Swing Voters Do NOT Want Open Borders by 2 to 1


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yeah, I am sure the Democrats will just ignore this too as they race to the fringes of the leftwing, way past Bernie Sanders.

Poll: Swing Voters Oppose 2020 Democrats Promising More Immigration

Swing voters — by a large majority — say they are unlikely to support 2020 presidential candidates who support more illegal and legal immigration to the United States, a new poll finds.
The latest Harvard/Harris Poll reveals that about 69 percent of swing voters said they are somewhat unlikely or very unlikely to support a 2020 presidential candidate that supports opening the U.S.-Mexico border to more illegal and legal immigration.

Overall, about 64 percent of registered voters said they would be more unlikely to support a 2020 presidential candidate that backs increasing illegal and legal immigration to the country — including about 63 percent of Generation X voters, 45 percent of Democrats, and 66 percent of voters who describe themselves as “moderate.”
The only Americans who seem to want open borders are the Dem idiots in Congress. No other Americans want open borders.

Common sense 101
The only Americans who seem to want open borders are the Dem idiots in Congress. No other Americans want open borders.

Common sense 101

This is why Dem Congress critter from TX doesn't want Trump coming to her district....he draws crowds and may start to change too many of her constituents minds

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