Swastika painted on representative's door

Even Limbaugh, with talent on loan from Godwin, is legitimizing comparing President Obama and the Democrats to Nazis.

I guess it was not unexpected, given the trend line of escalating rightwing hysteria that's been in place since the election.

Funny thing is, once you righties have used up the Obama/Hitler card, what's left?
The last time I heard of an Aryan, unrelated to a prison gang, was decades ago. Maybe they are on the rise in certain enclaves out West, but they certainly aren't around here.


aryan nation?



the kkk?

all quite alive unfortunately.

I recall hearing that the largest group of kkk'ers in the country is in suffolk county, ny.

The Aryan Nation is a prison gang as far as I've heard. Skinheads were big 15 or 20 years ago, but I haven't seen anyone even remotely matching that description in this major metropolitan area. Neo-nazis, likewise. I see reports here any there. But, the accompanying film is usually 10 (or fewer) white guy wearing stupid clothes and combat boots usually accompanied by 3 large women alldoing seig-heils while they are surrounded by hundreds of jeering people shouting them down. Not exactly a major threat.

I'd put the KKK in the same realm. Once a threat, now more of a joke. I haven't seen any credible reports of a major KKK rally in more than 10 years. If they were really a threat, Obama wouldn't be alive now. Some maniacal KKKer would have made himself a suicide bomber and taken him out. As the secret service says, it's virtually impossible to protect someone from a person willing to die to make the hit.

So, no, I'm not buying any big rise in ultra right-wing activity. We had a bunch of garages painted with swastikas last winter. Turned out to be teen vandals. Nothing more political than that.

Nazis have hit the low level of fred phelps protests. Here's one that happened in my town. I wore a yarmulke to this event.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mzs5E2cusXM]YouTube - Nazi March in Columbia MO[/ame]
They've been hearing from me here for over five years... unlike you... but do tell... what's this "we" you refer to? Got a turd in your pocket?

Thataboy! Don't let the Silencers get you down! Be loud! Be proud!

I hope you write letters to your local newspaper.....often.

Well, maybe we can get along enough to at least have a debate someday, seeing as though there's at least one part of the constitution you don't believe in pissing on.

And I would also equate that with you being in FULL agreement with the recent TOWN HALL MEETINGS.

There is a difference between debate and out of control people shouting down others. Just ask any teacher who has tried to teacher with out of control shouters in the classroom. That is not exactly "free speech" either. But I watched the town hall meeting in Pennsylvannia today. Looks like everyone acted maturely there...and both sides were heard.
Thataboy! Don't let the Silencers get you down! Be loud! Be proud!

I hope you write letters to your local newspaper.....often.

Well, maybe we can get along enough to at least have a debate someday, seeing as though there's at least one part of the constitution you don't believe in pissing on.

And I would also equate that with you being in FULL agreement with the recent TOWN HALL MEETINGS.

There is a difference between debate and out of control people shouting down others. Just ask any teacher who has tried to teacher with out of control shouters in the classroom. That is not exactly "free speech" either. But I watched the town hall meeting in Pennsylvannia today. Looks like everyone acted maturely there...and both sides were heard.
I watched much of it too and I saw nothing wrong. Disruption gets nothing accomplished, I can agree with you on that. At least the loud people at these town hall meetings used only their voice to do the disrupting. No one was throwing pies, needed to get tazed, marched on stage carrying signs or screaming in the audience wearing pink dresses with their saggy tits hanging out.

The loony left has got the right beat hands down on disrupting. The double standard now is evident however. You lefties believe it's all fine and dandy and patriotic to do it when you do it, but when the right starts to get a little loud and in your face, you people go into full panic mode. Ya know why? Ya, I do too... because you're not used to it. Well, I'm afraid it's something you're going to have to get used to at this point. The sleeping giant has awoken.
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Obviously you can read or you would not have replied to My post.

I suggest reading even more, and this time try to do so with an objective eye.

i did. no outrage. thanks for your "work" of not backing up you allegations, dancer.
When you get into grownup land, you come to understand these things better.

You see, when people condemn an action and also belittle the person who is performing these actions, that is called outrage. Take for instance My statement in My initial post in this thread:

Face it. The difference between a socialist, communist and fascist was never that far apart. All three are extremes and inhabited by individuals with a tentative grasp on reality to begin with.

Unfortunately, Mr. Obama is doing his level best to blur the distinctions even further.

This kind of act is reprehensible. Much more effective to get the attention of the media. Not that they would report on the topic of discussion.

I do find amusing the level of alleged outrage by some on this thread however. Were did you all come down when there were leftists slashing the tires of republican transportation? Or any of the other assorted vandalism perpetrated by the wackjobs of the Democrat party?
That is a statement of outrage. Now, lets see if you can find other statements of outrage too!

You express amusement about alleged outrage on this thread and then you refer to your own outrage. well done. how is this condescension and patronizing thing going for you there in grownup land?
i did. no outrage. thanks for your "work" of not backing up you allegations, dancer.
When you get into grownup land, you come to understand these things better.

You see, when people condemn an action and also belittle the person who is performing these actions, that is called outrage. Take for instance My statement in My initial post in this thread:

Face it. The difference between a socialist, communist and fascist was never that far apart. All three are extremes and inhabited by individuals with a tentative grasp on reality to begin with.

Unfortunately, Mr. Obama is doing his level best to blur the distinctions even further.

This kind of act is reprehensible. Much more effective to get the attention of the media. Not that they would report on the topic of discussion.

I do find amusing the level of alleged outrage by some on this thread however. Were did you all come down when there were leftists slashing the tires of republican transportation? Or any of the other assorted vandalism perpetrated by the wackjobs of the Democrat party?
That is a statement of outrage. Now, lets see if you can find other statements of outrage too!

You express amusement about alleged outrage on this thread and then you refer to your own outrage. well done. how is this condescension and patronizing thing going for you there in grownup land?
Its going well. You see, the amusement was for those who show outrage when acts of vandalism or violence is committed against those things they support but my, my, how they were silent and accepting when it occurred to those whom they disagree with. Now maybe you'll get back on topic, eh?
Well thats a new low. Painting a swastika on your door to blame your enemies...
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Seriously,why haven't they removed Pelosi yet? Hmm?
Apparently they like her. That's the neat thing - a local district can elect a flaming liberal or a segragationist to represent them if that is why THEY want.
Even Limbaugh, with talent on loan from Godwin, is legitimizing comparing President Obama and the Democrats to Nazis.

I guess it was not unexpected, given the trend line of escalating rightwing hysteria that's been in place since the election.

Funny thing is, once you righties have used up the Obama/Hitler card, what's left?

There are legitimate comparisons.

Actions speak louder than words.

what is the result when you divide hitler by obama?

obama's kenyan birth certificate?

How long do each of you get on the computer there in prison?

As a spineless mental midget obamabot i was promised on Obama/Hitler's apology tour in Germany my own Cray personal supercomputer. Of course he promptly delivered on his promise after fucking over real americans like you. Yay!
When you get into grownup land, you come to understand these things better.

You see, when people condemn an action and also belittle the person who is performing these actions, that is called outrage. Take for instance My statement in My initial post in this thread:

That is a statement of outrage. Now, lets see if you can find other statements of outrage too!

You express amusement about alleged outrage on this thread and then you refer to your own outrage. well done. how is this condescension and patronizing thing going for you there in grownup land?
Its going well. You see, the amusement was for those who show outrage when acts of vandalism or violence is committed against those things they support but my, my, how they were silent and accepting when it occurred to those whom they disagree with. Now maybe you'll get back on topic, eh?

dude, i can multi task. in one post i can be on topic, in another i can comment on your shitty dance routine.
Congressman Scott is a good man and doesn't deserve this! Shame on the person that did such a cowardly act.

10 to 1 its a liberal mad that Scott is a blue-dog!
Maybe that's what Pelosi meant.... That American's were bringing swastica's to town hall meeting because Obama and his policies are socialistic.....
Rep Scott decided it was a good idea to go on a tirade against his constituents and tell them what they should ask and what they shouldn't. He was demanding that the public deal with him on HIS terms and not theirs. If you ACT like an authoritarian dictator, why are you surprised if someone implies that you've become a Nazi?

There used to be a time in this country where Normal people, average people were appalled when someone sprayed a swastika on something.

Now we have our apologists.

And there was a time when in this county when normal people, average people were appalled at the thought of turning their personal decisions and their personal liberty over to a government bureaucrat.

Now we have our apologists.
what is the result when you divide hitler by obama?

obama's kenyan birth certificate?

How long do each of you get on the computer there in prison?

As a spineless mental midget obamabot i was promised on Obama/Hitler's apology tour in Germany my own Cray personal supercomputer. Of course he promptly delivered on his promise after fucking over real americans like you. Yay!

Well, I can at least thank you for one thing... I surely don't have to do much of anything to illustrate just what kind of a jackass you are... you do an outstanding job of that yourself.

Have at 'er there pard.... off to the rodeo!
of course they are anti-obama, AND anti-nazi. those people with the signs think obama=hitler.

does not make the protestors nazis, just very stupid.

They are only mistaken by matter of degrees. Obama is a statist. It doesn't particularly matter what his economic philosophy is as he pursues his statist agenda.

Hitler didn't give a shit about economics and left that to others. He did ensure, however, that by the time he rose to power in 1933 that there were no actual "socialists" in the National Socialist German Worker's Party (NASDP aka Nazi).

it is NSDAP, the A stands for Arbeiter=worker.

the last left-leaning (in Hitler's mind) members were purged 1934 in so called Röhm-Putsch (one of the nights of the long knives). most of the others had left by 1930.

a good example for a "lefty" leaving the nazis in 1930 was Otto Strasser.

His brother Georg missed the boat and stayed in. He was killed 1934.

Ooops! You're right, I fat fingered the initials.

Thanks for the examples. That's pretty much as I remembered. The one surprise was that Geobbels was also a socialist sympathizer, as his dairy showed, but he decided by 1930 that the better part of valor was to keep those attitudes to himself. It was apparent to him that the socialist faction of the party was definitely going to be on the losing end of the power struggle.

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