Surrogate Son? Mom may have solved more than one social problem


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
This Mom Missed Cuddling With Her Teenage Son So She Knit a Life-Size Version of Him

This Mom created a lifesize knit doll of her son, who was outgrowing cuddling.

Wow. I was going to create lifesize dolls of women figures to make fashionable furnishings,
but this really looks like a personal teddy bear!

Could this solve the problem with predatory teachers who get involved with students?
Just give them a doll to get cozy with, problem solved.

People who aren't into plastic, might find these knit dolls to be more comfortable to sleep with.
Seriously, if pedophiles could find safer ways to connect with their "inner child" this could be
therapeutic and healing. Get rid of the guilt and fear that drives them to hide their sickness.
And come out with it, by letting them have their own dolls to sleep with that are perfectly legal!
This Mom Missed Cuddling With Her Teenage Son So She Knit a Life-Size Version of Him

This Mom created a lifesize knit doll of her son, who was outgrowing cuddling.

Wow. I was going to create lifesize dolls of women figures to make fashionable furnishings,
but this really looks like a personal teddy bear!

Could this solve the problem with predatory teachers who get involved with students?
Just give them a doll to get cozy with, problem solved.

People who aren't into plastic, might find these knit dolls to be more comfortable to sleep with.
Seriously, if pedophiles could find safer ways to connect with their "inner child" this could be
therapeutic and healing. Get rid of the guilt and fear that drives them to hide their sickness.
And come out with it, by letting them have their own dolls to sleep with that are perfectly legal!

I find this both incredibly bizarre and somewhat disturbing.
This Mom Missed Cuddling With Her Teenage Son So She Knit a Life-Size Version of Him

This Mom created a lifesize knit doll of her son, who was outgrowing cuddling.

Wow. I was going to create lifesize dolls of women figures to make fashionable furnishings,
but this really looks like a personal teddy bear!

Could this solve the problem with predatory teachers who get involved with students?
Just give them a doll to get cozy with, problem solved.

People who aren't into plastic, might find these knit dolls to be more comfortable to sleep with.
Seriously, if pedophiles could find safer ways to connect with their "inner child" this could be
therapeutic and healing.
Get rid of the guilt and fear that drives them to hide their sickness.
And come out with it, by letting them have their own dolls to sleep with that are perfectly legal!

"Seriously, if pedophiles could find safer ways to connect with their "inner child" this could be
therapeutic and healing."

I have a better idea regarding paedophiles....just execute the bastards. Problem solved.
This Mom Missed Cuddling With Her Teenage Son So She Knit a Life-Size Version of Him

This Mom created a lifesize knit doll of her son, who was outgrowing cuddling.

Wow. I was going to create lifesize dolls of women figures to make fashionable furnishings,
but this really looks like a personal teddy bear!

Could this solve the problem with predatory teachers who get involved with students?
Just give them a doll to get cozy with, problem solved.

People who aren't into plastic, might find these knit dolls to be more comfortable to sleep with.
Seriously, if pedophiles could find safer ways to connect with their "inner child" this could be
therapeutic and healing.
Get rid of the guilt and fear that drives them to hide their sickness.
And come out with it, by letting them have their own dolls to sleep with that are perfectly legal!

"Seriously, if pedophiles could find safer ways to connect with their "inner child" this could be
therapeutic and healing."

I have a better idea regarding paedophiles....just execute the bastards. Problem solved.

Hi Lucy Hamilton Yes, I found it bizarre to want to cuddle with these dolls.
But standing up as sculptures, they really make nice cultural art statements about the generations
and lifestyles. I thought that part was well done, but no, the cuddling with a teenage size doll, uh...

As for pedophiles, if you compare with leprosy.
Leprosy was never cured by just killing off the lepers.
Using science, all diseases have a cause and a cure unless they escalate too far for too long.
Why not find and cure the cause, so all such cases can be prevented from ever causing harm?

We'd also have more cooperation with reporting and treating potential cases by
developing a cure and quit judging people for coming forward to cure their sickness.

If we just threaten to kill anyone with a disease, they'd hide, their families would cover and lie for them, and that risks more people getting hurt by hiding a dangerous threat instead of treating it early and up front.

Lucy you seem very logical and looking for wiser solutions.
Here are some resources I recommend for formal medical research
and replicated studies to cure not just mental and criminal illness, but
other physical ills as well as relationships by addressing the root causes:

Not just pedophile addictions, but cancer and other diseases have been cured this way.
Schizophrenia and suicidal depression. Unwanted homosexual attractions have been healed.
This deserves study into how these methods work voluntarily, naturally and cost-effectively if not free.
So more people have the choice to get help early instead of suffering in sickness or causing harm to others.

It's more ethical to find and offer the cure for a disease rather than just kill people off for it.
We are living in a sick society.

Meet the 52 Year-Old Father Who Identifies As a 6 Year-Old Girl
Here's more

In an interview with gay news site The Daily Xtra, a 52 year-old Canadian father of seven explains how he now identifies as a 6 year-old girl.
“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children,” Stefonknee Wolscht says. “But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child. I don’t want to be an adult right now.”
“I have a mummy and a daddy– adopted mummy and daddy who are totally comfortable with me being a little girl,” he tells the reporter. “And their children and their grandchildren are totally supportive.”
Wolscht used to be an eight-year-old girl, but later went even younger at the insistence of his adopted sibling. “A year ago I was eight and she was seven. And she said to me, ‘I want you to be the little sister, so I’ll be nine.’ I said, ‘Well, I don’t mind going to six.’ So I’ve been six ever since.”
We are living in a sick society.

Meet the 52 Year-Old Father Who Identifies As a 6 Year-Old Girl
Here's more

In an interview with gay news site The Daily Xtra, a 52 year-old Canadian father of seven explains how he now identifies as a 6 year-old girl.
“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children,” Stefonknee Wolscht says. “But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child. I don’t want to be an adult right now.”
“I have a mummy and a daddy– adopted mummy and daddy who are totally comfortable with me being a little girl,” he tells the reporter. “And their children and their grandchildren are totally supportive.”
Wolscht used to be an eight-year-old girl, but later went even younger at the insistence of his adopted sibling. “A year ago I was eight and she was seven. And she said to me, ‘I want you to be the little sister, so I’ll be nine.’ I said, ‘Well, I don’t mind going to six.’ So I’ve been six ever since.”

I believe its just a threeway sexual relationship of some kind. No biggie.
This Mom Missed Cuddling With Her Teenage Son So She Knit a Life-Size Version of Him

This Mom created a lifesize knit doll of her son, who was outgrowing cuddling.

Wow. I was going to create lifesize dolls of women figures to make fashionable furnishings,
but this really looks like a personal teddy bear!

Could this solve the problem with predatory teachers who get involved with students?
Just give them a doll to get cozy with, problem solved.

People who aren't into plastic, might find these knit dolls to be more comfortable to sleep with.
Seriously, if pedophiles could find safer ways to connect with their "inner child" this could be
therapeutic and healing.
Get rid of the guilt and fear that drives them to hide their sickness.
And come out with it, by letting them have their own dolls to sleep with that are perfectly legal!

"Seriously, if pedophiles could find safer ways to connect with their "inner child" this could be
therapeutic and healing."

I have a better idea regarding paedophiles....just execute the bastards. Problem solved.

Hi Lucy Hamilton Yes, I found it bizarre to want to cuddle with these dolls.
But standing up as sculptures, they really make nice cultural art statements about the generations
and lifestyles. I thought that part was well done, but no, the cuddling with a teenage size doll, uh...

As for pedophiles, if you compare with leprosy.
Leprosy was never cured by just killing off the lepers.
Using science, all diseases have a cause and a cure unless they escalate too far for too long.
Why not find and cure the cause, so all such cases can be prevented from ever causing harm?

We'd also have more cooperation with reporting and treating potential cases by
developing a cure and quit judging people for coming forward to cure their sickness.

If we just threaten to kill anyone with a disease, they'd hide, their families would cover and lie for them, and that risks more people getting hurt by hiding a dangerous threat instead of treating it early and up front.

Lucy you seem very logical and looking for wiser solutions.
Here are some resources I recommend for formal medical research
and replicated studies to cure not just mental and criminal illness, but
other physical ills as well as relationships by addressing the root causes:

Not just pedophile addictions, but cancer and other diseases have been cured this way.
Schizophrenia and suicidal depression. Unwanted homosexual attractions have been healed.
This deserves study into how these methods work voluntarily, naturally and cost-effectively if not free.
So more people have the choice to get help early instead of suffering in sickness or causing harm to others.

It's more ethical to find and offer the cure for a disease rather than just kill people off for it.

With all due respect this is Leftist pathological altruism at it's very extreme.

Regarding paedophiles, I'm sorry, they are THE lowest form of Untermenschen. They are NOT suffering from any problem, they ENJOY what they do....they are the ultimate in wickedness and they and what they do is completely indefensible. The only people who defend them, these are people who also have their evil thoughts, but as yet have not acted on them.

"It's more ethical to find and offer the cure for a disease rather than just kill people off for it."

Yes and the "cure" is a permanent dirtnap.
Last edited:
We are living in a sick society.

Meet the 52 Year-Old Father Who Identifies As a 6 Year-Old Girl
Here's more

In an interview with gay news site The Daily Xtra, a 52 year-old Canadian father of seven explains how he now identifies as a 6 year-old girl.
“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children,” Stefonknee Wolscht says. “But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child. I don’t want to be an adult right now.”
“I have a mummy and a daddy– adopted mummy and daddy who are totally comfortable with me being a little girl,” he tells the reporter. “And their children and their grandchildren are totally supportive.”
Wolscht used to be an eight-year-old girl, but later went even younger at the insistence of his adopted sibling. “A year ago I was eight and she was seven. And she said to me, ‘I want you to be the little sister, so I’ll be nine.’ I said, ‘Well, I don’t mind going to six.’ So I’ve been six ever since.”

He needs dealing with, he needs putting in the nearest booby hatch....society can ill-afford having these lunatics on the loose.
These bizarre predelictions likely have always existed it's just now that people feel free to exhibit them.

They're free to exhibit them thanks to the Cultural Marxism crap and the general lowering of ANY moral standards within Western societies.

All manner of perversions are now considered normal, even freaks who like having sex with animals....the ONLY things that seem to be treated as abnormal these days are Heterosexuals wanting to be Heterosexual and of course Christians.
We are living in a sick society.

Meet the 52 Year-Old Father Who Identifies As a 6 Year-Old Girl
Here's more

In an interview with gay news site The Daily Xtra, a 52 year-old Canadian father of seven explains how he now identifies as a 6 year-old girl.
“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children,” Stefonknee Wolscht says. “But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child. I don’t want to be an adult right now.”
“I have a mummy and a daddy– adopted mummy and daddy who are totally comfortable with me being a little girl,” he tells the reporter. “And their children and their grandchildren are totally supportive.”
Wolscht used to be an eight-year-old girl, but later went even younger at the insistence of his adopted sibling. “A year ago I was eight and she was seven. And she said to me, ‘I want you to be the little sister, so I’ll be nine.’ I said, ‘Well, I don’t mind going to six.’ So I’ve been six ever since.”

He needs dealing with, he needs putting in the nearest booby hatch....society can ill-afford having these lunatics on the loose.

What about the couple that's banging him?
We are living in a sick society.

Meet the 52 Year-Old Father Who Identifies As a 6 Year-Old Girl
Here's more

In an interview with gay news site The Daily Xtra, a 52 year-old Canadian father of seven explains how he now identifies as a 6 year-old girl.
“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children,” Stefonknee Wolscht says. “But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child. I don’t want to be an adult right now.”
“I have a mummy and a daddy– adopted mummy and daddy who are totally comfortable with me being a little girl,” he tells the reporter. “And their children and their grandchildren are totally supportive.”
Wolscht used to be an eight-year-old girl, but later went even younger at the insistence of his adopted sibling. “A year ago I was eight and she was seven. And she said to me, ‘I want you to be the little sister, so I’ll be nine.’ I said, ‘Well, I don’t mind going to six.’ So I’ve been six ever since.”

He needs dealing with, he needs putting in the nearest booby hatch....society can ill-afford having these lunatics on the loose.

What about the couple that's banging him?

Same deal for them.
This Mom Missed Cuddling With Her Teenage Son So She Knit a Life-Size Version of Him

This Mom created a lifesize knit doll of her son, who was outgrowing cuddling.

Wow. I was going to create lifesize dolls of women figures to make fashionable furnishings,
but this really looks like a personal teddy bear!

Could this solve the problem with predatory teachers who get involved with students?
Just give them a doll to get cozy with, problem solved.

People who aren't into plastic, might find these knit dolls to be more comfortable to sleep with.
Seriously, if pedophiles could find safer ways to connect with their "inner child" this could be
therapeutic and healing.
Get rid of the guilt and fear that drives them to hide their sickness.
And come out with it, by letting them have their own dolls to sleep with that are perfectly legal!

"Seriously, if pedophiles could find safer ways to connect with their "inner child" this could be
therapeutic and healing."

I have a better idea regarding paedophiles....just execute the bastards. Problem solved.

Hi Lucy Hamilton Yes, I found it bizarre to want to cuddle with these dolls.
But standing up as sculptures, they really make nice cultural art statements about the generations
and lifestyles. I thought that part was well done, but no, the cuddling with a teenage size doll, uh...

As for pedophiles, if you compare with leprosy.
Leprosy was never cured by just killing off the lepers.
Using science, all diseases have a cause and a cure unless they escalate too far for too long.
Why not find and cure the cause, so all such cases can be prevented from ever causing harm?

We'd also have more cooperation with reporting and treating potential cases by
developing a cure and quit judging people for coming forward to cure their sickness.

If we just threaten to kill anyone with a disease, they'd hide, their families would cover and lie for them, and that risks more people getting hurt by hiding a dangerous threat instead of treating it early and up front.

Lucy you seem very logical and looking for wiser solutions.
Here are some resources I recommend for formal medical research
and replicated studies to cure not just mental and criminal illness, but
other physical ills as well as relationships by addressing the root causes:

Not just pedophile addictions, but cancer and other diseases have been cured this way.
Schizophrenia and suicidal depression. Unwanted homosexual attractions have been healed.
This deserves study into how these methods work voluntarily, naturally and cost-effectively if not free.
So more people have the choice to get help early instead of suffering in sickness or causing harm to others.

It's more ethical to find and offer the cure for a disease rather than just kill people off for it.

With all due respect this is Leftist pathological altruism at it's very extreme.

Regarding paedophiles, I'm sorry, they are THE lowest form of Untermenschen. They are NOT suffering from any problem, they ENJOY what they do....they are the ultimate in wickedness and they and what they do is completely indefensible. The only people who defend them, these are people who also have their evil thoughts, but as yet have no acted on them.

"It's more ethical to find and offer the cure for a disease rather than just kill people off for it."

Yes and the "cure" is a permanent dirtnap.

Hi Lucy Hamilton I'll challenge you on that.
I will defend the point that pedophilia or other criminal stalking predatory and obsession addictions
are a mental illness, usually caused by a spiritual viral type of infestation,
and that these conditions can be identified, contained and treated.

From the experience of spiritual healers I know who have had various degrees of success or failure,
1. the earlier these infestations are removed, the greater chance of the person recovering their natural personalities. The longer they live with these demonic evils taking over their minds, the damage can be so great it cannot be reversed. In Scott Peck's book "Glimpses of the Devil" he changed his mind about this process when he saw two patients respond to it who were incureable schizophrenics with demonic behavior, outbursts, and rejection unable to comply with treatment until after the "demonic personalities" were removed. One patient fully recovered, and went into studying science or medicine; the other had such deeply inflicted damage and disease from lifelong self-abuse that she died of later complications of these other conditions.

2. the pedophile addictions have the most difficult relapse rate to the point of being incureable.
So mild cases may take 25 years to overcome as one person reported using spiritual therapy.

3. If people cannot be cured, they can usually get to the state of KNOWING when they are safe or at risk
and need supervision. IE if they are healed mentally but not physically and still have the cravings, but their minds are fully understanding the situation, they will ask to stay in detention because they KNOW they are not safe to be around other people. Alcoholics can do this -- can know when they cannot be around drinking because they know they will still relapse. Anorexics also know they can be retriggered and aren't fully cured.
But they can be healed enough to regain control to tell when they are in danger and go get help right away.

4. the true test of cure is that these people will want to help others, they are aware they have hurt killed or damaged other people and understand the depth. They will also NOT want to impose or scare people but will agree to remain detained because they become sensitive to the people they hurt and affect by their sickness.

If someone still has the criminal sickness trying to get to victims, they will manipulate, deny and lie.
The truly cured people become HUMBLED transparent open and honest and compliant with authority.
They accept they will remain locked up for life, and don't try to fight or cause problems.

The people who are still sick will keep trying to fight, to get out of things, to get their way, etc.
The spiritual healing practitioners who diagnose the sick conditions are able to discern when there are still unresolved conditions the person is still denying and not forgiving so they aren't fully healed yet.

I want to see medical science and technology develop ways to detect the difference in these conditions,
similar to testing for which stage of cancer, how far it is progressing relapsing or in remission,
if it is malignant or benign, etc. If we can distinguish levels of cancer or diabetes, why not the levels
of criminal illness from being aware and wanting to cure it and work with authorities
to being in denial and endangering others because the sickness is still latent.
We are living in a sick society.

Meet the 52 Year-Old Father Who Identifies As a 6 Year-Old Girl
Here's more

In an interview with gay news site The Daily Xtra, a 52 year-old Canadian father of seven explains how he now identifies as a 6 year-old girl.
“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children,” Stefonknee Wolscht says. “But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child. I don’t want to be an adult right now.”
“I have a mummy and a daddy– adopted mummy and daddy who are totally comfortable with me being a little girl,” he tells the reporter. “And their children and their grandchildren are totally supportive.”
Wolscht used to be an eight-year-old girl, but later went even younger at the insistence of his adopted sibling. “A year ago I was eight and she was seven. And she said to me, ‘I want you to be the little sister, so I’ll be nine.’ I said, ‘Well, I don’t mind going to six.’ So I’ve been six ever since.”

I believe its just a threeway sexual relationship of some kind. No biggie.

Okay so another alternative to pedophilia? Find a 52 year old man willing to play the little girl so it's legal?
Is there a website for people like this to find each other?
Certainly better than Japanese sites for people to hook up for suicide pacts.
At least these people are looking for ways to live happy, not die.
We are living in a sick society.

Meet the 52 Year-Old Father Who Identifies As a 6 Year-Old Girl
Here's more

In an interview with gay news site The Daily Xtra, a 52 year-old Canadian father of seven explains how he now identifies as a 6 year-old girl.
“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children,” Stefonknee Wolscht says. “But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child. I don’t want to be an adult right now.”
“I have a mummy and a daddy– adopted mummy and daddy who are totally comfortable with me being a little girl,” he tells the reporter. “And their children and their grandchildren are totally supportive.”
Wolscht used to be an eight-year-old girl, but later went even younger at the insistence of his adopted sibling. “A year ago I was eight and she was seven. And she said to me, ‘I want you to be the little sister, so I’ll be nine.’ I said, ‘Well, I don’t mind going to six.’ So I’ve been six ever since.”

I believe its just a threeway sexual relationship of some kind. No biggie.

Okay so another alternative to pedophilia? Find a 52 year old man willing to play the little girl so it's legal?
Is there a website for people like this to find each other?
Certainly better than Japanese sites for people to hook up for suicide pacts.
At least these people are looking for ways to live happy, not die.

A lot of people want to die in modern society. At least the Japs have a way of doing it quickly.

As for these three people, they are consenting adults. I dont know why they went public with it, but I can only assume some neo-stasi put them up to it.

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