Swastika banner flies over New York beaches

Is the Swastika Evil?

  • The symbol is Evil.

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • The symbol is not evil.

    Votes: 13 61.9%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
The Nazis were masters of manipulation. They used a peaceful symbol [swastika] and convinced the people that their Fascist government was Socialist.

The economic situation was dire, a plurality of the the German people wanted strong leadership, and a reason to unite; the Nazi party offered that, a commen enemy, a reason WHY things were so bad, they had been CHEATED, a conspiracy. So they united AGAINST. Hitler consolidated power quickly, and then there was no dissent, that could be heard.

Which is why you NEVER should, as a free people, sacrifice freedom and liberty for 'strong leadership' or 'security' except for specific periods of time related to conditions of emergency or war.

This is the route that every dictator has taken to end democracy since Julius Caesar, or turn it into a sham.
The flag I carry as my avi was flown by the fiercest and most brutal empire the world has ever known, yet you can buy a t-shirt with the Union flag emblazoned across it and walk down Fifth Avenue with legal and moral impunity. The Third Reich was a pussy cat compared to the British Empire, yet the Swastika is more stigmatised than the Union flag. I can only wonder as to why that is (well, I've got a fairly good idea).

I admire your honesty.

You can't hide from documented facts, but you can sure ignore them, which seems to be the case with the Union flag.

The British empire eagerly committed genocide on three continents, wiped-out and enslaved millions and regarded natives as little more than animals. Overall, it probably killed more people than the Roman Empire and the Third Reich combined. And don't forget that we were the ones who invented the concentration camp, the most infamous of all things 'evil'.

The difference being, is that what the Union flag stands for doesn't really pose much of a threat to the world's power brokers and the international establishment. The Swastika in its Nazi form, however, does. A racially-aware/conscious White race would pose a huge threat to the New World Order, which is why any signs of developing racial solidarity are stigmatised.

I'm well aware mate. I hate the British Empire and what is left of it as much as I despise the glory days of the III Reich. Had you your countrymen been better at Saratoga I would have never existed!
The Nazis were masters of manipulation. They used a peaceful symbol [swastika] and convinced the people that their Fascist government was Socialist.

Fascism is a form of socialism, like Fabian socialism that was once so popular in the UK and elsewhere.

Fascism started as a dissent from international Marxism, when Mussolini broke away from the Milanese Marxists.

The two main points of difference were that he preferred nationalism to internationalism and allowing private property and controlling corporations via state-corporate cronyism instead of direct state control of all production and distribution.

Almost every other issue was identical to Marxist Leninism; strong central state with total authority and right to rule, the people having no functional rights against the states control, all religion used to support the state or be suppressed, amoral statism in both systems, the state having effective control of all economic activity, and a completely disarmed public when and where plausible among other things.
I must confess that the LA Raza Mexican bullshit at the border does stir my anger even though it's just a stupid flag. Reminds of an old Eddy Izzard skit.
The flag I carry as my avi was flown by the fiercest and most brutal empire the world has ever known, yet you can buy a t-shirt with the Union flag emblazoned across it and walk down Fifth Avenue with legal and moral impunity. The Third Reich was a pussy cat compared to the British Empire, yet the Swastika is more stigmatised than the Union flag. I can only wonder as to why that is (well, I've got a fairly good idea).

I admire your honesty.

You can't hide from documented facts, but you can sure ignore them, which seems to be the case with the Union flag.

The British empire eagerly committed genocide on three continents,

The British Empire did not engage in genocide except in the case of the Boers, who the PC establishment are totally OK with slaughtering. Even then, it was a genocide the Boers compelled the Brits into by using their civilian population as cover, concealment, and the logistical support for their military efforts. The Brits had to control the civilian population by placing them internment camps and the disease outbreak came as no surprise.

Other than that, the peoples the Brits ruled over were lucky they got the Brits instead of the French, Germans, Russians or Italians all of whom had a tradition of absolute rule and compelled cultural assimilation.

wiped-out and enslaved millions and regarded natives as little more than animals. Overall, it probably killed more people than the Roman Empire and the Third Reich combined.

That is total horse shit. I have read many books on Democide and the Brits are no where near the top of the list. Democide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most of the suffering caused people in the British Empire was private and committed by civilians, like the absentee land lords in Ireland, not by the state

And don't forget that we were the ones who invented the concentration camp, the most infamous of all things 'evil'.

Nonsense. The concentration camp is merely the civilian equivalent of a prisoner of war camp, and they used it in direct response to the Boer's conduct of their war. Was it wrong in concept? No, but it was carelessly implemented and the resulting deaths welcomed by many Brits in the government.

The difference being, is that what the Union flag stands for doesn't really pose much of a threat to the world's power brokers and the international establishment. The Swastika in its Nazi form, however, does. A racially-aware/conscious White race would pose a huge threat to the New World Order, which is why any signs of developing racial solidarity are stigmatised.

No, racially conscious group of whites is no threat, but merely another distraction from the real issues of personal freedom, civil rights and a government that is kept in its damned place. Without authoritarian governments masquerading as democracies, the Regionalism and its following globalism would be impossible, and racial identity is one of the oldest memes in that little bag of tricks.
The Nazis were masters of manipulation. They used a peaceful symbol [swastika] and convinced the people that their Fascist government was Socialist.

The economic situation was dire, a plurality of the the German people wanted strong leadership, and a reason to unite; the Nazi party offered that, a commen enemy, a reason WHY things were so bad, they had been CHEATED, a conspiracy. So they united AGAINST. Hitler consolidated power quickly, and then there was no dissent, that could be heard.

Which is why you NEVER should, as a free people, sacrifice freedom and liberty for 'strong leadership' or 'security' except for specific periods of time related to conditions of emergency or war.

This is the route that every dictator has taken to end democracy since Julius Caesar, or turn it into a sham.

The Stars & Bars have a place in history, I do not tear it down, nor say anything to friends that hang it in their homes.
The economic situation was dire, a plurality of the the German people wanted strong leadership, and a reason to unite; the Nazi party offered that, a commen enemy, a reason WHY things were so bad, they had been CHEATED, a conspiracy. So they united AGAINST. Hitler consolidated power quickly, and then there was no dissent, that could be heard.

Which is why you NEVER should, as a free people, sacrifice freedom and liberty for 'strong leadership' or 'security' except for specific periods of time related to conditions of emergency or war.

This is the route that every dictator has taken to end democracy since Julius Caesar, or turn it into a sham.

The Stars & Bars have a place in history, I do not tear it down, nor say anything to friends that hang it in their homes.

And you call yourself a liberal?

For shame!

Seriously, Peach, if you keep this tolerance thingy going they may have to take away your 'I'm a proud liberal' ID card you use at Macy's. :D
Big deal.

The Swastika is displayed on the History Channel almost every second of the day.

Yes, evil is part of history, and flying the Swasika is the US is an insult to every American that served in WWII. In particular, those that died, or were injured in that struggle against Fascists.

So why don`t you tell the US Navy to tear down this building?

It`s still there:
Naval Amphibious Base Coronado - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although landscaping and architectural modifications were to be made to obscure the shape,[5] the 11/13/2012 imagery, the latest used by Google Earth, shows no substantive change.
They say it`s not a swastika it`s just 4 L shapes....and I don`t think the US Navy gives a flying f### how "outraged" you are over a swastika.
There are just as many people offended by the confederate flag after the KKK usurped it for their purposes as there are non-jewish people upset with the swastika.
BBC News - Why do people still fly the Confederate flag?
The flag wasn't a major symbol until the Civil Rights movement began to take shape in the 1950s, says Bill Ferris, founding director of the Center for the Study of Southern Culture at the University of Mississippi, It was a battle flag relegated to history but the Ku Klux Klan and others who resisted desegregation turned to the flag as a symbol.
He likens it to the swastika but others see it very differently. Indeed, the flag has been compared to a Rorschach blot because it means several things at all at once, depending on who is looking at it.
Maybe you should take a Rorschach ink-blot test and get some appropriate psychiatric help so that you can quit checking under your bed to see if there is a 90+ year old Nazi lurking under it.
So called "Neo-Nazis" aren`t a political power anywhere near you or anywhere else.
You "see" them everywhere because it does not take much to be called a "Nazi" by people like you.
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