Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

if there's no evidence, then the FBI will end their investigation eventually and nothing will happen to Trump. You do realize, however, that the FBI has more information on this than you or I, right? So we don't actually know if there's evidence at this point or not.

The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump. They will fuck around for several months and then repeat vague bullshit about Russia trolling facebook and twitter.
The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump.

Nope Comey testified a little over a week ago, that the Trump intercircle has been under investigation since last July 2016--and they are looking for collusion between Putin--Trump and his surrogates.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the agency is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee created a treacherous political moment for Mr. Trump, who has insisted that “Russia is fake news” that was cooked up by his political opponents to undermine his presidency. Mr. Comey placed a criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House and said officers would pursue it “no matter how long that takes.”
James Comey confirms the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's associates for ties to Russia
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
Comey confirms FBI investigating links between Russia, Trump associates

"FBI Director James Comey said for the first time Monday that the bureau is investigating whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow while Russia was interfering in the presidential election.

Comey also delivered an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump, saying that he had "no information" to support claims by the President that he was wiretapped on the orders of predecessor Barack Obama."
FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence -

You probably should change the source of where you're getting your information, if you didn't know this already--as everyone else knows it.

You know it's one thing to be stupid about something. It's quite another thing when you're insisting on remaining stupid.


Why don't you try actually quoting Come rather than some douche bag leftwing political hacks?

If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.


Soros overpays you, even if he only gives you Scooby Snacks as compensation.
Turns out that Trump was 100% on the money when he said the Obama administration was spying on him. And the idiots who claimed he was lying look like...well...



Maybe he should not of been involved with the Russians.


Tucker Carlson just interviewed 5 democrats and not one of them could produce even a single shred of evidence..

Please do tell.. They were congress critters with access as well. But nothing..

Nice link! Someone NOT in government trashing Trump. Why didn't you testify?

ahhhh, poor baby.....the truth hurts huh?

Washington (CNN)The Senate Intelligence Committee heard Thursday from a counter-terrorism expert who described a sophisticated Russian propaganda machine that specifically sought to bolster and influence President Donald Trump.

So who is Clint Watts?
Watts, who testified on a panel of experts as part of the committee's ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the US election, has a military and intelligence background, largely in counter-terrorism.

Watts came to studying Russian cyber meddling almost by chance, when he noticed a pattern of social media trolls attacking him online for a 2014 article he wrote about Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He and two social media analyst colleagues began studying the patterns and suspicious pro-Russia petitions, leading them to study the Russian social media propaganda machine.

Watts has been a fellow on national security and the Middle East at the Foreign Policy Research Institute since 2011, and is a senior fellow at the Center For Cyber and Homeland Security at The George Washington University.

Who is Clint Watts -

Let me 'splain something to you! Anyone who is NOT a part of the military or government must have a security clearance and need to know. I guarantee that jackwagon has neither.

If you had actually been allowed to know classified information and then saw how that information is bastardized and manipulated by outside sources, you might realize how useless these talking heads are.
I don't. Do you?

Then you are an idiot that should not be commenting on something you admit you know nothing about.

What have you shown?

I have not shown anything. The facts are that she unmasked a US citizen and spread that information, which is a felony.
Your and right winger's LIE, is that she DID NOT SPREAD the information Admiral, that part is FAKE NEWS.

Then why did RICE admit that she did it, and defend it?

Someone lies, but I think it's you fascists.
She admitted NO SUCH THING.

She didn't spread information, she gathered information together.
Mudwhistle, there is something seriously WRONG with all of the Trump campaign and Putin/Russian connections, and I don't know what for certain, but the investigators in the press are getting closer and closer to unveiling the truth, little by little....

1. There ARE no 'Russia-Trump' 'connections'. There is NO COLLUSION. As pointed out, the FBI just stated that AGAIN. No Evidence. None. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada.

2. Snowflakes are dragging the country around on this SNIPE HUNT while attempting to distract from the FACT that Bill Clinton, Hillary's Campaign Manager, and her Campaign Manager's brother were working for / taking money / stocks from, and were connected to Ex-KGB, the Russian Govt / the Kremlin, the Russian Spy Agency, and PUTIN!

Why is it that Snowflakes refuse to come out and state the FACT: "There is something wrong HERE - with THAT"?!

3. 'The (Fake News / All-In) PRESS is getting closer and closer'
- TRANSLATION: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE SNOWFLAKE CLAIMS....but there IS evidence proving the Obama administration holdover committed FELONY ESPIONAGE!
I'm pretty sure that the Russian people never tried to interfere in American elections. However I AM pretty sure the Russian admin, in the form of Vlad Putin, did. And I am pretty sure it wasn't done to Make America Great Again even though that phrase will forever be tied to Russian interference and how effective their fake news has been in convincing Americans to choose chaos and childish temperament over sound judgement.
Sound judgement? Who offered that?
Mudwhistle, there is something seriously WRONG with all of the Trump campaign and Putin/Russian connections, and I don't know what for certain, but the investigators in the press are getting closer and closer to unveiling the truth, little by little....

1. There ARE no 'Russia-Trump' 'connections'. There is NO COLLUSION. As pointed out, the FBI just stated that AGAIN. No Evidence. None. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada.

2. Snowflakes are dragging the country around on this SNIPE HUNT while attempting to distract from the FACT that Bill Clinton, Hillary's Campaign Manager, and her Campaign Manager's brother were working for / taking money / stocks from, and were connected to Ex-KGB, the Russian Govt / the Kremlin, the Russian Spy Agency, and PUTIN!

Why is it that Snowflakes refuse to come out and state the FACT: "There is something wrong HERE - with THAT"?!

3. 'The (Fake News / All-In) PRESS is getting closer and closer'
- TRANSLATION: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE SNOWFLAKE CLAIMS....but there IS evidence proving the Obama administration holdover committed FELONY ESPIONAGE!
I'm pretty sure that the Russian people never tried to interfere in American elections. However I AM pretty sure the Russian admin, in the form of Vlad Putin, did. And I am pretty sure it wasn't done to Make America Great Again even though that phrase will forever be tied to Russian interference and how effective their fake news has been in convincing Americans to choose chaos and childish temperament over sound judgement.
Sound judgement? Who offered that?
now that you ask, Hillary Clinton
Maybe he should not of been involved with the Russians.


Tucker Carlson just interviewed 5 democrats and not one of them could produce even a single shred of evidence..

Please do tell.. They were congress critters with access as well. But nothing..

Nice link! Someone NOT in government trashing Trump. Why didn't you testify?

ahhhh, poor baby.....the truth hurts huh?

Washington (CNN)The Senate Intelligence Committee heard Thursday from a counter-terrorism expert who described a sophisticated Russian propaganda machine that specifically sought to bolster and influence President Donald Trump.

So who is Clint Watts?
Watts, who testified on a panel of experts as part of the committee's ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the US election, has a military and intelligence background, largely in counter-terrorism.

Watts came to studying Russian cyber meddling almost by chance, when he noticed a pattern of social media trolls attacking him online for a 2014 article he wrote about Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He and two social media analyst colleagues began studying the patterns and suspicious pro-Russia petitions, leading them to study the Russian social media propaganda machine.

Watts has been a fellow on national security and the Middle East at the Foreign Policy Research Institute since 2011, and is a senior fellow at the Center For Cyber and Homeland Security at The George Washington University.

Who is Clint Watts -

Let me 'splain something to you! Anyone who is NOT a part of the military or government must have a security clearance and need to know. I guarantee that jackwagon has neither.

If you had actually been allowed to know classified information and then saw how that information is bastardized and manipulated by outside sources, you might realize how useless these talking heads are.

blah blah blah blah blah....

all bull crud that has nothing to do with are just making up shit about her and her position as National Security Advisor....and what she can not receive that's classified...

why make up your own bull crud and pass it around as a guarantee, mr know it all...
Then you are an idiot that should not be commenting on something you admit you know nothing about.

What have you shown?

I have not shown anything. The facts are that she unmasked a US citizen and spread that information, which is a felony.
Your and right winger's LIE, is that she DID NOT SPREAD the information Admiral, that part is FAKE NEWS.

Then why did RICE admit that she did it, and defend it?

Someone lies, but I think it's you fascists.
She admitted NO SUCH THING.

She didn't spread information, she gathered information together.

You are directly lying.

{"We only do it to protect the American people and to do our jobs." Rice said, adding Obama officials never used intelligence to spy on Trump officials for political purposes. "I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never would."}

Surprise: Susan Rice Changes Her Story on Unmasking of Trump Transition Officials, Denies Wrongdoing

Yes, you are a fascist, lying is part of what you are. Even so....
What have you shown?

I have not shown anything. The facts are that she unmasked a US citizen and spread that information, which is a felony.
Your and right winger's LIE, is that she DID NOT SPREAD the information Admiral, that part is FAKE NEWS.

Then why did RICE admit that she did it, and defend it?

Someone lies, but I think it's you fascists.
She admitted NO SUCH THING.

She didn't spread information, she gathered information together.

You are directly lying.

{"We only do it to protect the American people and to do our jobs." Rice said, adding Obama officials never used intelligence to spy on Trump officials for political purposes. "I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never would."}

Surprise: Susan Rice Changes Her Story on Unmasking of Trump Transition Officials, Denies Wrongdoing

Yes, you are a fascist, lying is part of what you are. Even so....
As Nunes said, NOTHING was illegal with the unmasking....

and unmasking IS NOT AND NEVER WAS leaking.

But heh, let the month pass of the right wing circle jerk, only to find out, you've been duped again with your beloved fake news....

Carry on silly clueless ones....
I have not shown anything. The facts are that she unmasked a US citizen and spread that information, which is a felony.
Your and right winger's LIE, is that she DID NOT SPREAD the information Admiral, that part is FAKE NEWS.

Then why did RICE admit that she did it, and defend it?

Someone lies, but I think it's you fascists.
She admitted NO SUCH THING.

She didn't spread information, she gathered information together.

You are directly lying.

{"We only do it to protect the American people and to do our jobs." Rice said, adding Obama officials never used intelligence to spy on Trump officials for political purposes. "I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never would."}

Surprise: Susan Rice Changes Her Story on Unmasking of Trump Transition Officials, Denies Wrongdoing

Yes, you are a fascist, lying is part of what you are. Even so....
As Nunes said, NOTHING was illegal with the unmasking....

and unmasking IS NOT AND NEVER WAS leaking.

But heh, let the month pass of the right wing circle jerk, only to find out, you've been duped again with your beloved fake news....

Carry on silly clueless ones....

So, you're backing off from your lie that she didn't admit to spreading the information around?

Not much for integrity, are you?
Your and right winger's LIE, is that she DID NOT SPREAD the information Admiral, that part is FAKE NEWS.

Then why did RICE admit that she did it, and defend it?

Someone lies, but I think it's you fascists.
She admitted NO SUCH THING.

She didn't spread information, she gathered information together.

You are directly lying.

{"We only do it to protect the American people and to do our jobs." Rice said, adding Obama officials never used intelligence to spy on Trump officials for political purposes. "I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never would."}

Surprise: Susan Rice Changes Her Story on Unmasking of Trump Transition Officials, Denies Wrongdoing

Yes, you are a fascist, lying is part of what you are. Even so....
As Nunes said, NOTHING was illegal with the unmasking....

and unmasking IS NOT AND NEVER WAS leaking.

But heh, let the month pass of the right wing circle jerk, only to find out, you've been duped again with your beloved fake news....

Carry on silly clueless ones....

So, you're backing off from your lie that she didn't admit to spreading the information around?

Not much for integrity, are you?
you're killing me ,,,a republican talking about integrity,,,,,,,lol lol
Then why did RICE admit that she did it, and defend it?

Someone lies, but I think it's you fascists.
She admitted NO SUCH THING.

She didn't spread information, she gathered information together.

You are directly lying.

{"We only do it to protect the American people and to do our jobs." Rice said, adding Obama officials never used intelligence to spy on Trump officials for political purposes. "I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never would."}

Surprise: Susan Rice Changes Her Story on Unmasking of Trump Transition Officials, Denies Wrongdoing

Yes, you are a fascist, lying is part of what you are. Even so....
As Nunes said, NOTHING was illegal with the unmasking....

and unmasking IS NOT AND NEVER WAS leaking.

But heh, let the month pass of the right wing circle jerk, only to find out, you've been duped again with your beloved fake news....

Carry on silly clueless ones....

So, you're backing off from your lie that she didn't admit to spreading the information around?

Not much for integrity, are you?
you're killing me ,,,a republican talking about integrity,,,,,,,lol lol


Fascist morons spouting off when they have nothing to say.
You're truly fucking insane, :cuckoo:

You idiotically claim her job is dealing with foreign issues only, nothing domestic; I point out what a retard you are as her job does in fact include domestic issues as well as foreign, and your defective brain thinks I'm agreeing with you.

Then to defend your imbecilic nonsense, you post how the CIA cannot handle domestic issues; only she's not in the CIA.

Seriously..., what the fuck is wrong with you?

There are millions who, like battered spouses, will defend comrade Trump to the end. A fake populist like comrade Trump becoming president wasn’t as surprising as it was inevitable. This is what happens when a country’s electorate are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

Henry Rollins: Make America Filthy, Hungry, Broke and Stupid Again

I rate the butthurt component of this post at 95%.
Mudwhistle, there is something seriously WRONG with all of the Trump campaign and Putin/Russian connections, and I don't know what for certain, but the investigators in the press are getting closer and closer to unveiling the truth, little by little....

1. There ARE no 'Russia-Trump' 'connections'. There is NO COLLUSION. As pointed out, the FBI just stated that AGAIN. No Evidence. None. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada.

2. Snowflakes are dragging the country around on this SNIPE HUNT while attempting to distract from the FACT that Bill Clinton, Hillary's Campaign Manager, and her Campaign Manager's brother were working for / taking money / stocks from, and were connected to Ex-KGB, the Russian Govt / the Kremlin, the Russian Spy Agency, and PUTIN!

Why is it that Snowflakes refuse to come out and state the FACT: "There is something wrong HERE - with THAT"?!

3. 'The (Fake News / All-In) PRESS is getting closer and closer'
- TRANSLATION: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE SNOWFLAKE CLAIMS....but there IS evidence proving the Obama administration holdover committed FELONY ESPIONAGE!
I'm pretty sure that the Russian people never tried to interfere in American elections. However I AM pretty sure the Russian admin, in the form of Vlad Putin, did. And I am pretty sure it wasn't done to Make America Great Again even though that phrase will forever be tied to Russian interference and how effective their fake news has been in convincing Americans to choose chaos and childish temperament over sound judgement.
Sound judgement? Who offered that?
Mudwhistle, there is something seriously WRONG with all of the Trump campaign and Putin/Russian connections, and I don't know what for certain, but the investigators in the press are getting closer and closer to unveiling the truth, little by little....

1. There ARE no 'Russia-Trump' 'connections'. There is NO COLLUSION. As pointed out, the FBI just stated that AGAIN. No Evidence. None. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada.

2. Snowflakes are dragging the country around on this SNIPE HUNT while attempting to distract from the FACT that Bill Clinton, Hillary's Campaign Manager, and her Campaign Manager's brother were working for / taking money / stocks from, and were connected to Ex-KGB, the Russian Govt / the Kremlin, the Russian Spy Agency, and PUTIN!

Why is it that Snowflakes refuse to come out and state the FACT: "There is something wrong HERE - with THAT"?!

3. 'The (Fake News / All-In) PRESS is getting closer and closer'
- TRANSLATION: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE SNOWFLAKE CLAIMS....but there IS evidence proving the Obama administration holdover committed FELONY ESPIONAGE!
I'm pretty sure that the Russian people never tried to interfere in American elections. However I AM pretty sure the Russian admin, in the form of Vlad Putin, did. And I am pretty sure it wasn't done to Make America Great Again even though that phrase will forever be tied to Russian interference and how effective their fake news has been in convincing Americans to choose chaos and childish temperament over sound judgement.
Sound judgement? Who offered that?
now that you ask, Hillary Clinton
I'm sorry. For a moment there, I thought you were being serious.
Mudwhistle, there is something seriously WRONG with all of the Trump campaign and Putin/Russian connections, and I don't know what for certain, but the investigators in the press are getting closer and closer to unveiling the truth, little by little....

1. There ARE no 'Russia-Trump' 'connections'. There is NO COLLUSION. As pointed out, the FBI just stated that AGAIN. No Evidence. None. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada.

2. Snowflakes are dragging the country around on this SNIPE HUNT while attempting to distract from the FACT that Bill Clinton, Hillary's Campaign Manager, and her Campaign Manager's brother were working for / taking money / stocks from, and were connected to Ex-KGB, the Russian Govt / the Kremlin, the Russian Spy Agency, and PUTIN!

Why is it that Snowflakes refuse to come out and state the FACT: "There is something wrong HERE - with THAT"?!

3. 'The (Fake News / All-In) PRESS is getting closer and closer'
- TRANSLATION: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE SNOWFLAKE CLAIMS....but there IS evidence proving the Obama administration holdover committed FELONY ESPIONAGE!
I'm pretty sure that the Russian people never tried to interfere in American elections. However I AM pretty sure the Russian admin, in the form of Vlad Putin, did. And I am pretty sure it wasn't done to Make America Great Again even though that phrase will forever be tied to Russian interference and how effective their fake news has been in convincing Americans to choose chaos and childish temperament over sound judgement.
Sound judgement? Who offered that?
Mudwhistle, there is something seriously WRONG with all of the Trump campaign and Putin/Russian connections, and I don't know what for certain, but the investigators in the press are getting closer and closer to unveiling the truth, little by little....

1. There ARE no 'Russia-Trump' 'connections'. There is NO COLLUSION. As pointed out, the FBI just stated that AGAIN. No Evidence. None. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada.

2. Snowflakes are dragging the country around on this SNIPE HUNT while attempting to distract from the FACT that Bill Clinton, Hillary's Campaign Manager, and her Campaign Manager's brother were working for / taking money / stocks from, and were connected to Ex-KGB, the Russian Govt / the Kremlin, the Russian Spy Agency, and PUTIN!

Why is it that Snowflakes refuse to come out and state the FACT: "There is something wrong HERE - with THAT"?!

3. 'The (Fake News / All-In) PRESS is getting closer and closer'
- TRANSLATION: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE SNOWFLAKE CLAIMS....but there IS evidence proving the Obama administration holdover committed FELONY ESPIONAGE!
I'm pretty sure that the Russian people never tried to interfere in American elections. However I AM pretty sure the Russian admin, in the form of Vlad Putin, did. And I am pretty sure it wasn't done to Make America Great Again even though that phrase will forever be tied to Russian interference and how effective their fake news has been in convincing Americans to choose chaos and childish temperament over sound judgement.
Sound judgement? Who offered that?
now that you ask, Hillary Clinton
I'm sorry. For a moment there, I thought you were being serious.
Hadit , I've had it with you

Tucker Carlson just interviewed 5 democrats and not one of them could produce even a single shred of evidence..

Please do tell.. They were congress critters with access as well. But nothing..

Nice link! Someone NOT in government trashing Trump. Why didn't you testify?

ahhhh, poor baby.....the truth hurts huh?

Washington (CNN)The Senate Intelligence Committee heard Thursday from a counter-terrorism expert who described a sophisticated Russian propaganda machine that specifically sought to bolster and influence President Donald Trump.

So who is Clint Watts?
Watts, who testified on a panel of experts as part of the committee's ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the US election, has a military and intelligence background, largely in counter-terrorism.

Watts came to studying Russian cyber meddling almost by chance, when he noticed a pattern of social media trolls attacking him online for a 2014 article he wrote about Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He and two social media analyst colleagues began studying the patterns and suspicious pro-Russia petitions, leading them to study the Russian social media propaganda machine.

Watts has been a fellow on national security and the Middle East at the Foreign Policy Research Institute since 2011, and is a senior fellow at the Center For Cyber and Homeland Security at The George Washington University.

Who is Clint Watts -

Let me 'splain something to you! Anyone who is NOT a part of the military or government must have a security clearance and need to know. I guarantee that jackwagon has neither.

If you had actually been allowed to know classified information and then saw how that information is bastardized and manipulated by outside sources, you might realize how useless these talking heads are.

blah blah blah blah blah....

all bull crud that has nothing to do with are just making up shit about her and her position as National Security Advisor....and what she can not receive that's classified...

why make up your own bull crud and pass it around as a guarantee, mr know it all...

Nope. Talking about your talking head on the link. He's out of the loop and obviously is spitballing.
Not only was it an abuse of power for her to ask that of the intelligence agencies, it was illegal for them to provide it to the White House. She is a White House staff member, and has no authority in the collection of intelligence or evidence in a criminal investigation. The information that was collected by FISA wiretaps had nothing to do with national security or a criminal investigation. This has been a complete abuse of power by government officials in both the Obama White House as well as intelligence agencies that originally gathered the information and improperly disseminated it to the executive branch.
utter bull crap...stay away from your right wing faux news! :eek:

HOW many times are you going to let yourself be fooled before you hold the title of FOOL yourself....?

KNOWLEDGE is a good thing, ignorance is NOT! Take pride in yourself, seek the truth, not spin..... is my best advice to avoid the FOOL Title!!!! But hey, it's your advice is squat.... :)

I don't get Fox News.

But, thanks for showing you have absolutely no arguement whatsoever.

You sound like CNN,"Ignore the news! Avoid all stories about Rice! Close your eyes and plug your ears!"

You idiots have lost. Russia-gate has come full circle to expose the corruption and illegal activities of the Obama administration.
Can you explain what Rice did wrong?
I've been asking all day and no one seems to have a grasp on it.

It's been told to you over and over, you just choose to ignore it:

Directing intelligence agencies to monitor the incoming Trump administration.
Requesting data on the Trump administration, when clearly that had nothing to do with national security (supposedly her job).
Leaking that information to the press (a felony).
For the umpteenth time... foreigners were monitored, not Trump or his associates. They were caught incidentally when communicating with foreigners who were being monitored. Sadly, you still don't understand Trump lied to you when he falsely claimed Obama wiretapped him.

And for the umpteenth time, it doesn't matter who the target was, FISA protects US citizens caught in those wiretaps. The unmasking of them and leaking names to the media was a felony, as Comey stated.

So what do you call it when someone's phone conversation is recorded, then passed around to White House staffers for political purposes, and eventually leaked? That's called "wiretapping", and it wasn't legal.
The irony is--that many voted for Trump--citing this non-existent ultra conservative judge, & scared to death of who Hillary Clinton would have picked. And in reality Hillary Clinton may have picked Niel Gorsuch to be her nominee to the Supreme Court--LOL

Rarely do I see a post as being 100% dishonest.

This is one of those occasions.

If you really think, he'd have made the top 10,000 in her choice need to have your brain evaluated.
Why don't you guys sit down and try to understand why you are getting your asses handed to you at every turn.

is your ass not American? cuz we are ALL losing here, partisan jerkoff.

I won. I get to see good judges (up to three of them) appointed to the SCOTUS.

You lost.

Suck on it.

what rethuglicans wouldn't do... is there anything disgusting left undone yet?

degrading the integrity of your own country and it's venerated institutions is not WINNING a damn thing, you fool.

Well, that's pretty much what happened when GWB was elected. Obama only carried on the denigration.......

Trump was seen, by many.....and still is, as a stopgap.
utter bull crap...stay away from your right wing faux news! :eek:

HOW many times are you going to let yourself be fooled before you hold the title of FOOL yourself....?

KNOWLEDGE is a good thing, ignorance is NOT! Take pride in yourself, seek the truth, not spin..... is my best advice to avoid the FOOL Title!!!! But hey, it's your advice is squat.... :)

I don't get Fox News.

But, thanks for showing you have absolutely no arguement whatsoever.

You sound like CNN,"Ignore the news! Avoid all stories about Rice! Close your eyes and plug your ears!"

You idiots have lost. Russia-gate has come full circle to expose the corruption and illegal activities of the Obama administration.
Can you explain what Rice did wrong?
I've been asking all day and no one seems to have a grasp on it.

It's been told to you over and over, you just choose to ignore it:

Directing intelligence agencies to monitor the incoming Trump administration.
Requesting data on the Trump administration, when clearly that had nothing to do with national security (supposedly her job).
Leaking that information to the press (a felony).
For the umpteenth time... foreigners were monitored, not Trump or his associates. They were caught incidentally when communicating with foreigners who were being monitored. Sadly, you still don't understand Trump lied to you when he falsely claimed Obama wiretapped him.

And for the umpteenth time, it doesn't matter who the target was, FISA protects US citizens caught in those wiretaps. The unmasking of them and leaking names to the media was a felony, as Comey stated.

So what do you call it when someone's phone conversation is recorded, then passed around to White House staffers for political purposes, and eventually leaked? That's called "wiretapping", and it wasn't legal.
Unmasking them was not a felony. You're fucking demented beyond all hope.
if there's no evidence, then the FBI will end their investigation eventually and nothing will happen to Trump. You do realize, however, that the FBI has more information on this than you or I, right? So we don't actually know if there's evidence at this point or not.

The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump. They will fuck around for several months and then repeat vague bullshit about Russia trolling facebook and twitter.
The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump.

Nope Comey testified a little over a week ago, that the Trump intercircle has been under investigation since last July 2016--and they are looking for collusion between Putin--Trump and his surrogates.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the agency is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee created a treacherous political moment for Mr. Trump, who has insisted that “Russia is fake news” that was cooked up by his political opponents to undermine his presidency. Mr. Comey placed a criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House and said officers would pursue it “no matter how long that takes.”
James Comey confirms the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's associates for ties to Russia
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
Comey confirms FBI investigating links between Russia, Trump associates

"FBI Director James Comey said for the first time Monday that the bureau is investigating whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow while Russia was interfering in the presidential election.

Comey also delivered an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump, saying that he had "no information" to support claims by the President that he was wiretapped on the orders of predecessor Barack Obama."
FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence -

You probably should change the source of where you're getting your information, if you didn't know this already--as everyone else knows it.

You know it's one thing to be stupid about something. It's quite another thing when you're insisting on remaining stupid.


Why don't you try actually quoting Come rather than some douche bag leftwing political hacks?

If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.


You didn't post any quotes from Comey, dumbass. You only posted quotes of some leftwing hack talking about Comey.

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