Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

She simply did her job, just like all other NSA's....she received foreign National Security intelligence, in order to understand the pertinent security intelligence in full, she needed to know who US PERSON number X is and the NSA had to decide if it was pertinent for her to understand in full, if it was, then THEY unmasked the us person for her and her alone, to see.

Rice requested the info for HERSELF as National Security Advisor if she needed it, and NOT ALL THE BULL CRAP the right wing is LYING ABOUT.....

unmasking a name IS NOT A LEAK....

oh, and since the us person name was masked and she asked for it to be unmasked for her benefit of understanding the intelligence, how could she possibly be asking for all Trump people to be unmasked???

IF THEY WERE MASKED, how did she know who the US person was that she was asking to unveil, asking to be unmasked??

Spying on the opposition political party is not Susan Rices' job, sweet cheeks
She simply did her job, just like all other NSA's....she received foreign National Security intelligence, in order to understand the pertinent security intelligence in full, she needed to know who US PERSON number X is and the NSA had to decide if it was pertinent for her to understand in full, if it was, then THEY unmasked the us person for her and her alone, to see.

Rice requested the info for HERSELF as National Security Advisor if she needed it, and NOT ALL THE BULL CRAP the right wing is LYING ABOUT.....

unmasking a name IS NOT A LEAK....

oh, and since the us person name was masked and she asked for it to be unmasked for her benefit of understanding the intelligence, how could she possibly be asking for all Trump people to be unmasked???

IF THEY WERE MASKED, how did she know who the US person was that she was asking to unveil, asking to be unmasked??

There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Even if she could demonstrate anything close to it, she's already lost.

I don't see her in jail. But she's going to get pretty muddy before this is all over.
There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Yep, her job gets her half way there and her request to the reporting agency gets her over the finish line.

Who made it illegitimate?[/QUOTES]
Wrong, douche bag. She had not legitimate reason for unmasking those names. It was pure political espionage.
Rice wasn’t the only person to request the unmasking of Trump officials regarding politically sensitive operations, and she wasn’t the person who requested that Flynn’s name be unmasked, meaning she requested at least one other Trump associate’s unmasking. We still don’t know who committed the crime of leaking Flynn’s name to the Washington Post. There'll be plenty of blame to spread around in O's former admin. / Clinton camp... Farkas, for one...
The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump. They will fuck around for several months and then repeat vague bullshit about Russia trolling facebook and twitter.
The FBI is investigating Russia, not Trump.

Nope Comey testified a little over a week ago, that the Trump intercircle has been under investigation since last July 2016--and they are looking for collusion between Putin--Trump and his surrogates.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the agency is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee created a treacherous political moment for Mr. Trump, who has insisted that “Russia is fake news” that was cooked up by his political opponents to undermine his presidency. Mr. Comey placed a criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House and said officers would pursue it “no matter how long that takes.”
James Comey confirms the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's associates for ties to Russia
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
Comey confirms FBI investigating links between Russia, Trump associates

"FBI Director James Comey said for the first time Monday that the bureau is investigating whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow while Russia was interfering in the presidential election.

Comey also delivered an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump, saying that he had "no information" to support claims by the President that he was wiretapped on the orders of predecessor Barack Obama."
FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence -

You probably should change the source of where you're getting your information, if you didn't know this already--as everyone else knows it.

You know it's one thing to be stupid about something. It's quite another thing when you're insisting on remaining stupid.


Why don't you try actually quoting Come rather than some douche bag leftwing political hacks?

If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.


You didn't post any quotes from Comey, dumbass. You only posted quotes of some leftwing hack talking about Comey.

Rightard... again....

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director

Now learn.
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What does a WH staffer have to do with Comey and the purview of his job in the FBI?
Rice wasn’t the only person to request the unmasking of Trump officials regarding politically sensitive operations, and she wasn’t the person who requested that Flynn’s name be unmasked, meaning she requested at least one other Trump associate’s unmasking. We still don’t know who committed the crime of leaking Flynn’s name to the Washington Post. There'll be plenty of blame to spread around in O's former admin. / Clinton camp... Farkas, for one...

Do you really believe that people are going to blame the person who outed Flynn--who lied to the FBI--which is a Felony--who is now asking for immunity from prosecution--and who is & was a paid lobbyist for Turkey being paid 530,000 for his services--while he was attending National security briefings.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -
Mike Flynn attended intelligence briefings while a lobbyist for Turkey

Hell I want to pat whomever it was on the back for outing a him. Other than Comrade Trump who would want this guy as a National Security advisor?

Obama Admin did surveil Trump! That's almost as shocking as finding out Barry Manilow is gay.
Obama Admin did surveil Trump! That's almost as shocking as finding out Barry Manilow is gay.

You know if you're hanging out with criminals it won't be long before law enforcement notices it, and starts watching you.

In 2015 Russian hackers hacked into the PENTAGON--and it was going through the Joint Chief of Staff's emails so fast they had to shut the system down for 2 weeks--to replace hardware and software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Now this is who Trump and his surrogates were hanging out with. They were with them during the RNC convention, and they were continually on the phone with Russians. So what in the hell did you expect?

The Russians are constantly under survelliance because of their frequent attempts to get into classified documents, and disrupt government operations. They're constantly trying to hack into our power grids to disrupt power. If you're hanging out with them you will be under survelliance too. If you're calling them or they're calling you those phone calls will be wiretapped.
Alleged Russian malware found on Vermont utility's laptop -

Did you actually believe that Barack Obama, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security, and all other security agencies in this country were just going to turn a blind eye to this because it was DONALD TRUMP and his crew? Is that really what you expected?

What makes it even worse for Trump & company is they have denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season 5 TIMES.
They even lied under oath about it.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

And the biggest denier of all is Donald Trump.


Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

When people are continually lying, it's usually because they're trying to hide something.

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She simply did her job, just like all other NSA's....she received foreign National Security intelligence, in order to understand the pertinent security intelligence in full, she needed to know who US PERSON number X is and the NSA had to decide if it was pertinent for her to understand in full, if it was, then THEY unmasked the us person for her and her alone, to see.

Rice requested the info for HERSELF as National Security Advisor if she needed it, and NOT ALL THE BULL CRAP the right wing is LYING ABOUT.....

unmasking a name IS NOT A LEAK....

oh, and since the us person name was masked and she asked for it to be unmasked for her benefit of understanding the intelligence, how could she possibly be asking for all Trump people to be unmasked???

IF THEY WERE MASKED, how did she know who the US person was that she was asking to unveil, asking to be unmasked??

There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Even if she could demonstrate anything close to it, she's already lost.

I don't see her in jail. But she's going to get pretty muddy before this is all over.
There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Yep, her job gets her half way there and her request to the reporting agency gets her over the finish line.

Who made it illegitimate?[/QUOTES]
Wrong, douche bag. She had not legitimate reason for unmasking those names. It was pure political espionage.

If there were no "legitimate" reason , then why was her request granted?
Can anyone explain what Rice did wrong?
She used the government to spy on the opposition candidate. That's the kind of thing dictatorships do.

I said, explain.

Would you also like me to explain the alphabet to you?
Imagine what Hutch would be saying if Rice were an R. He/she/it would be going absolutely BONKERS....Duped by DNC media AGAIN.

Imagine if you could actually explain the alleged wrongdoing.
She simply did her job, just like all other NSA's....she received foreign National Security intelligence, in order to understand the pertinent security intelligence in full, she needed to know who US PERSON number X is and the NSA had to decide if it was pertinent for her to understand in full, if it was, then THEY unmasked the us person for her and her alone, to see.

Rice requested the info for HERSELF as National Security Advisor if she needed it, and NOT ALL THE BULL CRAP the right wing is LYING ABOUT.....

unmasking a name IS NOT A LEAK....

oh, and since the us person name was masked and she asked for it to be unmasked for her benefit of understanding the intelligence, how could she possibly be asking for all Trump people to be unmasked???

IF THEY WERE MASKED, how did she know who the US person was that she was asking to unveil, asking to be unmasked??

There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Even if she could demonstrate anything close to it, she's already lost.

I don't see her in jail. But she's going to get pretty muddy before this is all over.
There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Yep, her job gets her half way there and her request to the reporting agency gets her over the finish line.

Who made it illegitimate?[/QUOTES]
Wrong, douche bag. She had not legitimate reason for unmasking those names. It was pure political espionage.

If there were no "legitimate" reason , then why was her request granted?
It is simple, but apparently simpletons can't see it.

Can anyone explain what Rice did wrong?
She used the government to spy on the opposition candidate. That's the kind of thing dictatorships do.

I said, explain.

Would you also like me to explain the alphabet to you?
Imagine what Hutch would be saying if Rice were an R. He/she/it would be going absolutely BONKERS....Duped by DNC media AGAIN.

Imagine if you could actually explain the alleged wrongdoing.
You need to seek different sources of information. If you get all your news from the DNC, you won't have a clue...which you clearly have indicated.
She simply did her job, just like all other NSA's....she received foreign National Security intelligence, in order to understand the pertinent security intelligence in full, she needed to know who US PERSON number X is and the NSA had to decide if it was pertinent for her to understand in full, if it was, then THEY unmasked the us person for her and her alone, to see.

Rice requested the info for HERSELF as National Security Advisor if she needed it, and NOT ALL THE BULL CRAP the right wing is LYING ABOUT.....

unmasking a name IS NOT A LEAK....

oh, and since the us person name was masked and she asked for it to be unmasked for her benefit of understanding the intelligence, how could she possibly be asking for all Trump people to be unmasked???

IF THEY WERE MASKED, how did she know who the US person was that she was asking to unveil, asking to be unmasked??

There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Even if she could demonstrate anything close to it, she's already lost.

I don't see her in jail. But she's going to get pretty muddy before this is all over.
There has to be legitimacy to the request.

Yep, her job gets her half way there and her request to the reporting agency gets her over the finish line.

Who made it illegitimate?[/QUOTES]
Wrong, douche bag. She had not legitimate reason for unmasking those names. It was pure political espionage.

If there were no "legitimate" reason , then why was her request granted?
It is simple, but apparently simpletons can't see it.


So simple, yet you are unable to articulate even a general explanation.
She used the government to spy on the opposition candidate. That's the kind of thing dictatorships do.

I said, explain.

Would you also like me to explain the alphabet to you?
Imagine what Hutch would be saying if Rice were an R. He/she/it would be going absolutely BONKERS....Duped by DNC media AGAIN.

Imagine if you could actually explain the alleged wrongdoing.
You need to seek different sources of information. If you get all your news from the DNC, you won't have a clue...which you clearly have indicated.

Still, you cannot explain it.
I said, explain.

Would you also like me to explain the alphabet to you?
Imagine what Hutch would be saying if Rice were an R. He/she/it would be going absolutely BONKERS....Duped by DNC media AGAIN.

Imagine if you could actually explain the alleged wrongdoing.
You need to seek different sources of information. If you get all your news from the DNC, you won't have a clue...which you clearly have indicated.

Still, you cannot explain it.
Have you ever read the Constitution? Pay particular attention to the Bill of Rights...if you don't know what that is, Google it. When you have that mastered, let me know and we will continue your elementary education.
Would you also like me to explain the alphabet to you?
Imagine what Hutch would be saying if Rice were an R. He/she/it would be going absolutely BONKERS....Duped by DNC media AGAIN.

Imagine if you could actually explain the alleged wrongdoing.
You need to seek different sources of information. If you get all your news from the DNC, you won't have a clue...which you clearly have indicated.

Still, you cannot explain it.
Have you ever read the Constitution? Pay particular attention to the Bill of Rights...if you don't know what that is, Google it. When you have that mastered, let me know and we will continue your elementary education.

Nothing. Just as I thought, you are absolutely clueless.

Nope Comey testified a little over a week ago, that the Trump intercircle has been under investigation since last July 2016--and they are looking for collusion between Putin--Trump and his surrogates.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, took the extraordinary step on Monday of announcing that the agency is investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee created a treacherous political moment for Mr. Trump, who has insisted that “Russia is fake news” that was cooked up by his political opponents to undermine his presidency. Mr. Comey placed a criminal investigation at the doorstep of the White House and said officers would pursue it “no matter how long that takes.”
James Comey confirms the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's associates for ties to Russia
FBI director confirms investigation of possible collusion between Trump campaign and Russia
Comey confirms FBI investigating links between Russia, Trump associates

"FBI Director James Comey said for the first time Monday that the bureau is investigating whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow while Russia was interfering in the presidential election.

Comey also delivered an implicit rebuke to President Donald Trump, saying that he had "no information" to support claims by the President that he was wiretapped on the orders of predecessor Barack Obama."
FBI Director James Comey: Trump campaign, Russia ties investigated, no wiretap evidence -

You probably should change the source of where you're getting your information, if you didn't know this already--as everyone else knows it.

You know it's one thing to be stupid about something. It's quite another thing when you're insisting on remaining stupid.


Why don't you try actually quoting Come rather than some douche bag leftwing political hacks?

If you have any reading comprehension skills--and an attention span that lasted longer than a knat you would have read some of Comey's quotes.


You didn't post any quotes from Comey, dumbass. You only posted quotes of some leftwing hack talking about Comey.

Rightard... again....

“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, FBI Director

Now learn.

Was that quote in his post? . . . . . . That's right, it wasn't.

Thanks for proving that you're a dumbass.

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