Sweden To Recognize Palestinian State

Sweden understands that for Israel to survive there has to be a separate sovereign Palestinian state. Unfortunately it will never happen.
It will happen...The West must decide for War with a billion people or cede Israeli support...The West will cut bait...Israel is too costly and even America will withdraw from the ME as Iran rises to fill the power vacuum...

Changes are coming, the US is now energy independent!
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Regardless of the attempted thread derailments here, I am all for this. If the rest of the EU follows Sweden's lead for a peaceful two state solution, I am all for it.

A peaceful two state solution that includes new elections for the Palestinians. A peaceful two state solution that stops the funneling of the world's funds to only help Hamas build new tunnels and continue it's 'resistance'. A peaceful two state solution that allows Israel to lift their 'blockade' of Gaza. A peaceful two state solution that both parties can live with, without fear of violence from one side and retaliation from the other.

A peaceful two state solution where the leaders of the various so called leaders of both sides stop remembering the past and look only to a peaceful future. Where the schools in some parts of Gaza and the West Bank stop preaching death to the Israelis. Where some of the Israeli settlers in the West Bank stop hating the Palestinians.

A peaceful two state solution where Israel is recognized as a legitimate country in so called "Palestine" without anyone calling for it's destruction and all the Jews to be killed and/or pushed out to the sea.

A peaceful two state solution where Israel can feel free to tear down the walls in the West Bank and Gaza without fear of more attacks.

Who is with me on this?

p.s. Hell, this is an epic post, I'm gonna have to save it . . . . .
Last edited:
pbel, montelatici, et al,

I'm not so sure that the implications being made here are actually all that much in favor of the ultimate objective. Remember, that HAMAS, as well as several other factions, believe that: (Published a major position paper for Hamas - 2013)

1. Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right, we may not a waiver an inch or any part thereof, no matter what the reasons and circumstances and pressures.

2. Palestine - all of Palestine - is a land of Islamic and Arab affiliation, a blessed sacred land, that has a major portion in the heart of every Arab and Muslim

Sweden understands that for Israel to survive there has to be a separate sovereign Palestinian state. Unfortunately it will never happen.
It will happen...The West must decide for War with a billion people or cede Israeli support...The West will cut bait...Israel is too costly and even America will withdraw from the ME as Iran rises to fill the power vacuum...

Changes are coming, the US is now energy independent!

First: Sweden recognizes the State of Palestine as acknowledged by UN --- within the "territory occupied since 1967;"
This is an acknowledgment of a Two-State Solution; but understanding that the territory of the West Bank is yet, undefined --- subject to negotiation. This is in contrast with the HAMAS Position which wants all the former Mandate Territory.​

Second: Sweden understands that the it cannot perform a protective mission of the scope and nature required for either the West Bank or Gaza. The entanglements (political, militarily, and economically) are just too overwhelming.

Third: The "War with a billion people or cede Israeli support" is merely a typical attempt at frightening little children with the monster underneath the bed.

America is done with being coerced by terrorist thugs, Islamic fundamentalist, jihadist/fedayeen and the underground their extraterritorial operations of Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC-QF). America is not likely to succumb to such intimidation and yield to such radical influence its policy of a government. We simply don't respond well to intimidation or coercion.

And while the US has failed to see a positive outcome from Arab Nations in which it was instrumental in liberating from oppressive and tyrannical Islamic Regimes, there is no question that it has seen a positive response from counties like Israel.

Diana Buttu is a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and a former spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization. said:
“It’s remarkable,” Diana Buttu, a Palestinian attorney and analyst, told the Times. “In all the other invasions and assaults on Gaza, there was at least some government that would come out and talk about how what Israel was doing was illegal and show some support. This time around, there’s been nothing. The silence is deafening.”

Palestinians expressed anger at the apparent shift in attitude in Egypt, which has mediated past conflicts between Palestinians and Israelis. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has kept Egypt’s border crossing with Gaza closed, and he publicly blamed Hamas for the bloodshed last week.
SOURCE: Palestinians Angered Over Lack Of Support From Arab Governments By Marcy Kreiter@marcykreiter[email protected] on July 19 2014

Prince Turki of Saudi Arabia should speak to the Knesset said:
At the UN on September 29, 2014, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remarked that a broader rapprochement between Israel and the Arab world may help facilitate a peace arrangement between Israel and Palestinians. One might now expect an active involvement of Arab countries to this end. It was a hopeful sign that Prince Turki met in Brussels on May 26, 2014 with Amos Yadlin, former Israeli director of military intelligence. The objective is to normalize relations between Israel and all the Arab states and the members of the Organization of Islamic Conference. To this end the prince should fly to Tel Aviv airport and then go, as Anwar Sadat did, to Jerusalem to speak to the Knesset. The result would be friendship, if not alliance, between two states facing a common enemy.

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

SOURCE: By Michael Curtis Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

You are right, that things are changing. But whether they are changing in favor of the radical and hostile Arab Palestinian remains to be seen.
Most Respectfully,
link please
Link to what? I asked you If I am shooting at you from a school will you return fire?
Why would you be shooting at me from a school?
Answer the god damn question.
I can't, nor will I. I don't see how it is germane to the topic. Stay on topic.
It has a lot to do with your comment, regardless what the discussion is about
I'm shooting at you from a school full of children Will you return fire?
It will happen...The West must decide for War with a billion people or cede Israeli support...The West will cut bait...Israel is too costly and even America will withdraw from the ME as Iran rises to fill the power vacuum...Changes are coming, the US is now energy independent!
The last line qualifies the post as ... drivel, of course!
Link to what? I asked you If I am shooting at you from a school will you return fire?
Why would you be shooting at me from a school?
Answer the god damn question.
I can't, nor will I. I don't see how it is germane to the topic. Stay on topic.
It has a lot to do with your comment, regardless what the discussion is about
I'm shooting at you from a school full of children Will you return fire?
You're really one stupid fuck, so that leaves you in one of two categories
obama supporter, or a terrorist supporter
Which makes you an ignorant fuck either way.
pbel, montelatici, et al,

I'm not so sure that the implications being made here are actually all that much in favor of the ultimate objective. Remember, that HAMAS, as well as several other factions, believe that: (Published a major position paper for Hamas - 2013)

1. Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right, we may not a waiver an inch or any part thereof, no matter what the reasons and circumstances and pressures.

2. Palestine - all of Palestine - is a land of Islamic and Arab affiliation, a blessed sacred land, that has a major portion in the heart of every Arab and Muslim

Sweden understands that for Israel to survive there has to be a separate sovereign Palestinian state. Unfortunately it will never happen.
It will happen...The West must decide for War with a billion people or cede Israeli support...The West will cut bait...Israel is too costly and even America will withdraw from the ME as Iran rises to fill the power vacuum...

Changes are coming, the US is now energy independent!

First: Sweden recognizes the State of Palestine as acknowledged by UN --- within the "territory occupied since 1967;"
This is an acknowledgment of a Two-State Solution; but understanding that the territory of the West Bank is yet, undefined --- subject to negotiation. This is in contrast with the HAMAS Position which wants all the former Mandate Territory.​

Second: Sweden understands that the it cannot perform a protective mission of the scope and nature required for either the West Bank or Gaza. The entanglements (political, militarily, and economically) are just too overwhelming.

Third: The "War with a billion people or cede Israeli support" is merely a typical attempt at frightening little children with the monster underneath the bed.

America is done with being coerced by terrorist thugs, Islamic fundamentalist, jihadist/fedayeen and the underground their extraterritorial operations of Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC-QF). America is not likely to succumb to such intimidation and yield to such radical influence its policy of a government. We simply don't respond well to intimidation or coercion.

And while the US has failed to see a positive outcome from Arab Nations in which it was instrumental in liberating from oppressive and tyrannical Islamic Regimes, there is no question that it has seen a positive response from counties like Israel.

Diana Buttu is a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and a former spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization. said:
“It’s remarkable,” Diana Buttu, a Palestinian attorney and analyst, told the Times. “In all the other invasions and assaults on Gaza, there was at least some government that would come out and talk about how what Israel was doing was illegal and show some support. This time around, there’s been nothing. The silence is deafening.”

Palestinians expressed anger at the apparent shift in attitude in Egypt, which has mediated past conflicts between Palestinians and Israelis. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has kept Egypt’s border crossing with Gaza closed, and he publicly blamed Hamas for the bloodshed last week.
SOURCE: Palestinians Angered Over Lack Of Support From Arab Governments By Marcy Kreiter@marcykreiter[email protected] on July 19 2014

Prince Turki of Saudi Arabia should speak to the Knesset said:
At the UN on September 29, 2014, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remarked that a broader rapprochement between Israel and the Arab world may help facilitate a peace arrangement between Israel and Palestinians. One might now expect an active involvement of Arab countries to this end. It was a hopeful sign that Prince Turki met in Brussels on May 26, 2014 with Amos Yadlin, former Israeli director of military intelligence. The objective is to normalize relations between Israel and all the Arab states and the members of the Organization of Islamic Conference. To this end the prince should fly to Tel Aviv airport and then go, as Anwar Sadat did, to Jerusalem to speak to the Knesset. The result would be friendship, if not alliance, between two states facing a common enemy.

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

SOURCE: By Michael Curtis Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

You are right, that things are changing. But whether they are changing in favor of the radical and hostile Arab Palestinian remains to be seen.
Most Respectfully,
Yup things are changing and they are NOT in favor of the Hostile Israeli (HIT) Thieves!
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Sweden's new center-left government will recognize the state of Palestine in a move that will make it the first major European country to take the step.
"The conflict between Israel and Palestine can only be solved with a two-state solution, negotiated in accordance with international law," he said
However, there is likely to be strong criticism of Sweden from Israel, as well as from the United States and the EU, which maintain that an independent Palestinian state should only emerge through a negotiated process.

Sweden to recognize Palestinian state Al Jazeera America

wont matter but at least will make the Palestinians feel good.

Politics. Sweden, like many other European and Scandinavian countries, are now rife with Islamists voters. Pandering, that is all it is.
Regardless of the attempted thread derailments here, I am all for this. If the rest of the EU follows Sweden's lead for a peaceful two state solution, I am all for it.

A peaceful two state solution that includes new elections for the Palestinians. A peaceful two state solution that stops the funneling of the world's funds to only help Hamas build new tunnels and continue it's 'resistance'. A peaceful two state solution that allows Israel to lift their 'blockade' of Gaza. A peaceful two state solution that both parties can live with, without fear of violence from one side and retaliation from the other.

A peaceful two state solution where the leaders of the various so called leaders of both sides stop remembering the past and look only to a peaceful future. Where the schools in some parts of Gaza and the West Bank stop preaching death to the Israelis. Where some of the Israeli settlers in the West Bank stop hating the Palestinians.

A peaceful two state solution where Israel is recognized as a legitimate country in so called "Palestine" without anyone calling for it's destruction and all the Jews to be killed and/or pushed out to the sea.

A peaceful two state solution where Israel can feel free to tear down the walls in the West Bank and Gaza without fear of more attacks.

Who is with me on this?

p.s. Hell, this is an epic post, I'm gonna have to save it . . . . .

Epic post Teddy...

I'm with you!

A couple of comments...

I don't think its a good thing to make it part of the peace plan to 'force' the Palestinians to new elections, however, it should be strongly encouraged...

The Palestinian hating settlers in the occupied West Bank should return to Israel.

The Palestinian State MUST recognise Israel as a legitimate, independent state within Palestine.

If Hamas wish to compete in the politics of the Palestinian State they MUST rewrite their charter and remove all hate against Israel and Jews.

Both side must draw a line in the sand and move FORWARD in PEACE!
A couple of comments...
I don't think its a good thing to make it part of the peace plan to 'force' the Palestinians to new elections, however, it should be strongly encouraged...
The Palestinian hating settlers in the occupied West Bank should return to Israel.
The Palestinian State MUST recognise Israel as a legitimate, independent state within Palestine.
If Hamas wish to compete in the politics of the Palestinian State they MUST rewrite their charter and remove all hate against Israel and Jews.
Both side must draw a line in the sand and move FORWARD in PEACE!
Cue drums & trumpets!
So naive!
Why would you be shooting at me from a school?
Answer the god damn question.
I can't, nor will I. I don't see how it is germane to the topic. Stay on topic.
It has a lot to do with your comment, regardless what the discussion is about
I'm shooting at you from a school full of children Will you return fire?
You're really one stupid fuck, so that leaves you in one of two categories
obama supporter, or a terrorist supporter
Which makes you an ignorant fuck either way.
I'm neither. You're the stupid one. You ask a totally unrelated questions to anything. The topic is Sweden supporting Palestinian statehood, and you ask me some stupid violent question out of left field.

I making the tacit assumption that you believe that ALL Palestinians are terrorists, yes? Well, I don't need to play that game. That makes you a TROLL.

That's like those war mongering IDIOTS in the 19th century that believed the only good Indian was a dead Indian. We all know that it is YOUR type that is the problem, and this is why we can't have peace in the middle east.

Of all the middle east threads I have ever read, I think this is the one where I have seen the closest agreement by people on both sides. You just want to continue the bile and the hatred though, don't you?

Are there Palestinians that will never compromise that ARE terrorists? Sure. But you know what? There are also Israelis that genuinely think that they are superior to all other humans on the planet and that they have a right to all the West Bank and Gaza. They believe that Arabs are no better than animals. The woman, the children, it doesn't matter if they act hostile or not. And some of their troops behave that way, regardless of if the innocents do anything to deserve it.

So don't give me that, "If I am shooting at you from a school will you return fire?" It's a leading question and a don't play internet troll games.

There are reports of Israelis violating Palestinians rights. End of story.
Answer the god damn question.
I can't, nor will I. I don't see how it is germane to the topic. Stay on topic.
It has a lot to do with your comment, regardless what the discussion is about
I'm shooting at you from a school full of children Will you return fire?
You're really one stupid fuck, so that leaves you in one of two categories
obama supporter, or a terrorist supporter
Which makes you an ignorant fuck either way.
I'm neither. You're the stupid one. You ask a totally unrelated questions to anything. The topic is Sweden supporting Palestinian statehood, and you ask me some stupid violent question out of left field.

I making the tacit assumption that you believe that ALL Palestinians are terrorists, yes? Well, I don't need to play that game. That makes you a TROLL.

That's like those war mongering IDIOTS in the 19th century that believed the only good Indian was a dead Indian. We all know that it is YOUR type that is the problem, and this is why we can't have peace in the middle east.

Of all the middle east threads I have ever read, I think this is the one where I have seen the closest agreement by people on both sides. You just want to continue the bile and the hatred though, don't you?

Are there Palestinians that will never compromise that ARE terrorists? Sure. But you know what? There are also Israelis that genuinely think that they are superior to all other humans on the planet and that they have a right to all the West Bank and Gaza. They believe that Arabs are no better than animals. The woman, the children, it doesn't matter if they act hostile or not. And some of their troops behave that way, regardless of if the innocents do anything to deserve it.

So don't give me that, "If I am shooting at you from a school will you return fire?" It's a leading question and a don't play internet troll games.

There are reports of Israelis violating Palestinians rights. End of story.
Dumb ass my question is related to your god damn comment. Stop saying stup[id shit and I'll stop asking a question you can never answer without making yourself look like a total fucking idiot.
A couple of comments...
I don't think its a good thing to make it part of the peace plan to 'force' the Palestinians to new elections, however, it should be strongly encouraged...
The Palestinian hating settlers in the occupied West Bank should return to Israel.
The Palestinian State MUST recognise Israel as a legitimate, independent state within Palestine.
If Hamas wish to compete in the politics of the Palestinian State they MUST rewrite their charter and remove all hate against Israel and Jews.
Both side must draw a line in the sand and move FORWARD in PEACE!
Cue drums & trumpets!
So naive!

Another educational comment from the drivelmeister!

And it is ignorant, uneducated pricks like you who do not WANT peace!
pbel, montelatici, et al,

I'm not so sure that the implications being made here are actually all that much in favor of the ultimate objective. Remember, that HAMAS, as well as several other factions, believe that: (Published a major position paper for Hamas - 2013)

1. Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right, we may not a waiver an inch or any part thereof, no matter what the reasons and circumstances and pressures.

2. Palestine - all of Palestine - is a land of Islamic and Arab affiliation, a blessed sacred land, that has a major portion in the heart of every Arab and Muslim

Sweden understands that for Israel to survive there has to be a separate sovereign Palestinian state. Unfortunately it will never happen.
It will happen...The West must decide for War with a billion people or cede Israeli support...The West will cut bait...Israel is too costly and even America will withdraw from the ME as Iran rises to fill the power vacuum...

Changes are coming, the US is now energy independent!

First: Sweden recognizes the State of Palestine as acknowledged by UN --- within the "territory occupied since 1967;"
This is an acknowledgment of a Two-State Solution; but understanding that the territory of the West Bank is yet, undefined --- subject to negotiation. This is in contrast with the HAMAS Position which wants all the former Mandate Territory.​

Second: Sweden understands that the it cannot perform a protective mission of the scope and nature required for either the West Bank or Gaza. The entanglements (political, militarily, and economically) are just too overwhelming.

Third: The "War with a billion people or cede Israeli support" is merely a typical attempt at frightening little children with the monster underneath the bed.

America is done with being coerced by terrorist thugs, Islamic fundamentalist, jihadist/fedayeen and the underground their extraterritorial operations of Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC-QF). America is not likely to succumb to such intimidation and yield to such radical influence its policy of a government. We simply don't respond well to intimidation or coercion.

And while the US has failed to see a positive outcome from Arab Nations in which it was instrumental in liberating from oppressive and tyrannical Islamic Regimes, there is no question that it has seen a positive response from counties like Israel.

Diana Buttu is a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and a former spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization. said:
“It’s remarkable,” Diana Buttu, a Palestinian attorney and analyst, told the Times. “In all the other invasions and assaults on Gaza, there was at least some government that would come out and talk about how what Israel was doing was illegal and show some support. This time around, there’s been nothing. The silence is deafening.”

Palestinians expressed anger at the apparent shift in attitude in Egypt, which has mediated past conflicts between Palestinians and Israelis. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has kept Egypt’s border crossing with Gaza closed, and he publicly blamed Hamas for the bloodshed last week.
SOURCE: Palestinians Angered Over Lack Of Support From Arab Governments By Marcy Kreiter@marcykreiter[email protected] on July 19 2014

Prince Turki of Saudi Arabia should speak to the Knesset said:
At the UN on September 29, 2014, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remarked that a broader rapprochement between Israel and the Arab world may help facilitate a peace arrangement between Israel and Palestinians. One might now expect an active involvement of Arab countries to this end. It was a hopeful sign that Prince Turki met in Brussels on May 26, 2014 with Amos Yadlin, former Israeli director of military intelligence. The objective is to normalize relations between Israel and all the Arab states and the members of the Organization of Islamic Conference. To this end the prince should fly to Tel Aviv airport and then go, as Anwar Sadat did, to Jerusalem to speak to the Knesset. The result would be friendship, if not alliance, between two states facing a common enemy.

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

SOURCE: By Michael Curtis Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

You are right, that things are changing. But whether they are changing in favor of the radical and hostile Arab Palestinian remains to be seen.
Most Respectfully,

The murderous Jew thugs led by the kin of thugs Netanyahu is the reason why there can never be a two-state solution. The Jews have always wanted control over all the land. Far from Rocco's propaganda.

"“There cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan," he (Netanyahu) said July 11 at a press conference. But if Israel doesn't relinquish security control, Palestinians cannot establish a state. The alternative, then, would be a single state in which Palestinians are residents but not full citizens.

"That sentence, quite simply, spells the end to the notion of Netanyahu consenting to the establishment of a Palestinian state,” ...."

Benjamin Netanyahu Stops Pretending To Support A Sovereign Palestinian State
pbel, montelatici, et al,

I'm not so sure that the implications being made here are actually all that much in favor of the ultimate objective. Remember, that HAMAS, as well as several other factions, believe that: (Published a major position paper for Hamas - 2013)

1. Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, is a land of the Palestinian people and its homeland and its legitimate right, we may not a waiver an inch or any part thereof, no matter what the reasons and circumstances and pressures.

2. Palestine - all of Palestine - is a land of Islamic and Arab affiliation, a blessed sacred land, that has a major portion in the heart of every Arab and Muslim

Sweden understands that for Israel to survive there has to be a separate sovereign Palestinian state. Unfortunately it will never happen.
It will happen...The West must decide for War with a billion people or cede Israeli support...The West will cut bait...Israel is too costly and even America will withdraw from the ME as Iran rises to fill the power vacuum...

Changes are coming, the US is now energy independent!

First: Sweden recognizes the State of Palestine as acknowledged by UN --- within the "territory occupied since 1967;"
This is an acknowledgment of a Two-State Solution; but understanding that the territory of the West Bank is yet, undefined --- subject to negotiation. This is in contrast with the HAMAS Position which wants all the former Mandate Territory.​

Second: Sweden understands that the it cannot perform a protective mission of the scope and nature required for either the West Bank or Gaza. The entanglements (political, militarily, and economically) are just too overwhelming.

Third: The "War with a billion people or cede Israeli support" is merely a typical attempt at frightening little children with the monster underneath the bed.

America is done with being coerced by terrorist thugs, Islamic fundamentalist, jihadist/fedayeen and the underground their extraterritorial operations of Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC-QF). America is not likely to succumb to such intimidation and yield to such radical influence its policy of a government. We simply don't respond well to intimidation or coercion.

And while the US has failed to see a positive outcome from Arab Nations in which it was instrumental in liberating from oppressive and tyrannical Islamic Regimes, there is no question that it has seen a positive response from counties like Israel.

Diana Buttu is a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and a former spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization. said:
“It’s remarkable,” Diana Buttu, a Palestinian attorney and analyst, told the Times. “In all the other invasions and assaults on Gaza, there was at least some government that would come out and talk about how what Israel was doing was illegal and show some support. This time around, there’s been nothing. The silence is deafening.”

Palestinians expressed anger at the apparent shift in attitude in Egypt, which has mediated past conflicts between Palestinians and Israelis. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has kept Egypt’s border crossing with Gaza closed, and he publicly blamed Hamas for the bloodshed last week.
SOURCE: Palestinians Angered Over Lack Of Support From Arab Governments By Marcy Kreiter@marcykreiter[email protected] on July 19 2014

Prince Turki of Saudi Arabia should speak to the Knesset said:
At the UN on September 29, 2014, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remarked that a broader rapprochement between Israel and the Arab world may help facilitate a peace arrangement between Israel and Palestinians. One might now expect an active involvement of Arab countries to this end. It was a hopeful sign that Prince Turki met in Brussels on May 26, 2014 with Amos Yadlin, former Israeli director of military intelligence. The objective is to normalize relations between Israel and all the Arab states and the members of the Organization of Islamic Conference. To this end the prince should fly to Tel Aviv airport and then go, as Anwar Sadat did, to Jerusalem to speak to the Knesset. The result would be friendship, if not alliance, between two states facing a common enemy.

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

SOURCE: By Michael Curtis Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

You are right, that things are changing. But whether they are changing in favor of the radical and hostile Arab Palestinian remains to be seen.
Most Respectfully,

The murderous Jew thugs led by the kin of thugs Netanyahu is the reason why there can never be a two-state solution. The Jews have always wanted control over all the land. Far from Rocco's propaganda.

"“There cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan," he (Netanyahu) said July 11 at a press conference. But if Israel doesn't relinquish security control, Palestinians cannot establish a state. The alternative, then, would be a single state in which Palestinians are residents but not full citizens.

"That sentence, quite simply, spells the end to the notion of Netanyahu consenting to the establishment of a Palestinian state,” ...."

Benjamin Netanyahu Stops Pretending To Support A Sovereign Palestinian State

He is also the inventor of terrorism as we know it today.

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