Suspect Farooq Saeed sought in Mass Shooting in San Bernardino

It's only the beginning. Just wait until those Syrian "refugees" get settled. That database is starting to sound pretty good about now, isn't it?
The Syrians will have to work hard to catch up with US citizen's that were born here.
They're Syrians and Iraqi's here in Twin Falls, Idaho and they seem to be living a life of hopelessness

1. "Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

2. But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.

3. Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation."
Roger Scruton, "The West and the Rest."

Poll: Americans see homegrown jihadis as top terror threat

Somehow with the PC Police, the fact that these people were American citizens is supposed to change things.

Well, if we actually cared when American Citizens engaged in mass shootings, we'd have gun control by now.

Beyond that, it looks like the shooter worked at the place he shot up, and that he wasn't particularly religious... But EEEEK, Scary Islam.

Who are Syed Rezwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik? -
I'll tell you what my reaction to harm committed to mine wouldn't be. I would not seek revenge on those who had nothing to do with the assualt other than sharing a passport, a religion or an ethnic identity.

You're attempt to rationalize the violence is the exact reason the violence took place in the minds of these psychopaths.

Kudos to being an exception to the rule. Most of the neocon whackjobs on this board think the only good Muslim is a dead one. Or one that doesn't live in your country.

I'm not trying to rationalise anything. I'm giving you a reason as to what might motivate them. I find their reasoning just as irrational as you. However, the likes of SJ see the world in black and white. It is never that simple. Well it is, to simple folk.

" I'm giving you a reason as to what might motivate them."

Are you nuts???

Clearly you haven't read the manual of war called the Q'ran.
He is just another blame the good guy libtard.

No, I'm the guy who puts things in context and doesn't go around Chicken Littling and being a alarmist idiot. I'm the guy who doesn't dumb down complicated situations so those who have the IQ of an amoeba can get along in their little sound-bite world. That's who I am. You?
" I'm giving you a reason as to what might motivate them."

Are you nuts???

Clearly you haven't read the manual of war called the Q'ran.

The Koran has been around for 1200 years. It is only in the past 10-15 years they've started targeting the US and Europe, and only really since 2001. Why is that?
No thanks. I find your making excuses for despite you disingenuous denial, well, disingenuous. Save that for Dearborn or NJ.

I'm not making excuses for anything. Unlike you, who is making excuses to hate a people and religion based on the actions of a few. I have not excused these idiots once. Again, you verbally challenged cretins are just taking the argument down to its lowest common denominator. Typical of a conservative. Anything more complicated than 1+1=2 and we're really starting to stretch the grey matter, aren't we?
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" I'm giving you a reason as to what might motivate them."

Are you nuts???

Clearly you haven't read the manual of war called the Q'ran.

The Koran has been around for 1200 years. It is only in the past 10-15 years they've started targeting the US and Europe, and only really since 2001. Why is that?

Bonus rewards for airline miles traveled?
This is what they're raised on by the schools and the media.

Really? Of all the interactions on this thread I'm the only one who is actually putting thought and ideas in to the debate. Yourself and the peanut gallery are offering nothing but alarmist, vacuous, go-nowhere points that are just slogans you'd find of placards at a John Birch society rally. Nobody else has said anything of worth, merit or even tried to engage. Their whole argument seems to be <putting on best Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel/Gomer Pyle voice> "Well, golly gee. Those ragheads are to blame for all the ills in the world. Why are they picking on us? What have we done to them? We're for truth, freedom and the American way!"

C'mon PC, you're batshit crazy and to the right of Attila the Hun, but even you can do better than these 5th-grade rejects.
Hey dimwit... You know what the outcome of something like this would be in a world where everyone is armed? I'll give you a clue... 14 innocent people aren't dead!

You mean like happened in Colorado whefre one of the dead was an armed policeman? That kind of 'being armed'?
No thanks. I find your making excuses for despite you disingenuous denial, well, disingenuous. Save that for Dearborn or NJ.

I'm not making excuses for anything. Unlike you, who is making excuses to hate a people and religion based on the actions of a few. I have not excused these idiots once. Again, you verbally challenged cretins are just taking the argument down to its lowest common denominator. Typical of a conservative. Anything more complicated than 1+1=2 and we're really starting to stretch the grey matter, aren't we?
Speaking of gray matter, try something other than hackneyed and ding-bat platitudes in seeking to justify the intentional targeting of civilians who most probably had nothing to do with the injustices you perceive. That's squarely low-life stuff.
MSNBC is trying to insinuate that it is right wing anti government types.
They said this doesn't fit the terrorist MO because they shoot up malls.
Then they wonder why their ratings are so low.

Bullshit. They have "insinuated" nothing of the kind.

You're all running around, spreading lies, none of you know even one fact.

No lie Luddly,
I was watching the show at the time they said it.
" I'm giving you a reason as to what might motivate them."

Are you nuts???

Clearly you haven't read the manual of war called the Q'ran.

The Koran has been around for 1200 years. It is only in the past 10-15 years they've started targeting the US and Europe, and only really since 2001. Why is that?
Lol. Do the Ottoman Empire and the Gates of Vienna mean anything to you?
" I'm giving you a reason as to what might motivate them."

Are you nuts???

Clearly you haven't read the manual of war called the Q'ran.

The Koran has been around for 1200 years. It is only in the past 10-15 years they've started targeting the US and Europe, and only really since 2001. Why is that?

Yeah that entire Crusades thing happened in 1999.....LMAO
Speaking of gray matter, try something other than hackneyed and ding-bat platitudes in seeking to justify the intentional targeting of civilians who most probably had nothing to do with the injustices you perceive. That's squarely low-life stuff.

Look up the word platitude, then find one in my writings. I'm not seeking to justify anything.
I'm not making excuses for anything. Unlike you, who is making excuses to hate a people and religion based on the actions of a few. I have not excused these idiots once. Again, you verbally challenged cretins are just taking the argument down to its lowest common denominator. Typical of a conservative. Anything more complicated than 1+1=2 and we're really starting to stretch the grey matter, aren't we?
Speaking of gray matter, try something other than hackneyed and ding-bat platitudes in seeking to justify the intentional targeting of civilians who most probably had nothing to do with the injustices you perceive. That's squarely low-life stuff.

Look up the word platitude, then find one in my writings. I'm not seeking to justify anything.
Look up "ding bat" and "platitude" and the rest will fall into place. I fully suspect that you know you are a low life, so no need there.
" I'm giving you a reason as to what might motivate them."

Are you nuts???

Clearly you haven't read the manual of war called the Q'ran.

The Koran has been around for 1200 years. It is only in the past 10-15 years they've started targeting the US and Europe, and only really since 2001. Why is that?
Lol. Do the Ottoman Empire and the Gates of Vienna mean anything to you?

You could have really stumped him by mentioning the Polish King, Jan Sobieski.
Lol. Do the Ottoman Empire and the Gates of Vienna mean anything to you?

Does the Skyes-Picot Agreement mean anything to you?
" I'm giving you a reason as to what might motivate them."

Are you nuts???

Clearly you haven't read the manual of war called the Q'ran.

The Koran has been around for 1200 years. It is only in the past 10-15 years they've started targeting the US and Europe, and only really since 2001. Why is that?
Lol. Do the Ottoman Empire and the Gates of Vienna mean anything to you?

You could have really stumped him by mentioning the Polish King, Jan Sobieski.
Poor King Jan, he must have imagined the Muslim hordes :)
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Lol. Do the Ottoman Empire and the Gates of Vienna mean anything to you?

Does the Skyes-Picot Agreement mean anything to you?
" I'm giving you a reason as to what might motivate them."

Are you nuts???

Clearly you haven't read the manual of war called the Q'ran.

The Koran has been around for 1200 years. It is only in the past 10-15 years they've started targeting the US and Europe, and only really since 2001. Why is that?
Lol. Do the Ottoman Empire and the Gates of Vienna mean anything to you?

You could have really stumped him by mentioning the Polish King, Jan Sobieski.
Poor King Jan, he must have imagined the Muslim hoards :)

It was just a bad dream

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