Sweden...more crime news...and let's say Trump wasn't wrong...

Our non gun murder rates are higher than their total murder rate.....it isn't a gun problem...we have a teenage mother problem, where teenage mothers are raising generations of young males without fathers. They are growing up with little to no impulse control and no guidance from adult men....that is our problem...

Yawn, the inaccurate FBI data that recorded no homicides in Newtwon the year of Sandy Hook?

No, guy, we have a gun problem. And a wealth distribution problem. And yes, a breakdown of the family problem. We should work on fixing all of them.

And again...we don't have a gun problem...we have a young male raised without fathers problem...since the owners of 357-400 million guns use those guns responsibly, and the ones who don't ....9,616 are so small a number out of those totals as to barely register....
And not to mention a gang problem who also have no fathers as they come over the borders.
crime is indeed a problem in Sweden......and it is reaching everyone....

Crime Soars As Young Migrants Mug Pensioners for Drugs Money - Breitbart

On Friday, Moderate party MP Marta Obminska wrote to Sweden’s interior minister about crime plaguing the city, where she said “people, not just girls” now find it uncomfortable to go outside.

“And this doesn’t just apply during the night. People avoid the Travel Centre and some parts of town. They are attacked with a knife or gun from behind. This is not the Uppsala we desire.

“According to the police, there are ninety unaccompanied refugees in Uppsala who abuse heroin. Muggings are also carried out by the Moroccan street children. They are suspected to be a big part of personal robberies – performed to fund addiction – but also other criminal acts”, wrote the MP.

Describing the situation as “serious” and noting there was even a shooting in the city this weekend, Ms Obminska told 24Uppsala.se that “muggings take place regularly, from early evening to morning.”

The Swedish establishment has been keen to discredit claims that its open border policy has led to trouble. U.S. President Donald J. Trump drew attention to the Nordic nation recently, stating at a rally that the country is “having problems like they never thought possible” as a result of mass migration.
Did you see on MSN this morning where they list the number one cities to visit. LMFAO OMG they had Sweden, Germany, etc listed near the top of the list imagine how many dumbasses have no idea of the rapes , murders going over there because msm keeps it suppressed.

It is amazing to me, every single day, the way the left will attack Christians as these horrible people....and yet...will twist themselves into pretzels, and sacrifice innocent people to rape, and murder......to protect muslims....who actually do the things the left accuses Christians of doing......it is fucking amazing.....
It is amazing to me, every single day, the way the left will attack Christians as these horrible people....and yet...will twist themselves into pretzels, and sacrifice innocent people to rape, and murder......to protect muslims....who actually do the things the left accuses Christians of doing......it is fucking amazing.....

Uh, guy, Christians have killed far more people in history than Muslims have.

we flip out over 3000 americans killed in 9/11, but ignore the millions killed in Afghanistan and Iraq with our ham-handed efforts.

Then we wonder why they attack us. "Must be becuase their belief in a Magic Pixie in the Sky is worse than OUR belief in a Magic Pixie in the Sky!!!"
It is amazing to me, every single day, the way the left will attack Christians as these horrible people....and yet...will twist themselves into pretzels, and sacrifice innocent people to rape, and murder......to protect muslims....who actually do the things the left accuses Christians of doing......it is fucking amazing.....

Uh, guy, Christians have killed far more people in history than Muslims have.

we flip out over 3000 americans killed in 9/11, but ignore the millions killed in Afghanistan and Iraq with our ham-handed efforts.

Then we wonder why they attack us. "Must be becuase their belief in a Magic Pixie in the Sky is worse than OUR belief in a Magic Pixie in the Sky!!!"

Millions haven't been killed in Afganistan and Iraq...and most of those killed are killed by muslims.
And again...we don't have a gun problem...

Nope, 33,000 gun deaths a year. We have a gun problem.


Gun vs. non gun suicide....2015

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Gun suicide...


Non Gun suicide...


Gun murder.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Gun murder....9,616

Accidental gun death.....2015

Accidental deaths by gun by year...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC



So.....you have

22,018 gun suicides ...which do not count since non gun suicides out numbered them, and countries with strict gun control, Japapn, South Korea, France, have higher suicide rates...

Gun Murder......90% of those commiting murder are already banned from buying, owning or carrying guns, and of the victim 70-80% are also criminals

Accidental gun death.....589

You are wrong....the facts, the truth and the reality don't support your claims...

IN the 1990s we had 200 million guns in private hands and in 1997 4.7 million people carried guns for self defense...in 2016 we had 357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense...and our gun murder rate went down 49%......and our violent crime rate went down 75%.......

We do not have a gun problem...we have a criminal problem ....

Also....according to bill clinton and barak obama .....1,500,000 Americans use guns each year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives....

We do not have a gun problem....we have a criminal problem.
Millions haven't been killed in Afganistan and Iraq...and most of those killed are killed by muslims.

The death toll in Iraq is at least a million.


Gun vs. non gun suicide....2015

Look out everyone, he's going to SPPPPPPPPOOOOOGE NRA Talking points.

33,000 gun deaths. Unacceptable.
Sweden has to stop all welfare support for the savage invaders. No free housing, no free food, and they will march somewhere else after they attempt a civil war which would be squashed in hours if Swedes got serious. Hopefully they savage can test a country that has not been usurped by "globalists" who insist on destroying White countries. The savage invaders might want to try Russia.
Millions haven't been killed in Afganistan and Iraq...and most of those killed are killed by muslims.

The death toll in Iraq is at least a million.


Gun vs. non gun suicide....2015

Look out everyone, he's going to SPPPPPPPPOOOOOGE NRA Talking points.

33,000 gun deaths. Unacceptable.

Moron...I don't use talking points....the statistics I gave you which show the truth about gun deaths in the country, most of them are by suicide...and those don't count since non gun suicide out numbered gun suicide in 2014 and 15.......and in countries where only criminals and cops are allowed guns...Japan, South Korea....they have a higher suicide rate than we do.....and even European countries with strict gun control..where only the rich, criminals and cops get guns....have higher suicide rates than we do....

So tell me how the FBI,and the CDC are wings of the National Rifle Association...the truth is.....the facts, the truth and reality show you are wrong about guns in this country.......so you have to lie about them...

The death toll in Iraq is because of muslims killing muslims...asswipe...
So tell me how the FBI,and the CDC are wings of the National Rifle Association...the truth is.....the facts, the truth and reality show you are wrong about guns in this country.......so you have to lie about them...

33,000 gun deaths. Unacceptable... all the talking points in the world don't change that.
So tell me how the FBI,and the CDC are wings of the National Rifle Association...the truth is.....the facts, the truth and reality show you are wrong about guns in this country.......so you have to lie about them...

33,000 gun deaths. Unacceptable... all the talking points in the world don't change that.

1,500,000 times an American used a gun to stop a violent criminal attack...vs.... 9,616 gun murders...... (70-80% of the victims are other criminals, and of the remaining victims, many are in the company of or are family members of the criminals targeted.)

Can you tell which number is bigger? That is the important part...guns are used to stop more violence than they are used by criminals to murder other criminals....
1,500,000 times an American used a gun to stop a violent criminal

Never happens. sorry, you'd have to believe that 90% of all violent crimes are prevented by you guys waiving your compensation around.

I'm 55 years old. I know of this happening exactly NEVER to anyone I know. And I know a lot of gun owners. (Just not crazy ones like you who stock up like the Zombies are coming!)

On the other hand, I know of 3 deaths by gun (One murder and two suicides.)
1,500,000 times an American used a gun to stop a violent criminal

Never happens. sorry, you'd have to believe that 90% of all violent crimes are prevented by you guys waiving your compensation around.

I'm 55 years old. I know of this happening exactly NEVER to anyone I know. And I know a lot of gun owners. (Just not crazy ones like you who stock up like the Zombies are coming!)

On the other hand, I know of 3 deaths by gun (One murder and two suicides.)

Both obama's CDC and bill clinton's Department of Justice research into gun use in the United States say you are wrong ......obama's CDC spent 10 million dollars in 2013 looking at all of the current research and found that Americans use guns 500,000-3 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack....and back in the 1990s, bill the rapist and his Department of Justice found that Americans used guns 1,500,000 times a year......so two anti gun Presidents say you are wrong joe......

And those are just two studies researching the topic of gun self defense...here are a bunch of others and they all say you are wrong...

Nothing you say about guns in this Country is based in the truth, facts or reality.....

Self defense with a gun......40 years of actual research...first is the name of the group that conducted the research, then the year, then the number of defensive gun uses and finally wether the research contained police or military defensive gun uses....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
Both obama's CDC and bill clinton's Department of Justice research into gun use in the United States say you are wrong .....


Guy, I'm bored with this repeated talking point, which is horseshit.

The FBI puts the number of DGU's at less than 50,000 a year, with only 259 justifiable homicides. .


As detailed in the chart on the next page, for the five-year period 2007 through 2011, the NCVS estimates that there were 29,618,300 victims of attempted or completed violent crime. During this same five-year period, only 235,700 of the self-protective behaviors involved a firearm. Of this number, it is not known what type of firearm was used or whether it was fired or not. The number may also include off-duty law enforcement officers who use their firearms in self-defense.
Both obama's CDC and bill clinton's Department of Justice research into gun use in the United States say you are wrong .....


Guy, I'm bored with this repeated talking point, which is horseshit.

The FBI puts the number of DGU's at less than 50,000 a year, with only 259 justifiable homicides. .


As detailed in the chart on the next page, for the five-year period 2007 through 2011, the NCVS estimates that there were 29,618,300 victims of attempted or completed violent crime. During this same five-year period, only 235,700 of the self-protective behaviors involved a firearm. Of this number, it is not known what type of firearm was used or whether it was fired or not. The number may also include off-duty law enforcement officers who use their firearms in self-defense.

And they are obviously wrong.......

And that stupid number 259? That is actual killling....most times that a gun is used to stop a crime, the criminal runs away, the criminal is held for police, the criminal is just shot and wounded.....since you have to lie to push your agenda, you have to ignore those actual uses......

The CDC and the Department of Justice did the research ......I listed the other studies done by all the other researchers....they all show that you are wrong...

And like the other anti gunner I used to debate, you go to the National Crime Victimization Survey.....which is has the lowest number of defensive gun uses...because you lie again....the reason they have the lowest number of defensive gun uses? Because the NCVS never asks about defensive gun use.....in any part of it's study...they don't even use the word "Gun" in the study.......the other research I have listed.....actually researches defensive gun use...and specifically asks the respondents if they used a gun for self defense.........the NCVS never asks one question about guns or their use in self defense.....so of course their number is going to be the lowest....

And from the Daily Kos...a left wing, anti gun internet site.....on why using the NCVS is stupid for gun self defense.....

The Daily Kos on why the NCVS is wrong...

DGU in this article means Defensive Gun Use....

Defensive Gun Use Part III - The National Crime Victimization Study

The disadvantages of this study design are:
1) the study is not specifically designed to measure DGUs;

2) the study does not track every type of crime;

3) the study does not ask every interviewee about episodes of DGU;

4) interviewees are not specifically asked about defending themselves with a gun;

5) follow-up studies have demonstrated that the incidence of assault (and especially assaults by relatives and non-strangers) in the NCVS is under-reported, and if crime is under-reported then so too will DGUs be under-reported;

6) respondents’ anonymity is not preserved, and some interviewees may therefore feel wary or unwilling to discuss gun use with federal government employees.
Both obama's CDC and bill clinton's Department of Justice research into gun use in the United States say you are wrong .....


Guy, I'm bored with this repeated talking point, which is horseshit.

The FBI puts the number of DGU's at less than 50,000 a year, with only 259 justifiable homicides. .


As detailed in the chart on the next page, for the five-year period 2007 through 2011, the NCVS estimates that there were 29,618,300 victims of attempted or completed violent crime. During this same five-year period, only 235,700 of the self-protective behaviors involved a firearm. Of this number, it is not known what type of firearm was used or whether it was fired or not. The number may also include off-duty law enforcement officers who use their firearms in self-defense.

16 different studies are listed in my link.....vs. your opinion.....actual research into defensive gun use...but you...and your one source are the ones who actually know the truth.......

The facts, the truth and reality show you are clueless when it come to actual gun self defense....

And on top of that....

In the 1990s we had 200 million guns in private hands and 4.7 million people in 1997 carried a gun for self defense.......then, in 2016 we now had 357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense...

And guess what.....the gun murder rate went down....by 49%....as more Americans owned and actually carried guns...

So you are wrong again....

And the violent crime rate went down by 75%......as more Americans owned and carried guns...

You are wrong again......

Nothing you say about guns is remotely true or accurate....

More guns = less gun murder and less violent crime.....

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Voters’ perceptions of crime continue to conflict with reality

Official government crime statistics paint a strikingly different picture. Between 2008 and 2015 (the most recent year for which data are available), U.S. violent crime and property crime rates fell 19% and 23%, respectively, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program, which tallies serious crimes reported to police in more than 18,000 jurisdictions around the nation.

Another Justice Department agency, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, produces its own annual crime report, based on a survey of more than 90,000 households that counts crimes that aren’t reported to police in addition to those that are. BJS data show that violent crime and property crime rates fell 26% and 22%, respectively, between 2008 and 2015 (again, the most recent year available).


These polling trends stand in sharp contrast to the long-term crime trends reported by the FBI and BJS. Both agencies have documented big decreases in violent and property crime rates since the early 1990s, when U.S. crime rates reached their peak. The BJS data, for instance, show that violent and property crime levels in 2015 were 77% and 69% below their 1993 levels, respectively.

Bureau of Justice Statistics: As Gun Ownership Nearly Doubled, Violent Crime Fell 77 Percent

From the link in that article...

Violent Crime Is 16% Lower Than a Decade Ago, So Why Are Gun Sales So High?

The Bureau of Justice Statistics, which uses a slightly different definition of violent crime (it doesn't collect murder statistics, but does include simple assault), says violent crime has plummeted 77% since 1993 with just 18.6 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 12 or older, compared with 79.8 victimizations 23 years ago. It's clear we're living in a much safer world today than just a few years ago, let alone decades before:

Image source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, October 2016.

Yet at the same time, more Americans than ever own a gun.

While the percentage of U.S. households with a gun in them has remained fairly constant since the 1990s at around 45%, the actual number of households has dramatically increased over time.

For example, there were 99 million households in 1995 but over 124 million in 2015, meaning there would have been around 44 million households with guns in them 20 years ago, but 55 million households today.

And they are obviously wrong.......

And that stupid number 259? That is actual killling....most times that a gun is used to stop a crime, the criminal runs away, the criminal is held for police, the criminal is just shot and wounded.....since you have to lie to push your agenda, you have to ignore those actual uses......

Dude, you can spooge these nubmers all day.

But the fact is, Countries like Sweden that have common sense gun laws don't have thee kinds of problem, and we do.
And they are obviously wrong.......

And that stupid number 259? That is actual killling....most times that a gun is used to stop a crime, the criminal runs away, the criminal is held for police, the criminal is just shot and wounded.....since you have to lie to push your agenda, you have to ignore those actual uses......

Dude, you can spooge these nubmers all day.

But the fact is, Countries like Sweden that have common sense gun laws don't have thee kinds of problem, and we do.

Moron....they are getting the problems we have........before they allowed anti western immigrants in, their culture kept their crime and violence very low.....now they have imported violent people who commit murder at higher rates than the Swedes.......violence is increasing, not decreasing there...no matter how you want to lie about it...and their gun crime rate is going to go up, not down....just like Australia....and everywhere else that you have immigrants who are alien to Western values.....
I was watching Vice news last night on HBO.

They did a bit about Middle East refugees and the problems they're causing in Europe. I would guess that 90% of these refugees were military aged young men.

My question was why are these young men not at home fighting for their countries?

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