Survey: Do Any Leftards Actually Think Russia Had Any Impact on The Presidential Election?

Geaux, the other thing just as troubling as Crooked Hillary's attack on our democracy is Crazy Bernie did nothing about it! Was he in on the fix from day one and or is he an obedient Swamp Rat is the question.

Just curious. I am not going to LOL or ban you, or treat you like a retarded idiot. I would rather try to see if you are a high school grad and then try to help you deal with reality.

They attempted to, and if the Trump campaign cooperated with them, there's your crime.

Geaux, the other thing just as troubling as Crooked Hillary's attack on our democracy is Crazy Bernie did nothing about it! Was he in on the fix from day one and or is he an obedient Swamp Rat is the question.

Bernie, like most socialist, liberal progressives et al, are tow the party line straight up. After Hillary and her team attacked Bernie for being a Jew, it was clear they were desperate. With that card being dealt, Bernie took flight vice fight for fear of not wanting to go by the way of Vince Foster.

mamooth, what is your theory as to what the weaponized Butthurt Barry/Crooked Hillary-supporting, Donald-hating, anti-American, FBI agents' meant as to what the "insurance policy" was in case The Donald got legally elected by the American people? :confused-84:

oreo, Russia did not hack the DNC, but even if they did, they exposed massive corruption. Are you saying you like corruption, hate freedom of speech and prefer being played by a rigged system than knowing the truth? Second, as I already indicated Facebook and Twitter said they basically got no revenue from Russia and some was pro-Crooked Hillary content. :p And third, oreo, you are too obvious sometimes. Folks, as you many of you know, one the weaponized Butthurt Barry/Crooked Hillary-supporting, Donald-hating, anti-American, FBI agents' said she was going to read All The President's Men to be more comfortable with the "insurance policy!" :mad-61:

FAKE NEWS is CNN and MSNBC, get over it already!

4 Federal Grand Jury criminal indictments and 2 guilty plea's, with more certain to come is not FAKE news. Your response to post # 37 on this thread is without a doubt the most ignorant response to any I have seen on this board--of which I have been on since 2008 with well over 16K posts myself. FACEBOOK, TWITTER & GOOGLE have testified in congress about all the Russian bought adds on their sites. The CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland security along with several other intelligence agencies have also testified in congress that Russia did hack into DNC databases.

FAKE NEWS is coming from FOX NEWS, your right wing websites, and right wing talk show hosts. They aren't reporting the news, they're doing everything they can to deflect it, or simply do not report it. They will fabricate conspiracies to do that. They promoted Trump throughout the primaries, and when he goes down, and he will, they go down with him. They know they own it.

When Cheeseburgers become more important than 3 Federal Grand Jury indictments and 1 guilty plea--it's obvious what they're trying to do.

FOX NEWS has turned into the conspiracy network, especially Sean Hannity who is Trump's political adviser and top physco-babble interpreter. After the cheeseburger episode--several Fox employees threatened to quit.

along with these right wing talk show hosts, some who are now running like a bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship.


Donald Trump is the result of people like you insisting on living in a right wing media bubble for the last 2 decades. A great article on how you have been manipulated into believing that all other media outlets are FAKE news is right here.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

"As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump cues or 'Trump is at least acceptable’ signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Michael Flynn, Rudi Guiliani, Bill O'Reilly, Jeff Sessions, Sarah Palin, Ben Carson, Chris Christie,, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed

MSNBC & CNN are now rated 1 & 2. Rachel Maddow is the top watched cable show today as she has been reporting every detail coming out of these investigations since their onset with credible verifiable linked sources and video's. While FOX NEWS viewers are leaving in wagon trains.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast

For those of you that are interested in catching up on the russian investigation now, scroll back to post # 37 on this thread, click on the links provided, and you can actually watch Shep Smith & Chris Wallace videos, along with MSNBC--and read credible trusted--verifiable links.
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Has the Republican party officially accepted Russia as one of their allies as yet? Seems to be getting close to a done-deal.
It was liberals that made me vote for Trump, not Russia. It was the liberal vermin's national baby-tantrum violence epidemic, spewing hatred at all things white, American or freedom-of-speech. It was the liberals' psychopathic dehumanization of the white working class that made me vote for Trump. It was the liberals PC-psychotic glorification of the worst elements of minorities and the 3rd world that made me vote for Trump. It was their screaming, fanatical 8-year cocksucking of an ideology of pure hatred, Islam that made me vote for Trump. It was their slobbering, worshipping obsession with the extremely rare mental condition of gender dysphoria that made me vote for Trump. It was liberal maggots' casual acceptance of inflicting violence on or destroying that lives of anyone who disagreed with them that made me vote for Trump.

Of course I don't expect for a second that liberal cancer-deservers to agree with or understand this because their Islam-poisoned, gangrenous brains are incapable of taking responsibility for anything; just like muslim subhuman, extermination-bait feces, everything is someone else's fault and they're the poor little victims every time. Never have I seen so many different flavors of malicious EVIL concentrated into one group of people - and that statement applies to both muslim sewage and their liberal $2 cocksuckers.
Yes, Russia influenced the election just like we did in the Ukraine and Israel to name a few. Countries have been doing it for decades.

The difference with Russia though is they are more patient and did not care who won this election, their only goal was to undermine our faith in the system. Once people lose faith in the system that gives us our leaders manipulation of who wins becomes much easier. This is something Russia has done in a number of countries.
Which means we are playing right into their hands.
There are no Russians
There never have been (except for Hillary)
We are now moving out of the tantrum "Russians" and onto "Women". After that it will be "Money". This is the buzzing fly swarm that the Libbies promised essentially stemming from the fact that they do not know how to compete and are governed by feelings
Has the Republican party officially accepted Russia as one of their allies as yet? Seems to be getting close to a done-deal.

They must have--or at least Sean Hannity has. Truthfully, I doubt if a Trump supporter would care if Vladimir Putin moved his desk into the Oval Office---:badgrin:

Sean Hannity has been going crazy Ivan with his conspiracies, actually promoting Jullian Assange,wiki-leaks founder, a well known intelligence enemy of this nation, who has been hole'd up in the Ecuador embassy in London for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush--basically putting a target on every American soldiers back. Who recently leaked 1000's of CIA documents, informing terrorists on the tactics used to catch them. Who told Hannity it wasn't the Russians that gave him those emails to leak. Then Hannity concocted a completely fabricated story around the death of a DNC staffer Seth Rich, with White House oversight which is why FOX NEWS is now the object of a FEDERAL investigation & law suit over it.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics

So Hannity recently came up with his Dossier--Uranium One conspiracy, that was completely debunked by Shep Smith, and MSNBC.

This poor RNC representative had to put a bag over her head and be lead out the back door after this interview--:badgrin:


I truly feel sorry for investigative reporters on FOX who are trying to report the news like Shep Smith and Chris Wallace. They are being overwhelmed by the political soap box operas that line FOX news. Hannity is sponsor to the FIVE and obviously FOX & FRIENDS. He might as well own this network. They have the credibility of a tabloid magazine anymore.

Now they're trying to discredit Robert Mueller over any horse shit they n dig up.:dig:
Fox News hosts' outrage against Mueller hits the wrong target (Opinion) - CNN
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Your response to post # 37 on this thread is without a doubt the most ignorant response to any I have seen on this board--of which I have been on since 2008 with well over 16K posts myself. FACEBOOK, TWITTER & GOOGLE have testified in congress about all the Russian bought adds on their sites.

Damnit, did you watch the charade in which the witch hunters asked Facebook, Twitter and the transgender from Google about the percentage of "bots," fake accounts, etc.? They said less than 5% and the ads or content were "divisive" which means mostly democrat supporting! And if there was something that seemed to target the general stupidity of democrats, it would be flooded with retweets or whatever of democrats attacking it! To top it off, we know the CIA has software to make accounts appear to come from where ever they chose. Either way, free speech should no be encroached upon in my country! I mean, we would have to close most public schools if teachers were not allowed to present false info! :p

If you are interested in the facts, watch the testimony of the CIOs instead of perusing Fake News like the NYTimes, WaPo, HufPot, MSNBC, CNN, and homosexual Shep Smith with their fake interpretation of it!

The CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland security along with several other intelligence agencies have also testified in congress that Russia did hack into DNC databases.

That is Fake News!

The fact is 4 individuals from the "intelligence community" started that false rumor. And we know how honest they are with their "insurance policy" to attack our democracy with their weaponized and all. :p
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There's no question that russia had a brainwashing campaign and such methods in the past have shown to be successful in shaping public opinion...

It isn't just America but Britain, Germany and many others Russia has done this shit in recent history.

We know there has been hundreds of troll farm accounts as google, twitter and facebook all have went before congress to prove. How the hell can you insult liberals for what is reality?

Did you seriously just claim that Russia "brainwashed" Americans in this last election? That's about as stupid as it gets, SR and god knows you've posted some stupid stuff here!
There's no question that russia had a brainwashing campaign and such methods in the past have shown to be successful in shaping public opinion...

It isn't just America but Britain, Germany and many others Russia has done this shit in recent history.

We know there has been hundreds of troll farm accounts as google, twitter and facebook all have went before congress to prove. How the hell can you insult liberals for what is reality?
Gee golly, I have not heard any Russians trying to shape my opinion. WTH are you talking about?

Edit: Wait never mind, I see who it is.
Your response to post # 37 on this thread is without a doubt the most ignorant response to any I have seen on this board--of which I have been on since 2008 with well over 16K posts myself. FACEBOOK, TWITTER & GOOGLE have testified in congress about all the Russian bought adds on their sites.

Damnit, did you watch the charade in which the witch hunters asked Facebook, Twitter and the transgender from Google about the percentage of "bots," fake accounts, etc.? They said less than 5% and the ads or content were "divisive" which means mostly democrat supporting! And if there was something that seemed to target the general stupidity of democrats, it would be flooded with retweets or whatever of democrats attacking it! To top it off, we know the CIA has software to make accounts appear to come from where ever they chose. Either way, free speech should no be encroached upon in my country! I mean, we would have to close most public schools if teachers were not allowed to present false info! :p

If you are interested in the facts, watch the testimony of the CIOs instead of perusing Fake News like the NYTimes, WaPo, HufPot, MSNBC, CNN, and homosexual Shep Smith with their fake interpretation of it!

The CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland security along with several other intelligence agencies have also testified in congress that Russia did hack into DNC databases.

That is Fake News!

The fact is 4 individuals from the "intelligence community" started that false rumor. And we know how honest they are with their "insurance policy" to attack our democracy with their weaponized and all. :p

Dumbass 5% of adds on FACEBOOK amounts to 1000's of ads. You were on here before denying that any adds were put on FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND GOOGLE.


Facebook will inform lawmakers this week that roughly 126 million Americans may have been exposed to content generated on its platform by the Russian government-linked troll farm known as the Internet Research Agency between June 2015 and August 2017, CNN has learned.

That estimate, which is equivalent to more than half of the total U.S. voting population, offers a new understanding of the scope of Russia's use of social media to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and in American society generally.

In written testimony to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, a copy of which was obtained by CNN, Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch says that 29 million people were served content directly from the Internet Research Agency, and that after sharing among users is accounted for, a total of "approximately 126 million people" may have seen it.

Facebook does not know, however, how many of those 126 million people actually saw one of those posts, or how many may have scrolled past it or simply not logged in on the day that one of the posts was being served in their News Feed."
Facebook estimates 126 million people were served content from Russia-linked pages
Yes, Russia influenced the election just like we did in the Ukraine and Israel to name a few. Countries have been doing it for decades.

The difference with Russia though is they are more patient and did not care who won this election, their only goal was to undermine our faith in the system. Once people lose faith in the system that gives us our leaders manipulation of who wins becomes much easier. This is something Russia has done in a number of countries.
Which means we are playing right into their hands.

Yes, but as divided as we are as a country we are ripe for such things.
Dumbass 5% of adds on FACEBOOK amounts to 1000's of ads. You were on here before denying that any adds were put on FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND GOOGLE.

DID YOU WATCH THE VIDEO? Less than 5% was total content of "bots" (which could be from anywhere from anyone for any reason) not just political ads which often favored Crooked Hillary!
The first time I heard of brainwashing was during the Korean War and it was done to our prisoners of war. The officer in charge of studying brainwashing, and I forget his name, said that the more education one had, the easier to resist. On these boards, I wonder who believes some of this stuff?

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