Swastika Diorama: Terrorism/Religion [World Wars - DNA]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a Nazi-Germany vignette referencing Swastika-machine political cartoons and patriotism-themed comics in America (e.g., Captain America) and elsewhere and how human metaphysics imagination towards the reality of human vice changed after the Holocaust.

Since this vignette (or pseudo-diorama) is obviously patriotic, I didn't feel altogether smart posting it in the Writing section.

Thanks for reading (God bless America),


Lucifer the fallen-angel wanted to understand why the Nazi regime symbol, the Swastika (reversed from the Hindu swastika which symbolizes peace), was an 'enduring' engram of cataclysm and turbulence in human imagination. Hitler's Germany was a 'machine' and the Swastika 'State' that Hitler created was a paragon of cruelty and desperation. Lucifer was evaluating the political cartoons/comics with Nazi-Swastika imagery.


The giant Swastika machine was portrayed in various comics in America and England which were meant to rally support for the Allied cause against Nazi Germany and the Axis powers. The Swastika machine was portrayed as a giant Earth-destroying pinwheel of pain that basically stampeded over European villages and towns, requiring the Allies to destroy it. Lucifer noted that this Swastika-machinery art in comics/cartoons represented a human praise of peace and defiance of the Holocaust.


There were even humorous cartoons depicting bureaucratic psychos 'serving' the Third Reich by becoming minions of the brutality of Hitler's Germany. Such cartoons depicted obese Germans wielding Swastika-tipped 'axes' used to destroy the morale by hacking into the bodies and souls of the oppressed (namely, Jews). How had Hitler managed to reverse the Hindu swastika, symbol of peace and insight?


Commando war comics depicted various agents and forces serving the Allied forces to bring an end to Hitler's terrible reign. Such comics included stories about outrageous wandering Russian horse-soldiers known as Cossacks and European flyers known as Sky Raiders trying to disrupt the Swastika machine's dominion of darkness. Lucifer believed such comics/cartoons echoed a human interest in patriotism-themed storytelling which helped people distinguish between nationalism and fascism.


Political cartoons published in the New Yorker (in America) depicted birds-of-prey (vultures) aligned in swastika-shapes over Europe as a harbinger of those terrible years of World War II [1939-1945]. These vulture-swastika cartoons reflected U.S. President FDR's resolve to use American ingenuity and strength to eradicate Nazism from Europe. The vulture-swastikas subtly reminded humanity that the Hindu-swastika of peace (and insight) had not completely vanished.


Today's comics and cartoons offer consumerism-friendly jovial and simple-minded figures and avatars such as Junior Robin and Evil Elf which are meant to convey ideas about patriotism and festivity towards consumerism/capitalism during the holiday-season (i.e., Christmas shopping). Such imagery suggested to Lucifer that 9/11 had not devastated America's sense of natural/innocent wonder about the 'magic' of Christmas shopping! Now that Bollywood film-networks were accessible to Asian-Americans, consumers appreciated how modern storytelling and entertainment would invoke the more fond years of war-less education.


In contrast, collections of vintage Nazi war comics portraying the Third Reich engaging in forms of Inquisition-like mercilessness and methodical torture/genocide would forever stamp in the minds of humanity the notion that darkness, though temporary, is very very real. Lucifer wondered if Americans really needed more Captain America (Marvel Comics) storyboards to clear up the 'moral clutter' created by the notion that human beings would consciously (if abnormally) engage in genocide. Would Nazi Germany and 9/11 erase humanity's sense of 'socialization-imagination'?


Countless spiritual people around the world resurrected the global accessibility of the peace-loving Hindu-swastika, and Hindu/Buddhist priests and students created illuminated renditions of the Hindu-swastika to help humanity get over the scar of complete morality failure. Would Hindu gods such as Shiva and Vishnu remind scholars of humanity's interest in intellectual freedoms as a contrast to the shocking human investment in 'state-sanctioned murder' (i.e., Holocaust)? How would the Holocaust Museum weight the global spiritual significance of the Hindu-swastika?


Nevertheless, continued war-comics depicting the heroes tackling the 'evil knights' of Nazi Germany continued to be distributed, and Lucifer himself was thrilled when a comics-adapted television series, simply called Lucifer (Fox-TV), became popular and represented a 21st Century American pedestrian interest in justice-themed storytelling/folklore. Perhaps Captain America had replaced Robin Hood and Lancelot. Lucifer wondered how journalists might become the 'modern media knights.'


That's where Captain America fit into this grand equation. Born as a weakling-patriot named Steve Rogers, Captain America was recruited by the U.S. Army in a special strength-altering experiment which transformed Rogers into a super-soldier. Now, Rogers (Captain America) not only possessed incredible agility and strength and shooting-skills, but he also wielded an awesome Eugenics-destroying metal shield impervious to bullets. Lucifer knew Captain America was the 'real angel of democracy.'


TRUMP: Those old cartoons depicting the Nazi Swastika 'machine' are eerie!
CARTER: Yes, that caricaturized 'Swastika-Behemoth' symbolizes pure evil.
TRUMP: Was Nazi Germany a 'machine'?
CARTER: We refer to the Pittsburgh Steelers and New England Patriots as 'machines.'
TRUMP: Yes, the 'steel curtain' and the 'silver machine' and on and on (in the NFL).
CARTER: Sports-marketing is oddly analogous to war-and-peace rhetoric!
TRUMP: That's because competitive sports reminds people of peaceful competition.
CARTER: Can we use the historic boxing-match between Louis and Schmeling?
TRUMP: Joe Louis was Captain America to Max Schmeling's 'Nazi Goliath'.
CARTER: Ironically, the boxing-match reminded people of the potential for peace.
TRUMP: Unfortunately, terrorism in Munich 1972 reminded us of violence...
CARTER: Is it in our DNA to yearn to fight?
TRUMP: Bloodlust is a savage-instinct, and the Allies had to crush pseudo-cannibalism.
CARTER: Maybe Captain America comics should become rhetoric in America!
TRUMP: We have to be wary to avoid propaganda so patriotism can feel spiritual.
CARTER: Did 9/11 destroy America's sense of patriotic euphoria?
TRUMP: No; capitalism and democracy will survive this 'dark night.'
CARTER: Let's look towards tomorrow, Mr. President.



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