vote was by just 7 yes votes!
All because Hussein wants to destroy our country by destroying health system, food system, overwhelming our Medicare/SS/Medicaid...while encouraging
the bankruptcy of utilities, putting coal miners out of work!
All part of his plan as Hussein and Michelle said
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.
— Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”
— Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008
Take a look at the below table and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year
in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay? The working American!
Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"
Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

I am sorry but I am just sharing the truth. I'm not a "corporate" shill which some of you ignorant idiots immediately jump to the conclusion!
I'm sharing the below link from the CBO and they show that nearly $700 billion a year in tax revenue is NOT collected because of the average American!

No matter how you idiots cut it, these are the facts!

So if the objective of Husseincare is to go to a single payer system, that means employers won't be able
to deduct health care and that's how Hussein plans to destroy $100 billion in tax revenue, 400,000 jobs when he wipes out the 1,300 companies involved in health insurance. And IT IS HIS GOAL!
Read his words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
He wipes them out then who pays the $248 billion a year in health plans that employers are paying?
YOU! YOU that are 1 of 2 Americans currently covered by employ health plans.
YOU will have to pay and the government subsidy comes from this additional revenue that is NOT

View attachment 34969
Supplemental Insurance...just as they did for seniors when they lost them to Medicare....and a number of other Insurances they could convert to....

Most Health Care Insurance Corporations ARE diversified.
The working American deserves it a hell of a lot more than the billionaire. A larger middle class is better than having a tiny super rich class of assholes like Mexico.
So I take it then you are NOT in favor of closing ALL TAX LOOPHOLES?
That is the number 1 and number 2 which are in favor of the average working American?
See when people talk about closing "wealthy" tax loopholes that is a GREAT excuse to get rid of 1,300 companies THAT PAY $100 billion a year in taxes and
employ 400,000 people!
But it is so f...king manufactured this "health care crisis"! There never was a crisis!
Tell me what the "crisis" was, 46 million uninsured Americans? THAT is BULLC...p there never WERE 46 million uninsured!
4 million that really want and needed health insurance...but because as Gruber so succinctly said "Stupidity of American Voter" believed that phony number and
even with LYING about HusseinCare cutting premiums, and lying about 1 of 2 Americans had pre-existing conditions... the vote was by just 7 yes votes!
All because Hussein wants to destroy our country by destroying health system, food system, overwhelming our Medicare/SS/Medicaid...while encouraging
the bankruptcy of utilities, putting coal miners out of work!
All part of his plan as Hussein and Michelle said
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.
— Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”
— Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008
Gawd you are certifiable.... with all of your Hussein garbage....

and yes, an expenditure is gvt spending via tax code etc....

the people that have never gotten health care through their work, that make the same amount of money as the one who does get health care through his work, has to pay MORE in taxes because he does not get the same tax benefits for his health care as the guy who gets it through his work....

and the gvt year after year after year for almost a century now, has allowed businesses to treat what employers pay for health care for an employee as if it were the employee's salary and they have been able to write off the entirety of the benefit....

AND, this is also why it is utter bull crap for the right wing to claim that you all are paying for Obamacare for those people who were unable to get insurance through their employers when for decades they have not been given the same tax benefit as YOU AND I have been given, with getting our health care through our employers....

and now these people FINALLY are getting something from the government, after all these years of paying for you and I and our employers to get these tax write off for our health care...and you all are screaming bloody murder, when they have been paying for YOU all along.
The working American deserves it a hell of a lot more than the billionaire. A larger middle class is better than having a tiny super rich class of assholes like Mexico.
So I take it then you are NOT in favor of closing ALL TAX LOOPHOLES?
That is the number 1 and number 2 which are in favor of the average working American?
See when people talk about closing "wealthy" tax loopholes that is a GREAT excuse to get rid of 1,300 companies THAT PAY $100 billion a year in taxes and
employ 400,000 people!
But it is so f...king manufactured this "health care crisis"! There never was a crisis!
Tell me what the "crisis" was, 46 million uninsured Americans? THAT is BULLC...p there never WERE 46 million uninsured!
4 million that really want and needed health insurance...but because as Gruber so succinctly said "Stupidity of American Voter" believed that phony number and
even with LYING about HusseinCare cutting premiums, and lying about 1 of 2 Americans had pre-existing conditions... the vote was by just 7 yes votes!
All because Hussein wants to destroy our country by destroying health system, food system, overwhelming our Medicare/SS/Medicaid...while encouraging
the bankruptcy of utilities, putting coal miners out of work!
All part of his plan as Hussein and Michelle said
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.
— Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”
— Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008
Gawd you are certifiable.... with all of your Hussein garbage....

and yes, an expenditure is gvt spending via tax code etc....

the people that have never gotten health care through their work, that make the same amount of money as the one who does get health care through his work, has to pay MORE in taxes because he does not get the same tax benefits for his health care as the guy who gets it through his work....

and the gvt year after year after year for almost a century now, has allowed businesses to treat what employers pay for health care for an employee as if it were the employee's salary and they have been able to write off the entirety of the benefit....

AND, this is also why it is utter bull crap for the right wing to claim that you all are paying for Obamacare for those people who were unable to get insurance through their employers when for decades they have not been given the same tax benefit as YOU AND I have been given, with getting our health care through our employers....

and now these people FINALLY are getting something from the government, after all these years of paying for you and I and our employers to get these tax write off for our health care...and you all are screaming bloody murder, when they have been paying for YOU all along.

ALL those people getting something that weren't able???
A) 10 million of the supposed "46 million uninsured" Americans WERE NOT CITIZENS! DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? NOT eligible! Subtract 10 million!
B) 14 million due to the ineptness of Hussein should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP but they didn't know.. Who's fault? Subtract 14 million!
C) 18 million DON"T NEED..under 34 spend less the $1,000 a year for services and turn down employers' plans even though they average $50,000 a year!
Subtract the 10 million illegals, 14 million that through ineptness and 18 million that don't want you have LESS THEN 4 million!
SO what is the crisis??
NOW as far a "pre-existing conditions???
Less then 1.5 million Americans were either not able to get insurance or had to pay a higher premium!
NOT the 155 million Hussein used to fraudulently pass HusseinCARE! Quote ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"..." That's 155 million!
THERE ARE 266 million already covered so why did he LIE? He depended on the "stupidity of American voters" like YOU!
Finally YOU are so ignorant about health care financing!
THE biggest cost driver in health care is an $850 billion a year expense that doesn't have to be!
YET insurance companies pay the $850 billion a year in claims for these services and if they didn't PREMIUMS go down! FACT FACT FACT!
If you want to know more about this totally wasteful $850 billion follow this LINK and get educated!
If you are an honest person and somewhat intelligent follow the above presentation and SEE why 90% of doctors admit they cause this $850 billion
See why 52% of physicians under government contract DON"T practice what the 90% do that costs the $850 billion a year!

But I can't count on people like you looking at the FACTS... You are truly part of that group Gruber called "Stupidity of American voter"... you won't take any time to follow up the above link as I an informed American voter have done!
And that's what really pisses me off! People like you GUESSING. Don't GUESS Use the internet and get your f...king FACTS!

You said" almost a century now, since when is next year going to be 2040???

FACT: Between 1940 and 1960, the total number of people enrolled in health insurance plans grew seven-fold, from 20,662,000 to 142,334,000,[28] and by 1958, 75% of Americans had some form of health coverage.[29]
Health insurance in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
FACT about HusseinCare!!!
I just read this Facebook account ...
Thank Goodness for the wisdom, insight and omniscience of President Obama and the Democrats who passed ObamaCare.
Without their brilliance and thoughtfulness, the Individual HSA-compatible Health Insurance plan I was getting from BlueCross for $237/mo with a $3,500 deductible might have been deemed adequate by this informed consumer engaging in a private transaction with an organization.

-- Thankfully, they decided to do the thinking/choosing for this "stupid American" and now the only plan BCBS has to offer for me is $326/mo with a $6,000 deductible.
-- And to top it off, my plan has Maternity coverage!!! Whew!!

So NOW he has to pay 37% more each month but with a 71% higher DEDUCTIBLE... But thank goodness he is covered for Maternity!

And these are the stories going around this country! And all for WHAT?
A mythical 46 million uninsured that included 10 million illegals, 14 million that due to Hussein ineptness were eligible for Medicaid/SCHIP and forcing
18 million people that are under 34 don't need health insurance, but can afford as they make over $50,000 a year!
for 4 million truly that needed and all the while we've been lied to about "pre-existing conditions that up to half of all americans are prevented from getting insurance ??? That's 155 million people... yet 233 million are covered already through work, Medicare/etc.!
But again gross gross lies to fool the "stupidity of the American voter"!!!
Last edited:
Take a look at the below table and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year
in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay? The working American!
Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"
Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

I am sorry but I am just sharing the truth. I'm not a "corporate" shill which some of you ignorant idiots immediately jump to the conclusion!
I'm sharing the below link from the CBO and they show that nearly $700 billion a year in tax revenue is NOT collected because of the average American!

No matter how you idiots cut it, these are the facts!

So if the objective of Husseincare is to go to a single payer system, that means employers won't be able
to deduct health care and that's how Hussein plans to destroy $100 billion in tax revenue, 400,000 jobs when he wipes out the 1,300 companies involved in health insurance. And IT IS HIS GOAL!
Read his words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
He wipes them out then who pays the $248 billion a year in health plans that employers are paying?
YOU! YOU that are 1 of 2 Americans currently covered by employ health plans.
YOU will have to pay and the government subsidy comes from this additional revenue that is NOT

View attachment 34969
Supplemental Insurance...just as they did for seniors when they lost them to Medicare....and a number of other Insurances they could convert to....

Most Health Care Insurance Corporations ARE diversified.

NO the whole point of Hussein is he prefers ONE payer! Which means these 1,300 companies that we currently have the power to choose from
will not exist as Hussein wants just one payer...the government!
In Hussein's world PROFIT is evil! Capitalism is EVIL! All productivity is the state's!
Surprise! The average working American causes the biggest tax loophole,$689 billion write off...

Oh those darn average working Americans. How greedy they are. Worse than what Mitt Romney pays in taxes.

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