Surprise! The average working American causes the biggest tax loophole,$689 billion write off...

Surprise! The average working American causes the biggest tax loophole,$689 billion write off...

Oh those darn average working Americans. How greedy they are. Worse than what Mitt Romney pays in taxes.
So you tell me what "tax loop holes" you'd close then. By the way Romney donated more to charities then Hussein did in being his brother's keeper!
Below Hussein's brother's $12 a year hut all the while Hussein preaches to US to be our "brother's keeper"! Perfect illustration of hypocrisy!
Surprise! The average working American causes the biggest tax loophole,$689 billion write off...

Oh those darn average working Americans. How greedy they are. Worse than what Mitt Romney pays in taxes.
So you tell me what "tax loop holes" you'd close then. By the way Romney donated more to charities then Hussein did in being his brother's keeper!
Below Hussein's brother's $12 a year hut all the while Hussein preaches to US to be our "brother's keeper"! Perfect illustration of hypocrisy!
View attachment 34987
You mean half brother who said he is an adult and takes care of himself and wants nothing from Obama.

Oh do grow up dipshit.

All Mormons give at least 10% of their incomes to the Church. It's not charity. Even the Osmonds gave millions.

Romney made 22 million on his 250 million dollar fortune. He feels he shouldn't have to pay taxes on it.
Worse, he paid 14% on the ONE tax return he showed during the election. Don't you think if the others were more he would have shown them???? Duh! It's was Romney's father who started the entire show your income tax record thing but Romney himself wouldn't follow his father's lead? What does that tell you?

How come these Republicans don't know anything? How is it possible to maintain so much stupid when you can read posts backed up with links right here on the USMB? It must be a determined ignorance.
Take a look at the below table and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year
in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay? The working American!
Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"
Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

I am sorry but I am just sharing the truth. I'm not a "corporate" shill which some of you ignorant idiots immediately jump to the conclusion!
I'm sharing the below link from the CBO and they show that nearly $700 billion a year in tax revenue is NOT collected because of the average American!

No matter how you idiots cut it, these are the facts!

So if the objective of Husseincare is to go to a single payer system, that means employers won't be able
to deduct health care and that's how Hussein plans to destroy $100 billion in tax revenue, 400,000 jobs when he wipes out the 1,300 companies involved in health insurance. And IT IS HIS GOAL!
Read his words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
He wipes them out then who pays the $248 billion a year in health plans that employers are paying?
YOU! YOU that are 1 of 2 Americans currently covered by employ health plans.
YOU will have to pay and the government subsidy comes from this additional revenue that is NOT

View attachment 34969
Health insurance companies are a pox on the land. I'm sure the employees of these companies could find something actually constructive to do if they were made redundant.

healthmyths has just discovered tax expenditures.

So you tell me what "tax loop holes" you'd close then

I would close all $1.2 trillion of them, with the possible exception of the EITC since it motivates people to earn more money.
Does the left really think that all money belongs to the government and they only let us use it for a while?
Do people who support tax expenditures really think other people's money belongs to them?

Tax expenditures are the biggest cause of higher tax rates and deficits. When you defend tax expenditures, you are supporting higher tax rates for everyone, and deficit spending.

healthmyths has just discovered tax expenditures.

So you tell me what "tax loop holes" you'd close then

I would close all $1.2 trillion of them, with the possible exception of the EITC since it motivates people to earn more money.

the irony is there. I dunno though. Our HC system and system of allowing employers deductions is the result of the decision to not pass a universal care law in the 1960s, which would have been financed by highly progressive taxes. So, we got write offs with less taxation. There were no bad motives in any of this. But the reality is there's no free lunch, or no free health care. The mainstream gop criticism of Obamacare wasn't so much using tax dollars as it was centralizing decision making of what is covered and who has to have what coverage.

healthmyths has just discovered tax expenditures.

So you tell me what "tax loop holes" you'd close then

I would close all $1.2 trillion of them, with the possible exception of the EITC since it motivates people to earn more money.

the irony is there. I dunno though. Our HC system and system of allowing employers deductions is the result of the decision to not pass a universal care law in the 1960s, which would have been financed by highly progressive taxes. So, we got write offs with less taxation. There were no bad motives in any of this.

Like the proverb says, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

But the reality is there's no free lunch, or no free health care. The mainstream gop criticism of Obamacare wasn't so much using tax dollars as it was centralizing decision making of what is covered and who has to have what coverage.
Along with calling for the elimination of tax expenditures, I have almost said as frequently that we need to eliminate employer-sponsored health insurance. It is bending the cost curve upward.

healthmyths has just discovered tax expenditures.

So you tell me what "tax loop holes" you'd close then

I would close all $1.2 trillion of them, with the possible exception of the EITC since it motivates people to earn more money.

the irony is there. I dunno though. Our HC system and system of allowing employers deductions is the result of the decision to not pass a universal care law in the 1960s, which would have been financed by highly progressive taxes. So, we got write offs with less taxation. There were no bad motives in any of this.

Like the proverb says, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

But the reality is there's no free lunch, or no free health care. The mainstream gop criticism of Obamacare wasn't so much using tax dollars as it was centralizing decision making of what is covered and who has to have what coverage.
Along with calling for the elimination of tax expenditures, I have almost said as frequently that we need to eliminate employer-sponsored health insurance. It is bending the cost curve upward.
I don't disagree so much as I'm not sure how practically to do it. There was a time when the gop would not view that as an opportunity to reduce labor costs for capital, but I fear that is long gone. And, then in addition to high skill folks working for major corps that have cost factored this benefit in, we have public sector workers.
Take a look at the below table and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year
in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay? The working American!
Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"
Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

I am sorry but I am just sharing the truth. I'm not a "corporate" shill which some of you ignorant idiots immediately jump to the conclusion!
I'm sharing the below link from the CBO and they show that nearly $700 billion a year in tax revenue is NOT collected because of the average American!

No matter how you idiots cut it, these are the facts!

So if the objective of Husseincare is to go to a single payer system, that means employers won't be able
to deduct health care and that's how Hussein plans to destroy $100 billion in tax revenue, 400,000 jobs when he wipes out the 1,300 companies involved in health insurance. And IT IS HIS GOAL!
Read his words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
He wipes them out then who pays the $248 billion a year in health plans that employers are paying?
YOU! YOU that are 1 of 2 Americans currently covered by employ health plans.
YOU will have to pay and the government subsidy comes from this additional revenue that is NOT

View attachment 34969

So money that is no collected... is the result of a tax loophole?

LOL! Say what?

healthmyths has just discovered tax expenditures.

So you tell me what "tax loop holes" you'd close then

I would close all $1.2 trillion of them, with the possible exception of the EITC since it motivates people to earn more money.

the irony is there. I dunno though. Our HC system and system of allowing employers deductions is the result of the decision to not pass a universal care law in the 1960s, which would have been financed by highly progressive taxes. So, we got write offs with less taxation. There were no bad motives in any of this.

Like the proverb says, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

But the reality is there's no free lunch, or no free health care. The mainstream gop criticism of Obamacare wasn't so much using tax dollars as it was centralizing decision making of what is covered and who has to have what coverage.
Along with calling for the elimination of tax expenditures, I have almost said as frequently that we need to eliminate employer-sponsored health insurance. It is bending the cost curve upward.

HEY!!! Would you say "$850 billion " curves health care costs upward?
Physicians tell us they spend $850 billion wastefully.
The proof is out of the physicians surveyed 48% said they spend wastefully while 90% said THEY spend wastefully.
So why the difference? Why would 52% report they don't versus 90% that say they do?

I am not making this up.
READ this study... page by page. Then YOU tell me this isn't the major cause of the "upward cost curve"!

Again... I am not making this up! I am not stating this... 90% of physicians surveyed said so and wouldn't you say they are the experts?
I mean they are the ones that perform the services that become claims that the insurance companies pay!
Oh and by the way insurance companies pay According to the AMA mind you:
On average The American Medical Association reports that between 1.38% and 5.07% of claims are denied by insurers on first submission.

What the $850 billion a year in health care waste comes from........
Proof is 90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year.
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.

BUT NOTE this:
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the Federal Tort Claims Act. "
-- Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.
-- 89% of physicians support a patient’s right to be compensated fairly for true negligence.

Do you understand? Why would only 48% of physicians contracted by the federal government report doing defensive medicine while
90% of non-federal physicians report doing defensive medicine? Because of the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act!

Doesn't that just cry for exposure? Why are people so afraid of going after the lawyers which CAUSE this fear of lawsuits which in turn
causes physicians to second guess themselves to the tune of $850 billion... yet 52% of physicians under Federal contract don't fear lawsuits!

Do you for once comprehend the magnitude of this $850 billion because just knocking it down by 30% would reduce health care claims paid by insurance companies to less the $600 billion...AND this means health care premiums would be reduced which means more people could afford private health insurance....all through expanding a 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act!
Wow, what an enlightening thread. I am so pissed. Let's do away with the average working American!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take a look at the below table and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year
in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay? The working American!
Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"
Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

I am sorry but I am just sharing the truth. I'm not a "corporate" shill which some of you ignorant idiots immediately jump to the conclusion!
I'm sharing the below link from the CBO and they show that nearly $700 billion a year in tax revenue is NOT collected because of the average American!

No matter how you idiots cut it, these are the facts!

So if the objective of Husseincare is to go to a single payer system, that means employers won't be able
to deduct health care and that's how Hussein plans to destroy $100 billion in tax revenue, 400,000 jobs when he wipes out the 1,300 companies involved in health insurance. And IT IS HIS GOAL!
Read his words:
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”
If he wants a single payer what happens to the 1,300 health insurance companies?
He wipes them out then who pays the $248 billion a year in health plans that employers are paying?
YOU! YOU that are 1 of 2 Americans currently covered by employ health plans.
YOU will have to pay and the government subsidy comes from this additional revenue that is NOT

View attachment 34969

So money that is no collected... is the result of a tax loophole?

LOL! Say what?

Do you pay taxes?
If so you take deductions right?
Well all companies that provide health insurance plans deducted from their income $248 billion a year from their income.
This in turn reduces the tax payment they would make.

That is how it works... employers deduct $248 billion for employee health plans from their taxable income.
That simple.
Wow, what an enlightening thread. I am so pissed. Let's do away with the average working American!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO you f...king idiot! Do away with your type of ignorance when you yell "Close the tax loopholes" for all those filthy rich!
Well you idiot... close the biggest deduction and see what happens!
You still don't get it do you? The numbers are too big for you!

All you idiots that cry "evil businesses" end capitalism... pay more taxes... you don't get it!
YOU idiots are benefiting from those EVIL TAX loopholes! Nearly $700 billion in insurance premium payments and pension payments!
And you ignorantly yell what you did!
How f...king childish! THINK! People like you are exactly what Gruber was identifying as the "Stupidity of American voters"!
YOU are so ignorant and the Husseins/Grubers of the world are taking gross advantage of your ignorance!

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