Swastika wearing nazi sworn in to Melonis cabinet. Italys shame

This is so childish and time wasting. The headline says he once did not that he did when signed in. The next bit explains when. If you want to act like a three year old who cannot read carry on but I will reply no further.

The headline screams “Swastka wearing Nazi sworn in”

It says nothing about 2005
Its a murky pond. I think that evangelical trumpers love Israel. Some religious shite to do with the second coming. I dont think trump gives a shit either way.

Non evangelicals are smart enough to avoid slagging off the Jews. They use code words like globalists and Soros in order to vent their hatred.
Jewish republicans are beyond my understanding.
I think that the Jews can be hated by the Republicans on account of them not accepting their jesus myth.
Or whatever it has been throughout history for hating the Jews?
Is the non-accepted belief in 'jesus' the most relevant issue?

I don't think any budding fascist regime can accept the Jews.

I know that his nazi brethren on here will cheer this decision to the rafters. I wonder how far their support will stretch ?

What's about Indians?
Swastika is almost on any place.
Why your beloved Sunak is allowed to use it and the Schwab's Italian girl not?
Twofold standards?







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