Sweden is falling apart

Do you think Sweden will fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters
What do you think is the real push behind this?
The European Countries and America are pushing them into our countries against the peoples will.

Maybe this was one of the big world agendas at G8 summit.
Any of you got any ideas as to why?
Why do they want to ruin our Countries?
Perma left wing votes.

Yes I know it's the left, it's our left also that are with them.
But what is the real purpose?
Just because they say we need to help them and bring them in is not a good reason.
Sorry, what I meant was that I think one of the reasons is that because immigrants tend to vote left, the left feel they can stay in power indefinitely if they import enough voters. In fact, the Labour Party of the U.K. Actually admitted to this some years ago.

Yes the same here also but with illegals from Mexico.
NO there is something else more in this on these Muslims.
To me it seems they want to wipe out all of our traditions and nationalism.
What makes us who we are as Americans, British, German, Sweden and so on.
It's like they want a one world of citizens with no nations or something.
It just smacks of real evil to me.
The Politicians can see what is happening yet they want to bring in more and more.

Austria and our historical cousins from Slovenia to Hungary to Czech Republic to Slovakia to Lithuania and Latvia, WE are NOT going along with Traitor Merkel's crap anymore.

Two latest news items:

We get ready to SHUT our BORDER and we are going to use army to COMPLETELY STOP Muslim savages entering Macedonia. Not "stem the flow" but stop it.

Austria Will 'Close Border' To Migrants

Traitor Bitch Merkel wants to impose CASHLESS society in Germany, AGAINST German people's wishes....Austria NO way are we doing this PERIOD, we MUST have Constitutional right to pay in cash....our Constitution you see written by Austrians FOR Austrians...."German" Constitution written by Washington DC lawyers in 1946 to be AGAINST GERMAN PEOPLE....a CRIME that will be rectified once Merkel has lets face it, fled the Continent in disgrace.

We Austrians never swallowed the Propaganda, we always were more hardcore than our German cousins, and again, we Austrians eventually are going to have to take control of Germany, a STATE that for Centuries remember was OURS:

Austrians Need Constitutional Right to Pay in Cash, Mahrer Says
To me it seems they want to wipe out all of our traditions and nationalism.
What makes us who we are as Americans, British, German, Sweden and so on.
It's like they want a one world of citizens with no nations or something.
It just smacks of real evil to me.

Traditions and Nationalism. Patriotism leads to Nationalism.

This is why they must destroy them....it's the actual Nationalism they fear the most. So they flood nations with these alien savages, they want civil wars breaking out, they then will use this as excuse to put in Police State - but a Marxist system, they want you living in Orwell's 1984, as slaves and in constant fear and with NO rights.

So, the two choices are Fascism or Marxism, yes, it's the whole thing being replayed but in piecemeal fashion this time....forget about Democracy, Democracy ceased to really exist a long time ago, it'll all an illusion....the proof is, they are doing this against the peoples wishes and if you resist, you're demonised, is that Democracy?
This is why I've given up. No one wants to give up their dominance of men, so therefore other peoples with dominant men will take over.

Exactly, and this IS the Feminists fault, they have de-masculinised the males into Metrosexual.

The Muslim savages, from birth being taught that women are just basically crap with NO rights except to be baby machines, these savage males will take over....UNLESS men who are willing to SHOOT them on the SPOT don't take action.

It's going to get to point of kill or be killed.
Are Austrians armed?

I should add in Austria you don't need any paperwork to buy a shot-gun, you only need a simple Hunting License, a good shot-gun only costs €350. Also a brand new Glock only costs about €480....I got another Glock in November 2015 and I paid €460 for it.

My entire family, including me, are all members of IWÖ (Interessengemeinschaft Liberales Waffenrecht Österreich) this is Austrian version of the American NRA National Rifle Association.

Also in Austria as well as more guns, people are buying Cross-Bow's and our greatest, loyalist friends Doberman's, Rottweiler's and the Deutscher Schäferhund....we as nation buying more of these dogs.
The price of the Glock sounds about on par with here, I think the euro is more than our dollar. But they should give Austrians a big break to make sure theirs is the weapon of choice! My first handgun was a Glock 17 but I traded it in on a 1911. Sorry.
To the OP

Nothing you can do.

Liberal Progressive Sweden is finished, destroyed from inside.

Best thing you can do is to migrate to another country outside Europe.

It is terrible that the wonderful European cultures are being swamped and replaced by those barbarians stuck in the 7th century.

It's just too sad for words. :(
To the OP

Nothing you can do.

Liberal Progressive Sweden is finished, destroyed from inside.

Best thing you can do is to migrate to another country outside Europe.

It is terrible that the wonderful European cultures are being swamped and replaced by those barbarians stuck in the 7th century.

It's just too sad for words. :(

I'm reminded of Toynbee's famous quote about cultures dying by suicide rather than by murder.

Sweden has a real death wish by the looks of it.
The Politicians can see what is happening yet they want to bring in more and more.

Austria and our historical cousins from Slovenia to Hungary to Czech Republic to Slovakia to Lithuania and Latvia, WE are NOT going along with Traitor Merkel's crap anymore.

Two latest news items:

We get ready to SHUT our BORDER and we are going to use army to COMPLETELY STOP Muslim savages entering Macedonia. Not "stem the flow" but stop it.

Austria Will 'Close Border' To Migrants

Traitor Bitch Merkel wants to impose CASHLESS society in Germany, AGAINST German people's wishes....Austria NO way are we doing this PERIOD, we MUST have Constitutional right to pay in cash....our Constitution you see written by Austrians FOR Austrians...."German" Constitution written by Washington DC lawyers in 1946 to be AGAINST GERMAN PEOPLE....a CRIME that will be rectified once Merkel has lets face it, fled the Continent in disgrace.

We Austrians never swallowed the Propaganda, we always were more hardcore than our German cousins, and again, we Austrians eventually are going to have to take control of Germany, a STATE that for Centuries remember was OURS:

Austrians Need Constitutional Right to Pay in Cash, Mahrer Says

Good for you!
Way to go Austrians.
To me it seems they want to wipe out all of our traditions and nationalism.
What makes us who we are as Americans, British, German, Sweden and so on.
It's like they want a one world of citizens with no nations or something.
It just smacks of real evil to me.

Traditions and Nationalism. Patriotism leads to Nationalism.

This is why they must destroy them....it's the actual Nationalism they fear the most. So they flood nations with these alien savages, they want civil wars breaking out, they then will use this as excuse to put in Police State - but a Marxist system, they want you living in Orwell's 1984, as slaves and in constant fear and with NO rights.

So, the two choices are Fascism or Marxism, yes, it's the whole thing being replayed but in piecemeal fashion this time....forget about Democracy, Democracy ceased to really exist a long time ago, it'll all an illusion....the proof is, they are doing this against the peoples wishes and if you resist, you're demonised, is that Democracy?

I totally agree and no it is not Democracy.
To the OP

Nothing you can do.

Liberal Progressive Sweden is finished, destroyed from inside.

Best thing you can do is to migrate to another country outside Europe.

It is terrible that the wonderful European cultures are being swamped and replaced by those barbarians stuck in the 7th century.

It's just too sad for words. :(

I'm reminded of Toynbee's famous quote about cultures dying by suicide rather than by murder.

Sweden has a real death wish by the looks of it.

Yes, :thup: it's hard to argue with that! ^^^

But you have to wonder why, when the remedy is staring them in the face, they don't do something about it!
And I beg of you... Please make sure that american media writes more about Swedens immigration... The world needs to know what a mass psychosis this country is having...
Uh... That may be a problem since the American media is owned by the same people with the same agenda over here as over there....
I wish we could do that!!
The other day Sweden sent a plane to Afghanistan (with rejected Afghans) to put them back where they belong. Thing is, Afghanistan refused to accept them back into the country!! Because they have no papers or identification... Only Sweden accept such asylum seekers... It's madness!
So they were flown back and we are stuck with them... :/

I'm guessing it will be the same with the syrians...
Should have just dropped them into the middle of Baltic Sea either way to there or to back and claim success....
We aren't allowed that stuff in Australia.
You gave up your rights first with registering your guns. Then, years later they knew exactly who, what and where when confiscation came about. Get your rights back... It is not freedom, only free people can "gird the sword"
they will not doing anything in the immediate future it is too easy to appease. very short sighted.
Hi again!
I skimmed through the pages, I saw Tilly commented about the housing. I'm sad to confirm that is correct... people see their chance to make some serious money on this.
The authorities are desperate to find housing for the refugees, so much that people rent to them for ENORMOUS amount of money each month.
Do you want to know what one (1) refugee costs a month? Up to 60 000 SEK... That's about 7000$ !!!
That is Swedens collective money going into one greedy persons pocket... And that makes them anxious to evict swedes to make room for refugees. Always follow the money...
They don't care who they have to evict, I've heard of cases of families with small children, the elderly, students or even handicapped people.

I guess I'm lucky to have an apartment... today young people still live at home long after finishing school, not cause they want to, choose to or cannot afford to move - it's bcause there simply isn't anything available to purchase/rent.

Last year during fall, we had an explosion of refugees, 10 000 a week !!
It got so acute to find housing that they had to put up huge tents to place the refugees in...
Sweden to erect tents for hundreds of refugees

It is truly madness whats going on...

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