Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

You're irreparably deranged, ya fruit loop dingus.

No, it doesn't mean there is no evidence. It means the investigation is ongoing. He's not revealing whether or not they have evidence. And what you call a "fishing expedition," is in fact, Trump under investigation by the FBI. You know, the polar opposite of your vapid denial of such. :badgrin:

You should learn English, Comrade Brown Shirt.

"whether there was any coordination," retard.
You should learn common sense. Folks conducting a investigation rarely reveal if or what evidence they have until they can construct conclusions.

You should learn English, words have specific meanings.

Look, you're just a hack. You have zero integrity and will post absolutely anything in your (paid) quest to slander the opposition party or promote the filthy fascist democrats. I get it, I really do. Nothing you post should ever be trusted, by anyone. But you do need to be occasionally refuted and exposed as the gutter scum that you are.
Your projection is noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.
Yes, the members with the clearance who are doing the investigating, dope.

Retard, the National Security Advisor does not have the credentials to conduct "investigations."
Retard, the National Security Advisor does not have the credentials to conduct "investigations." Rice used her clearance to gain classified intel for the purpose of attacking political rivals. An act of espionage. Farkas and Rice are criminals, they WILL go to prison. Whether Obama can be implicated remains to be seen.

Farkas and Rice are criminals, they WILL go to prison. Whether Obama can be implicated remains to be seen.

Rice used her clearance to gain classified intel for the purpose of attacking political rivals. An act of espionage.

Only in you damaged brain.

The investigation had been under way for some months by the time the Obama admin started preserving Intel. It didn't happen in a vacuum. You may not think that foreign interference is any big deal but others do. There is nothing wrong with what they did. It's a great example of how our govt should work together to protect our shared interests.

Rice will go to prison. Sessions will throw the book at her, as he should.


Not likely in any way.

So your answer is "Trust me Scooter, no one is going to jail?"

A much more reasoned response than your meandering, dopey recriminations.
Which way is that, dumbass?

WTF is this BS?

You REALLY think blatant lying is the best course of action?

{At a high level, officials like Susan Rice had names unmasked that would not ordinarily be unmasked. That information was then being pushed widely throughout the intelligence community in unmasked form . . . particularly after Obama, toward the end of his presidency, suddenly — and seemingly apropos of nothing — changed the rules so that all of the intelligence agencies (not just the collecting agencies) could have access to raw intelligence information. As we know, the community of intelligence agencies leaks like a sieve, and the more access there is to juicy information, the more leaks there are. Meanwhile, former Obama officials and Clinton-campaign advisers, like [Evelyn] Farkas, were pushing to get the information transferred from the intelligence community to members of Congress, geometrically increasing the likelihood of intelligence leaks.}

Former Officials: No, Susan Rice Wasn't Merely Her 'Doing Her Job' With Alleged Unmasking
Meanwhile, former Obama officials and Clinton-campaign advisers, like [Evelyn] Farkas, were pushing to get the information transferred from the intelligence community to members of Congress

Yes, the members with the clearance who are doing the investigating, dope.

She doesn't do investigations, moron. She was a political appointee, not an intelligence professional.

Reading and evaluating intelligence reports is her job.
That doesn't include asking to have names of American citizens unmasked, dumbass. numerous experts have said that it's highly unusual for National Security Advisor to be making such requests. It's almost never done.

That doesn't include asking to have names of American citizens unmasked, dumbass.

It absolutely does. She has every required clearance. Her requests were granted. If she had not met the necessary criteria, they would not have been.

Trump is part of the focus of a counterintelligence investigation. Of course the intelligence agencies would produce reports pertaining to that investigation. Of course the president will be briefed on the various aspects of that investigation. Of course he would rely heavily on his APNSA to be knowledgeable on the subject.

There was no spying. They didn't get any information that anyone else with the appropriate clearances couldn't or didn't get.
You didn't post any quotes from Comey, dumbass. You only posted quotes of some leftwing hack talking about Comey.
Rightard... again....

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director

Now learn.

So since he says "whether there was any coordination" this means there currently is NO EVIDENCE and he is just fishing, as you have been repeatedly told, but are too dishonest to acknowledge.

You're irreparably deranged, ya fruit loop dingus.

No, it doesn't mean there is no evidence. It means the investigation is ongoing. He's not revealing whether or not they have evidence. And what you call a "fishing expedition," is in fact, Trump under investigation by the FBI. You know, the polar opposite of your vapid denial of such. :badgrin:

Until some one produces some evidence and allows the public to have access to it, there is no evidence. It's nothing more than a fishing expedition because there is no evidence.


Sorry, loser. You're not privy to evidence during an ongoing investigation. <smh>

What evidence? Until someone produces it, you don't know if there is any evidence.
You REALLY think blatant lying is the best course of action?

{At a high level, officials like Susan Rice had names unmasked that would not ordinarily be unmasked. That information was then being pushed widely throughout the intelligence community in unmasked form . . . particularly after Obama, toward the end of his presidency, suddenly — and seemingly apropos of nothing — changed the rules so that all of the intelligence agencies (not just the collecting agencies) could have access to raw intelligence information. As we know, the community of intelligence agencies leaks like a sieve, and the more access there is to juicy information, the more leaks there are. Meanwhile, former Obama officials and Clinton-campaign advisers, like [Evelyn] Farkas, were pushing to get the information transferred from the intelligence community to members of Congress, geometrically increasing the likelihood of intelligence leaks.}

Former Officials: No, Susan Rice Wasn't Merely Her 'Doing Her Job' With Alleged Unmasking
Meanwhile, former Obama officials and Clinton-campaign advisers, like [Evelyn] Farkas, were pushing to get the information transferred from the intelligence community to members of Congress

Yes, the members with the clearance who are doing the investigating, dope.

She doesn't do investigations, moron. She was a political appointee, not an intelligence professional.

Reading and evaluating intelligence reports is her job.
That doesn't include asking to have names of American citizens unmasked, dumbass. numerous experts have said that it's highly unusual for National Security Advisor to be making such requests. It's almost never done.

That doesn't include asking to have names of American citizens unmasked, dumbass.

It absolutely does. She has every required clearance. Her requests were granted. If she had not met the necessary criteria, they would not have been.

Trump is part of the focus of a counterintelligence investigation. Of course the intelligence agencies would produce reports pertaining to that investigation. Of course the president will be briefed on the various aspects of that investigation. Of course he would rely heavily on his APNSA to be knowledgeable on the subject.

There was no spying. They didn't get any information that anyone else with the appropriate clearances couldn't or didn't get.
"Counter intelligence investigation?" Man, you snowflakes have such a appetite for pure fantasy. No one is being accused of performing espionage on the United States except Susan Rice. Being "knowledgeable on the subject" doesn't require Rice to unmask the names of anyone. The intelligence agency analysts generally do that if the information warrants it, and they have all said that there is no "there" there.

Again, performing investigations wasn't Susan Rice's job. What she was doing is called "political espionage." You douche bags all know she's as guilty as sin, but you will circle the wagons around her because you know that your fortunes are going down with her.

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