Suspension = racism, now kids who break the rules will enjoy *talk circles*


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Convinced traditional discipline is racist because blacks are suspended at higher rates than whites, New York City’s Department of Education has in all but the most serious and dangerous offenses replaced out-of-school suspensions with a touchy-feely alternative punishment called “restorative justice,” which isn’t really punishment at all. It’s therapy.”
"... the movement... is driven by new race-based anti-discipline guidelines issued by the Obama administration.."

"Political correctness and race obsession are finishing the long process of destroying our school systems. It’s bad enough that a generation of “time out parents” are flooding the streets with ill mannered and frequently violent little thugs. We don’t need the schools abetting their efforts."
How liberal discipline policies are making schools less safe New York Post
NYC schools to improve safety by replacing suspensions with talking circles Hot Air
"New York public-school students caught stealing, doing drugs or even attacking someone can avoid suspension under new “progressive” discipline rules adopted this month."

It's working well in Chicago:

"Last month, for instance, the Chicago Teachers Union complained the city’s revised student-discipline code has left teachers struggling to control unruly kids.
“It’s just basically been a totally lawless few months,” one teacher told the Chicago Tribune.
"In June, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that the district, as part of a “Suspension and Expulsion Reduction Plan,” was “moving away from a zero-tolerance policy and promoting restorative practices.”
"Students who bully classmates can no longer be removed from classrooms except for the worst offenses, and only then with the consent of a district supervisor."

"so far this school year, the Tribune reports students have suffered little consequence for infractions as serious as groping a teacher and bringing hollow-point bullets to class."

Also a failure in Cali:

"In Syracuse, meanwhile, teachers complain student behavior has worsened since the school district collapsed discipline structures in favor of restorative justice practices. They say teens are more apt to fight, mouth off to teachers and roam the halls under the more lenient policy. They’re even seeing increasingly violent behavior among elementary school children."

How liberal discipline policies are making schools less safe New York Post
"After a black high-school boy repeatedly punched his teacher in the face, sending her to the emergency room, the teacher, who is white, was advised by the assistant principal not to press charges. The administrator lectured her about how hard it is for young black men to overcome a criminal record.
"Worse, she was told she should examine what role she, “as a white woman” holding unconscious racial biases, played in the attack, according to the Willamette (Oregon) Week."

How liberal discipline policies are making schools less safe New York Post
Don't think restorative justice is limited to school. This is slowly replacing the entire criminal justice system.
Good. Suspensions are rewards for these kids and reinforce their behavior. Starting a fight = no school for a few days.
Now as for student's fighting teachers something needs to be done about that because I've seen parents sue a teacher who got knocked out cold by a student and they won.
Blacks break the rules at a far higher rate and so they're suspended more. Common sense is hated by the leftist loons as it doesn't play into their lies.
Don't think restorative justice is limited to school. This is slowly replacing the entire criminal justice system.

When blacks have a right to commit crimes without punishment then we will be a third world hell hole.

The left wants to destroy this country.
There is no punishment with restorative justice. The goal is to make criminal and victim understand how the other feels and how each can participate in the recovery of the other. The criminal is as much a victim as the one victimized.
The union will break and America will Balkanize. It will be a good idea in five years. The way things are going I see it as a logical ending.
Plus libs raise the age at which the kids can drop out, so they disrupt the classes until they are 18, not 16 any more.
I've argued a lot over breaking the union over the years and I have come full circle. Adamantly against realizing it's inevitable. The more time passes the better it sounds. It will happen and we will be the better for it. America is all but in its grave.

We have made to many fatal mistakes that are systemic.
I've argued a lot over breaking the union over the years and I have come full circle. Adamantly against realizing it's inevitable. The more time passes the better it sounds. It will happen and we will be the better for it. America is all but in its grave.

We have made to many fatal mistakes that are systemic.
If any part of what made America great it must break up on the whole will be poisoned.
The union will break and America will Balkanize. It will be a good idea in five years. The way things are going I see it as a logical ending.

That is the way I see it playing out. The southwest will become a mexican nation, southeast and mid-Atlantic a African nation...

Whites will get the midwest and the upper plains.
For small issues I think talk circles are a great idea. Understanding should be first and
punishment second.
The issues those schools are dealing with? drugs or punching a teacher (yikes!).. those type of problems need professional help and discipline.
I always laugh when punishment is to send kids home.
rewarding the bad behavior...go home to an empty house and have a free day. lol

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