Sweet irony- Christian fanatic's home destroyed by flood

There is nothing sweet about it, jerk off. Perkins is an asshole, but I won't celebrate or make light of the awful disaster that has befallen him and our other countrymen in Louisiana. You're a tool box.
Too bad, so sad. :boohoo:The guy deserves what he got and then some

It is too bad and it is also sad. Perkins is a clown, but I don't take any joy in this disaster b/c I was raised right.
There is nothing sweet about it, jerk off. Perkins is an asshole, but I won't celebrate or make light of the awful disaster that has befallen him and our other countrymen in Louisiana. You're a tool box.
Too bad, so sad. :boohoo:The guy deserves what he got and then some

It is too bad and it is also sad. Perkins is a clown, but I don't take any joy in this disaster b/c I was raised right.
Damn, mdk, you are not human are you?
There is nothing sweet about it, jerk off. Perkins is an asshole, but I won't celebrate or make light of the awful disaster that has befallen him and our other countrymen in Louisiana. You're a tool box.
Too bad, so sad. :boohoo:The guy deserves what he got and then some

It is too bad and it is also sad. Perkins is a clown, but I don't take any joy in this disaster b/c I was raised right.
Damn, mdk, you are not human are you?

We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
Well resident Thumpers?

God destroys home of anti-gay leader Tony Perkins in flood of ‘biblical proportions’

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

Something tells me that Perkins hits a little too close to home for some.

Tony Perkins is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He presents himself as a Christian but denies the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and his actions have brought ill repute upon the Name of God (like Rick Joyner - his friend). Judgment begins in the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17-18

It is written:
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
1 Peter 4:17-18

The followers of Jesus Christ are called to judge those within the house of God. The Apostle Paul identified false teachers in order to protect the flock from being devoured by them. It is the mercy of God that this man is still alive. Hopefully this will lead to his repentance. This may be his last chance.
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Tony Perkins is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He presents himself as a Christian but denies the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and his actions have brought ill repute upon the Name of God (like Rick Joyner - his friend). Judgment begins in the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17-18

It is written:
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
1 Peter 4:17-18

The followers of Jesus Christ are called to judge those within the house of God. The Apostle Paul identified false teachers in order to protect the flock from being devoured by them. It is the mercy of God that this man is still alive. Hopefully this will lead to his repentance. This may be his last chance.
he's EXACTLY like you jerri. Stop trying to distance your shared hate
Sweet irony - a Gay couples home caught in a California wildfire. Isn't that funny!
View attachment 86009
You're an ass for again displaying the left have zero compassion for their fellow mankind.
Totally different. When did a gay person ever say wildfires are caused by hateful bigots?
ZING, the point once again flies over your short head.
Sweet irony - a Gay couples home caught in a California wildfire. Isn't that funny!
View attachment 86009
You're an ass for again displaying the left have zero compassion for their fellow mankind.
Totally different. When did a gay person ever say wildfires are caused by hateful bigots?
ZING, the point once again flies over your short head.
No it just wasn't a good point
Sweet irony - a Gay couples home caught in a California wildfire. Isn't that funny!
View attachment 86009
You're an ass for again displaying the left have zero compassion for their fellow mankind.
Totally different. When did a gay person ever say wildfires are caused by hateful bigots?
ZING, the point once again flies over your short head.
No it just wasn't a good point
It is for everyone who said homosexuals will burn.

Tony Perkins is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He presents himself as a Christian but denies the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and his actions have brought ill repute upon the Name of God (like Rick Joyner - his friend). Judgment begins in the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17-18

It is written:
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
1 Peter 4:17-18

The followers of Jesus Christ are called to judge those within the house of God. The Apostle Paul identified false teachers in order to protect the flock from being devoured by them. It is the mercy of God that this man is still alive. Hopefully this will lead to his repentance. This may be his last chance.
he's EXACTLY like you jerri. Stop trying to distance your shared hate

No, he isn't. I preach the Doctrine of Jesus Christ according to the KJV Holy Bible. He believes in the Seven Mountain Dominionist theology which twists the scriptures. It's a false teaching. His friend Rick Joyner is a Dominionist. So is Ted Cruz.
Sweet irony - a Gay couples home caught in a California wildfire. Isn't that funny!
View attachment 86009
You're an ass for again displaying the left have zero compassion for their fellow mankind.
Totally different. When did a gay person ever say wildfires are caused by hateful bigots?
ZING, the point once again flies over your short head.
No it just wasn't a good point
It is for everyone who said homosexuals will burn.
Oh so your point is something that requires a low IQ and magical beliefs to understand. Hmm. No wonder you never seem to make sense to me.
Sweet irony - a Gay couples home caught in a California wildfire. Isn't that funny!
View attachment 86009
You're an ass for again displaying the left have zero compassion for their fellow mankind.
Totally different. When did a gay person ever say wildfires are caused by hateful bigots?
ZING, the point once again flies over your short head.
No it just wasn't a good point
It is for everyone who said homosexuals will burn.
Oh so your point is something that requires a low IQ and magical beliefs to understand. Hmm. No wonder you never seem to make sense to me.
Magical beliefs? I said nothing about chaos evolving into order naturally.
Totally different. When did a gay person ever say wildfires are caused by hateful bigots?
ZING, the point once again flies over your short head.
No it just wasn't a good point
It is for everyone who said homosexuals will burn.
Oh so your point is something that requires a low IQ and magical beliefs to understand. Hmm. No wonder you never seem to make sense to me.
Magical beliefs? I said nothing about chaos evolving into order naturally.
Yeah here's your "order:"


Those poor Christians. I hope their bodies stay intact for the second coming or whatever.

Tony Perkins is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He presents himself as a Christian but denies the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and his actions have brought ill repute upon the Name of God (like Rick Joyner - his friend). Judgment begins in the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17-18

It is written:
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
1 Peter 4:17-18

The followers of Jesus Christ are called to judge those within the house of God. The Apostle Paul identified false teachers in order to protect the flock from being devoured by them. It is the mercy of God that this man is still alive. Hopefully this will lead to his repentance. This may be his last chance.
he's EXACTLY like you jerri. Stop trying to distance your shared hate
The only thing I can figure that you think I have in common with this man is that he calls homosexuality a sin, @Dot. The Holy Bible clearly identifies sodomy as a sin (as well as women lying with women see Romans 1). The Word of God establishes this.

Where Tony Perkins is crossing the line is using his organization FRC to give $25,000 to lobbyists on the matter of Uganda's homosexual law which calls for the execution or life term imprisonment of a homosexual. I'm not quite sure if he was directly involved in that decision but he is the president of FRC from what I understand.

I strongly disagree with doing such a thing.

No where in the New Testament did God call any follower of Jesus Christ to put a homosexual to death or put them in prison for life (or fund those who would). I believe this is part of the philosophy of the 7 Mountain Dominion theology - that Christians are to seek political power to rule the earth and bring judgment on unbelievers and this again is not a teaching from the Holy Bible.

From what I've heard about 7 Mountain Dominion teachings- it's some scary stuff and I'd have to believe that Rome has their Jesuits at the roots of this organization. Why do I say that? It sounds like the same idea of man appointing himself as Vicar (God on earth) that the Vatican Doctrine is known for. It seems that Tony Perkins surrounds himself with Vatican friendly people - James Dobson, Rick Joyner - Josh Duggar (who came out of a catholic branch cult) was his vice director at his organization (later resigning after a scandal). There are many evangelical leaders / book authors / business men and women who pretend to be Christians and are not.
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