Swedes burn the Quran?

Do you like that or opposse it? Did you heard of it?
It is appropriate behaviour. 21st century now, not the Middle ages. No religious group should draw red lines for other people. You can agree or disagree with that, but it should be allowed.
Muslims turned Swedish cities into rape carnivals, such is their gratitude to Sweden for feeling sorry for the feral animals and taking them in as 'refugees'. They need to deport them after castrating all the rapists
Do you like that or opposse it? Did you heard of it?

Muslim culture is a bandit culture. Showing tolerance and charity to them is a sign of weakness in their minds, so they have contempt for both. It's insane to admit them into your country in large numbers, with the exceptions of a few small Sufi cults and those who followed the Aga Khan, and maybe some of the Sunni Ahmadiyya.
Muslim culture is a bandit culture. Showing tolerance and charity to them is a sign of weakness in their minds, so they have contempt for both. It's insane to admit them into your country in large numbers, with the exceptions of a few small Sufi cults and those who followed the Aga Khan, and maybe some of the Sunni Ahmadiyya.
Mate, didnt you get the memo ? Its trannys now not muzzies.
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Muslims need to grow up. They need to stop thinking they can excuse violence just because someone else did something they don't like.

What would you say if I burn the rainbow flag infront of the USA or UK embassy? Do you think I would be allowed to do that or charged with a hate crime?

Even if the guy works for Moscow Swedish authorities allowed him to do so. Before he was not allowed to do so so it was indeed Swedes not Russians, do you think Swedish authorities who allowed him that all work for Russia?
What would you say if I burn the rainbow flag infront of the USA or UK embassy? Do you think I would be allowed to do that or charged with a hate crime?

Well, you'd probably get it for burning the Koran as well. However some people would see a difference between a religion and something you are born with, like being gay.
Moscow Swedish authorities allowed him
SWEDEN IS A DEMOCRACY , you POOR GYPSY , SOMETHING what your fav. servia will never be...for us he is a Moscow´s poodle , we dont take him seriously and we are very relaxed on religious issues
SWEDEN IS A DEMOCRACY , you POOR GYPSY , SOMETHING what your fav. servia will never be...for us he is a Moscow´s poodle , we dont take him seriously and we are very relaxed on religious issues
Who are we are you saying you are from a muslim background and that you are liberal on religious issues? He is known for inciting hatred before so it does not make sense he was just recently instructed by moscow he is dedicated the whole time to doing such things it is part of his political view he said he will burn the quran and registered it and he was granted permission what you say is ridicolous
Well, you'd probably get it for burning the Koran as well. However some people would see a difference between a religion and something you are born with, like being gay.
I do not think you are born being gay no more then you are born being greedy or vain
The Swedes tried to remove three children from a Latvian family for watching Russian TV channels. The family fled to Russia.

Information that a certain family from Latvia with three children escaped to Russia and asks to save the children appeared last week. Now it was possible to establish the details.

This is, of course, a unique case. And first of all, because it was a Latvian family that asked for asylum in Russia. As I was told by volunteers from the Karelian town of Kostomuksha, helping our refugees, the Latvian family fled not from Latvia, but from Sweden, where they had lived for the last 10 years.

After the start of the military operation in Ukraine, a local resident wrote a denunciation to the law enforcement agencies of the small Swedish town in which they lived. According to the refugees, it was done by a Swede who rented them half of his house. He was shocked that Latvians watch Russian TV channels.

As a result, the guardianship authorities became interested in the family. Having started the proceedings, they came to the conclusion that the children (three boys) should be removed from the family. Russian Russian, especially since one of the boys at school managed to proudly call himself a Russian (his grandmother is really Russian by his father).

The next court hearing in this case was scheduled for January. There was practically no chance to save the children. The head of the family put his wife and sons in the car the day before, and headed to Finland, from where he headed for Russia. The only thing he was afraid of was that the police would stop them on the way and not let them escape.

At the Finnish-Russian border, it was also difficult not to panic - the family did not have Russian visas. They just stopped on the Finnish side, and while the Finns hesitated, they rushed straight ahead to the Russian border guards. With a request to grant them asylum. And the Russian border guards immediately took the Latvian family under their care.

They were transported to Kostomuksha, where local authorities and volunteers helped the family with temporary housing, provided with things - they fled with almost nothing, and collect money for them. The Latvian family had practically no cash with them.

Theoretically, the family could return to Latvia, but they are afraid that the Latvian authorities will follow the Swedish law enforcement officers and continue the process of removing children from the family.

Therefore, the Latvian family plans to get all the necessary documents and stay in Russia.

"I'm going to burn the Koran every Friday until Sweden is accepted into NATO." :auiqs.jpg:


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