Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

my question is why the heck are all these Trumpsters checking in with known Russian Spies? Or known Turkish spies? Or Known Cypress spies?
my question is why the heck are all these Trumpsters checking in with known Russian Spies?

They wanted to borrow Putin mind control machine for the midterms, the same machine Putin used on Hillary voters to get them to vote for Trump. Are you sure you voted for Hillary?

You are going nonsequiter on me here tyrone. The thread is about which, if any, Obama officials are going to jail for unmasking. Obama could put a lid on the IRS stuff and emailgate because he controlled the DOJ. But he no longer has that power.
White House lawyers last month discovered that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

....Rice's requests to unmask the names of Trump transition officials does not vindicate Trump's own tweets from March 4 in which he accused Obama of illegally tapping Trump Tower. There remains no evidence to support that claim....The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.
BREAKING: The villainous Susan Rice is in the news yet again
Susan Rice, recall, was the National Security Advisor at the time, and most likely requested unmasking of names from intelligence reports all the time. Apparently some of those times included Trump transition officials. How many times? "Dozens." How does that compare to her usual number of requests? There's no telling. Does this have anything to do with Trump's original tweet? No. Was it illegal or wrong in any way? Probably not.

But! Susan Rice is also a Republican bête noir, the villainess of Benghazi who LIED ON TV repeatedly and tried to get everyone to believe that the attacks were due to an INTERNET VIDEO when we knew all along they were really the work of RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, a phrase that OBAMA WAS UNWILLING TO UTTER.

So it's a big win to get Rice's name back in the news. So far, though, it doesn't advance the story in any way. Maybe it will eventually. As usual, we'll just have to wait.

BREAKING: The villainous Susan Rice is in the news yet again
It is a good thing Rice wasn't working directly for Hillary. She might have had to worry about slip and fall accidents.
Call one of the main stream media outlets and ask them to cover this breaking story. They are the largest problem our nation faces, a dishonest overly compensated uneducated biased media.
Call one of the main stream media outlets and ask them to cover this breaking story. They are the largest problem our nation faces, a dishonest overly compensated uneducated biased media.

Ben's brother runs CBS news. I am sure they will cover this just like they covered Benghazi.
Call one of the main stream media outlets and ask them to cover this breaking story. They are the largest problem our nation faces, a dishonest overly compensated uneducated biased media.

Ben's brother runs CBS news. I am sure they will cover this just like they covered Benghazi.
Wow I didn't know that. I guess we must hope the people can see through it. By the results of the last election I am hopeful.
Call one of the main stream media outlets and ask them to cover this breaking story. They are the largest problem our nation faces, a dishonest overly compensated uneducated biased media.

Ben's brother runs CBS news. I am sure they will cover this just like they covered Benghazi.
Wow I didn't know that. I guess we must hope the people can see through it. By the results of the last election I am hopeful.

His wife worked for Hillary at the State Department. These folks all barbque together and debate how to run the universe....well, they use to anyway....

We may never see Obama face justice over this scandal but we all know that man. He is a treasonous bastard and if this were a just world he would go to prison. Hopefully Rice will be prosecuted and her buddies Rhodes Brennan and Clapper.
my question is why the heck are all these Trumpsters checking in with known Russian Spies? Or known Turkish spies? Or Known Cypress spies?

That seems to be the point that's escaping them. They spend all their time kissing up to Vladimir Putin, a little of it questioning the propriety of Trump associates, and a whole pack of them, talking to people under FISA surveilance.
We will see how loyal these people really are now that Hillary lost and can neither protect them nor reward them for their silence. I can see Susan Rice pulling an Ollie North and taking one for team Obama. Ben? hmmm...we will find out.
Turns out that Trump was 100% on the money when he said the Obama administration was spying on him. And the idiots who claimed he was lying look like...well...



Maybe he should not of been involved with the Russians.

You people are just completely stupid, open your damn eyes

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The media is placing our nation at risk with their one sided attack dog mentality. Dems can do no wrong and republicans can do nothing right. Its stupid and it must stop.

Republicans unmasked Valerie Plame, and with her everybody using Jennings and Brewster as a cover. And republicans were alright with that.

Democrats haven't outed covert CIA agents, only traderous trump associates, and you think that's worse.

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