Sweden's 1940s answer to the British Sten gun kill the barbaric 🐷 🇷🇺 invaders in Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Favourite of the SEALS from Vietnam, we just call it Kpist. Acronym for Kulsprutepistol. :thup:
Sweden was occupied by and collaborated with Nazis in WW2. Was the weapon manufactured by Nazis? Ukies would be comfortable with Nazi weapons since they were used as Concentration Death Camp guards during WW2.
Sweden was occupied by and collaborated with Nazis in WW2. Was the weapon manufactured by Nazis? Ukies would be comfortable with Nazi weapons since they were used as Concentration Death Camp guards during WW2.
Sweden was never occupied. You must be thinking of Denmark. Sweden was neutral towards Germany in much the same manner the US was neutral towards the UK in 1940.

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