Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

Before even walking in to office the Trump administration are the most lawless people in History....

Partisanly DELUSIONAL...

Your comment is funny considering how snowflakes like you have not been able to produce one piece of evidence proving criminal action against Trump while the Obama administration continues to violate the law even after leaving office.

'Nuff said.

Again. What law did Obama violated?
Unmasking innocent Americans.
If they flip Ben Rhodes, this could get ugly. Did these morons think they would control the Justice Department forever?

This is the oldest GOP trick in the book, scapegoating. Making up stuff. Not going to work. Trump is not trustworthy and neither are the people he works with. She was doing her job, Trump and his Russian connections. Or is it Pres. Kushner now? Who does not have security clearance in that family.

You guys have voted in a bunch of crooks, hope you are happy now.
She wasn't doing her job, because she made sure that these classified communications pointed to Trump officials. Without ordering detailed information, this wouldn't be so easy to read, and without Obama ordering it to be spread around it wouldn't have been leaked. It was all a conspiracy, cut and dried.
it wasn't ordered to be spread around, it was ordered to be gathered together, in to one spot, making it easier to continue the Russian interference investigations in the house and senate intelligence committees...

and your other stuff is simply made up, B.S.

Mudwhistle, there is something seriously WRONG with all of the Trump campaign and Putin/Russian connections, and I don't know what for certain, but the investigators in the press are getting closer and closer to unveiling the truth, little by little....

1. There ARE no 'Russia-Trump' 'connections'. There is NO COLLUSION. As pointed out, the FBI just stated that AGAIN. No Evidence. None. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nada.

2. Snowflakes are dragging the country around on this SNIPE HUNT while attempting to distract from the FACT that Bill Clinton, Hillary's Campaign Manager, and her Campaign Manager's brother were working for / taking money / stocks from, and were connected to Ex-KGB, the Russian Govt / the Kremlin, the Russian Spy Agency, and PUTIN!

Why is it that Snowflakes refuse to come out and state the FACT: "There is something wrong HERE - with THAT"?!

3. 'The (Fake News / All-In) PRESS is getting closer and closer'
- TRANSLATION: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THE SNOWFLAKE CLAIMS....but there IS evidence proving the Obama administration holdover committed FELONY ESPIONAGE!


This is the oldest GOP trick in the book, scapegoating. Making up stuff. Not going to work. Trump is not trustworthy and neither are the people he works with. She was doing her job, Trump and his Russian connections. Or is it Pres. Kushner now? Who does not have security clearance in that family.

You guys have voted in a bunch of crooks, hope you are happy now.
She wasn't doing her job, because she made sure that these classified communications pointed to Trump officials. Without ordering detailed information, this wouldn't be so easy to read, and without Obama ordering it to be spread around it wouldn't have been leaked. It was all a conspiracy, cut and dried.
it wasn't ordered to be spread around, it was ordered to be gathered together, in to one spot, making it easier to continue the Russian interference investigations in the house and senate intelligence committees...

and your other stuff is simply made up, B.S.

Nunes said the intelligence gathered had zero Russian ties
The faces of evil in America


This is the oldest GOP trick in the book, scapegoating. Making up stuff. Not going to work. Trump is not trustworthy and neither are the people he works with. She was doing her job, Trump and his Russian connections. Or is it Pres. Kushner now? Who does not have security clearance in that family.

You guys have voted in a bunch of crooks, hope you are happy now.
She wasn't doing her job, because she made sure that these classified communications pointed to Trump officials. Without ordering detailed information, this wouldn't be so easy to read, and without Obama ordering it to be spread around it wouldn't have been leaked. It was all a conspiracy, cut and dried.
it wasn't ordered to be spread around, it was ordered to be gathered together, in to one spot, making it easier to continue the Russian interference investigations in the house and senate intelligence committees...

and your other stuff is simply made up, B.S.

It was already in one place you dumbass. Obama simply changed intelligence sharing rules.

How Are All These Intel Leaks Happening? Look At One Of The Last Things Obama Did Before Leaving Office

Former President Barack Obama made a last-minute change to the way wiretapped intelligence is shared Jan. 12, which may have contributed to the proliferation of leaks plaguing the Trump administration.

Obama changed the way National Security Agency intelligence is shared 8 days before leaving office, which allows globally intercepted communications to be disseminated across the entire intelligence community.
I wonder if Susan Rice has one of those sealed blanket pardons Obama wrote in those final hours. I am pretty sure Hillary has one.

This is the oldest GOP trick in the book, scapegoating. Making up stuff. Not going to work. Trump is not trustworthy and neither are the people he works with. She was doing her job, Trump and his Russian connections. Or is it Pres. Kushner now? Who does not have security clearance in that family.

You guys have voted in a bunch of crooks, hope you are happy now.
She wasn't doing her job, because she made sure that these classified communications pointed to Trump officials. Without ordering detailed information, this wouldn't be so easy to read, and without Obama ordering it to be spread around it wouldn't have been leaked. It was all a conspiracy, cut and dried.
it wasn't ordered to be spread around, it was ordered to be gathered together, in to one spot, making it easier to continue the Russian interference investigations in the house and senate intelligence committees...

and your other stuff is simply made up, B.S.

Nunes said the intelligence gathered had zero Russian ties

That it was also legal.
I wonder if Susan Rice has one of those sealed blanket pardons Obama wrote in those final hours. I am pretty sure Hillary has one.
better check that vibrating buzzing device sticking out of where the "sun don't shine"...I think Trump schlonged you

It would have been a reasonable precaution for Obama to take. He couldn't fix anything once he was out of office.
Before even walking in to office the Trump administration are the most lawless people in History....

Partisanly DELUSIONAL...

Your comment is funny considering how snowflakes like you have not been able to produce one piece of evidence proving criminal action against Trump while the Obama administration continues to violate the law even after leaving office.

'Nuff said.

Again. What law did Obama violated?
Unmasking innocent Americans.
hello? It's done Daily, by the National Security Advisor, to the handful of her top advisors IF THERE are pertinent reasons to know... to help our National Security team understand the full scope of the intelligence gathered on the Foreigners....

and the other intelligence agencies holding the info gathered must AGREE on the pertinence of knowing the masked in order to fully understand the foreign intelligence gathered.
This bitch is going to prison. Her guilt is beyond obvious.

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.

“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

Other knowledgeable official sources with direct knowledge and who requested anonymity confirmed to TheDCNF diGenova’s description of surveillance reports Rice ordered one year before the 2016 presidential election. . .

you can actually see the desperation dripping off the OP

meanwhile, over at non-Faux reality:

“In a situation where there’s incidental collection and it appears that they’re discussing U.S. incoming or current officials, it would not be unusual for a national security adviser to try to understand what it is this foreign government is trying to do to manipulate their position against the U.S.,” said Nada Bakos, a former CIA analyst and national-security commentator. “That’s how the game is played.”

Susan Rice was the National Security Advisor, sorry desperados

just another log for Trumps funeral pyre...............Did Susan Rice Do Anything Wrong By Asking to 'Unmask' Trump Officials?

This is the oldest GOP trick in the book, scapegoating. Making up stuff. Not going to work. Trump is not trustworthy and neither are the people he works with. She was doing her job, Trump and his Russian connections. Or is it Pres. Kushner now? Who does not have security clearance in that family.

You guys have voted in a bunch of crooks, hope you are happy now.
She wasn't doing her job, because she made sure that these classified communications pointed to Trump officials. Without ordering detailed information, this wouldn't be so easy to read, and without Obama ordering it to be spread around it wouldn't have been leaked. It was all a conspiracy, cut and dried.
it wasn't ordered to be spread around, it was ordered to be gathered together, in to one spot, making it easier to continue the Russian interference investigations in the house and senate intelligence committees...

and your other stuff is simply made up, B.S.

Nunes said the intelligence gathered had zero Russian ties

That it was also legal.

Based on what?

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