Suspect in Maine massacres may be on verge of arrest


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021

No guarantees. But if the man is there and if he doesn’t choose “suicide by cop,” maybe the police are on the verge of getting the suspect.
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No guarantees. But if the man is there and if he doesn’t choose “suicide by cop,” maybe rhe police are on the verge of getting the suspect.
Really? Wow.
"Dude" murdered at least 18 people.
Yeah...that's a terrible thing...and if he was of sound mind when he committed those crimes, he should absolutely pay for the maximum penalty for his actions.

But insanity is a mitigating circumstance for a reason. If he was not in his right mind, the man is not 100% responsible for his actions.
Can I be one of the voices he hears?

Me: Go ahead Card, just look out the window. No, no, hold that gun up just a tad higher...
Yeah...that's a terrible thing...and if he was of sound mind when he committed those crimes, he should absolutely pay for the maximum penalty for his actions.

But insanity is a mitigating circumstance for a reason. If he was not in his right mind, the man is not 100% responsible for his actions.
It should not be so easy for people "not in their right mind" to get guns.
The guy was an Army Reservist for like 20 years. Seems that this psychotic break occurred within the last year. Apparently he was hearing voices.
The same for David Berkowitz (Son of Sam). When that happens it would be a good idea to restrict their access to guns.
From CNN...

The suspect in the Maine mass shooting started making statements about hearing voices and wanting to hurt fellow soldiers while serving at a military base this summer, and spent a few weeks in a hospital, law enforcement officials told CNN.

But a relative of the suspect and two former colleagues in the Army Reserve told CNN they weren’t aware of him having any longstanding history of mental health issues – although one former colleague remembered him as a skilled marksman and outdoorsman who was among the best shooters in his unit.

Robert R. Card II, who police are searching for in connection with the fatal shooting of at least 18 people in Lewiston, Maine, made his troubling statements while he was at the Camp Smith training facility in New York, the law enforcement officials said. His command referred him to a military hospital, and he spent a few weeks under evaluation, they said.

In July, Army Reserve officials reported Card for “behaving erratically,” and he was transported to the nearby Keller Army Community Hospital at the United States Military Academy for “medical evaluation,” a National Guard spokesman told CNN.

“Out of concern for his safety, the unit requested that law enforcement be contacted,” said the spokesperson, Col. Richard Goldenberg. New York State Police responded and transported Card to the hospital, he said.

Card then spent a few weeks under evaluation at the hospital, the law enforcement officials said.

The 40-year-old Card also threatened to shoot up a National Guard base in Maine, law enforcement officials previously told CNN.

Card’s sister-in-law, Katie O’Neill, said in a brief conversation with CNN Thursday that Card does not have a long history of mental health struggles.

“This is something that was an acute episode. This is not who he is,” O’Neill said. “He is not someone who has had mental health issues for his lifetime or anything like that.”

Except for an arrest in 2007 for an alleged driving under the influence charge, the suspect is not known to ATF or in FBI holdings, according to law enforcement sources. He legally possesses multiple weapons and owns a home on hundreds of acres of land in Maine, the sources said.

Card is a petroleum supply specialist in the Army Reserve and first enlisted in 2002, according to records provided by the Army on Thursday.


If he is 40 now...that means he enlisted in the ARMY RESERVES at 19 years old RIGHT AFTER 9/11... as a Petroleum Specialist.

You think Petroleum Specialists didn't have a high rate of deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan?

I'd say it would be right up there with Truck Drivers and Heavy and Light Wheel Vehicle Mechanics.

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