Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

Imagine what Hutch would be saying if Rice were an R. He/she/it would be going absolutely BONKERS....Duped by DNC media AGAIN.

Imagine if you could actually explain the alleged wrongdoing.
You need to seek different sources of information. If you get all your news from the DNC, you won't have a clue...which you clearly have indicated.

Still, you cannot explain it.
Have you ever read the Constitution? Pay particular attention to the Bill of Rights...if you don't know what that is, Google it. When you have that mastered, let me know and we will continue your elementary education.

Nothing. Just as I thought, you are absolutely clueless.

A perfect example why children vote for democrats they can't even see how they are being duped.

It is real easy, the way team Obama got around wire tap warrants was spy on foreign officials who were in contact with democrat American citizens foes, then called who ever got caught up "incidental "

Not that complicated is it?

Imagine if you could actually explain the alleged wrongdoing.
You need to seek different sources of information. If you get all your news from the DNC, you won't have a clue...which you clearly have indicated.

Still, you cannot explain it.
Have you ever read the Constitution? Pay particular attention to the Bill of Rights...if you don't know what that is, Google it. When you have that mastered, let me know and we will continue your elementary education.

Nothing. Just as I thought, you are absolutely clueless.

A perfect example why children vote for democrats they can't even see how they are being duped.

It is real easy, the way team Obama got around wire tap warrants was spy on foreign officials who were in contact with democrat American citizens foes, then called who ever got caught up "incidental "

Not that complicated is it?

Not that complicated is it?

Obviously it is. You said nothing.

Incidental collections happen every day regardless of who is president.

Now, what you need to do is outline how the Obama admin improperly obtained and used that Intel.
Nope Comey testified a little over a week ago, that the Trump intercircle has been under investigation since last July 2016--and they are looking for collusion between Putin--Trump and his surrogates.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the agency is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee created a treacherous political moment for Mr. Trump, who has insisted that “Russia is fake news” that was cooked up by his political opponents to undermine his presidency. Mr. Comey placed a criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House and said officers would pursue it “no matter how long that takes.”
James Comey confirms the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's associates for ties to Russia
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
Comey confirms FBI investigating links between Russia, Trump associates

"FBI Director James Comey said for the first time Monday that the bureau is investigating whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow while Russia was interfering in the presidential election.

Comey also delivered an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump, saying that he had "no information" to support claims by the President that he was wiretapped on the orders of predecessor Barack Obama."
FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence -

You probably should change the source of where you're getting your information, if you didn't know this already--as everyone else knows it.

You know it's one thing to be stupid about something. It's quite another thing when you're insisting on remaining stupid.

Why don't you try actually quoting Come rather than some douche bag leftwing political hacks?

If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.

You didn't post any quotes from Comey, dumbass. You only posted quotes of some leftwing hack talking about Comey.
Rightard... again....

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director

Now learn.

Was that quote in his post? . . . . . . That's right, it wasn't.

Thanks for proving that you're a dumbass.


You loser, he didn't say he was posting any quotes. He pointed out others did and that you're too stupid to understand you were shown Comey said Trump and his campaign associates were under investigation for colluding with Russian hackers.

He even quoted another poster who linked the video where Comey said it. And despite your hollow whines that he didn't quote Comey, here's what he actually said...
"If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes"
I myself quoted Comey in response to your moronic denial that Trump was under investigation. So did others. You're too retarded to understand that and that's what oreo was pointing out. And you're proving he was 100% accurate as you now prove you can't even comprehend his post either.
Agree 1
Why don't you try actually quoting Come rather than some douche bag leftwing political hacks?

If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.

You didn't post any quotes from Comey, dumbass. You only posted quotes of some leftwing hack talking about Comey.
Rightard... again....

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director

Now learn.

Was that quote in his post? . . . . . . That's right, it wasn't.

Thanks for proving that you're a dumbass.


You loser, he didn't say he was posting any quotes. He pointed out others did and that you're too stupid to understand you were shown Comey said Trump and his campaign associates were under investigation for colluding with Russian hackers.

He even quoted another poster who linked the video where Comey said it. And despite your hollow whines that he didn't quote Comey, here's what he actually said...
"If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes"
I myself quoted Comey in response to your moronic denial that Trump was under investigation. So did others. You're too retarded to understand that and that's what oreo was pointing out. And you're proving he was 100% accurate as you now prove you can't even comprehend his post either.

Agree 100% with you. But we saw this throughout the primary season. You're dealing with a segment of the population that has to have information regurgitated through a right wing talk show host and spoon fed back to them. Otherwise they won't believe it. It could come up and bite them in the ass and they still wouldn't believe it.

These are people who only believe what they want to believe, and hear only what they want to hear. They exist in a right wing media bubble--and will only listen to people who agree with them. Right wing talk show hosts that reconfirm their ideology and beliefs (which are made up of right wing hyperbole, half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.) They will only read what they agree with, which are typically right wing news sites. Everthing else is fake to them They are the Baghdad Bob's of the United States.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Last edited:
Why don't you try actually quoting Come rather than some douche bag leftwing political hacks?

If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.

You didn't post any quotes from Comey, dumbass. You only posted quotes of some leftwing hack talking about Comey.
Rightard... again....

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director

Now learn.

Was that quote in his post? . . . . . . That's right, it wasn't.

Thanks for proving that you're a dumbass.


You loser, he didn't say he was posting any quotes. He pointed out others did and that you're too stupid to understand you were shown Comey said Trump and his campaign associates were under investigation for colluding with Russian hackers..

So you believe when some libturd says "look at the quotes" that I'm supposed to go searching the entire forum for quotes that support his point? You're an even bigger dumbass than I originally thought. If he wants me to look at a quote, then he better include it in his post. Otherwise we can all safely assume that he is just blowing hot gas out his ass.
If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.

You didn't post any quotes from Comey, dumbass. You only posted quotes of some leftwing hack talking about Comey.
Rightard... again....

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director

Now learn.

Was that quote in his post? . . . . . . That's right, it wasn't.

Thanks for proving that you're a dumbass.


You loser, he didn't say he was posting any quotes. He pointed out others did and that you're too stupid to understand you were shown Comey said Trump and his campaign associates were under investigation for colluding with Russian hackers..

So you believe when some libturd says "look at the quotes" that I'm supposed to go searching the entire forum for quotes that support his point? You're an even bigger dumbass than I originally thought. If he wants me to look at a quote, then he better include it in his post. Otherwise we can all safely assume that he is just blowing hot gas out his ass.

Just how rightarded are you, loser? Why would you have to look for it? The video of Comey saying people associated with his campaign are under investigation was in your own posts because you replied to others who quoted someone posting it.

It's in your post #313

It's in your post #500

It's in your post #520 TWICE

Hell, dumbfuck.... it's even in the latest post of yours.... post #525


Nope Comey testified a little over a week ago, that the Trump intercircle has been under investigation since last July 2016--and they are looking for collusion between Putin--Trump and his surrogates.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the agency is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee created a treacherous political moment for Mr. Trump, who has insisted that “Russia is fake news” that was cooked up by his political opponents to undermine his presidency. Mr. Comey placed a criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House and said officers would pursue it “no matter how long that takes.”
James Comey confirms the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's associates for ties to Russia
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
Comey confirms FBI investigating links between Russia, Trump associates

"FBI Director James Comey said for the first time Monday that the bureau is investigating whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow while Russia was interfering in the presidential election.

Comey also delivered an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump, saying that he had "no information" to support claims by the President that he was wiretapped on the orders of predecessor Barack Obama."
FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence -

You probably should change the source of where you're getting your information, if you didn't know this already--as everyone else knows it.

You know it's one thing to be stupid about something. It's quite another thing when you're insisting on remaining stupid.


Why don't you try actually quoting Come rather than some douche bag leftwing political hacks?

If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.


You didn't post any quotes from Comey, dumbass. You only posted quotes of some leftwing hack talking about Comey.

Rightard... again....

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director

Now learn.

So since he says "whether there was any coordination" this means there currently is NO EVIDENCE and he is just fishing, as you have been repeatedly told, but are too dishonest to acknowledge.
Nope Comey testified a little over a week ago, that the Trump intercircle has been under investigation since last July 2016--and they are looking for collusion between Putin--Trump and his surrogates.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the agency is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee created a treacherous political moment for Mr. Trump, who has insisted that “Russia is fake news” that was cooked up by his political opponents to undermine his presidency. Mr. Comey placed a criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House and said officers would pursue it “no matter how long that takes.”
James Comey confirms the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's associates for ties to Russia
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
Comey confirms FBI investigating links between Russia, Trump associates

"FBI Director James Comey said for the first time Monday that the bureau is investigating whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow while Russia was interfering in the presidential election.

Comey also delivered an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump, saying that he had "no information" to support claims by the President that he was wiretapped on the orders of predecessor Barack Obama."
FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence -

You probably should change the source of where you're getting your information, if you didn't know this already--as everyone else knows it.

You know it's one thing to be stupid about something. It's quite another thing when you're insisting on remaining stupid.

Why don't you try actually quoting Come rather than some douche bag leftwing political hacks?

If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.

You didn't post any quotes from Comey, dumbass. You only posted quotes of some leftwing hack talking about Comey.
Rightard... again....

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director

Now learn.

So since he says "whether there was any coordination" this means there currently is NO EVIDENCE and he is just fishing, as you have been repeatedly told, but are too dishonest to acknowledge.

You're irreparably deranged, ya fruit loop dingus.

No, it doesn't mean there is no evidence. It means the investigation is ongoing. He's not revealing whether or not they have evidence. And what you call a "fishing expedition," is in fact, Trump under investigation by the FBI. You know, the polar opposite of your vapid denial of such. :badgrin:
You're irreparably deranged, ya fruit loop dingus.

No, it doesn't mean there is no evidence. It means the investigation is ongoing. He's not revealing whether or not they have evidence. And what you call a "fishing expedition," is in fact, Trump under investigation by the FBI. You know, the polar opposite of your vapid denial of such. :badgrin:

You should learn English, Comrade Brown Shirt.

"whether there was any coordination," retard.
Obviously it is. You said nothing.

Incidental collections happen every day regardless of who is president.

Which is WHY it is illegal to unmask them, the way Rice did. Because in doing so they can be used as political weapons, as the Obama administration used them.

Now, what you need to do is outline how the Obama admin improperly obtained and used that Intel.

Rice leaked the intel to party operative who in turn leaked them to the Soros controlled Washington Post, where the information was used as a political hatchet job against enemies of the party.

What part of this can you not grasp, Comrade Brown Shirt?
Obviously it is. You said nothing.

Incidental collections happen every day regardless of who is president.

Which is WHY it is illegal to unmask them, the way Rice did. Because in doing so they can be used as political weapons, as the Obama administration used them.

Now, what you need to do is outline how the Obama admin improperly obtained and used that Intel.

Rice leaked the intel to party operative who in turn leaked them to the Soros controlled Washington Post, where the information was used as a political hatchet job against enemies of the party.

What part of this can you not grasp, Comrade Brown Shirt?
Which is WHY it is illegal to unmask them, the way Rice did.

Which way is that, dumbass?

Rice leaked the intel to party operative who in turn leaked them to the Soros controlled Washington Post, where the information was used as a political hatchet job against enemies of the party.

WTF is this BS?

If there were no "legitimate" reason , then why was her request granted?

People who leased space were involved in criminal acts. It had nothing to do with Trump. Obama abused his power to leverage this to spy on his political rival.

"Crooked democrats" is redundant.

People who leased space were involved in criminal acts. It had nothing to do with Trump.


Are you really this stupid, son?

Do you know what "incidental means," you fucking retard?

For those who are NOT mindless hacks;

{The thing to bear in mind is that the White House does not do investigations. Not criminal investigations, not intelligence investigations. Remember that...There would have been no intelligence need for Susan Rice to ask for identities to be unmasked. If there had been a real need to reveal the identities — an intelligence need based on American interests — the unmasking would have been done by the investigating agencies. The national-security adviser is not an investigator. She is a White House staffer. The president’s staff is a consumer of intelligence, not a generator or collector of it. If Susan Rice was unmasking Americans, it was not to fulfill an intelligence need based on American interests; it was to fulfill a political desire based on Democratic-party interests...}

Former Officials: No, Susan Rice Wasn't Merely Her 'Doing Her Job' With Alleged Unmasking
Obviously it is. You said nothing.

Incidental collections happen every day regardless of who is president.

Which is WHY it is illegal to unmask them, the way Rice did. Because in doing so they can be used as political weapons, as the Obama administration used them.

Now, what you need to do is outline how the Obama admin improperly obtained and used that Intel.

Rice leaked the intel to party operative who in turn leaked them to the Soros controlled Washington Post, where the information was used as a political hatchet job against enemies of the party.

What part of this can you not grasp, Comrade Brown Shirt?
Which is WHY it is illegal to unmask them, the way Rice did.

Which way is that, dumbass?

Rice leaked the intel to party operative who in turn leaked them to the Soros controlled Washington Post, where the information was used as a political hatchet job against enemies of the party.

WTF is this BS?

You REALLY think blatant lying is the best course of action?

{At a high level, officials like Susan Rice had names unmasked that would not ordinarily be unmasked. That information was then being pushed widely throughout the intelligence community in unmasked form . . . particularly after Obama, toward the end of his presidency, suddenly — and seemingly apropos of nothing — changed the rules so that all of the intelligence agencies (not just the collecting agencies) could have access to raw intelligence information. As we know, the community of intelligence agencies leaks like a sieve, and the more access there is to juicy information, the more leaks there are. Meanwhile, former Obama officials and Clinton-campaign advisers, like [Evelyn] Farkas, were pushing to get the information transferred from the intelligence community to members of Congress, geometrically increasing the likelihood of intelligence leaks.}

Former Officials: No, Susan Rice Wasn't Merely Her 'Doing Her Job' With Alleged Unmasking

If there were no "legitimate" reason , then why was her request granted?

People who leased space were involved in criminal acts. It had nothing to do with Trump. Obama abused his power to leverage this to spy on his political rival.

"Crooked democrats" is redundant.

People who leased space were involved in criminal acts. It had nothing to do with Trump.


Are you really this stupid, son?

Do you know what "incidental means," you fucking retard?

For those who are NOT mindless hacks;

{The thing to bear in mind is that the White House does not do investigations. Not criminal investigations, not intelligence investigations. Remember that...There would have been no intelligence need for Susan Rice to ask for identities to be unmasked. If there had been a real need to reveal the identities — an intelligence need based on American interests — the unmasking would have been done by the investigating agencies. The national-security adviser is not an investigator. She is a White House staffer. The president’s staff is a consumer of intelligence, not a generator or collector of it. If Susan Rice was unmasking Americans, it was not to fulfill an intelligence need based on American interests; it was to fulfill a political desire based on Democratic-party interests...}

Former Officials: No, Susan Rice Wasn't Merely Her 'Doing Her Job' With Alleged Unmasking
Do you know what "incidental means," you fucking retard?
You obviously have no idea. :laugh2:

Tell is some more about "leased space".
Obviously it is. You said nothing.

Incidental collections happen every day regardless of who is president.

Which is WHY it is illegal to unmask them, the way Rice did. Because in doing so they can be used as political weapons, as the Obama administration used them.

Now, what you need to do is outline how the Obama admin improperly obtained and used that Intel.

Rice leaked the intel to party operative who in turn leaked them to the Soros controlled Washington Post, where the information was used as a political hatchet job against enemies of the party.

What part of this can you not grasp, Comrade Brown Shirt?
Which is WHY it is illegal to unmask them, the way Rice did.

Which way is that, dumbass?

Rice leaked the intel to party operative who in turn leaked them to the Soros controlled Washington Post, where the information was used as a political hatchet job against enemies of the party.

WTF is this BS?

You REALLY think blatant lying is the best course of action?

{At a high level, officials like Susan Rice had names unmasked that would not ordinarily be unmasked. That information was then being pushed widely throughout the intelligence community in unmasked form . . . particularly after Obama, toward the end of his presidency, suddenly — and seemingly apropos of nothing — changed the rules so that all of the intelligence agencies (not just the collecting agencies) could have access to raw intelligence information. As we know, the community of intelligence agencies leaks like a sieve, and the more access there is to juicy information, the more leaks there are. Meanwhile, former Obama officials and Clinton-campaign advisers, like [Evelyn] Farkas, were pushing to get the information transferred from the intelligence community to members of Congress, geometrically increasing the likelihood of intelligence leaks.}

Former Officials: No, Susan Rice Wasn't Merely Her 'Doing Her Job' With Alleged Unmasking
Meanwhile, former Obama officials and Clinton-campaign advisers, like [Evelyn] Farkas, were pushing to get the information transferred from the intelligence community to members of Congress

Yes, the members with the clearance who are doing the investigating, dope.

If there were no "legitimate" reason , then why was her request granted?

People who leased space were involved in criminal acts. It had nothing to do with Trump. Obama abused his power to leverage this to spy on his political rival.

"Crooked democrats" is redundant.

People who leased space were involved in criminal acts. It had nothing to do with Trump.


Are you really this stupid, son?

Do you know what "incidental means," you fucking retard?

For those who are NOT mindless hacks;

{The thing to bear in mind is that the White House does not do investigations. Not criminal investigations, not intelligence investigations. Remember that...There would have been no intelligence need for Susan Rice to ask for identities to be unmasked. If there had been a real need to reveal the identities — an intelligence need based on American interests — the unmasking would have been done by the investigating agencies. The national-security adviser is not an investigator. She is a White House staffer. The president’s staff is a consumer of intelligence, not a generator or collector of it. If Susan Rice was unmasking Americans, it was not to fulfill an intelligence need based on American interests; it was to fulfill a political desire based on Democratic-party interests...}

Former Officials: No, Susan Rice Wasn't Merely Her 'Doing Her Job' With Alleged Unmasking
Do you know what "incidental means," you fucking retard?
You obviously have no idea. :laugh2:

Tell is some more about "leased space".

You really area "fact free" Soros drone.

The FBI investigation did not implicate Trump. But Trump Tower was under close watch. Some of the Russian mafia figures worked out of unit 63A in the iconic skyscraper — just three floors below Trump’s penthouse residence — running what prosecutors called an “international money-laundering, sports gambling and extortion ring.”

The Trump building was home to one of the top men in the alleged ring, Vadim Trincher, who pleaded guilty to racketeering and received a five-year prison term. He is due to be released in July.

“Everything was moving in and out of there,” said former FBI official Rich Frankel, now an ABC News consultant.

“He would have people come in and meet with them. He would use the phones. He would also communicate, whether it was through e-mail or other communications through there,” Frankel said of Trincher. “His base of operations was in the Trump Tower.”}

Russian mafia boss still at large after FBI wiretap at Trump Tower

You know NOTHING about what is going on, and you don't care. You just spew shit from the hate sites in hopes of serving your party.

You have the intellect of a cockroach.
Obviously it is. You said nothing.

Incidental collections happen every day regardless of who is president.

Which is WHY it is illegal to unmask them, the way Rice did. Because in doing so they can be used as political weapons, as the Obama administration used them.

Now, what you need to do is outline how the Obama admin improperly obtained and used that Intel.

Rice leaked the intel to party operative who in turn leaked them to the Soros controlled Washington Post, where the information was used as a political hatchet job against enemies of the party.

What part of this can you not grasp, Comrade Brown Shirt?
Which is WHY it is illegal to unmask them, the way Rice did.

Which way is that, dumbass?

Rice leaked the intel to party operative who in turn leaked them to the Soros controlled Washington Post, where the information was used as a political hatchet job against enemies of the party.

WTF is this BS?

You REALLY think blatant lying is the best course of action?

{At a high level, officials like Susan Rice had names unmasked that would not ordinarily be unmasked. That information was then being pushed widely throughout the intelligence community in unmasked form . . . particularly after Obama, toward the end of his presidency, suddenly — and seemingly apropos of nothing — changed the rules so that all of the intelligence agencies (not just the collecting agencies) could have access to raw intelligence information. As we know, the community of intelligence agencies leaks like a sieve, and the more access there is to juicy information, the more leaks there are. Meanwhile, former Obama officials and Clinton-campaign advisers, like [Evelyn] Farkas, were pushing to get the information transferred from the intelligence community to members of Congress, geometrically increasing the likelihood of intelligence leaks.}

Former Officials: No, Susan Rice Wasn't Merely Her 'Doing Her Job' With Alleged Unmasking
Meanwhile, former Obama officials and Clinton-campaign advisers, like [Evelyn] Farkas, were pushing to get the information transferred from the intelligence community to members of Congress

Yes, the members with the clearance who are doing the investigating, dope.

Retard, the National Security Advisor does not have the credentials to conduct "investigations." Rice used her clearance to gain classified intel for the purpose of attacking political rivals. An act of espionage. Farkas and Rice are criminals, they WILL go to prison. Whether Obama can be implicated remains to be seen.

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