Suzy Five Shows


Sep 23, 2010
The media under-reported one consequence of the on-going scandals. Screwing up is now a good career move. Assorted felonies, misdemeanors, and wrongdoings are punishable by paid leave, resigning with a great pension, getting a high-paying job in the private sector, landing in a soft spot in the academy until things cool off, or getting a promotion. Lo and behold, Susan Rice will soon do her thing as National Security Advisor:

Haven't you heard? The new Benghazi emails totally vindicate Rice's talking points, so she really deserves a promotion and an apology. (They don't, and she doesn't, but who can be bothered with such picayune details when there are incompetent apparatchiks to reward for their unswerving loyalty?) Get ready for National Security Advisor Susan Rice, America:

Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, is likely to be tapped as the next National Security Advisor, according to a report in Foreign Policy. The report quotes a pair of sources who said that Rice will inevitably succeed current National Security Advisor Tom Donilon whenever he leaves the post. "It's definitely happening," one source said.​

Surprise: Obama Poised to Promote Susan Rice
Guy Benson | May 17, 2013

Surprise: Obama Poised to Promote Susan Rice - Guy Benson

Incidentally, another black woman named Rice was a National Security Advisor. I don’t relish being the voice of doom, but there is not much hope Suzy Five Shows will be better at the job than was Condoleezza Rice Cakes.
It’s official. Suzy is moving into the fürhrerbunker as National Security Advisor. That’s not the worst of it.

Just when you think Hussein’s appointments finally hit rock bottom he turns over another rock:

Former Obama aide Samantha Power is expected to be named to succeed Rice as U.S. ambassador to the U.N.

Susan Rice to replace Donilon as national security adviser
Published June 05, 2013

Susan Rice to replace Donilon as national security adviser | Fox News

In case you are unfamiliar with Samantha Power live and learn:

April 5, 2011 4:00 A.M.
Samantha Power’s Power
On the ideology of an Obama adviser

Samantha Power?s Power | Ethics & Public Policy Center


The ugly truth about Obama advisor Samantha Power
April 6, 2011 | Modified: March 16, 2012 at 7:26 am
Neil Hrab

The ugly truth about Obama advisor Samantha Power |

Incidentally, Samantha Power is Mrs. Cass Sunstein —— known in some circles as the Harvard Sunsteins. Perhaps Charles Krauthammer might like to revisit his position on spousal-association. Not for the purpose of punishing, but simply to make an informed judgement. Move the curser to 7:35:

I can’t wait until Susan Rice disappears in the bowels of the fürhrerbunker. Clips of Suzy like this one make me sick:

It’s bad enough Suzy has the gall to say she served the country, the media saying she served the country is becoming as sickening as Senators and Congresspersons thanking every Democrat liar like Hillary Clinton for their service to the country whenever they are dragged kicking and screaming before a committee.

The fact is: Every Democrat in high office serves the United Nations, the International community, worldwide socialism, and the global government agenda. Not a one of them serves the majority of Americans; so it is a cruel profanity to let them get away with saying they served the country.

Just once I would like to hear a journalist ask a piece of Democrat garbage exactly how he or she served the country? The only answers they could possibly give would sound like this: “I served as secretary of state.” or “I was ambassador to the United Nations.” Follow up by asking exactly what they did to support their claim. They will never answer because the minute they open their mouths with a few details they’ll show who and what they really served.

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