Suspect Farooq Saeed sought in Mass Shooting in San Bernardino

What is the accelerat they used? You said bomb making equipment was available at Home Depot. Most of it is available at Radio Shack as well. However the stuff that goes boom...... What was it, and where is it available at Home Depot?
Ever heard of fertilizer?
Or you can go online and learn how to make explosives from household chemicals .
No exotic materials needed.
Nice dodge!
We aren't going to know for a while what they had, but I suspect by bomb making equipment they are not talking about weed and feed
  • Diff between R and D? Repubs send blessings to cops and victims. Dems look to score points ^ | 12/02/2015 |
    The statements (some via tweets) from the Democrats: We don't yet know what the motives of the shooters are, but what we do know is, is that there are steps we can take to make Americans safer and that we should come together in a bipartisan basis at every level of government to make these rare as opposed to normal. We should never think that this is something that just happens in the ordinary course of events, because it doesn't happen with the same frequency in other countries. ---Obama Mass shootings are becoming an almost-everyday occurrence in this country. This...
Prayers don't seem to be helping much. But if that's all the GOP candidates have got...................................probably afraid of their nutbar constituents.
This is what they're raised on by the schools and the media.

Really? Of all the interactions on this thread I'm the only one who is actually putting thought and ideas in to the debate. Yourself and the peanut gallery are offering nothing but alarmist, vacuous, go-nowhere points that are just slogans you'd find of placards at a John Birch society rally. Nobody else has said anything of worth, merit or even tried to engage. Their whole argument seems to be <putting on best Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel/Gomer Pyle voice> "Well, golly gee. Those ragheads are to blame for all the ills in the world. Why are they picking on us? What have we done to them? We're for truth, freedom and the American way!"

C'mon PC, you're batshit crazy and to the right of Attila the Hun, but even you can do better than these 5th-grade rejects.
I find libtards think they know more and speak well enough to cover up the fact they are spineless retards. Libtards would rather blame Amerca and defend satan worshipping moo slims. Idiots.
This is what they're raised on by the schools and the media.

Really? Of all the interactions on this thread I'm the only one who is actually putting thought and ideas in to the debate. Yourself and the peanut gallery are offering nothing but alarmist, vacuous, go-nowhere points that are just slogans you'd find of placards at a John Birch society rally. Nobody else has said anything of worth, merit or even tried to engage. Their whole argument seems to be <putting on best Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel/Gomer Pyle voice> "Well, golly gee. Those ragheads are to blame for all the ills in the world. Why are they picking on us? What have we done to them? We're for truth, freedom and the American way!"

C'mon PC, you're batshit crazy and to the right of Attila the Hun, but even you can do better than these 5th-grade rejects.
I find libtards think they know more and speak well enough to cover up the fact they are spineless retards. Libtards would rather blame Amerca and defend satan worshipping moo slims. Idiots.
This is what they're raised on by the schools and the media.

Really? Of all the interactions on this thread I'm the only one who is actually putting thought and ideas in to the debate. Yourself and the peanut gallery are offering nothing but alarmist, vacuous, go-nowhere points that are just slogans you'd find of placards at a John Birch society rally. Nobody else has said anything of worth, merit or even tried to engage. Their whole argument seems to be <putting on best Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel/Gomer Pyle voice> "Well, golly gee. Those ragheads are to blame for all the ills in the world. Why are they picking on us? What have we done to them? We're for truth, freedom and the American way!"

C'mon PC, you're batshit crazy and to the right of Attila the Hun, but even you can do better than these 5th-grade rejects.
I find libtards think they know more and speak well enough to cover up the fact they are spineless retards. Libtards would rather blame Amerca and defend satan worshipping moo slims. Idiots.
You are full of itx4
This is what they're raised on by the schools and the media.

Really? Of all the interactions on this thread I'm the only one who is actually putting thought and ideas in to the debate. Yourself and the peanut gallery are offering nothing but alarmist, vacuous, go-nowhere points that are just slogans you'd find of placards at a John Birch society rally. Nobody else has said anything of worth, merit or even tried to engage. Their whole argument seems to be <putting on best Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel/Gomer Pyle voice> "Well, golly gee. Those ragheads are to blame for all the ills in the world. Why are they picking on us? What have we done to them? We're for truth, freedom and the American way!"

C'mon PC, you're batshit crazy and to the right of Attila the Hun, but even you can do better than these 5th-grade rejects.
I find libtards think they know more and speak well enough to cover up the fact they are spineless retards. Libtards would rather blame Amerca and defend satan worshipping moo slims. Idiots.
You are full of itx4
I'm not the dumbass who says muslims worship satan.
This is what they're raised on by the schools and the media.

Really? Of all the interactions on this thread I'm the only one who is actually putting thought and ideas in to the debate. Yourself and the peanut gallery are offering nothing but alarmist, vacuous, go-nowhere points that are just slogans you'd find of placards at a John Birch society rally. Nobody else has said anything of worth, merit or even tried to engage. Their whole argument seems to be <putting on best Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel/Gomer Pyle voice> "Well, golly gee. Those ragheads are to blame for all the ills in the world. Why are they picking on us? What have we done to them? We're for truth, freedom and the American way!"

C'mon PC, you're batshit crazy and to the right of Attila the Hun, but even you can do better than these 5th-grade rejects.
I find libtards think they know more and speak well enough to cover up the fact they are spineless retards. Libtards would rather blame Amerca and defend satan worshipping moo slims. Idiots.
You are full of itx4
I'm not the dumbass who says muslims worship satan.
They do. Your the dumbass who is too ignorant to know it.
Really? Of all the interactions on this thread I'm the only one who is actually putting thought and ideas in to the debate. Yourself and the peanut gallery are offering nothing but alarmist, vacuous, go-nowhere points that are just slogans you'd find of placards at a John Birch society rally. Nobody else has said anything of worth, merit or even tried to engage. Their whole argument seems to be <putting on best Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel/Gomer Pyle voice> "Well, golly gee. Those ragheads are to blame for all the ills in the world. Why are they picking on us? What have we done to them? We're for truth, freedom and the American way!"

C'mon PC, you're batshit crazy and to the right of Attila the Hun, but even you can do better than these 5th-grade rejects.
I find libtards think they know more and speak well enough to cover up the fact they are spineless retards. Libtards would rather blame Amerca and defend satan worshipping moo slims. Idiots.
You are full of itx4
I'm not the dumbass who says muslims worship satan.
They do. Your the dumbass who is too ignorant to know it.
You wish.
Just heard this on NPR, if the suspects were wearing body armor, they couldn't have been IS deash terrorist, these guys wanted to live. Big indicator.

Of course they could have... to CONTINUE KILLING until the body armor doesn't STOP 50-100 bullets... you know there IS a LIMIT on what body armor can withstand!
I was in denial. Afraid they really were IS Muslim wackos. Someone made it clear, they wore body armor to live as long as possible to kill as many as they could, not to survive and get away. Damn, husband and wife even with a CHILD. And the female was cleared / vetted by authorities too. Makes me wonder about Syrian refugees and how well we can vet ANYONE.
Just heard this on NPR, if the suspects were wearing body armor, they couldn't have been IS deash terrorist, these guys wanted to live. Big indicator.

Of course they could have... to CONTINUE KILLING until the body armor doesn't STOP 50-100 bullets... you know there IS a LIMIT on what body armor can withstand!
I was in denial. Afraid they really were IS Muslim wackos. Someone made it clear, they wore body armor to live as long as possible to kill as many as they could, not to survive and get away. Damn, husband and wife even with a CHILD. And the female was cleared / vetted by authorities too. Makes me wonder about Syrian refugees and how well we can vet ANYONE.

She was cleared via the VISA system, not the refugee track. She was on a Muslim dating site which the dude signed up on looking for a "traditional" wife. They met online, hit it off, and he went to see her and she came back on a FIANCEE VISA.

And, you've gotta admit, getting a natural born US citizen to vouch for and marry you is a much quicker route into the US than applying for refugee status. Easier to get through as well.

I wish people would understand the difference between refugees and how this woman got into the country, rather than lumping everything into one category.

We need to fix the visa system and requirements, not come down harder on refugees.
Just heard this on NPR, if the suspects were wearing body armor, they couldn't have been IS deash terrorist, these guys wanted to live. Big indicator.

Of course they could have... to CONTINUE KILLING until the body armor doesn't STOP 50-100 bullets... you know there IS a LIMIT on what body armor can withstand!
I was in denial. Afraid they really were IS Muslim wackos. Someone made it clear, they wore body armor to live as long as possible to kill as many as they could, not to survive and get away. Damn, husband and wife even with a CHILD. And the female was cleared / vetted by authorities too. Makes me wonder about Syrian refugees and how well we can vet ANYONE.

She was cleared via the VISA system, not the refugee track. She was on a Muslim dating site which the dude signed up on looking for a "traditional" wife. They met online, hit it off, and he went to see her and she came back on a FIANCEE VISA.

And, you've gotta admit, getting a natural born US citizen to vouch for and marry you is a much quicker route into the US than applying for refugee status. Easier to get through as well.

I wish people would understand the difference between refugees and how this woman got into the country, rather than lumping everything into one category.

We need to fix the visa system and requirements, not come down harder on refugees.
Regardless. So you are saying that they don't scrutinize all immigrants the same? After this slip up, how can we trust the system to catch potential terrorist no matter how they arrive? There is always an excuse.
Just heard this on NPR, if the suspects were wearing body armor, they couldn't have been IS deash terrorist, these guys wanted to live. Big indicator.

Of course they could have... to CONTINUE KILLING until the body armor doesn't STOP 50-100 bullets... you know there IS a LIMIT on what body armor can withstand!
I was in denial. Afraid they really were IS Muslim wackos. Someone made it clear, they wore body armor to live as long as possible to kill as many as they could, not to survive and get away. Damn, husband and wife even with a CHILD. And the female was cleared / vetted by authorities too. Makes me wonder about Syrian refugees and how well we can vet ANYONE.

She was cleared via the VISA system, not the refugee track. She was on a Muslim dating site which the dude signed up on looking for a "traditional" wife. They met online, hit it off, and he went to see her and she came back on a FIANCEE VISA.

And, you've gotta admit, getting a natural born US citizen to vouch for and marry you is a much quicker route into the US than applying for refugee status. Easier to get through as well.

I wish people would understand the difference between refugees and how this woman got into the country, rather than lumping everything into one category.

We need to fix the visa system and requirements, not come down harder on refugees.
Regardless. So you are saying that they don't scrutinize all immigrants the same? After this slip up, how can we trust the system to catch potential terrorist no matter how they arrive? There is always an excuse.

No, they don't screen everyone the same. The screening process for refugees is much more intensive (where you lived, where you worked, who you knew, what you did, etc.).

Applying for a fiancee visa requires a general background check, and proof that there is an ongoing relationship that is heading towards marriage.

Matter of fact, I knew a couple of people while I was in the military that got married to foreign brides. Yeah, there was a process, but it was reasonably easy to get through.

Fix the visa system, it's the place where we are most vulnerable.
Just heard this on NPR, if the suspects were wearing body armor, they couldn't have been IS deash terrorist, these guys wanted to live. Big indicator.

Of course they could have... to CONTINUE KILLING until the body armor doesn't STOP 50-100 bullets... you know there IS a LIMIT on what body armor can withstand!
I was in denial. Afraid they really were IS Muslim wackos. Someone made it clear, they wore body armor to live as long as possible to kill as many as they could, not to survive and get away. Damn, husband and wife even with a CHILD. And the female was cleared / vetted by authorities too. Makes me wonder about Syrian refugees and how well we can vet ANYONE.

She was cleared via the VISA system, not the refugee track. She was on a Muslim dating site which the dude signed up on looking for a "traditional" wife. They met online, hit it off, and he went to see her and she came back on a FIANCEE VISA.

And, you've gotta admit, getting a natural born US citizen to vouch for and marry you is a much quicker route into the US than applying for refugee status. Easier to get through as well.

I wish people would understand the difference between refugees and how this woman got into the country, rather than lumping everything into one category.

We need to fix the visa system and requirements, not come down harder on refugees.
Regardless. So you are saying that they don't scrutinize all immigrants the same? After this slip up, how can we trust the system to catch potential terrorist no matter how they arrive? There is always an excuse.

No, they don't screen everyone the same. The screening process for refugees is much more intensive (where you lived, where you worked, who you knew, what you did, etc.).

Applying for a fiancee visa requires a general background check, and proof that there is an ongoing relationship that is heading towards marriage.

Matter of fact, I knew a couple of people while I was in the military that got married to foreign brides. Yeah, there was a process, but it was reasonably easy to get through.

Fix the visa system, it's the place where we are most vulnerable.
Just heard this on NPR, if the suspects were wearing body armor, they couldn't have been IS deash terrorist, these guys wanted to live. Big indicator.

Of course they could have... to CONTINUE KILLING until the body armor doesn't STOP 50-100 bullets... you know there IS a LIMIT on what body armor can withstand!
I was in denial. Afraid they really were IS Muslim wackos. Someone made it clear, they wore body armor to live as long as possible to kill as many as they could, not to survive and get away. Damn, husband and wife even with a CHILD. And the female was cleared / vetted by authorities too. Makes me wonder about Syrian refugees and how well we can vet ANYONE.

She was cleared via the VISA system, not the refugee track. She was on a Muslim dating site which the dude signed up on looking for a "traditional" wife. They met online, hit it off, and he went to see her and she came back on a FIANCEE VISA.

And, you've gotta admit, getting a natural born US citizen to vouch for and marry you is a much quicker route into the US than applying for refugee status. Easier to get through as well.

I wish people would understand the difference between refugees and how this woman got into the country, rather than lumping everything into one category.

We need to fix the visa system and requirements, not come down harder on refugees.
Regardless. So you are saying that they don't scrutinize all immigrants the same? After this slip up, how can we trust the system to catch potential terrorist no matter how they arrive? There is always an excuse.

No, they don't screen everyone the same. The screening process for refugees is much more intensive (where you lived, where you worked, who you knew, what you did, etc.).

Applying for a fiancee visa requires a general background check, and proof that there is an ongoing relationship that is heading towards marriage.

Matter of fact, I knew a couple of people while I was in the military that got married to foreign brides. Yeah, there was a process, but it was reasonably easy to get through.

Fix the visa system, it's the place where we are most vulnerable.
Lets fix the system were ever it's needed. I am not feeling comfortable with government programs about now. Catch the terroist buggers and stop the blame game.
The main lesson each time a bloodthirsty muzzie pos commits violence is to not become islamophobic....

Apostate savage asswipes
Just heard this on NPR, if the suspects were wearing body armor, they couldn't have been IS deash terrorist, these guys wanted to live. Big indicator.

Of course they could have... to CONTINUE KILLING until the body armor doesn't STOP 50-100 bullets... you know there IS a LIMIT on what body armor can withstand!
I was in denial. Afraid they really were IS Muslim wackos. Someone made it clear, they wore body armor to live as long as possible to kill as many as they could, not to survive and get away. Damn, husband and wife even with a CHILD. And the female was cleared / vetted by authorities too. Makes me wonder about Syrian refugees and how well we can vet ANYONE.

No crime, no obvious connection to terrorism not reason to not allow her to marry and get a green card. Sleepers are supposed to go unnoticed by authorities till awoken.
They were good people, they just did bad things. What a bunch of deluded bullshit. Muslim hateful hypocrites, working late at night on bombs in their garage perfecting plans to use xmas lights to kill the infidel in their homeland. Wow. Mingle among them, use their technology, traditions and slaughter them like sheep. And The press is fixated with a backlash against Islam. Really? That should be the second to the LAST thing we have to worry about. I wouldn't hold it against anyone if they did harm to Muslims. Shouldn't feel that way, but I am being honest.

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