Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

You either trust government or you don't. Polio was killing healthy people so they were lining up to receive their shot. They didn't need an incentive, the incentive was death. There wasn't huge money and major pharmaceuticals behind it.
The death rate of Covid according to the CDC is .2%, survival rate 99.98% with those with comorbidities being the only affected with very minor exceptions. Come on sir, when the government is trying to shove this down your throat with incentives and then saying you either get it or you starve, another agenda is in the works and not public health. I can say to them, what about poverty, kids who suffer from malnutrition, people who die from lack of health insurance, 20,000 dead soldiers from the Iraq war which was all for lies not to mention 1 million Iraqis. The more I see this, the more I see what Orwell was talking about.
Yeah but we got our hospitals overflowing right now with too many COVID cases... and we have a severe labor shortage of nurses too.

So we got to do something. If we didn't do anything, things would be even worse than now because influenza appears during the winter months.
If you get the vaccine, you're only protecting yourself.
If you don't, you're only putting yourself at risk.
That's why vaccine mandates are unnecessary.

Threaten people's jobs and you gain their cooperation but threaten their children you gain only their wrath. Whoever is responsible for enforcing these vaccine mandates on children, they will be the first casualties.
The demoquacks are heading for a shellacking in the mid terms
Maybe-maybe not... particularly when you look at the quackery regarding the abortion shit going on in tex-ass... that's got a lot of us Blue party folks fired up.

We don't want that Evangelical Sharia Taliban crap spreading elsewhere.

BTW, is there anything decent the Republican party stands for any more?

Y'all see to be on the wrong side of so many things... climate change, civil rights, women's rights, gay rights, making healthcare affordable, etc.
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Statistical ignorance will not be mandated upon me. Neither will vaccination experimentation.
Being protected from real harm is one thing; potential prevention from possible but unlikely harm is an entirely different matter of My choosing.
Finally, somebody grabbed the reigns realizing that 25% of the population is too flipping stupid to do the right thing for themselves and the greater society.

The timing is perfect because the unemployment kicker has expired.
Watching the talking heads on TV they're universal in Biden doesn't have authority powers to do this
This is what the democrats do, tell you I can't do that and then they do it. Probably they already know it isn't constitutional but they don't care cuz they're sucking up to the far left base. It's just another way of dividing the country and vilifying the folks on the other side. This way, as the pandemic worsens they have a convenient scapegoat: all them effers that wouldn't get the vaccine. Never mind that it's a great big lie.
Three useless inoculations that fail to perform as advertised for starters. They don't stop infection, they don't stop spread and they don't have an answer as to why not. But that's OK, you get your experimental jab--I have no problem with that, but if they try to inject me against my will, someone will be injected with lead at about 3000 feet per second.
Show me even one ICU filled with breakthrough cases.
This is what sound, responsible governance looks like – missing during the last administration.

And the requirement is perfectly appropriate, warranted, lawful and Constitutional.

You are literally an imbecile.

There are countless quotes of that shitstain Biden saying he would not do exactly this.

That, and fuck you, you boring, partisan piece of shit.

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