Sympathy for the Pelosi


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Seriously, Nancy Pelosi is an astute political operative. She is no dummy She understands what is at stake with a failed impeachment that looks stupid to Main Street; loss of 20-30 seats and control of the house going to the GOP in next years elections.

So she has tried to suppress this reckless Woketard urge to impeach Trump for....well anything they can scrape up.

She had a meeting with Jerry 'Shortstuff' Nadler and read him the riot act.
“Feel Free To Leak This”: Pelosi Blasts Judiciary Committee Over Impeachment Efforts

For over two years, I have written that the Democratic leadership had no intention to impeach Donald Trump. The problem has been that the voters gave the House back to the Democrats in part to pursue impeachment. With the House Judiciary Committee moving forward, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has become more and more direct in reminding them that this is not a real effort. The most strident statements came out of a meeting yesterday with Pelosi not only blasting the Committee (and its Chair Jerry Nadler) but telling attendees “feel free to leak this.”

Pelosi criticized the Committee and made clear that impeachment is a pipe dream. It is a direct and surprising rebuke of Nadler and his allies. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the Judiciary Committee, portrayed Pelosi as just focused on politics rather than principle: “Nadler is talking about law, Pelosi is talking about politics. Nadler is looking at high crimes and misdemeanors, and we are inundated with them in the Judiciary Committee. But Pelosi is looking at the political side of it.”​

And of course they leaked it despite her sarcasm, because that is what political whores do in DC, leak to friends in the press or they wont be friends for long.

But top vote swinging leaders in the Democratic Caucus have started breaking in favor of impeachment over the Weekend as Trump taunted the Democrats, basically telling them to go pound sand, and then acting like the victim and crying about Witch Hunts. It is as if the Democrats have never heard of the story about the little boy who cried wolf too many times.

Done deal: John Lewis backs impeachment as Dem leaders prepare to huddle this afternoon

With such heavy momentum towards impeachment, there’s no way centrist Dems will hold out once the caucus is approaching a majority in favor of impeachment. Like I said yesterday, at some point they’ll have more to fear from their base by refusing to impeach than they will from swing voters back home by agreeing to do it. Just last night Dem freshman Haley Stevens, who won last year in a Republican-leaning district, came out in favor of impeachment. There’ll be more like her....

Other big-name Democrats besides Lewis, like Dick Durbin, have also endorsed impeachment today, so the dam break really has already begun. The word as of 1 p.m. ET is that Pelosi and the leadership are considering creating a “select committee” for impeachment, shifting the matter away from the Judiciary Committee. The idea is to consolidate the various impeachment claims against Trump and to hand the process to a group of Democrats who are willing to move against Trump more aggressively than Jerry Nadler has. (Given the tension between Pelosi and Nadler lately, she may think she’ll have more authority over a select committee than she would if she let Nadler handle this.) But some House Dems are skeptical that it’s a play to slow down the process and will argue against it....​

And of course the article then quote AOC as if this freshman from Brooklyn who won a district a Democrat glass of water could have won knows a damned thing other than squeeling desperation to her fellow Marxist radicals.

So what was our hero, Nancy, going to do? She was caught between the rock of Reality and the quicksand of her idiot base of Marxists, and things were looking bleak for our fearless heroine.

Then she comes up with an idea; she will announce an inquiry for impeachment. What is that actually since to initiate a real impeachment youhave to pass a House resolution calling for impeachment proceedings?

Well, it is smoke and mirrors, that is what it is. She is appeasing her base of nutballs while maintaining plausible deniability later for her slim majority that resides in districts that went for Trump in 2016.

Well played, Madam Speaker, well played!

I admire you. :D

But of course the Republicans are in full throat calling all this exactly what it is; political theater and a joke.

Facts have never stopped Democrats before from pursuing Biden Truth that is contrary to facts, so why let it stop them now?
She is wayyyyy past her due date

She is a corrupted human being

She should walk into the sunset with the little dignity she has left.
She is wayyyyy past her due date

She is a corrupted human being

She should walk into the sunset with the little dignity she has left.
Well, it might take her some time to find her dignity, but I guess it is possible though not plausible.
Imagine how desperate poor Nancy must be to launch 'impeachment inquiries' on the basis of a complaint that is hearsay that they have NOT READ and have no idea what is in it.

And the transcript of the call is going to be released entirely tomorrow with no redactions, what if it is entirely innocuous?

What will our heroine do?

Trump: 'If You Impeach Me Now, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine'

Trump: 'If You Impeach Me Now, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine'
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Nancy Pelosi is reportedly starting impeachment proceedings against President Trump. It's not clear why but at least it will be fun for all involved, which is good because the news cycle has been a little slow over the summer. We all need a good public spectacle once in a while

But Trump is a good sport and wanted to warn the Democrats about what they're going to do: "If you impeach me now, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine," he said in an open address to his political foes. "Seriously, I will have huge power, believe me. Maybe the most power of anyone ever."

When pressed for what would happen, Trump admitted that he would probably be impeached and die but they wouldn't find a body: only a folded-up suit and his orange toupee. Then, he would appear to his replacement, Mike Pence, in visions and whisper advice. "For instance, if he were at a state dinner with a foreign diplomat and the salads come out, I'd tell him to use the fork."
She is desperately attempting to maintain her power base and leadership position which I believe is all but vanished. It must be hard to witness the inmates taking over the asylum.
She is desperately attempting to maintain her power base and leadership position which I believe is all but vanished. It must be hard to witness the inmates taking over the asylum.
Do you think any Democrats think their situation is improved with a President Mike Pence?
Sad to say the word “think” is associated with a Dim in the same sentence, for it conflicts with their ideology.
I feel not one iota sorry for her....He power lust has come back to kick her old washed up ass, and she deserves it.
BRAVE SIR ROBIN BRAVELY TURNED AND FLED: Pelosi Declines to Say if Trump Violated an Existing Law with Ukraine Phone Call.

She knows this all bullshit. We give the House impeachment power to use when NECESSARY not for partisan bullshit trying to criminalize the President's free speech because The Swamp thinks free speech they disagree with is a "crime".

And what the hell is with the CIA planting a spy in the Whitehuose to monitor the President's speech and snitching to Congress when he says something during his exercise of free speech that the spy plant disagrees with?

What in the hell is wrong with these people? Lindsay Graham said it well during the Kavanaugh farce something along the lines of: "God Help US All if you guys EVER got the power to implement the terrible world that you are trying to put into place!"
She earned her troubles. She forced out the "blue dog" Democrats and the odd squad and others like them filled the vacuum.
Pelosi would have been laughed out of Washington D.C. a long time ago if she didn't have what all democrats rely on, the total excuse making support of the mainstream media. Imagine the cartoons that could be drawn showing Pelosi stumbling over the blue tarp covered corpses of living and dead homeless in her own district while she accuses the president of human rights violations.
Pelosi deserves no sympathy. Look at how the homeless live in her district.

Seriously, Nancy Pelosi is an astute political operative. She is no dummy She understands what is at stake with a failed impeachment that looks stupid to Main Street; loss of 20-30 seats and control of the house going to the GOP in next years elections.

So she has tried to suppress this reckless Woketard urge to impeach Trump for....well anything they can scrape up.

She had a meeting with Jerry 'Shortstuff' Nadler and read him the riot act.
“Feel Free To Leak This”: Pelosi Blasts Judiciary Committee Over Impeachment Efforts

For over two years, I have written that the Democratic leadership had no intention to impeach Donald Trump. The problem has been that the voters gave the House back to the Democrats in part to pursue impeachment. With the House Judiciary Committee moving forward, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has become more and more direct in reminding them that this is not a real effort. The most strident statements came out of a meeting yesterday with Pelosi not only blasting the Committee (and its Chair Jerry Nadler) but telling attendees “feel free to leak this.”

Pelosi criticized the Committee and made clear that impeachment is a pipe dream. It is a direct and surprising rebuke of Nadler and his allies. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the Judiciary Committee, portrayed Pelosi as just focused on politics rather than principle: “Nadler is talking about law, Pelosi is talking about politics. Nadler is looking at high crimes and misdemeanors, and we are inundated with them in the Judiciary Committee. But Pelosi is looking at the political side of it.”​

And of course they leaked it despite her sarcasm, because that is what political whores do in DC, leak to friends in the press or they wont be friends for long.

But top vote swinging leaders in the Democratic Caucus have started breaking in favor of impeachment over the Weekend as Trump taunted the Democrats, basically telling them to go pound sand, and then acting like the victim and crying about Witch Hunts. It is as if the Democrats have never heard of the story about the little boy who cried wolf too many times.

Done deal: John Lewis backs impeachment as Dem leaders prepare to huddle this afternoon

With such heavy momentum towards impeachment, there’s no way centrist Dems will hold out once the caucus is approaching a majority in favor of impeachment. Like I said yesterday, at some point they’ll have more to fear from their base by refusing to impeach than they will from swing voters back home by agreeing to do it. Just last night Dem freshman Haley Stevens, who won last year in a Republican-leaning district, came out in favor of impeachment. There’ll be more like her....

Other big-name Democrats besides Lewis, like Dick Durbin, have also endorsed impeachment today, so the dam break really has already begun. The word as of 1 p.m. ET is that Pelosi and the leadership are considering creating a “select committee” for impeachment, shifting the matter away from the Judiciary Committee. The idea is to consolidate the various impeachment claims against Trump and to hand the process to a group of Democrats who are willing to move against Trump more aggressively than Jerry Nadler has. (Given the tension between Pelosi and Nadler lately, she may think she’ll have more authority over a select committee than she would if she let Nadler handle this.) But some House Dems are skeptical that it’s a play to slow down the process and will argue against it....​

And of course the article then quote AOC as if this freshman from Brooklyn who won a district a Democrat glass of water could have won knows a damned thing other than squeeling desperation to her fellow Marxist radicals.

So what was our hero, Nancy, going to do? She was caught between the rock of Reality and the quicksand of her idiot base of Marxists, and things were looking bleak for our fearless heroine.

Then she comes up with an idea; she will announce an inquiry for impeachment. What is that actually since to initiate a real impeachment youhave to pass a House resolution calling for impeachment proceedings?

Well, it is smoke and mirrors, that is what it is. She is appeasing her base of nutballs while maintaining plausible deniability later for her slim majority that resides in districts that went for Trump in 2016.

Well played, Madam Speaker, well played!

I admire you. :D

But of course the Republicans are in full throat calling all this exactly what it is; political theater and a joke.

Facts have never stopped Democrats before from pursuing Biden Truth that is contrary to facts, so why let it stop them now?
She's a big girl.

Why Nancy Pelosi Is Screwed Herself:

With evidence already fizzling, she green-lights the Full Monty impeachment farce three days later.

In the absence of impeachable offenses the outcome is pre-determined, and Pelosi’s options are stark: do the right thing, or launch a constitutional farce on The American People.

An election where the Democratic Party is framed as a single-issue party, whose sole concern is an impeaching a president over two casual sentences in a phone call, will be catastrophic. But she will survive her election.

Impeachment proceedings are a given, because her caucus is out of their minds. The Democratic Party is in the midst of McGovern flashbacks as the Resistance crazies and the hard left runs the show. Pelosi has run out of cute euphemisms for impeachment—the usual Pelosi mumbo-jumbo, like “inquiry,” “investigation,” and “official inquiry,” no longer work without giving the crazies the real deal.

Pelosi made her bed.
Seriously, Nancy Pelosi is an astute political operative. She is no dummy She understands what is at stake with a failed impeachment that looks stupid to Main Street; loss of 20-30 seats and control of the house going to the GOP in next years elections.

So she has tried to suppress this reckless Woketard urge to impeach Trump for....well anything they can scrape up.

She had a meeting with Jerry 'Shortstuff' Nadler and read him the riot act.
“Feel Free To Leak This”: Pelosi Blasts Judiciary Committee Over Impeachment Efforts

For over two years, I have written that the Democratic leadership had no intention to impeach Donald Trump. The problem has been that the voters gave the House back to the Democrats in part to pursue impeachment. With the House Judiciary Committee moving forward, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has become more and more direct in reminding them that this is not a real effort. The most strident statements came out of a meeting yesterday with Pelosi not only blasting the Committee (and its Chair Jerry Nadler) but telling attendees “feel free to leak this.”

Pelosi criticized the Committee and made clear that impeachment is a pipe dream. It is a direct and surprising rebuke of Nadler and his allies. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the Judiciary Committee, portrayed Pelosi as just focused on politics rather than principle: “Nadler is talking about law, Pelosi is talking about politics. Nadler is looking at high crimes and misdemeanors, and we are inundated with them in the Judiciary Committee. But Pelosi is looking at the political side of it.”​

And of course they leaked it despite her sarcasm, because that is what political whores do in DC, leak to friends in the press or they wont be friends for long.

But top vote swinging leaders in the Democratic Caucus have started breaking in favor of impeachment over the Weekend as Trump taunted the Democrats, basically telling them to go pound sand, and then acting like the victim and crying about Witch Hunts. It is as if the Democrats have never heard of the story about the little boy who cried wolf too many times.

Done deal: John Lewis backs impeachment as Dem leaders prepare to huddle this afternoon

With such heavy momentum towards impeachment, there’s no way centrist Dems will hold out once the caucus is approaching a majority in favor of impeachment. Like I said yesterday, at some point they’ll have more to fear from their base by refusing to impeach than they will from swing voters back home by agreeing to do it. Just last night Dem freshman Haley Stevens, who won last year in a Republican-leaning district, came out in favor of impeachment. There’ll be more like her....

Other big-name Democrats besides Lewis, like Dick Durbin, have also endorsed impeachment today, so the dam break really has already begun. The word as of 1 p.m. ET is that Pelosi and the leadership are considering creating a “select committee” for impeachment, shifting the matter away from the Judiciary Committee. The idea is to consolidate the various impeachment claims against Trump and to hand the process to a group of Democrats who are willing to move against Trump more aggressively than Jerry Nadler has. (Given the tension between Pelosi and Nadler lately, she may think she’ll have more authority over a select committee than she would if she let Nadler handle this.) But some House Dems are skeptical that it’s a play to slow down the process and will argue against it....​

And of course the article then quote AOC as if this freshman from Brooklyn who won a district a Democrat glass of water could have won knows a damned thing other than squeeling desperation to her fellow Marxist radicals.

So what was our hero, Nancy, going to do? She was caught between the rock of Reality and the quicksand of her idiot base of Marxists, and things were looking bleak for our fearless heroine.

Then she comes up with an idea; she will announce an inquiry for impeachment. What is that actually since to initiate a real impeachment youhave to pass a House resolution calling for impeachment proceedings?

Well, it is smoke and mirrors, that is what it is. She is appeasing her base of nutballs while maintaining plausible deniability later for her slim majority that resides in districts that went for Trump in 2016.

Well played, Madam Speaker, well played!

I admire you. :D

But of course the Republicans are in full throat calling all this exactly what it is; political theater and a joke.

Facts have never stopped Democrats before from pursuing Biden Truth that is contrary to facts, so why let it stop them now?
Pelosi was reluctant, but it appears there is blood in the water and the Dems may yet get Trump impeached. Clinton kept his mouth shut and produced results while he was under the gun, Trump is shooting his mouth off and and complaining about nothing being done. If the Democrats were given the chance to give Trump a script to act from, it would be just what Trump is doing. He will be lucky to survive this.
Seriously, Nancy Pelosi is an astute political operative. She is no dummy She understands what is at stake with a failed impeachment that looks stupid to Main Street; loss of 20-30 seats and control of the house going to the GOP in next years elections.

So she has tried to suppress this reckless Woketard urge to impeach Trump for....well anything they can scrape up.

She had a meeting with Jerry 'Shortstuff' Nadler and read him the riot act.
“Feel Free To Leak This”: Pelosi Blasts Judiciary Committee Over Impeachment Efforts

For over two years, I have written that the Democratic leadership had no intention to impeach Donald Trump. The problem has been that the voters gave the House back to the Democrats in part to pursue impeachment. With the House Judiciary Committee moving forward, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has become more and more direct in reminding them that this is not a real effort. The most strident statements came out of a meeting yesterday with Pelosi not only blasting the Committee (and its Chair Jerry Nadler) but telling attendees “feel free to leak this.”

Pelosi criticized the Committee and made clear that impeachment is a pipe dream. It is a direct and surprising rebuke of Nadler and his allies. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the Judiciary Committee, portrayed Pelosi as just focused on politics rather than principle: “Nadler is talking about law, Pelosi is talking about politics. Nadler is looking at high crimes and misdemeanors, and we are inundated with them in the Judiciary Committee. But Pelosi is looking at the political side of it.”​

And of course they leaked it despite her sarcasm, because that is what political whores do in DC, leak to friends in the press or they wont be friends for long.

But top vote swinging leaders in the Democratic Caucus have started breaking in favor of impeachment over the Weekend as Trump taunted the Democrats, basically telling them to go pound sand, and then acting like the victim and crying about Witch Hunts. It is as if the Democrats have never heard of the story about the little boy who cried wolf too many times.

Done deal: John Lewis backs impeachment as Dem leaders prepare to huddle this afternoon

With such heavy momentum towards impeachment, there’s no way centrist Dems will hold out once the caucus is approaching a majority in favor of impeachment. Like I said yesterday, at some point they’ll have more to fear from their base by refusing to impeach than they will from swing voters back home by agreeing to do it. Just last night Dem freshman Haley Stevens, who won last year in a Republican-leaning district, came out in favor of impeachment. There’ll be more like her....

Other big-name Democrats besides Lewis, like Dick Durbin, have also endorsed impeachment today, so the dam break really has already begun. The word as of 1 p.m. ET is that Pelosi and the leadership are considering creating a “select committee” for impeachment, shifting the matter away from the Judiciary Committee. The idea is to consolidate the various impeachment claims against Trump and to hand the process to a group of Democrats who are willing to move against Trump more aggressively than Jerry Nadler has. (Given the tension between Pelosi and Nadler lately, she may think she’ll have more authority over a select committee than she would if she let Nadler handle this.) But some House Dems are skeptical that it’s a play to slow down the process and will argue against it....​

And of course the article then quote AOC as if this freshman from Brooklyn who won a district a Democrat glass of water could have won knows a damned thing other than squeeling desperation to her fellow Marxist radicals.

So what was our hero, Nancy, going to do? She was caught between the rock of Reality and the quicksand of her idiot base of Marxists, and things were looking bleak for our fearless heroine.

Then she comes up with an idea; she will announce an inquiry for impeachment. What is that actually since to initiate a real impeachment youhave to pass a House resolution calling for impeachment proceedings?

Well, it is smoke and mirrors, that is what it is. She is appeasing her base of nutballs while maintaining plausible deniability later for her slim majority that resides in districts that went for Trump in 2016.

Well played, Madam Speaker, well played!

I admire you. :D

But of course the Republicans are in full throat calling all this exactly what it is; political theater and a joke.

Facts have never stopped Democrats before from pursuing Biden Truth that is contrary to facts, so why let it stop them now?
Pelosi was reluctant, but it appears there is blood in the water and the Dems may yet get Trump impeached. Clinton kept his mouth shut and produced results while he was under the gun, Trump is shooting his mouth off and and complaining about nothing being done. If the Democrats were given the chance to give Trump a script to act from, it would be just what Trump is doing. He will be lucky to survive this.

Democrats have had an impeachment itch that they’ve been desperate to scratch ever since Donald Trump took office.

Ukraine is not a scandal. There’s been no cover-up. The White House rapidly released key documents.

Nor is there any violation of law. Trump’s ask of Zelenskiy wasn’t extortion or a campaign-finance violation.

Impeachment will be an exercise in futility, inevitably ending with Trump’s Senate acquittal. You can’t expect Republicans to be told, falsely, for two and a half years straight that some conspiracy with the Russians was going to be uncovered imminently and then accept at face value a five-alarm interpretation of Ukraine.

Impeachment is what the Democrats have always wanted, and they are rotten, spoiled self-entitled brats badly in need of an electoral spanking.

Democrats & Impeachment: It’s Only Going to Make Things Worse | National Review

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