Survey: Who Or What Will Obama Blame Hiroshima On When He Goes There?

More right wing bullshit propaganda . Ask a righty to give you an "apology tour" quote . They wont/can't do it .

Lies make baby Jesus cry .

We know, Hillary keeps them busy covering hers

More right wing bullshit propaganda . Ask a righty to give you an "apology tour" quote . They wont/can't do it .

Lies make baby Jesus cry .

We know, Hillary keeps them busy covering hers


Like what ? How about an example ?

Thanks for showing the desire to educate yourself


Hillary Clinton’s Top 10 Lies & Exaggerations
Secretary Clinton’s claim that she tried to join the Marines in the 1970s is coming under fresh scrutiny from the media. As Chris Cillizza highlighted yesterday “this isn’t the first time that Clinton might have been caught exaggerating the details of her past life.” Far from it. While her campaign tries to prevent the Marine recruitment story from joining the all-time ranks of Clinton’s lies and exaggerations, here’s a refresher on the top ten lies and exaggerations of Secretary Clinton’s career in politics.

Clinton Claim 1: During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Clinton claimed she landed in Bosnia “under sniper fire”during the 1990s.

The Facts: Videos uncovered of then-First Lady Clinton’s arrival in Bosnia showed “a calm scene without any obvious danger”.

Clinton Claim 2: In an interview, Clinton stated that she “came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt”.

The Facts: PolitiFact rated Hillary Clinton’s claim “Mostly False” that she was “dead broke” when she left the White House.

Clinton Claim 3: Secretary Clinton claimed her e-mail server set up was in “accordance with the rules and the regulations in effect.”

The Facts: Federal Judge: Hillary Clinton “violated government policy” when she used a private server to store official State Department messages.

Clinton Claim 4: When talking about immigrant stories, Clinton asserted that “all my grandparents… came over here.”

The Facts: PolitiFact says it’s “very clear” that Clinton’s claim is “False.” In truth, only one of Clinton’s grandparents immigrated to America.

Hillary Clinton's Top 10 Lies & Exaggerations - America Rising
Let's address the dead broke thing . Wasnt that true ? They had huge legal fee debt on their way out . Now it's true they had great earning potential , but they couldn't cash in until Bill was out of office .

By the way. How about we get full quotes in context . Not cherry picked snippets . That's intellectually dishonest .
Let's address the dead broke thing . Wasnt that true ? They had huge legal fee debt on their way out . Now it's true they had great earning potential , but they couldn't cash in until Bill was out of office .

By the way. How about we get full quotes in context . Not cherry picked snippets . That's intellectually dishonest .

No, you asked for examples. I gave you links to search the context you seek. Knowledge is a powerful thing you know

Let's address the dead broke thing . Wasnt that true ? They had huge legal fee debt on their way out . Now it's true they had great earning potential , but they couldn't cash in until Bill was out of office .

By the way. How about we get full quotes in context . Not cherry picked snippets . That's intellectually dishonest .

No, you asked for examples. I gave you links to search the context you seek. Knowledge is a powerful thing you know


Fine . Let's take the email thing . Say she was mistaken and thought the whole thing was kosher . That doesbt make it a lie .
Let's address the dead broke thing . Wasnt that true ? They had huge legal fee debt on their way out . Now it's true they had great earning potential , but they couldn't cash in until Bill was out of office .

By the way. How about we get full quotes in context . Not cherry picked snippets . That's intellectually dishonest .

No, you asked for examples. I gave you links to search the context you seek. Knowledge is a powerful thing you know


Fine . Let's take the email thing . Say she was mistaken and thought the whole thing was kosher . That doesbt make it a lie .

Like what? You mean, setting up a personal server to avoid the oversight and security protocol? Ignorance is no excuse when protecting classified information. She indeed deserves some form of formal discipline handed down. Did you see where a US Navy Commander was fired (forced out) just because he was the leader of the 12 sailors that were held up in Iran?

:blowup: :Boom2: :FIREdevil: So will Obama even remind the Japanese what happened prior to the Hiroshima bombing? Will he blame all white people on the bomb that took out Hiroshima? Maybe the U.S. bombing Hiroshima was evidence that we were a racist nation even back then? Or maybe he will blame it on the Bush's, Reagan's and the Trump family.
What do you guys think he will say when he makes that speech?
:poke: :smoke: :thanks:
I know that is part of the masturbation fantasy your circle jerk buddies would prefer, but actually Obama has a very low bar to hurdle. All he has to do is not puke on the Prime Minister.

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