SURPRISE! Totalitarian Liberals Want to Make it MANDATORY TO VOTE

You're an idiot.

Done here.

Typically, I would have a lot of respect for your opinion because if there is anyone at USMB who is a bigger idiot than Sallow, I don't know who it would be. I note that you couldn't refute the truth, so you went with an insult. Grow a pair. Cut and paste the text from the Constitution that guarantees you the right to vote. Don't do like someone else and cut and paste the amendments. I've already explained to the class what those represent. You can't be denied the right to vote based on the items mentioned in the amendments. But you can be denied the right to vote for other reasons. Why? Because you don't have a right to vote beyond what your state decides. Now, the list is pretty small these days on exclusions across the board, but don't mistake that for a "right" to vote. Like I said earlier, this should be easy for a brainiac like you. Simply post the right enumerated in the constitution. The class will wait.

It's says in each amendment it's a RIGHT.

It's in English it's not in some foreign language.

This is not something that really requires much cognition to realize.
Are you honestly this stupid or are you just being obtuse? I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that. By your flawed logic, that means any restrictions to voting are invalid because the amendment had the word "right" in it. That isn't true and you know it. I would suggest you Google some remedial reading programs you might take advantage of. You have failed to point out where you have a constitutional right to vote. You have incorrectly pointed out amendments that said what could not be used as an exclusion to voting rights. The amendments say your "right to vote" (if you have a right to vote) cannot be infringed for specific reasons such as gender, race and age. Beyond that, your state can determine by any other means whether or not they extend you the right to vote. In many states if you are a felon, you cannot vote.....even if you are a 21 year old black woman who is a lesbian. States determine who can vote, not the federal government. It's all historical fact that you should have learned in your junior high civics class. I suggest you educate yourself instead of continuing to make a fool of yourself here.

You have "a right" because the Constitution says it's a right with the word "right".

It's a Semantics and Lexicon thing, you know.

And those amendments take away the "determination" that states can make as to who can vote. States can not bar anyone from voting on the basis of race, gender and age.

In other words? You have the right to vote.

I'm going to let the stoopidity of your post stand as testimony to your absolute ignorance of semantics and lexicon.

Please don't tell me that you vote.

Yeah because the Constitution denotes it as right, it's not a real right in your bizzaro world.

But the Constitution explicitly states that the right to bear arms comes with it a responsibility to defend the state as part of a milita? Well of course that means any nut with an agenda can have a gun.

You folks are the reason why we have fruit cake judges that Scalia that holds that torture is okay as long as someone isn't charged with a crime.
Typically, I would have a lot of respect for your opinion because if there is anyone at USMB who is a bigger idiot than Sallow, I don't know who it would be. I note that you couldn't refute the truth, so you went with an insult. Grow a pair. Cut and paste the text from the Constitution that guarantees you the right to vote. Don't do like someone else and cut and paste the amendments. I've already explained to the class what those represent. You can't be denied the right to vote based on the items mentioned in the amendments. But you can be denied the right to vote for other reasons. Why? Because you don't have a right to vote beyond what your state decides. Now, the list is pretty small these days on exclusions across the board, but don't mistake that for a "right" to vote. Like I said earlier, this should be easy for a brainiac like you. Simply post the right enumerated in the constitution. The class will wait.

It's says in each amendment it's a RIGHT.

It's in English it's not in some foreign language.

This is not something that really requires much cognition to realize.
Are you honestly this stupid or are you just being obtuse? I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that. By your flawed logic, that means any restrictions to voting are invalid because the amendment had the word "right" in it. That isn't true and you know it. I would suggest you Google some remedial reading programs you might take advantage of. You have failed to point out where you have a constitutional right to vote. You have incorrectly pointed out amendments that said what could not be used as an exclusion to voting rights. The amendments say your "right to vote" (if you have a right to vote) cannot be infringed for specific reasons such as gender, race and age. Beyond that, your state can determine by any other means whether or not they extend you the right to vote. In many states if you are a felon, you cannot vote.....even if you are a 21 year old black woman who is a lesbian. States determine who can vote, not the federal government. It's all historical fact that you should have learned in your junior high civics class. I suggest you educate yourself instead of continuing to make a fool of yourself here.

You have "a right" because the Constitution says it's a right with the word "right".

It's a Semantics and Lexicon thing, you know.

And those amendments take away the "determination" that states can make as to who can vote. States can not bar anyone from voting on the basis of race, gender and age.

In other words? You have the right to vote.

I'm going to let the stoopidity of your post stand as testimony to your absolute ignorance of semantics and lexicon.

Please don't tell me that you vote.

Yeah because the Constitution denotes it as right, it's not a real right in your bizzaro world.

But the Constitution explicitly states that the right to bear arms comes with it a responsibility to defend the state as part of a milita? Well of course that means any nut with an agenda can have a gun.

You folks are the reason why we have fruit cake judges that Scalia that holds that torture is okay as long as someone isn't charged with a crime.

More evidence that you are reading challenged when it comes to the Constitution. Please, please, please don't vote. You are part of the reason our country is in the dire straits it is in.

One more time......even though I know you won't listen to reason or logic. The amendments do not guarantee you a right to vote. The amendments say your right to vote (which is determined by each state) cannot be infringed for a specified reason. You can not be denied the right to vote simply because you are a woman. If you are a woman who is also a felon, you can be denied the right to vote......because you are a felon, not because you are a woman. Being a woman doesn't trump being a felon. The right to vote is infringed based on your crime, not your gender and your gender isn't going to give you the right to vote even though you are a felon. You need to read the amendments in context, not your personal opinion. The amendments only state that certain things cannot be used as a reason to infringe on your right to vote. That right there tells you your right to vote (as determined by the state) can indeed be infringed......just not for this particular reason. You know this to be true, you just don't want it to be. Education is your friend.

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