Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

You're truly fucking insane, :cuckoo:

You idiotically claim her job is dealing with foreign issues only, nothing domestic; I point out what a retard you are as her job does in fact include domestic issues as well as foreign, and your defective brain thinks I'm agreeing with you.

Then to defend your imbecilic nonsense, you post how the CIA cannot handle domestic issues; only she's not in the CIA.

Seriously..., what the fuck is wrong with you?

There are millions who, like battered spouses, will defend comrade Trump to the end. A fake populist like comrade Trump becoming president wasn’t as surprising as it was inevitable. This is what happens when a country’s electorate are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

Henry Rollins: Make America Filthy, Hungry, Broke and Stupid Again
Just like everything else in the U.S. government - you clearly had no idea. As "National Security Advisor", Susan Rice was part of the intelligence community and strictly forbidden by law from operating domestically. That is the responsibility of the F.B.I., stupid. You never have a clue what you're talking about but that doesn't stop you from talking for some reason.

Didn't Bush's patriot act change all that? The tearing down of "the wall" between intelligence agencies, and allow the CIA to share information with the FBI?

Just askin'
  • Maureen A. Baginski
  • Executive Assistant Director-Intelligence
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security House Committee on the Judiciary
  • Washington, DC
  • April 19, 2005

Good morning Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee. I am pleased to be here today with Barry Sabin, Chief of the Counterterrorism Section, Department of Justice Criminal Division to talk with you about the ways in which the USA Patriot Act has assisted the FBI with its information-sharing efforts. I will address the overall benefits of the information sharing provisions of the Act, including: the relevant amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; Section 203(b), which authorizes the sharing of foreign intelligence information obtained in a Title III electronic surveillance with other federal officials, including intelligence officers, DHS/DOD/ICE officials, and national security officials; and Section 203(d), which specifically authorizes the sharing of foreign intelligence information collected in a criminal investigation with intelligence officials.

It is important to place the information sharing provisions of the USA Patriot Act in the context of subsequent Congressional action formalizing the FBI Intelligence Directorate in 2004. The Statement of Managers accompanying the Conference Report on H.R. 4818, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 (House of Representatives--November 19, 2004), states:
Just like everything else in the U.S. government - you clearly had no idea. As "National Security Advisor", Susan Rice was part of the intelligence community and strictly forbidden by law from operating domestically. That is the responsibility of the F.B.I., stupid. You never have a clue what you're talking about but that doesn't stop you from talking for some reason.

Didn't Bush's patriot act change all that? The tearing down of "the wall" between intelligence agencies, and allow the CIA to share information with the FBI?

Just askin'
They could always share information. But domestic responsibility falls to the F.B.I.
so many tangled webs to catch dishonest guys like flynn and sessions in...

guys who thought they were above the law...

all in due time........... :eusa_clap:
And...uh....what exactly did Michael Flynn and Attorney General Jeff Sessions do? :uhh:

Again--we see a person on this thread--that hasn't been paying attention--or is glued to Sean Hannity--the Trump fairy godfather program, and or is listening to Reich wing talk show hosts that are desperate to deflect attention.--(As it is they, that lead you to Trump.) The ones that continually praised and promoted him--that know they're culpable of destroying the entire Republican Party. For nothing more than ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

Michael Flynn lied under oath to the FBI which is a FELONY and is why he is asking for immunity from prosecution to testify. Of course when you were chanting "lock her up"--Flynn was stating anyone who is getting immunity is guilty of something. Flynn also didn't disclose until late and after he had gone to daily national security briefings that he is a paid lobbyist for Turkey--receiving 530,000.00 for his services.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -


Jeff Sessions also lied under oath. While most believe it was not intentional--and or he misunderstood the question, what they don't know is that Sessions filled out a questionaire for the confirmation hearing and checked a box that stated he had no contact with any Russians and signed it.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two contacts with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak during the presidential campaign, Justice Department officials confirmed. The Washington Post first reported the meetings Wednesday. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Sessions then had to recuse himself from the Russian investigation, and is refusing to go back to congress under oath and answer more questions.
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations -


You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump and company. They're going to play this one out all the way to hell and back.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and lies when they take over in 2018. At that time you'll also get a good review of what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution really means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

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They could always share information. But domestic responsibility falls to the F.B.I.

Nope !!! Not before the patriot act. Ronald Reagan put in place where foreign intelligence couldn't be shared with law enforcement like the FBI. The patriot act changed all that.
Michael Flynn lied under oath to the FBI
Bwahahahahaha!!! One is not "under oath" when being interviewed by the F.B.I. :lmao:

You're literally just making shit up in a desperate attempt to create a "crime". It is not illegal to meet with Russian officials and one is not "under oath" when being interviewed by the F.B.I.
They could always share information. But domestic responsibility falls to the F.B.I.

Nope !!! Not before the patriot act. Ronald Reagan put in place where foreign intelligence couldn't be shared with law enforcement like the FBI. The patriot act changed all that.
That's simply not true. If the intelligence community received credible information regarding an attack - they would turn it over to the F.B.I.
Take, for instance, a piece of information that was shared but not acted upon. In 1998, congressional investigators discovered, the CIA told the FBI that a group of Arab terrorists was planning to fly a plane filled with explosives into the World Trade Center.

Why the FBI and CIA don't cooperate, and why they shouldn't.
So committing a felony was within her authority?

Lock her up!

What felony?

You already know why. Stop playing dumb! You are just too good at it!

I don't. Do you?

Then you are an idiot that should not be commenting on something you admit you know nothing about.

What have you shown?

I have not shown anything. The facts are that she unmasked a US citizen and spread that information, which is a felony.
So committing a felony was within her authority?

Lock her up!
What felony?

Wow! Another liberal know-nothing idiot commenting on a topic they know nothing about!

How typical!

So how long has it been since your traumatic brain injury?
I know plenty about it....much more than you, obviously.....

Stay away from your beloved right wing media for a change, and you would know more and cease being a pawn.

That's funny! I get all of my info from reading links on this message board that libs post, but could not understand when they read them simply because their reading comprehension sucks ass.
You get nothing, ever.

So all of the lib links are lies?

What does that say about you?
Mudwhistle, there is something seriously WRONG with all of the Trump campaign and Putin/Russian connections, and I don't know what for certain, but the investigators in the press are getting closer and closer to unveiling the truth, little by little....

1. There ARE no 'Russia-Trump' 'connections'. There is NO COLLUSION. As pointed out, the FBI just stated that AGAIN. No Evidence. None. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada.

2. Snowflakes are dragging the country around on this SNIPE HUNT while attempting to distract from the FACT that Bill Clinton, Hillary's Campaign Manager, and her Campaign Manager's brother were working for / taking money / stocks from, and were connected to Ex-KGB, the Russian Govt / the Kremlin, the Russian Spy Agency, and PUTIN!

Why is it that Snowflakes refuse to come out and state the FACT: "There is something wrong HERE - with THAT"?!

3. 'The (Fake News / All-In) PRESS is getting closer and closer'
- TRANSLATION: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE SNOWFLAKE CLAIMS....but there IS evidence proving the Obama administration holdover committed FELONY ESPIONAGE!
I'm pretty sure that the Russian people never tried to interfere in American elections. However I AM pretty sure the Russian admin, in the form of Vlad Putin, did. And I am pretty sure it wasn't done to Make America Great Again even though that phrase will forever be tied to Russian interference and how effective their fake news has been in convincing Americans to choose chaos and childish temperament over sound judgement.
Sound judgement? Who offered that?
Turns out that Trump was 100% on the money when he said the Obama administration was spying on him. And the idiots who claimed he was lying look like...well...



Maybe he should not of been involved with the Russians.


Tucker Carlson just interviewed 5 democrats and not one of them could produce even a single shred of evidence..

Please do tell.. They were congress critters with access as well. But nothing..

Nice link! Someone NOT in government trashing Trump. Why didn't you testify?
I have not shown anything. The facts are that she unmasked a US citizen and spread that information, which is a felony.

Please seperate those two sentences. Because unmasking is only a violation of the rules Holder placed on the information, as approved by the FISA court. While spreading any classified information, except to those authorizeed to recieve it, is the only felony involved.
I have not shown anything. The facts are that she unmasked a US citizen and spread that information, which is a felony.

Please seperate those two sentences. Because unmasking is only a violation of the rules Holder placed on the information, as approved by the FISA court. While spreading any classified information, except to those authorizeed to recieve it, is the only felony involved.

Learn to read, you liberal airhead!
What felony?

You already know why. Stop playing dumb! You are just too good at it!

I don't. Do you?

Then you are an idiot that should not be commenting on something you admit you know nothing about.

What have you shown?

I have not shown anything. The facts are that she unmasked a US citizen and spread that information, which is a felony.
Your and right winger's LIE, is that she DID NOT SPREAD the information Admiral, that part is FAKE NEWS.
You already know why. Stop playing dumb! You are just too good at it!

I don't. Do you?

Then you are an idiot that should not be commenting on something you admit you know nothing about.

What have you shown?

I have not shown anything. The facts are that she unmasked a US citizen and spread that information, which is a felony.
Your and right winger's LIE, is that she DID NOT SPREAD the information Admiral, that part is FAKE NEWS.

Then why did RICE admit that she did it, and defend it?

Someone lies, but I think it's you fascists.
You already know why. Stop playing dumb! You are just too good at it!

I don't. Do you?

Then you are an idiot that should not be commenting on something you admit you know nothing about.

What have you shown?

I have not shown anything. The facts are that she unmasked a US citizen and spread that information, which is a felony.
Your and right winger's LIE, is that she DID NOT SPREAD the information Admiral, that part is FAKE NEWS.

It's another conspiracy theory--that Right wing talk shows hosts have produced. In their effort to only deflect attention away from Trump and themselves who sold Trump to their audiences.

They conveniently forget that Obama ordered this investigation to be done BEFORE he left office. It was. Obama has preserved intelligence and according to FOX NEWS a lot of it is damming evidence. Meaning he was not going to turn it over to this administration or anyone with an R behind their name.

"In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.

The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

So Obama waits patiently until one of them lies under oath --(Flynn/Sessions) and out pops another leak proving they were lying. This while the Trump administration is frantically looking for who is leaking all this information--it's been Obama all along. A former President cannot be blamed for this easily. We saw the uproar over Trump's tweety that Obama had wiretapped the tower. So the next easiest target is Susan Rice. If they were going to blame Obama for it, someone is going to dam well tell them to prove it.

It's laughable--Mr. Talent on Loan from Gawwwwdddd--was actually stating that intelligence agencies had uploaded their information to Hillary Clinton's server--and it was she that outed Michael Flynn. He knows it's Obama but saw the outrage and wrath, so he had to come up with another conspiracy to blame his favorite target Hillary Clinton. What a COWARD.


Trump and company have been wholly outfoxed by Barack Obama.

For decades we have had a section of the population that has insisted on living in a Reich wing media bubble--who are spoon fed 3 or more daily hours of reich wing hypebole, half truths, and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. All designed to enrage them, to keep them tuned it. And all for nothing more than ratings and those obscene profit breaks.
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Turns out that Trump was 100% on the money when he said the Obama administration was spying on him. And the idiots who claimed he was lying look like...well...



Maybe he should not of been involved with the Russians.


Tucker Carlson just interviewed 5 democrats and not one of them could produce even a single shred of evidence..

Please do tell.. They were congress critters with access as well. But nothing..

Nice link! Someone NOT in government trashing Trump. Why didn't you testify?

ahhhh, poor baby.....the truth hurts huh?

Washington (CNN)The Senate Intelligence Committee heard Thursday from a counter-terrorism expert who described a sophisticated Russian propaganda machine that specifically sought to bolster and influence President Donald Trump.

So who is Clint Watts?
Watts, who testified on a panel of experts as part of the committee's ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the US election, has a military and intelligence background, largely in counter-terrorism.

Watts came to studying Russian cyber meddling almost by chance, when he noticed a pattern of social media trolls attacking him online for a 2014 article he wrote about Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He and two social media analyst colleagues began studying the patterns and suspicious pro-Russia petitions, leading them to study the Russian social media propaganda machine.

Watts has been a fellow on national security and the Middle East at the Foreign Policy Research Institute since 2011, and is a senior fellow at the Center For Cyber and Homeland Security at The George Washington University.

Who is Clint Watts -

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