Suspect Farooq Saeed sought in Mass Shooting in San Bernardino

Like I said, you're defending the terrorists. Blaming us for their murderous nature. You should go live with them. Believe me, you won't be missed here.

You're the reason I believe there should be an IQ test before people are allowed to vote. I find it disturbing that one such as yourself is allowed the privilege when you're so one-dimensional and don't have a clue as to what is going on around you. Your thought processes are simplistic with little or no insight and can best be described as suited for sound bites on the National Enquirer website. Remember this SJ, with your type of attitude, people like you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Get out more. Read more. Research more. Currently you so behind the eight ball I'm surprised you can use a computer.
Yes you are. You're trying to minimize and justify what they did. Your highlighted comment is proof.

Only in neocon whackjob land. I think they are scum sucking losers. I like to know what causes this kind of thing. What I find sad - and it would be laughable if people hadn't been killed - is that you are morally outraged at what they have done, and I'm sure if it was one of your relatives you would be baying for blood. Well, guess what, that is how Muslims feel. Is anybody at all surprised that a large number of people from Iraq and Afghanistan - the ME in general - are getting in on the act due to the 100s of 1000s of civilians bombed by coalition forces? This stuff is somehow surprising? I don't think so. What Bush and his cabal created when they killed 100s of 1000s of civilians was a whole lot more terrorists and terrorist sympathisers. All those people killed had brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, cousins, friends. Tell me, what would your reaction be if your mother or father were 'collateral damage' in, let's say, a Chinese bombing raid in your own country? Sit on your hands and "oh, well, that's life"? I don't think so. Unfortunately things are only going to get worse IMO...
I'll tell you what my reaction to harm committed to mine wouldn't be. I would not seek revenge on those who had nothing to do with the assualt other than sharing a passport, a religion or an ethnic identity.

You're attempt to rationalize the violence is the exact reason the violence took place in the minds of these psychopaths.
Difference between left and right -

Left wants to stop the constant shootings.
Right wants to sell more guns in order to cause more shootings in order to sell more guns in order to cause more shootings in order to ...............................................

Hey dimwit... You know what the outcome of something like this would be in a world where everyone is armed? I'll give you a clue... 14 innocent people aren't dead!
Like I said, you're defending the terrorists. Blaming us for their murderous nature. You should go live with them. Believe me, you won't be missed here.

You're the reason I believe there should be an IQ test before people are allowed to vote. I find it disturbing that one such as yourself is allowed the privilege when you're so one-dimensional and don't have a clue as to what is going on around you. Your thought processes are simplistic with little or no insight and can best be described as suited for sound bites on the National Enquirer website. Remember this SJ, with your type of attitude, people like you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Get out more. Read more. Research more. Currently you so behind the eight ball I'm surprised you can use a computer.
Blah, blah, blah. Now that you've gotten your childish insults out of the way, do you have anything substantive to say or is empty rhetoric all you have? Never mind, I already know.
Yes you are. You're trying to minimize and justify what they did. Your highlighted comment is proof.

Only in neocon whackjob land. I think they are scum sucking losers. I like to know what causes this kind of thing. What I find sad - and it would be laughable if people hadn't been killed - is that you are morally outraged at what they have done, and I'm sure if it was one of your relatives you would be baying for blood. Well, guess what, that is how Muslims feel. Is anybody at all surprised that a large number of people from Iraq and Afghanistan - the ME in general - are getting in on the act due to the 100s of 1000s of civilians bombed by coalition forces? This stuff is somehow surprising? I don't think so. What Bush and his cabal created when they killed 100s of 1000s of civilians was a whole lot more terrorists and terrorist sympathisers. All those people killed had brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, cousins, friends. Tell me, what would your reaction be if your mother or father were 'collateral damage' in, let's say, a Chinese bombing raid in your own country? Sit on your hands and "oh, well, that's life"? I don't think so. Unfortunately things are only going to get worse IMO...

dipshit- muslim terrorism started HUNDREDS of years ago asshole. And there have been thousands since 911.
Like I said, you're defending the terrorists. Blaming us for their murderous nature. You should go live with them. Believe me, you won't be missed here.

You're the reason I believe there should be an IQ test before people are allowed to vote. I find it disturbing that one such as yourself is allowed the privilege when you're so one-dimensional and don't have a clue as to what is going on around you. Your thought processes are simplistic with little or no insight and can best be described as suited for sound bites on the National Enquirer website. Remember this SJ, with your type of attitude, people like you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Get out more. Read more. Research more. Currently you so behind the eight ball I'm surprised you can use a computer.
You might be on to something with that IQ test thing...

After all, the Liberals not only are too stupid to recognize terrorism when they see it, but the Democrats on this board keep insisting that they aren't even bright enough to find the DMV to get a free ID!!!
I'll tell you what my reaction to harm committed to mine wouldn't be. I would not seek revenge on those who had nothing to do with the assualt other than sharing a passport, a religion or an ethnic identity.

You're attempt to rationalize the violence is the exact reason the violence took place in the minds of these psychopaths.

Kudos to being an exception to the rule. Most of the neocon whackjobs on this board think the only good Muslim is a dead one. Or one that doesn't live in your country.

I'm not trying to rationalise anything. I'm giving you a reason as to what might motivate them. I find their reasoning just as irrational as you. However, the likes of SJ see the world in black and white. It is never that simple. Well it is, to simple folk.
Hmmm. Syad Farook. Sounds like a white Southern cracker.

Reportedly also an American citizen.

Yes, and that's the problem. The Boston Marathon bombers were also citizens. I was listening to one terrorist expert that says, they may not be terrorists when they come into this country but are easily radicalized. Even though they grew up in this country and know the culture well. Especially young Muslim males.

Listening to CNN--they are calling this a terrorist attack. A NYC counter terrorism expert says this may have been a sleeper cell that was called into action.

So I imagine, if this is what we think it is, you will see Republicans and Democrats finally agree on something. No Syrian refugees, and no Muslims entering this country.

Why are they easily radicalized?

Oh, yeah, the Iraq war and the "war on terror" which essentially vilified all Muslims.

It's not difficult to see why Muslims are getting disillusioned with the US.

Squatters always find a way to excuse Islamist terrorists.

They have perfected the ability to ignore truth and reality.

Only thing better would be 2 OR MORE DEAD TERRORIST muslims!

Obama: "Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States... "
Obama: GOP refugee opponents 'scared of widows and orphans'
Hey dimwit... You know what the outcome of something like this would be in a world where everyone is armed? I'll give you a clue... 14 innocent people aren't dead!

right. all we needed to do was make sure all the developmentally disabled people at that school were packing, and things would have been totally different.
MSNBC is now saying Saeed Farooq was an American citizen.
There are over 300 American citizens suspected of having ties to ISIS. 77 have already been arrested.

Poll: Americans see homegrown jihadis as top terror threat

Somehow with the PC Police, the fact that these people were American citizens is supposed to change things.
If they come here for the wrong reasons illegally or otherwise, they won't be good citizens. Allow them to keep to themselves and they will never assimilate.
It's only the beginning. Just wait until those Syrian "refugees" get settled. That database is starting to sound pretty good about now, isn't it?
The Syrians will have to work hard to catch up with US citizen's that were born here.
They're Syrians and Iraqi's here in Twin Falls, Idaho and they seem to be living a life of hopelessness
Yes you are. You're trying to minimize and justify what they did. Your highlighted comment is proof.

Only in neocon whackjob land. I think they are scum sucking losers. I like to know what causes this kind of thing. What I find sad - and it would be laughable if people hadn't been killed - is that you are morally outraged at what they have done, and I'm sure if it was one of your relatives you would be baying for blood. Well, guess what, that is how Muslims feel. Is anybody at all surprised that a large number of people from Iraq and Afghanistan - the ME in general - are getting in on the act due to the 100s of 1000s of civilians bombed by coalition forces? This stuff is somehow surprising? I don't think so. What Bush and his cabal created when they killed 100s of 1000s of civilians was a whole lot more terrorists and terrorist sympathisers. All those people killed had brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, cousins, friends. Tell me, what would your reaction be if your mother or father were 'collateral damage' in, let's say, a Chinese bombing raid in your own country? Sit on your hands and "oh, well, that's life"? I don't think so. Unfortunately things are only going to get worse IMO...
Like I said, you're defending the terrorists. Blaming us for their murderous nature. You should go live with them. Believe me, you wouldn't be missed here.
He is just another blame the good guy libtard.
It's only the beginning. Just wait until those Syrian "refugees" get settled. That database is starting to sound pretty good about now, isn't it?
The Syrians will have to work hard to catch up with US citizen's that were born here.
They're Syrians and Iraqi's here in Twin Falls, Idaho and they seem to be living a life of hopelessness
A situation of their own making.

They're primed for similar attacks on you folks in Idaho.

If Muslims never learn to get along with others they live with, this is they kind of attitude they develop:

I'll tell you what my reaction to harm committed to mine wouldn't be. I would not seek revenge on those who had nothing to do with the assualt other than sharing a passport, a religion or an ethnic identity.

You're attempt to rationalize the violence is the exact reason the violence took place in the minds of these psychopaths.

Kudos to being an exception to the rule. Most of the neocon whackjobs on this board think the only good Muslim is a dead one. Or one that doesn't live in your country.

I'm not trying to rationalise anything. I'm giving you a reason as to what might motivate them. I find their reasoning just as irrational as you. However, the likes of SJ see the world in black and white. It is never that simple. Well it is, to simple folk.
No thanks. I find your making excuses for despite you disingenuous denial, well, disingenuous. Save that for Dearborn or NJ.
Yes you are. You're trying to minimize and justify what they did. Your highlighted comment is proof.

Only in neocon whackjob land. I think they are scum sucking losers. I like to know what causes this kind of thing. What I find sad - and it would be laughable if people hadn't been killed - is that you are morally outraged at what they have done, and I'm sure if it was one of your relatives you would be baying for blood. Well, guess what, that is how Muslims feel. Is anybody at all surprised that a large number of people from Iraq and Afghanistan - the ME in general - are getting in on the act due to the 100s of 1000s of civilians bombed by coalition forces? This stuff is somehow surprising? I don't think so. What Bush and his cabal created when they killed 100s of 1000s of civilians was a whole lot more terrorists and terrorist sympathisers. All those people killed had brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, cousins, friends. Tell me, what would your reaction be if your mother or father were 'collateral damage' in, let's say, a Chinese bombing raid in your own country? Sit on your hands and "oh, well, that's life"? I don't think so. Unfortunately things are only going to get worse IMO...
Like I said, you're defending the terrorists. Blaming us for their murderous nature. You should go live with them. Believe me, you wouldn't be missed here.
He is just another blame the good guy libtard.

This is what they're raised on by the schools and the media.

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