Sweden is falling apart

Do you think Sweden will fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters
This is why I've given up. No one wants to give up their dominance of men, so therefore other peoples with dominant men will take over.

Exactly, and this IS the Feminists fault, they have de-masculinised the males into Metrosexual.

The Muslim savages, from birth being taught that women are just basically crap with NO rights except to be baby machines, these savage males will take over....UNLESS men who are willing to SHOOT them on the SPOT don't take action.

It's going to get to point of kill or be killed.
Are Austrians armed?

I should add in Austria you don't need any paperwork to buy a shot-gun, you only need a simple Hunting License, a good shot-gun only costs €350. Also a brand new Glock only costs about €480....I got another Glock in November 2015 and I paid €460 for it.

My entire family, including me, are all members of IWÖ (Interessengemeinschaft Liberales Waffenrecht Österreich) this is Austrian version of the American NRA National Rifle Association.

Also in Austria as well as more guns, people are buying Cross-Bow's and our greatest, loyalist friends Doberman's, Rottweiler's and the Deutscher Schäferhund....we as nation buying more of these dogs.
This is why I've given up. No one wants to give up their dominance of men, so therefore other peoples with dominant men will take over.

Exactly, and this IS the Feminists fault, they have de-masculinised the males into Metrosexual.

The Muslim savages, from birth being taught that women are just basically crap with NO rights except to be baby machines, these savage males will take over....UNLESS men who are willing to SHOOT them on the SPOT don't take action.

It's going to get to point of kill or be killed.
Are Austrians armed?

I should add in Austria you don't need any paperwork to buy a shot-gun, you only need a simple Hunting License, a good shot-gun only costs €350. Also a brand new Glock only costs about €480....I got another Glock in November 2015 and I paid €460 for it.

My entire family, including me, are all members of IWÖ (Interessengemeinschaft Liberales Waffenrecht Österreich) this is Austrian version of the American NRA National Rifle Association.

Also in Austria as well as more guns, people are buying Cross-Bow's and our greatest, loyalist friends Doberman's, Rottweiler's and the Deutscher Schäferhund....we as nation buying more of these dogs.
We aren't allowed that stuff in Australia.

Yes you need to dump The Commonwealth stuff darling and go Independent. Of course you have complete Cuck in UNELECTED Malcolm Turnbull....they did Coup on the ELECTED Tony Abbott as he has balls.
I can tell on the Goose posting history that this is a really juvenile person.
Do the forum a favor and stay out of serious discussions, go and discuss marijuana or something. :)
*puts on ignore*


I see that little dog with the pink ribbon and just scroll past, myself. I have yet to see any comment that means anything at all out of that one.

As to the subject, though, the very notion of liberalism has been turned on its ear since I was a kid. Standing up for liberal values when it comes to these backwards, inbred knuckle draggers only elicits name calling by ignorant, brainwashed fools who think they are being liberal for doing so.

Heck, just look at the way the European press calls anybody who objects some sort of extreme right-winger. They did so with Pim Fortuyn in The Netherlands before he was murdered, and this despite the fact he was a gay man tired of all the intimidation at the hands of primitive men.

Crazy Dutch Leftist politician other day said he wanted someone to assassinate Geert Wilders....has the Leftist POS been arrested? No.

Here it is:

"Local Labour leader wishes for Wilders death in Tweet

Willem den Hertog, the PvdA leader in Katwijk, wished that PVV leader Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack in a post he distributed through his Twitter account late Thursday morning. Following the commotion they caused, he said the messages should not have been published, and he withdrew his statement.

Den Hertog’s tweets were in response to Wilders’ statement that if he is assassinated, the PvdA will have his blood on their hands. “I hope that the bullet does not come, but if that bullet comes from the left, then the Netherlands will know that the PvdA letters are written on its side.” Wilders made this statement in response to PvdA Chairman Hans Spekman’s statement calling him a danger to democracy.

Den Hertog tweeted, “We all hope that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”, followed by, “But if there is a bullet on the way, then it is big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it”. He concluded: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?”

As can be expected, the tweets resulted in a storm of angry reactions and retweets. According to Omroep West, Den Hertog was even received a number of threats. So he decided to withdraw his statements: “There is commotion about the tweets I sent about Wilders. Given the reactions, I see that I should not have sent those tweets.”

Geert Wilders did not reply to the remarks until just after 2:30 p.m. In a tweet from his official account, he wrote, “Shocking message. Maybe now Labour chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” He ended the message with a hashtag that translates to, “bullet from the left,” referring to the Labour party’s leftist political stance."

Aren't these Leftists LOVELY people....they ONLY PRETEND to be Holier Than Thou, that's how we know they're POS, they are kidding only the already gullible with they're pretend Peacenik crap.

The full story at the link below:

You are being redirected...
What are PVV's policies?

Ae they as tame as ukip?

ukip has the same policies as our conservative party in Australia, the LNP.
In uk the left refer to UKIP as the far right. Lol.
I can tell on the Goose posting history that this is a really juvenile person.
Do the forum a favor and stay out of serious discussions, go and discuss marijuana or something. :)
*puts on ignore*


I see that little dog with the pink ribbon and just scroll past, myself. I have yet to see any comment that means anything at all out of that one.

As to the subject, though, the very notion of liberalism has been turned on its ear since I was a kid. Standing up for liberal values when it comes to these backwards, inbred knuckle draggers only elicits name calling by ignorant, brainwashed fools who think they are being liberal for doing so.

Heck, just look at the way the European press calls anybody who objects some sort of extreme right-winger. They did so with Pim Fortuyn in The Netherlands before he was murdered, and this despite the fact he was a gay man tired of all the intimidation at the hands of primitive men.

Crazy Dutch Leftist politician other day said he wanted someone to assassinate Geert Wilders....has the Leftist POS been arrested? No.

Here it is:

"Local Labour leader wishes for Wilders death in Tweet

Willem den Hertog, the PvdA leader in Katwijk, wished that PVV leader Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack in a post he distributed through his Twitter account late Thursday morning. Following the commotion they caused, he said the messages should not have been published, and he withdrew his statement.

Den Hertog’s tweets were in response to Wilders’ statement that if he is assassinated, the PvdA will have his blood on their hands. “I hope that the bullet does not come, but if that bullet comes from the left, then the Netherlands will know that the PvdA letters are written on its side.” Wilders made this statement in response to PvdA Chairman Hans Spekman’s statement calling him a danger to democracy.

Den Hertog tweeted, “We all hope that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”, followed by, “But if there is a bullet on the way, then it is big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it”. He concluded: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?”

As can be expected, the tweets resulted in a storm of angry reactions and retweets. According to Omroep West, Den Hertog was even received a number of threats. So he decided to withdraw his statements: “There is commotion about the tweets I sent about Wilders. Given the reactions, I see that I should not have sent those tweets.”

Geert Wilders did not reply to the remarks until just after 2:30 p.m. In a tweet from his official account, he wrote, “Shocking message. Maybe now Labour chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” He ended the message with a hashtag that translates to, “bullet from the left,” referring to the Labour party’s leftist political stance."

Aren't these Leftists LOVELY people....they ONLY PRETEND to be Holier Than Thou, that's how we know they're POS, they are kidding only the already gullible with they're pretend Peacenik crap.

The full story at the link below:

You are being redirected...
Fatwas from Islamic nutters, and fatwas from his own leftist countrymen.

That's about it yes....let's face it, it's about time we just told it as it is The Leftists ARE political wing of the Islamic nutters also....we have the Traitors within the gates, the classic Fifth Column....they of course, ultimately will be dealt with.
I can tell on the Goose posting history that this is a really juvenile person.
Do the forum a favor and stay out of serious discussions, go and discuss marijuana or something. :)
*puts on ignore*


I see that little dog with the pink ribbon and just scroll past, myself. I have yet to see any comment that means anything at all out of that one.

As to the subject, though, the very notion of liberalism has been turned on its ear since I was a kid. Standing up for liberal values when it comes to these backwards, inbred knuckle draggers only elicits name calling by ignorant, brainwashed fools who think they are being liberal for doing so.

Heck, just look at the way the European press calls anybody who objects some sort of extreme right-winger. They did so with Pim Fortuyn in The Netherlands before he was murdered, and this despite the fact he was a gay man tired of all the intimidation at the hands of primitive men.

Crazy Dutch Leftist politician other day said he wanted someone to assassinate Geert Wilders....has the Leftist POS been arrested? No.

Here it is:

"Local Labour leader wishes for Wilders death in Tweet

Willem den Hertog, the PvdA leader in Katwijk, wished that PVV leader Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack in a post he distributed through his Twitter account late Thursday morning. Following the commotion they caused, he said the messages should not have been published, and he withdrew his statement.

Den Hertog’s tweets were in response to Wilders’ statement that if he is assassinated, the PvdA will have his blood on their hands. “I hope that the bullet does not come, but if that bullet comes from the left, then the Netherlands will know that the PvdA letters are written on its side.” Wilders made this statement in response to PvdA Chairman Hans Spekman’s statement calling him a danger to democracy.

Den Hertog tweeted, “We all hope that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”, followed by, “But if there is a bullet on the way, then it is big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it”. He concluded: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?”

As can be expected, the tweets resulted in a storm of angry reactions and retweets. According to Omroep West, Den Hertog was even received a number of threats. So he decided to withdraw his statements: “There is commotion about the tweets I sent about Wilders. Given the reactions, I see that I should not have sent those tweets.”

Geert Wilders did not reply to the remarks until just after 2:30 p.m. In a tweet from his official account, he wrote, “Shocking message. Maybe now Labour chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” He ended the message with a hashtag that translates to, “bullet from the left,” referring to the Labour party’s leftist political stance."

Aren't these Leftists LOVELY people....they ONLY PRETEND to be Holier Than Thou, that's how we know they're POS, they are kidding only the already gullible with they're pretend Peacenik crap.

The full story at the link below:

You are being redirected...
He has 24 hr police protection and never sleeps in the same place two nights in succession.
Interesting article:

Sweden’s governments collapsing under weight of refugees

The hardships on Swedes extends well beyond these government expenditures, and the taxes that will follow. With public housing unable to meet the demand, the government is allowing private entrepreneurs to not only buy up housing but also to evict existing tenants, and allow units to be subdivided. As one example, after a Suzuki car dealer got the go-ahead from the Migration Board, he purchased a 12-resident building and had it rezoned to accommodate 144 refugees. The car dealer had persuasively argued that the building was providing inappropriately spacious accommodations, given the refugee crisis. His expected revenue from the Migration Board for housing the migrants is $2 million a month. Wallenberg-owned Aleris, one of the biggest housing providers, pockets $9,600 a month from the government for an apartment that normally rents for $800.

Lawrence Solomon: Sweden’s governments collapsing under weight of refugees
Wow, so literally kicking their own poor out for foriegners!

Germany's Merkle is doing the same thing.
I can tell on the Goose posting history that this is a really juvenile person.
Do the forum a favor and stay out of serious discussions, go and discuss marijuana or something. :)
*puts on ignore*


I see that little dog with the pink ribbon and just scroll past, myself. I have yet to see any comment that means anything at all out of that one.

As to the subject, though, the very notion of liberalism has been turned on its ear since I was a kid. Standing up for liberal values when it comes to these backwards, inbred knuckle draggers only elicits name calling by ignorant, brainwashed fools who think they are being liberal for doing so.

Heck, just look at the way the European press calls anybody who objects some sort of extreme right-winger. They did so with Pim Fortuyn in The Netherlands before he was murdered, and this despite the fact he was a gay man tired of all the intimidation at the hands of primitive men.

Crazy Dutch Leftist politician other day said he wanted someone to assassinate Geert Wilders....has the Leftist POS been arrested? No.

Here it is:

"Local Labour leader wishes for Wilders death in Tweet

Willem den Hertog, the PvdA leader in Katwijk, wished that PVV leader Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack in a post he distributed through his Twitter account late Thursday morning. Following the commotion they caused, he said the messages should not have been published, and he withdrew his statement.

Den Hertog’s tweets were in response to Wilders’ statement that if he is assassinated, the PvdA will have his blood on their hands. “I hope that the bullet does not come, but if that bullet comes from the left, then the Netherlands will know that the PvdA letters are written on its side.” Wilders made this statement in response to PvdA Chairman Hans Spekman’s statement calling him a danger to democracy.

Den Hertog tweeted, “We all hope that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”, followed by, “But if there is a bullet on the way, then it is big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it”. He concluded: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?”

As can be expected, the tweets resulted in a storm of angry reactions and retweets. According to Omroep West, Den Hertog was even received a number of threats. So he decided to withdraw his statements: “There is commotion about the tweets I sent about Wilders. Given the reactions, I see that I should not have sent those tweets.”

Geert Wilders did not reply to the remarks until just after 2:30 p.m. In a tweet from his official account, he wrote, “Shocking message. Maybe now Labour chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” He ended the message with a hashtag that translates to, “bullet from the left,” referring to the Labour party’s leftist political stance."

Aren't these Leftists LOVELY people....they ONLY PRETEND to be Holier Than Thou, that's how we know they're POS, they are kidding only the already gullible with they're pretend Peacenik crap.

The full story at the link below:

You are being redirected...
What are PVV's policies?

Ae they as tame as ukip?

ukip has the same policies as our conservative party in Australia, the LNP.
In uk the left refer to UKIP as the far right. Lol.

Nigel Farage is terrified of his own shadow. No wonder our organisations laugh at him, unlike him WE are successful, across Europa we have 36 ELECTED political parties in ONE BLOCK in the EU Parliament and it's now numbering 91 MEPs, which is very good. Nigel was offered chance for the 11 or whatever it is UKIP MEPs to join....and he immediately had to announce to media, in TERRIFIED fashion - probably so scared he was wetting knickers - that no UKIP wasn't going to join the block because:

"They're all Far Right Fascists mixed in with Nazi's"

Yeah OKAY Nigel, you pathetic piss-ant, you have 11 MEPs, NO ACTUAL VOTING POWER and you have ONE MP in House of Commons, meaning you are POINTLESS, so go and have another pint of bier or 10 and STFU.
This is why I've given up. No one wants to give up their dominance of men, so therefore other peoples with dominant men will take over.

Exactly, and this IS the Feminists fault, they have de-masculinised the males into Metrosexual.

The Muslim savages, from birth being taught that women are just basically crap with NO rights except to be baby machines, these savage males will take over....UNLESS men who are willing to SHOOT them on the SPOT don't take action.

It's going to get to point of kill or be killed.
Are Austrians armed?

I should add in Austria you don't need any paperwork to buy a shot-gun, you only need a simple Hunting License, a good shot-gun only costs €350. Also a brand new Glock only costs about €480....I got another Glock in November 2015 and I paid €460 for it.

My entire family, including me, are all members of IWÖ (Interessengemeinschaft Liberales Waffenrecht Österreich) this is Austrian version of the American NRA National Rifle Association.

Also in Austria as well as more guns, people are buying Cross-Bow's and our greatest, loyalist friends Doberman's, Rottweiler's and the Deutscher Schäferhund....we as nation buying more of these dogs.
This is why I've given up. No one wants to give up their dominance of men, so therefore other peoples with dominant men will take over.

Exactly, and this IS the Feminists fault, they have de-masculinised the males into Metrosexual.

The Muslim savages, from birth being taught that women are just basically crap with NO rights except to be baby machines, these savage males will take over....UNLESS men who are willing to SHOOT them on the SPOT don't take action.

It's going to get to point of kill or be killed.
Are Austrians armed?

I should add in Austria you don't need any paperwork to buy a shot-gun, you only need a simple Hunting License, a good shot-gun only costs €350. Also a brand new Glock only costs about €480....I got another Glock in November 2015 and I paid €460 for it.

My entire family, including me, are all members of IWÖ (Interessengemeinschaft Liberales Waffenrecht Österreich) this is Austrian version of the American NRA National Rifle Association.

Also in Austria as well as more guns, people are buying Cross-Bow's and our greatest, loyalist friends Doberman's, Rottweiler's and the Deutscher Schäferhund....we as nation buying more of these dogs.
We aren't allowed that stuff in Australia.

Gracie got Austria and Australia mixed up....yes....if only you could adopt some Austria.
I can tell on the Goose posting history that this is a really juvenile person.
Do the forum a favor and stay out of serious discussions, go and discuss marijuana or something. :)
*puts on ignore*


I see that little dog with the pink ribbon and just scroll past, myself. I have yet to see any comment that means anything at all out of that one.

As to the subject, though, the very notion of liberalism has been turned on its ear since I was a kid. Standing up for liberal values when it comes to these backwards, inbred knuckle draggers only elicits name calling by ignorant, brainwashed fools who think they are being liberal for doing so.

Heck, just look at the way the European press calls anybody who objects some sort of extreme right-winger. They did so with Pim Fortuyn in The Netherlands before he was murdered, and this despite the fact he was a gay man tired of all the intimidation at the hands of primitive men.

Crazy Dutch Leftist politician other day said he wanted someone to assassinate Geert Wilders....has the Leftist POS been arrested? No.

Here it is:

"Local Labour leader wishes for Wilders death in Tweet

Willem den Hertog, the PvdA leader in Katwijk, wished that PVV leader Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack in a post he distributed through his Twitter account late Thursday morning. Following the commotion they caused, he said the messages should not have been published, and he withdrew his statement.

Den Hertog’s tweets were in response to Wilders’ statement that if he is assassinated, the PvdA will have his blood on their hands. “I hope that the bullet does not come, but if that bullet comes from the left, then the Netherlands will know that the PvdA letters are written on its side.” Wilders made this statement in response to PvdA Chairman Hans Spekman’s statement calling him a danger to democracy.

Den Hertog tweeted, “We all hope that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”, followed by, “But if there is a bullet on the way, then it is big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it”. He concluded: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?”

As can be expected, the tweets resulted in a storm of angry reactions and retweets. According to Omroep West, Den Hertog was even received a number of threats. So he decided to withdraw his statements: “There is commotion about the tweets I sent about Wilders. Given the reactions, I see that I should not have sent those tweets.”

Geert Wilders did not reply to the remarks until just after 2:30 p.m. In a tweet from his official account, he wrote, “Shocking message. Maybe now Labour chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” He ended the message with a hashtag that translates to, “bullet from the left,” referring to the Labour party’s leftist political stance."

Aren't these Leftists LOVELY people....they ONLY PRETEND to be Holier Than Thou, that's how we know they're POS, they are kidding only the already gullible with they're pretend Peacenik crap.

The full story at the link below:

You are being redirected...
What are PVV's policies?

Ae they as tame as ukip?

ukip has the same policies as our conservative party in Australia, the LNP.
In uk the left refer to UKIP as the far right. Lol.

Put it this way....who would you choose to be in the trench with....ANY British politician....or someone like ME armed to teeth with Glock's and several shot-gun's?

Yes I already know answer.
I can tell on the Goose posting history that this is a really juvenile person.
Do the forum a favor and stay out of serious discussions, go and discuss marijuana or something. :)
*puts on ignore*


I see that little dog with the pink ribbon and just scroll past, myself. I have yet to see any comment that means anything at all out of that one.

As to the subject, though, the very notion of liberalism has been turned on its ear since I was a kid. Standing up for liberal values when it comes to these backwards, inbred knuckle draggers only elicits name calling by ignorant, brainwashed fools who think they are being liberal for doing so.

Heck, just look at the way the European press calls anybody who objects some sort of extreme right-winger. They did so with Pim Fortuyn in The Netherlands before he was murdered, and this despite the fact he was a gay man tired of all the intimidation at the hands of primitive men.

Crazy Dutch Leftist politician other day said he wanted someone to assassinate Geert Wilders....has the Leftist POS been arrested? No.

Here it is:

"Local Labour leader wishes for Wilders death in Tweet

Willem den Hertog, the PvdA leader in Katwijk, wished that PVV leader Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack in a post he distributed through his Twitter account late Thursday morning. Following the commotion they caused, he said the messages should not have been published, and he withdrew his statement.

Den Hertog’s tweets were in response to Wilders’ statement that if he is assassinated, the PvdA will have his blood on their hands. “I hope that the bullet does not come, but if that bullet comes from the left, then the Netherlands will know that the PvdA letters are written on its side.” Wilders made this statement in response to PvdA Chairman Hans Spekman’s statement calling him a danger to democracy.

Den Hertog tweeted, “We all hope that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”, followed by, “But if there is a bullet on the way, then it is big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it”. He concluded: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?”

As can be expected, the tweets resulted in a storm of angry reactions and retweets. According to Omroep West, Den Hertog was even received a number of threats. So he decided to withdraw his statements: “There is commotion about the tweets I sent about Wilders. Given the reactions, I see that I should not have sent those tweets.”

Geert Wilders did not reply to the remarks until just after 2:30 p.m. In a tweet from his official account, he wrote, “Shocking message. Maybe now Labour chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” He ended the message with a hashtag that translates to, “bullet from the left,” referring to the Labour party’s leftist political stance."

Aren't these Leftists LOVELY people....they ONLY PRETEND to be Holier Than Thou, that's how we know they're POS, they are kidding only the already gullible with they're pretend Peacenik crap.

The full story at the link below:

You are being redirected...
He has 24 hr police protection and never sleeps in the same place two nights in succession.

Talking of sleep, my intention to be in the bed tonight by 10.15pm.
I can tell on the Goose posting history that this is a really juvenile person.
Do the forum a favor and stay out of serious discussions, go and discuss marijuana or something. :)
*puts on ignore*


I see that little dog with the pink ribbon and just scroll past, myself. I have yet to see any comment that means anything at all out of that one.

As to the subject, though, the very notion of liberalism has been turned on its ear since I was a kid. Standing up for liberal values when it comes to these backwards, inbred knuckle draggers only elicits name calling by ignorant, brainwashed fools who think they are being liberal for doing so.

Heck, just look at the way the European press calls anybody who objects some sort of extreme right-winger. They did so with Pim Fortuyn in The Netherlands before he was murdered, and this despite the fact he was a gay man tired of all the intimidation at the hands of primitive men.

Crazy Dutch Leftist politician other day said he wanted someone to assassinate Geert Wilders....has the Leftist POS been arrested? No.

Here it is:

"Local Labour leader wishes for Wilders death in Tweet

Willem den Hertog, the PvdA leader in Katwijk, wished that PVV leader Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack in a post he distributed through his Twitter account late Thursday morning. Following the commotion they caused, he said the messages should not have been published, and he withdrew his statement.

Den Hertog’s tweets were in response to Wilders’ statement that if he is assassinated, the PvdA will have his blood on their hands. “I hope that the bullet does not come, but if that bullet comes from the left, then the Netherlands will know that the PvdA letters are written on its side.” Wilders made this statement in response to PvdA Chairman Hans Spekman’s statement calling him a danger to democracy.

Den Hertog tweeted, “We all hope that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”, followed by, “But if there is a bullet on the way, then it is big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it”. He concluded: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?”

As can be expected, the tweets resulted in a storm of angry reactions and retweets. According to Omroep West, Den Hertog was even received a number of threats. So he decided to withdraw his statements: “There is commotion about the tweets I sent about Wilders. Given the reactions, I see that I should not have sent those tweets.”

Geert Wilders did not reply to the remarks until just after 2:30 p.m. In a tweet from his official account, he wrote, “Shocking message. Maybe now Labour chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” He ended the message with a hashtag that translates to, “bullet from the left,” referring to the Labour party’s leftist political stance."

Aren't these Leftists LOVELY people....they ONLY PRETEND to be Holier Than Thou, that's how we know they're POS, they are kidding only the already gullible with they're pretend Peacenik crap.

The full story at the link below:

You are being redirected...
What are PVV's policies?

Ae they as tame as ukip?

ukip has the same policies as our conservative party in Australia, the LNP.
In uk the left refer to UKIP as the far right. Lol.

I posted this thread re. WTF is up with UKIP the other week, it's addressed to Swagger as I know he is a UKIPer, but my OP address our frustration and really our disgust with Nigel Farage for refusing help because he's afraid of being called names or whatever:

Swagger re. UKIP
I see that little dog with the pink ribbon and just scroll past, myself. I have yet to see any comment that means anything at all out of that one.

As to the subject, though, the very notion of liberalism has been turned on its ear since I was a kid. Standing up for liberal values when it comes to these backwards, inbred knuckle draggers only elicits name calling by ignorant, brainwashed fools who think they are being liberal for doing so.

Heck, just look at the way the European press calls anybody who objects some sort of extreme right-winger. They did so with Pim Fortuyn in The Netherlands before he was murdered, and this despite the fact he was a gay man tired of all the intimidation at the hands of primitive men.

Crazy Dutch Leftist politician other day said he wanted someone to assassinate Geert Wilders....has the Leftist POS been arrested? No.

Here it is:

"Local Labour leader wishes for Wilders death in Tweet

Willem den Hertog, the PvdA leader in Katwijk, wished that PVV leader Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack in a post he distributed through his Twitter account late Thursday morning. Following the commotion they caused, he said the messages should not have been published, and he withdrew his statement.

Den Hertog’s tweets were in response to Wilders’ statement that if he is assassinated, the PvdA will have his blood on their hands. “I hope that the bullet does not come, but if that bullet comes from the left, then the Netherlands will know that the PvdA letters are written on its side.” Wilders made this statement in response to PvdA Chairman Hans Spekman’s statement calling him a danger to democracy.

Den Hertog tweeted, “We all hope that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”, followed by, “But if there is a bullet on the way, then it is big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it”. He concluded: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?”

As can be expected, the tweets resulted in a storm of angry reactions and retweets. According to Omroep West, Den Hertog was even received a number of threats. So he decided to withdraw his statements: “There is commotion about the tweets I sent about Wilders. Given the reactions, I see that I should not have sent those tweets.”

Geert Wilders did not reply to the remarks until just after 2:30 p.m. In a tweet from his official account, he wrote, “Shocking message. Maybe now Labour chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” He ended the message with a hashtag that translates to, “bullet from the left,” referring to the Labour party’s leftist political stance."

Aren't these Leftists LOVELY people....they ONLY PRETEND to be Holier Than Thou, that's how we know they're POS, they are kidding only the already gullible with they're pretend Peacenik crap.

The full story at the link below:

You are being redirected...
What are PVV's policies?

Ae they as tame as ukip?

ukip has the same policies as our conservative party in Australia, the LNP.
In uk the left refer to UKIP as the far right. Lol.

Put it this way....who would you choose to be in the trench with....ANY British politician....or someone like ME armed to teeth with Glock's and several shot-gun's?

Yes I already know answer.
I would quite like to have my own arsenal too.
What do you think is the real push behind this?
The European Countries and America are pushing them into our countries against the peoples will.

Maybe this was one of the big world agendas at G8 summit.
Any of you got any ideas as to why?
Why do they want to ruin our Countries?
I see that little dog with the pink ribbon and just scroll past, myself. I have yet to see any comment that means anything at all out of that one.

As to the subject, though, the very notion of liberalism has been turned on its ear since I was a kid. Standing up for liberal values when it comes to these backwards, inbred knuckle draggers only elicits name calling by ignorant, brainwashed fools who think they are being liberal for doing so.

Heck, just look at the way the European press calls anybody who objects some sort of extreme right-winger. They did so with Pim Fortuyn in The Netherlands before he was murdered, and this despite the fact he was a gay man tired of all the intimidation at the hands of primitive men.

Crazy Dutch Leftist politician other day said he wanted someone to assassinate Geert Wilders....has the Leftist POS been arrested? No.

Here it is:

"Local Labour leader wishes for Wilders death in Tweet

Willem den Hertog, the PvdA leader in Katwijk, wished that PVV leader Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack in a post he distributed through his Twitter account late Thursday morning. Following the commotion they caused, he said the messages should not have been published, and he withdrew his statement.

Den Hertog’s tweets were in response to Wilders’ statement that if he is assassinated, the PvdA will have his blood on their hands. “I hope that the bullet does not come, but if that bullet comes from the left, then the Netherlands will know that the PvdA letters are written on its side.” Wilders made this statement in response to PvdA Chairman Hans Spekman’s statement calling him a danger to democracy.

Den Hertog tweeted, “We all hope that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”, followed by, “But if there is a bullet on the way, then it is big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it”. He concluded: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?”

As can be expected, the tweets resulted in a storm of angry reactions and retweets. According to Omroep West, Den Hertog was even received a number of threats. So he decided to withdraw his statements: “There is commotion about the tweets I sent about Wilders. Given the reactions, I see that I should not have sent those tweets.”

Geert Wilders did not reply to the remarks until just after 2:30 p.m. In a tweet from his official account, he wrote, “Shocking message. Maybe now Labour chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” He ended the message with a hashtag that translates to, “bullet from the left,” referring to the Labour party’s leftist political stance."

Aren't these Leftists LOVELY people....they ONLY PRETEND to be Holier Than Thou, that's how we know they're POS, they are kidding only the already gullible with they're pretend Peacenik crap.

The full story at the link below:

You are being redirected...
What are PVV's policies?

Ae they as tame as ukip?

ukip has the same policies as our conservative party in Australia, the LNP.
In uk the left refer to UKIP as the far right. Lol.

I posted this thread re. WTF is up with UKIP the other week, it's addressed to Swagger as I know he is a UKIPer, but my OP address our frustration and really our disgust with Nigel Farage for refusing help because he's afraid of being called names or whatever:

Swagger re. UKIP
Nigel seems slowly but surely to have caved under the accusations of being far right and being treated as though he and his party are the same as the BNP, which is ludicrous. I used to have high hopes for UKIP, now, not so much. It doesn't help that under the current system, 4 million votes only translates into 1 seat.
Crazy Dutch Leftist politician other day said he wanted someone to assassinate Geert Wilders....has the Leftist POS been arrested? No.

Here it is:

"Local Labour leader wishes for Wilders death in Tweet

Willem den Hertog, the PvdA leader in Katwijk, wished that PVV leader Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack in a post he distributed through his Twitter account late Thursday morning. Following the commotion they caused, he said the messages should not have been published, and he withdrew his statement.

Den Hertog’s tweets were in response to Wilders’ statement that if he is assassinated, the PvdA will have his blood on their hands. “I hope that the bullet does not come, but if that bullet comes from the left, then the Netherlands will know that the PvdA letters are written on its side.” Wilders made this statement in response to PvdA Chairman Hans Spekman’s statement calling him a danger to democracy.

Den Hertog tweeted, “We all hope that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”, followed by, “But if there is a bullet on the way, then it is big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it”. He concluded: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?”

As can be expected, the tweets resulted in a storm of angry reactions and retweets. According to Omroep West, Den Hertog was even received a number of threats. So he decided to withdraw his statements: “There is commotion about the tweets I sent about Wilders. Given the reactions, I see that I should not have sent those tweets.”

Geert Wilders did not reply to the remarks until just after 2:30 p.m. In a tweet from his official account, he wrote, “Shocking message. Maybe now Labour chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” He ended the message with a hashtag that translates to, “bullet from the left,” referring to the Labour party’s leftist political stance."

Aren't these Leftists LOVELY people....they ONLY PRETEND to be Holier Than Thou, that's how we know they're POS, they are kidding only the already gullible with they're pretend Peacenik crap.

The full story at the link below:

You are being redirected...
What are PVV's policies?

Ae they as tame as ukip?

ukip has the same policies as our conservative party in Australia, the LNP.
In uk the left refer to UKIP as the far right. Lol.

Put it this way....who would you choose to be in the trench with....ANY British politician....or someone like ME armed to teeth with Glock's and several shot-gun's?

Yes I already know answer.
I would quite like to have my own arsenal too.

With UK not allowed that....it's okay, when the SHTF already we will have moved back to Austria, so from there I will arrange a posse to come and protect you!
What do you think is the real push behind this?
The European Countries and America are pushing them into our countries against the peoples will.

Maybe this was one of the big world agendas at G8 summit.
Any of you got any ideas as to why?
Why do they want to ruin our Countries?
Perma left wing votes.

Yes I know it's the left, it's our left also that are with them.
But what is the real purpose?
Just because they say we need to help them and bring them in is not a good reason.
Crazy Dutch Leftist politician other day said he wanted someone to assassinate Geert Wilders....has the Leftist POS been arrested? No.

Here it is:

"Local Labour leader wishes for Wilders death in Tweet

Willem den Hertog, the PvdA leader in Katwijk, wished that PVV leader Geert Wilders would die of a heart attack in a post he distributed through his Twitter account late Thursday morning. Following the commotion they caused, he said the messages should not have been published, and he withdrew his statement.

Den Hertog’s tweets were in response to Wilders’ statement that if he is assassinated, the PvdA will have his blood on their hands. “I hope that the bullet does not come, but if that bullet comes from the left, then the Netherlands will know that the PvdA letters are written on its side.” Wilders made this statement in response to PvdA Chairman Hans Spekman’s statement calling him a danger to democracy.

Den Hertog tweeted, “We all hope that Wilders dies of a heart attack in bed (if not between the legs of a left-wing parliamentarian)”, followed by, “But if there is a bullet on the way, then it is big enough to engrave ‘From the grateful Dutch people’ on it”. He concluded: “How many PVVers are now carving ‘PvdA’ on their bullets?”

As can be expected, the tweets resulted in a storm of angry reactions and retweets. According to Omroep West, Den Hertog was even received a number of threats. So he decided to withdraw his statements: “There is commotion about the tweets I sent about Wilders. Given the reactions, I see that I should not have sent those tweets.”

Geert Wilders did not reply to the remarks until just after 2:30 p.m. In a tweet from his official account, he wrote, “Shocking message. Maybe now Labour chairman Spekman understands what I meant.” He ended the message with a hashtag that translates to, “bullet from the left,” referring to the Labour party’s leftist political stance."

Aren't these Leftists LOVELY people....they ONLY PRETEND to be Holier Than Thou, that's how we know they're POS, they are kidding only the already gullible with they're pretend Peacenik crap.

The full story at the link below:

You are being redirected...
What are PVV's policies?

Ae they as tame as ukip?

ukip has the same policies as our conservative party in Australia, the LNP.
In uk the left refer to UKIP as the far right. Lol.

I posted this thread re. WTF is up with UKIP the other week, it's addressed to Swagger as I know he is a UKIPer, but my OP address our frustration and really our disgust with Nigel Farage for refusing help because he's afraid of being called names or whatever:

Swagger re. UKIP
Nigel seems slowly but surely to have caved under the accusations of being far right and being treated as though he and his party are the same as the BNP, which is ludicrous. I used to have high hopes for UKIP, now, not so much. It doesn't help that under the current system, 4 million votes only translates into 1 seat.

Yes, so the questions are:

You either want to be in position to influence or not. So, if answer yes you do....MSM Far-Right Blah Blah....you say Hey FUCK YOU!!!!

In Austria, why you think Government getting hardcore? It's because the Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs - Freedom Party of Austria aka FPÖ are leading polls....so they have to get ready to get hardcore, because they know IF they don't....our party will.

It's perfect situation, our politicians sit there looking sophisticated in well tailored clothing....issuing demands behind scenes, whilst the actual Government just has to agree to demands.

We will easily win next election anyhow, even the Liberal newspapers are now admitting this.
What do you think is the real push behind this?
The European Countries and America are pushing them into our countries against the peoples will.

Maybe this was one of the big world agendas at G8 summit.
Any of you got any ideas as to why?
Why do they want to ruin our Countries?

I would tell you darling....but I fear you wouldn't like it.
What do you think is the real push behind this?
The European Countries and America are pushing them into our countries against the peoples will.

Maybe this was one of the big world agendas at G8 summit.
Any of you got any ideas as to why?
Why do they want to ruin our Countries?
Perma left wing votes.

Yes I know it's the left, it's our left also that are with them.
But what is the real purpose?
Just because they say we need to help them and bring them in is not a good reason.
Sorry, what I meant was that I think one of the reasons is that because immigrants tend to vote left, the left feel they can stay in power indefinitely if they import enough voters. In fact, the Labour Party of the U.K. Actually admitted to this some years ago.

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