Sympathy For The Lesser Among Us


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Do you wonder why the constant yammering about collaboration between the Trump campaign and the Russians, when not only is there absolutely no proof of any such machinations, nor, contrary to all sorts of suggestions in the intelligence agency has ever......ever.....claimed that there is any proof of such?
And this: "Putin spokesman: Hillary Clinton associates met with Russian officials during campaign"
Longtime Putin spokesman says Clinton campaign met with Russian officials

2. Oh...and before the claim is made that the same applies to Trump's claim of being surveilled by Obamunists.....But...there is proof there:
by John Solomon and Sara Carter
The months-long [Obama] FBI counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential campaign briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election but has not gathered evidence of election tampering to date that would warrant criminal charges against any of the president’s associates, Circa has learned." FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

Get that???

"....the [Obama] FBI ... briefly investigated a computer server tied to Donald Trump's businesses near the end of the election..."

3. for the explanation of the Liberal constant repetition of propaganda. "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself."

Time and again we come across cerebrally-anesthetized Liberals, trained not to incorporate changes in the political landscape in their talking points.....'cause, you know, if you aren't allowed to think, your understandings change verrrrryyyyy slowly.

They repeat, ad infinitum, out of date jargon and last weeks Democrat bumper-stickers and talking points.

Let me explain why.

When the world, the facts, are shown not to fit the spoon-fed worldview that they have been given by the elites.....a habit developed in government school.....they must find a way to comfort themselves, and blunt the stress and anxiety caused by truth.

That very same problem exists for some individuals who have been born with the same problem that Liberals develop on their own...."a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, ......"
It is know generally as autism.

I'll demonstrate the semblance....without claiming any exactitude in the two a moment.
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4. Back to those annoying habits that our Liberal pals have developed....repeating statements that have no basis in reality.
Who else does that?
."a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, ......"
It is know generally as autism.

The best explanation for this conspicuously similar behavior in autistic children, and many Liberals, is that it centers on the very same anatomical anomaly.

What is it that they both do?
Children with this disability repeat, word for word, things they hear, such as commercials, passages that are read to them or heard in certain cable TV networks, and many non-verbal sounds, using these as a substitute for actual thinking, and conversation.

It often imitates real understanding, ....but it isn't.

And our Liberal brethren?

They repeat, word for word, what the DNC, MSNBC, the NYTimes, etc., have said. And, parenthetically...never give the source; hence every such Liberal is a plagiarist.

It's a trick that replaces actual thinking, carefully considered conclusions, and doesn't require any actual knowledge. certainly is a real time saver.

Press them on any talking point, and it soon falls apart, supported only by lies and fabrications.

A further connection with autism coming right up.
The whole thing with The Dems is very strange. It's almost as if the entire party is possessed with "The Devil".
And I am serious about that. There is zero chance of most of these politicians having a reasonable conversation with anyone.

And the lies and deceptions they hurl every day is getting old already. They are more Jihadist than they are Americans serving The Public Interests. We don't need these kind of people in government. We need people who want to work and get things done, not spew hatred, contention and divisiveness while doing absolutely nothing but running their mouths.

"Resist Democracy" is not a winning political strategy, it is a call for REBELLION.
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The whole thing with The Dems is very strange. It's almost as if the entire party is possessed with "The Devil".
And I am serious about that. There is zero chance of most of these politicians having a reasonable conversation with anyone.

And the lies and deceptions they hurl every day is getting old already. They are more Jihadist than they are Americans serving The Public Interests. We don't need these kind of people in government. We need people who want to work and get things done, not spew hatred, contention and divisiveness while doing absolutely nothing bur running their mouths.

And we can spell Devil "Marx."

Hence the source of almost every Democrat aim and agenda.
5. We've all seen the daily yammering, the same lies, same phrases, over and over.

Now...why do they do this?

Just as afflicted children, those with autism, develop a habit known as 'stimming,' our Liberal friends, the same.


" Self-stimulatory behavior, also known as stimming and self-stimulation, is the repetition of physical movements, sounds, or repetitive movement of objects common in individuals with developmental disabilities, but most prevalent in people with autistic spectrum disorders.
Stimming - Wikipedia

Stimming - Wikipedia

Our Liberal pals know that they'd appear the village idiots if they just stood there with their mouths hanging open when their ideas were they do the Liberal version of stimming: same lies, same phrases, over and over.

Problem is....they are the village idiots.

But it does provide them a modicum of physical and psychological comfort....I'll explain why....
6. Stimming, the physical and verbal attempts to modify their environment by Liberals, repeated responses based on comforting themselves, .... rather than truth or logic, ...but it relaxes our Liberal population.

The stimming repetition often takes these forms:

a. When responding to charges which irk said Leftists, we can expect the insightful "Is not, issss noootttttt!'....or this version" "Oh, yeah! Sez you!"

b. No matter what logic and experience propound, Leftists will firmly squeeze their eyes shut and parrot Leftwing talking points.

Over, and over, and over.

c. Leftists will attempt to evince how deeply they care about their talking points by inserting profanity and vulgarity. This was a technique they acquired in the third grade bathrooms in government schoool.

d. A total misunderstanding of concepts, terms and ideas found in elementary economics, political science, and history curricula is often evident. Recently, one dunce offered this term: "Totalitarian Capitalism."
Got quite a chuckle.

We should always be prepared for these behaviors from the lesser among us.
7. What need be understood is that these repetitive attempts, often clearly unsupported by the facts, are based on a desire for control: they tune out the truth by this 'stimming,' which is simple behaviors that they can control.....after all, all they need do is memorize some bumper-stickers.

Control is their way of bringing safety and sensory comfort to an unpredictable, unsafe, uncomfortable world, one where traditional, conservative truth manages to insinuate its way into their reality.
Remember, they are also very particular about what stimuli gets into her brain!
That's why they require 'trigger warnings' and 'safe spaces.'

Sudden changes in the political landscape can, and usually do, cause a "software crash" in the Liberal head, which can result in meltdowns, confusion, and disorientation!
And this is the clear and evident similarity between LiberalThink and autism.
Read more: A look at Aspergers and control issues | Autism Support Network

Now....the title of the thread: sympathy.
Here's the bais:

So.....we should have some sympathy and compassion for our afflicted brethren.....after we find in chapter 23 of the Book of Luke...

"... forgive them; for they know not what they do."

But we must never allow them to drag the rest of us, our nation, down with them.
So are you saying half the country is on the spectrum? Interesting concept. We have millions of kids who stimmer thru the pledge of allegiance every morning believing america is paradise.
5. We've all seen the daily yammering, the same lies, same phrases, over and over.

Now...why do they do this?

Just as afflicted children, those with autism, develop a habit known as 'stimming,' our Liberal friends, the same.


" Self-stimulatory behavior, also known as stimming and self-stimulation, is the repetition of physical movements, sounds, or repetitive movement of objects common in individuals with developmental disabilities, but most prevalent in people with autistic spectrum disorders.
Stimming - Wikipedia

Stimming - Wikipedia

Our Liberal pals know that they'd appear the village idiots if they just stood there with their mouths hanging open when their ideas were they do the Liberal version of stimming: same lies, same phrases, over and over.

Problem is....they are the village idiots.

But it does provide them a modicum of physical and psychological comfort....I'll explain why....
That explains the communication in bizarre chants.
I pledge to my lord and savior because of my christianity. Any other pledge I am told to repeat is a form of indoctrination, a topic u peak to. Explain why the pledge is different. I asked a simple question. Why the name calling?

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