Swalwell sues Trump, Donald Jr and Giuliani over their role in Capitol insurrection

I was watching some legal eagles this morning. The great thing about civil suits is "discovery". The accusers can demand documents, and not be denied. And they can require the defendant to testify under oath. We all know how that would go for the Dotard. He'd be lying 3 seconds in! :cool-45:
I was watching some legal eagles this morning. The great thing about civil suits is "discovery". The accusers can demand documents, and not be denied. And they can require the defendant to testify under oath. We all know how that would go for the Dotard. He'd be lying 3 seconds in! :cool-45:
One of the problems facing donny and his fellow criminals is that their stories need to match and also be consistent with the stories they are using in other cases. That can be problematic when you have a lot of stories.
I hope he isn't attempting to politicize the courts. That would only be entertained by those carrying the least desirable of genes.
Swallwell should AT A MINIMUM have his security clearance pulled. Anyone who has had a security clearance knows how strict the rules are about foreign contact.
You mean like Mitch McConnell , he sleeps with a China lady and inherited a lot of money from his MIL.
We don't like Mitch. We think he is compromised as well
Swallwell should AT A MINIMUM have his security clearance pulled. Anyone who has had a security clearance knows how strict the rules are about foreign contact.
You mean like Mitch McConnell , he sleeps with a China lady and inherited a lot of money from his MIL.
We don't like Mitch. We think he is compromised as well

The China lady was tramps transportation secretary.
And Labor Secretary before that.
I was watching some legal eagles this morning. The great thing about civil suits is "discovery". The accusers can demand documents, and not be denied. And they can require the defendant to testify under oath. We all know how that would go for the Dotard. He'd be lying 3 seconds in! :cool-45:
dOnald tRump is a high yield perjury bomb on a hair trigger.
I was watching some legal eagles this morning. The great thing about civil suits is "discovery". The accusers can demand documents, and not be denied. And they can require the defendant to testify under oath. We all know how that would go for the Dotard. He'd be lying 3 seconds in! :cool-45:
dOnald tRump is a high yield perjury bomb on a hair trigger.
So was bill Clinton but nothing happened to him
I was watching some legal eagles this morning. The great thing about civil suits is "discovery". The accusers can demand documents, and not be denied. And they can require the defendant to testify under oath. We all know how that would go for the Dotard. He'd be lying 3 seconds in! :cool-45:
Not just that, but the bar for conviction in civil suits is lower than in criminal suits.
I was watching some legal eagles this morning. The great thing about civil suits is "discovery". The accusers can demand documents, and not be denied. And they can require the defendant to testify under oath. We all know how that would go for the Dotard. He'd be lying 3 seconds in! :cool-45:
dOnald tRump is a high yield perjury bomb on a hair trigger.
So was bill Clinton but nothing happened to him
So you admit it, then?

I was watching some legal eagles this morning. The great thing about civil suits is "discovery". The accusers can demand documents, and not be denied. And they can require the defendant to testify under oath. We all know how that would go for the Dotard. He'd be lying 3 seconds in! :cool-45:
Not just that, but the bar for conviction in civil suits is lower than in criminal suits.

You sir are correct! The beyond a reasonable doubt dog don't hunt.

Under the preponderance standard, the burden of proof is met when the party with the burden convinces the fact finder that there is a greater than 50% chance that the claim is true. This is the burden of proof in a civil trial.

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