Just as suspected: White Kids Get Medicated When They Misbehave, Black Kids Get Suspended or Arreste

Yeah, according to this, you're almost right. Targeted but still winning.

While you cry about Affirmative Action and racism so much it hurts your eyes

I've never cried about AA or racism. But when have you ever been honest?

Am I an affirmative action spokesperson? Are liberals the only ones who want to end racism?

I will say that affirmative action is simply a mechanism designed to give impoverished black folks a slight boost to help pull themselves out of bad situations. On the whole, blacks suffer poverty to a much greater % than whites, and this is a (crudely designed) idea to help change that.

It favors race of merit.

It's wrong and needs to end.
Poor black people. Always the victim, never the victor.

Yeah, according to this, you're almost right. Targeted but still winning.

While you cry about Affirmative Action and racism so much it hurts your eyes

I've never cried about AA or racism. But when have you ever been honest?

Am I an affirmative action spokesperson? Are liberals the only ones who want to end racism?

I will say that affirmative action is simply a mechanism designed to give impoverished black folks a slight boost to help pull themselves out of bad situations. On the whole, blacks suffer poverty to a much greater % than whites, and this is a (crudely designed) idea to help change that.

It favors race of merit.

It's wrong and needs to end.

Thank you for proving me correct.

Just an FYI, just because a person believes that AA has run it's course and is no longer needed in society and disagreeing with it, doesn't equate to "crying". But, as I said, when have you ever been honest?
Poor black people. Always the victim, never the victor.

Yeah, according to this, you're almost right. Targeted but still winning.

While you cry about Affirmative Action and racism so much it hurts your eyes

I've never cried about AA or racism. But when have you ever been honest?

Am I an affirmative action spokesperson? Are liberals the only ones who want to end racism?

I will say that affirmative action is simply a mechanism designed to give impoverished black folks a slight boost to help pull themselves out of bad situations. On the whole, blacks suffer poverty to a much greater % than whites, and this is a (crudely designed) idea to help change that.

It favors race of merit.

It's wrong and needs to end.

Thank you for proving me correct.

Just an FYI, just because a person believes that AA has run it's course and is no longer needed in society and disagreeing with it, doesn't equate to "crying". But, as I said, when have you ever been honest?

Suuuuure it doesnt buddy. :2up: Even actual crying from you wouldnt be "crying" slick.
Poor black people. Always the victim, never the victor.

Yeah, according to this, you're almost right. Targeted but still winning.

While you cry about Affirmative Action and racism so much it hurts your eyes

I've never cried about AA or racism. But when have you ever been honest?

Am I an affirmative action spokesperson? Are liberals the only ones who want to end racism?

I will say that affirmative action is simply a mechanism designed to give impoverished black folks a slight boost to help pull themselves out of bad situations. On the whole, blacks suffer poverty to a much greater % than whites, and this is a (crudely designed) idea to help change that.

It favors race of merit.

It's wrong and needs to end.

Thank you for proving me correct.

Just an FYI, just because a person believes that AA has run it's course and is no longer needed in society and disagreeing with it, doesn't equate to "crying". But, as I said, when have you ever been honest?

Suuuuure it doesnt buddy. :2up: Even actual crying from you wouldnt be "crying" slick.

Using your definition of crying, that would mean that you cry with every single post.

Why are you such a crybaby?
Yeah, according to this, you're almost right. Targeted but still winning.

While you cry about Affirmative Action and racism so much it hurts your eyes

I've never cried about AA or racism. But when have you ever been honest?

Am I an affirmative action spokesperson? Are liberals the only ones who want to end racism?

I will say that affirmative action is simply a mechanism designed to give impoverished black folks a slight boost to help pull themselves out of bad situations. On the whole, blacks suffer poverty to a much greater % than whites, and this is a (crudely designed) idea to help change that.

It favors race of merit.

It's wrong and needs to end.

Thank you for proving me correct.

Just an FYI, just because a person believes that AA has run it's course and is no longer needed in society and disagreeing with it, doesn't equate to "crying". But, as I said, when have you ever been honest?

Suuuuure it doesnt buddy. :2up: Even actual crying from you wouldnt be "crying" slick.

Using your definition of crying, that would mean that you cry with every single post.

Why are you such a crybaby?

Thats it, I love it when you concede like that.
White Kids Get Medicated When They Misbehave, Black Kids Get Suspended — or Arrested

Well this can be filed under "no shit Sherlock"

Black students made up just 18 percent of students in the public schools sampled by the New York Times in 2012, but “they accounted for 35 percent of those suspended once” and 39 percent of those expelled — examining federal data, the Times also noted that “nationwide, more than 70 percent of students involved in arrests or referrals to court are black or Hispanic.” Even black preschoolers were not exempt: They made up the same 18 percent of the student population, but constituted half of all suspensions.

As everyone from the Times to the ACLU has noted, the enactment of tough "zero-tolerance" policies in schools has led to the criminalization of what had previously been viewed as minor disciplinary issues. Zero-tolerance often mandates that students be suspended — even referred to law enforcement and arrested — for minor transgressions: Until a 2013 rule change, Los Angeles students routinely received automatic suspensions for refusing to take off their hats (this fell under a category of violation called “willful defiance”), while a Florida district, the sixth largest in the country, set a state record for student arrests in a jurisdiction in 2011, primarily on charges of possessing small amounts of marijuana and spraying graffiti. The ACLU has called this phenomenon the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

Here are the findings of the study:

If you’re a black student or you’re poor, you’re far more likely to be punished than offered behavioral treatment when you misbehave.

When school officials are given more leeway in how they discipline students, the role of race is more apparent in their decision-making.

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.

Let me say that again:

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.
Usually these articles push the most pertinent information to the end so that you'll miss it.

From your article:

Of course, it’s not all cut-and-dried: The sources of racial disparities in treatment, for instance, do not lie exclusively within these larger systems. Black families have been shown to be “skeptical of medical and mental-health research, particularly contested and controversial issues like ADHD,” and are therefore less likely to seek out treatment, while predominantly Latino schools see less medicalized andcriminalized discipline, all things being equal. “Some of the research,” Ramey says, “suggests that Hispanics and Hispanic families in Hispanic schools — in particular first-generation immigrants — tend to avoid social control institutions altogether, be it the criminal justice system, the mental-health system, or the medical system,” often due to language barriers, immigration status, and other concerns.

So your article admits that black and Hispanic families don't take advantage of the medical alternatives as much as white families.....so it's the parents that seem to want to avoid drugging their kids instead of throwing them in jail.​
Poor black people. Always the victim, never the victor.
Yeah, black culture is a terribly bad influence of children. As a result, black children have massive behavioral problems and are generally much more violent than everyone else. They are expected to behave badly, so they don't usually get suspended for minor things children of other races get suspended for. If teachers were handing out suspensions fairly, those statistics on black kids would be MUCH worse.
When you look at middle class families, rather than exclusively poor, Black Americans seem less tolerant of the "fuck you, mom" white kid stereotype. In many of these cases, Black Americans are student athletes leading the prestige and legacy of the schools they go to in ways many times more white kids fail to. This despite some teachers perpetuating racism from their own childhoods in ways the rest of society doesn't see the value in doing or doesn't have the opportunity to.
White Kids Get Medicated When They Misbehave, Black Kids Get Suspended — or Arrested

Well this can be filed under "no shit Sherlock"

Black students made up just 18 percent of students in the public schools sampled by the New York Times in 2012, but “they accounted for 35 percent of those suspended once” and 39 percent of those expelled — examining federal data, the Times also noted that “nationwide, more than 70 percent of students involved in arrests or referrals to court are black or Hispanic.” Even black preschoolers were not exempt: They made up the same 18 percent of the student population, but constituted half of all suspensions.

As everyone from the Times to the ACLU has noted, the enactment of tough "zero-tolerance" policies in schools has led to the criminalization of what had previously been viewed as minor disciplinary issues. Zero-tolerance often mandates that students be suspended — even referred to law enforcement and arrested — for minor transgressions: Until a 2013 rule change, Los Angeles students routinely received automatic suspensions for refusing to take off their hats (this fell under a category of violation called “willful defiance”), while a Florida district, the sixth largest in the country, set a state record for student arrests in a jurisdiction in 2011, primarily on charges of possessing small amounts of marijuana and spraying graffiti. The ACLU has called this phenomenon the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

Here are the findings of the study:

If you’re a black student or you’re poor, you’re far more likely to be punished than offered behavioral treatment when you misbehave.

When school officials are given more leeway in how they discipline students, the role of race is more apparent in their decision-making.

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.

Let me say that again:

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.
Usually these articles push the most pertinent information to the end so that you'll miss it.

From your article:

Of course, it’s not all cut-and-dried: The sources of racial disparities in treatment, for instance, do not lie exclusively within these larger systems. Black families have been shown to be “skeptical of medical and mental-health research, particularly contested and controversial issues like ADHD,” and are therefore less likely to seek out treatment, while predominantly Latino schools see less medicalized andcriminalized discipline, all things being equal. “Some of the research,” Ramey says, “suggests that Hispanics and Hispanic families in Hispanic schools — in particular first-generation immigrants — tend to avoid social control institutions altogether, be it the criminal justice system, the mental-health system, or the medical system,” often due to language barriers, immigration status, and other concerns.

So your article admits that black and Hispanic families don't take advantage of the medical alternatives as much as white families.....so it's the parents that seem to want to avoid drugging their kids instead of throwing them in jail.​

It says they are skeptical of it not that they dont take advantage of it. You quoted it then lied about it
Poor black people. Always the victim, never the victor.
Yeah, black culture is a terribly bad influence of children. As a result, black children have massive behavioral problems and are generally much more violent than everyone else. They are expected to behave badly, so they don't usually get suspended for minor things children of other races get suspended for. If teachers were handing out suspensions fairly, those statistics on black kids would be MUCH worse.
When you look at middle class families, rather than exclusively poor, Black Americans seem less tolerant of the "fuck you, mom" white kid stereotype. In many of these cases, Black Americans are student athletes leading the prestige and legacy of the schools they go to in ways many times more white kids fail to. This despite some teachers perpetuating racism from their own childhoods in ways the rest of society doesn't see the value in doing or doesn't have the opportunity to.
Those same athletes are violent and generally have a bad attitude. No one cares about how well you thow a ball... just behave like a civilized human being.
Poor black people. Always the victim, never the victor.
Yeah, black culture is a terribly bad influence of children. As a result, black children have massive behavioral problems and are generally much more violent than everyone else. They are expected to behave badly, so they don't usually get suspended for minor things children of other races get suspended for. If teachers were handing out suspensions fairly, those statistics on black kids would be MUCH worse.
When you look at middle class families, rather than exclusively poor, Black Americans seem less tolerant of the "fuck you, mom" white kid stereotype. In many of these cases, Black Americans are student athletes leading the prestige and legacy of the schools they go to in ways many times more white kids fail to. This despite some teachers perpetuating racism from their own childhoods in ways the rest of society doesn't see the value in doing or doesn't have the opportunity to.
Those same athletes are violent and generally have a bad attitude. No one cares about how well you thow a ball... just behave like a civilized human being.
Most universities and highschool's public legacy is determined by ball throwing. Originally, even the Ivy League, still named for their sports conference. Ostensibly ball throwing - i is all that's really cared about.

Some of... "Those same athletes are violent and generally have a bad attitude." :thup: Some of those are white, asian, black... If they have the whole package though, which is 1 in 100, they're the hope of the future. Some are 'academic athletes'. They're young men and women who probably weren't raised on psych drugs like the more-than-likely white losers who are plotting on shooting up their classmates.
White Kids Get Medicated When They Misbehave, Black Kids Get Suspended — or Arrested

Well this can be filed under "no shit Sherlock"

Black students made up just 18 percent of students in the public schools sampled by the New York Times in 2012, but “they accounted for 35 percent of those suspended once” and 39 percent of those expelled — examining federal data, the Times also noted that “nationwide, more than 70 percent of students involved in arrests or referrals to court are black or Hispanic.” Even black preschoolers were not exempt: They made up the same 18 percent of the student population, but constituted half of all suspensions.

As everyone from the Times to the ACLU has noted, the enactment of tough "zero-tolerance" policies in schools has led to the criminalization of what had previously been viewed as minor disciplinary issues. Zero-tolerance often mandates that students be suspended — even referred to law enforcement and arrested — for minor transgressions: Until a 2013 rule change, Los Angeles students routinely received automatic suspensions for refusing to take off their hats (this fell under a category of violation called “willful defiance”), while a Florida district, the sixth largest in the country, set a state record for student arrests in a jurisdiction in 2011, primarily on charges of possessing small amounts of marijuana and spraying graffiti. The ACLU has called this phenomenon the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

Here are the findings of the study:

If you’re a black student or you’re poor, you’re far more likely to be punished than offered behavioral treatment when you misbehave.

When school officials are given more leeway in how they discipline students, the role of race is more apparent in their decision-making.

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.

Let me say that again:

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.
Usually these articles push the most pertinent information to the end so that you'll miss it.

From your article:

Of course, it’s not all cut-and-dried: The sources of racial disparities in treatment, for instance, do not lie exclusively within these larger systems. Black families have been shown to be “skeptical of medical and mental-health research, particularly contested and controversial issues like ADHD,” and are therefore less likely to seek out treatment, while predominantly Latino schools see less medicalized andcriminalized discipline, all things being equal. “Some of the research,” Ramey says, “suggests that Hispanics and Hispanic families in Hispanic schools — in particular first-generation immigrants — tend to avoid social control institutions altogether, be it the criminal justice system, the mental-health system, or the medical system,” often due to language barriers, immigration status, and other concerns.

So your article admits that black and Hispanic families don't take advantage of the medical alternatives as much as white families.....so it's the parents that seem to want to avoid drugging their kids instead of throwing them in jail.​

It says they are skeptical of it not that they dont take advantage of it. You quoted it then lied about it
I think you have an agenda and you're lying to yourself.

Since I always score high in English reading comprehension, it pretty clear to me.

One of the top contributing factors to any punishment is the crime. If blacks in our schools are being punished the same as when they're adults as stated in the article ..then logically it seems that they are committing more serious crimes than their white classmates on average, thus a factor in the punishment dealt out. But if the parents are actually skeptical towards using medication, this is yet another factor in what kind of punishment they receive, drugs or arrest. It really clear to me.
White Kids Get Medicated When They Misbehave, Black Kids Get Suspended — or Arrested

Well this can be filed under "no shit Sherlock"

Black students made up just 18 percent of students in the public schools sampled by the New York Times in 2012, but “they accounted for 35 percent of those suspended once” and 39 percent of those expelled — examining federal data, the Times also noted that “nationwide, more than 70 percent of students involved in arrests or referrals to court are black or Hispanic.” Even black preschoolers were not exempt: They made up the same 18 percent of the student population, but constituted half of all suspensions.

As everyone from the Times to the ACLU has noted, the enactment of tough "zero-tolerance" policies in schools has led to the criminalization of what had previously been viewed as minor disciplinary issues. Zero-tolerance often mandates that students be suspended — even referred to law enforcement and arrested — for minor transgressions: Until a 2013 rule change, Los Angeles students routinely received automatic suspensions for refusing to take off their hats (this fell under a category of violation called “willful defiance”), while a Florida district, the sixth largest in the country, set a state record for student arrests in a jurisdiction in 2011, primarily on charges of possessing small amounts of marijuana and spraying graffiti. The ACLU has called this phenomenon the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

Here are the findings of the study:

If you’re a black student or you’re poor, you’re far more likely to be punished than offered behavioral treatment when you misbehave.

When school officials are given more leeway in how they discipline students, the role of race is more apparent in their decision-making.

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.

Let me say that again:

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.
Usually these articles push the most pertinent information to the end so that you'll miss it.

From your article:

Of course, it’s not all cut-and-dried: The sources of racial disparities in treatment, for instance, do not lie exclusively within these larger systems. Black families have been shown to be “skeptical of medical and mental-health research, particularly contested and controversial issues like ADHD,” and are therefore less likely to seek out treatment, while predominantly Latino schools see less medicalized andcriminalized discipline, all things being equal. “Some of the research,” Ramey says, “suggests that Hispanics and Hispanic families in Hispanic schools — in particular first-generation immigrants — tend to avoid social control institutions altogether, be it the criminal justice system, the mental-health system, or the medical system,” often due to language barriers, immigration status, and other concerns.

So your article admits that black and Hispanic families don't take advantage of the medical alternatives as much as white families.....so it's the parents that seem to want to avoid drugging their kids instead of throwing them in jail.​

It says they are skeptical of it not that they dont take advantage of it. You quoted it then lied about it
I think you have an agenda and you're lying to yourself.

Since I always score high in English reading comprehension, it pretty clear to me.

Well then you knowingly lied about what you quoted then
White Kids Get Medicated When They Misbehave, Black Kids Get Suspended — or Arrested

Well this can be filed under "no shit Sherlock"

Black students made up just 18 percent of students in the public schools sampled by the New York Times in 2012, but “they accounted for 35 percent of those suspended once” and 39 percent of those expelled — examining federal data, the Times also noted that “nationwide, more than 70 percent of students involved in arrests or referrals to court are black or Hispanic.” Even black preschoolers were not exempt: They made up the same 18 percent of the student population, but constituted half of all suspensions.

As everyone from the Times to the ACLU has noted, the enactment of tough "zero-tolerance" policies in schools has led to the criminalization of what had previously been viewed as minor disciplinary issues. Zero-tolerance often mandates that students be suspended — even referred to law enforcement and arrested — for minor transgressions: Until a 2013 rule change, Los Angeles students routinely received automatic suspensions for refusing to take off their hats (this fell under a category of violation called “willful defiance”), while a Florida district, the sixth largest in the country, set a state record for student arrests in a jurisdiction in 2011, primarily on charges of possessing small amounts of marijuana and spraying graffiti. The ACLU has called this phenomenon the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

Here are the findings of the study:

If you’re a black student or you’re poor, you’re far more likely to be punished than offered behavioral treatment when you misbehave.

When school officials are given more leeway in how they discipline students, the role of race is more apparent in their decision-making.

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.

Let me say that again:

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.
Usually these articles push the most pertinent information to the end so that you'll miss it.

From your article:

Of course, it’s not all cut-and-dried: The sources of racial disparities in treatment, for instance, do not lie exclusively within these larger systems. Black families have been shown to be “skeptical of medical and mental-health research, particularly contested and controversial issues like ADHD,” and are therefore less likely to seek out treatment, while predominantly Latino schools see less medicalized andcriminalized discipline, all things being equal. “Some of the research,” Ramey says, “suggests that Hispanics and Hispanic families in Hispanic schools — in particular first-generation immigrants — tend to avoid social control institutions altogether, be it the criminal justice system, the mental-health system, or the medical system,” often due to language barriers, immigration status, and other concerns.

So your article admits that black and Hispanic families don't take advantage of the medical alternatives as much as white families.....so it's the parents that seem to want to avoid drugging their kids instead of throwing them in jail.​

It says they are skeptical of it not that they dont take advantage of it. You quoted it then lied about it
I think you have an agenda and you're lying to yourself.

Since I always score high in English reading comprehension, it pretty clear to me.

Well then you knowingly lied about what you quoted then
And you changed my post...

So you're dishonest.
White Kids Get Medicated When They Misbehave, Black Kids Get Suspended — or Arrested

Well this can be filed under "no shit Sherlock"

Black students made up just 18 percent of students in the public schools sampled by the New York Times in 2012, but “they accounted for 35 percent of those suspended once” and 39 percent of those expelled — examining federal data, the Times also noted that “nationwide, more than 70 percent of students involved in arrests or referrals to court are black or Hispanic.” Even black preschoolers were not exempt: They made up the same 18 percent of the student population, but constituted half of all suspensions.

As everyone from the Times to the ACLU has noted, the enactment of tough "zero-tolerance" policies in schools has led to the criminalization of what had previously been viewed as minor disciplinary issues. Zero-tolerance often mandates that students be suspended — even referred to law enforcement and arrested — for minor transgressions: Until a 2013 rule change, Los Angeles students routinely received automatic suspensions for refusing to take off their hats (this fell under a category of violation called “willful defiance”), while a Florida district, the sixth largest in the country, set a state record for student arrests in a jurisdiction in 2011, primarily on charges of possessing small amounts of marijuana and spraying graffiti. The ACLU has called this phenomenon the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

Here are the findings of the study:

If you’re a black student or you’re poor, you’re far more likely to be punished than offered behavioral treatment when you misbehave.

When school officials are given more leeway in how they discipline students, the role of race is more apparent in their decision-making.

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.

Let me say that again:

Some schools have come to mirror the adult criminal justice and mental-health systems in how they deal with problematic behavior.
Usually these articles push the most pertinent information to the end so that you'll miss it.

From your article:

Of course, it’s not all cut-and-dried: The sources of racial disparities in treatment, for instance, do not lie exclusively within these larger systems. Black families have been shown to be “skeptical of medical and mental-health research, particularly contested and controversial issues like ADHD,” and are therefore less likely to seek out treatment, while predominantly Latino schools see less medicalized andcriminalized discipline, all things being equal. “Some of the research,” Ramey says, “suggests that Hispanics and Hispanic families in Hispanic schools — in particular first-generation immigrants — tend to avoid social control institutions altogether, be it the criminal justice system, the mental-health system, or the medical system,” often due to language barriers, immigration status, and other concerns.

So your article admits that black and Hispanic families don't take advantage of the medical alternatives as much as white families.....so it's the parents that seem to want to avoid drugging their kids instead of throwing them in jail.​

It says they are skeptical of it not that they dont take advantage of it. You quoted it then lied about it
I think you have an agenda and you're lying to yourself.

Since I always score high in English reading comprehension, it pretty clear to me.

Well then you knowingly lied about what you quoted then
And you changed my post...

So you're dishonest.

hahaha...I can see your steam running low. You got nothing. Stop lying and you'll be alright
Usually these articles push the most pertinent information to the end so that you'll miss it.

From your article:

Of course, it’s not all cut-and-dried: The sources of racial disparities in treatment, for instance, do not lie exclusively within these larger systems. Black families have been shown to be “skeptical of medical and mental-health research, particularly contested and controversial issues like ADHD,” and are therefore less likely to seek out treatment, while predominantly Latino schools see less medicalized andcriminalized discipline, all things being equal. “Some of the research,” Ramey says, “suggests that Hispanics and Hispanic families in Hispanic schools — in particular first-generation immigrants — tend to avoid social control institutions altogether, be it the criminal justice system, the mental-health system, or the medical system,” often due to language barriers, immigration status, and other concerns.

So your article admits that black and Hispanic families don't take advantage of the medical alternatives as much as white families.....so it's the parents that seem to want to avoid drugging their kids instead of throwing them in jail.​

It says they are skeptical of it not that they dont take advantage of it. You quoted it then lied about it
I think you have an agenda and you're lying to yourself.

Since I always score high in English reading comprehension, it pretty clear to me.

Well then you knowingly lied about what you quoted then
And you changed my post...

So you're dishonest.

hahaha...I can see your steam running low. You got nothing. Stop lying and you'll be alright
No, youre the one being dishonest. If black parents are skeptical of mental health treatment, then they would certainly be less likely to go that route. Lying about obvious shit just makes you look stupid.
It says they are skeptical of it not that they dont take advantage of it. You quoted it then lied about it
I think you have an agenda and you're lying to yourself.

Since I always score high in English reading comprehension, it pretty clear to me.

Well then you knowingly lied about what you quoted then
And you changed my post...

So you're dishonest.

hahaha...I can see your steam running low. You got nothing. Stop lying and you'll be alright
No, youre the one being dishonest. If black parents are skeptical of mental health treatment, then they would certainly be less likely to go that route. Lying about obvious shit just makes you look stupid.

Correct, but MUD said this: So your article admits that black and Hispanic families don't take advantage of the medical alternatives

That is a lie
Usually these articles push the most pertinent information to the end so that you'll miss it.

From your article:

Of course, it’s not all cut-and-dried: The sources of racial disparities in treatment, for instance, do not lie exclusively within these larger systems. Black families have been shown to be “skeptical of medical and mental-health research, particularly contested and controversial issues like ADHD,” and are therefore less likely to seek out treatment, while predominantly Latino schools see less medicalized andcriminalized discipline, all things being equal. “Some of the research,” Ramey says, “suggests that Hispanics and Hispanic families in Hispanic schools — in particular first-generation immigrants — tend to avoid social control institutions altogether, be it the criminal justice system, the mental-health system, or the medical system,” often due to language barriers, immigration status, and other concerns.

So your article admits that black and Hispanic families don't take advantage of the medical alternatives as much as white families.....so it's the parents that seem to want to avoid drugging their kids instead of throwing them in jail.​

It says they are skeptical of it not that they dont take advantage of it. You quoted it then lied about it
I think you have an agenda and you're lying to yourself.

Since I always score high in English reading comprehension, it pretty clear to me.

Well then you knowingly lied about what you quoted then
And you changed my post...

So you're dishonest.

hahaha...I can see your steam running low. You got nothing. Stop lying and you'll be alright
You assholes have been pushing this false narrative that America is a racist country the last 7 years. Once Obama is gone it'll be sexism.....to help Hillary fight off her critics and pull in women voters. It's total bs.

After being stationed in several countries I've learned that America is one of the least racist countries in the world. It's worst critics actually live in countries that make America look nearly perfect by comparison.

Most of biggest complainers weren't even born before the 80s, much less the 60s. By the 80s most of the changes in racial inequality had been completed. This racial upheaval is based purely on politics by Democrats.

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