Syria Declares Victory


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Buzzard Gulch, NC
Syrian TV has already declared victory saying Obama has cowered in the face of Syrian power. Obama has just given any rogue nation the green light to use WMD with impunity knowing the U.S. will do nothing. Congress is not scheduled to convene until September 9th. What if they use chemical weapons in the mean time? What a limp dick.
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Syrian TV has already declared victory saying Obama has cowered in the face of Syrian power. Obama has just given any rogue nation the green light to use WMB with impunity knowing the U.S. will do nothing. Congress is not scheduled to convene until September 9th. What if they use chemical weapons in the mean time? What a limp dick.

Link? & what is a WMB, Weapon of Mass Bullshit?
Obama has pulled us back from the brink of WW3!!!

our soldiers and sailors are breathing a HUGE sigh of relief!!!
Syrian TV has already declared victory saying Obama has cowered in the face of Syrian power. Obama has just given any rogue nation the green light to use WMD with impunity knowing the U.S. will do nothing. Congress is not scheduled to convene until September 9th. What if they use chemical weapons in the mean time? What a limp dick.

and what if NO WMD's are used in that period of time. Does that mean that Assad got the message and complied with the worlds demands that he not use WMDs ?
Obama is such a loser, LOL. Mr. tough guy and then he runs away like the yellow striped bastard he is. He is laughing stock, but if he had fired a missile at least he'd be war criminal, and the subject of impeachment. The entire week he has been plotting a way to distance himself from his lies and back away from his promises.

And let's not forget that bitch Susan Rice and her neocon influences who were pulling our puppet president' strings.

This is the most embarrassing U.S. foreign policy fail in recent memory. The world is laughing at ridiculous president. This is a fine day.
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Obama is such a loser, LOL. Mr. tough guy and then he runs away like the yellow striped bastard he is. He is laughing stock, but if he had fired a missile at least he'd be war criminal, and the subject of impeachment. The entire week he has been plotting a way to distance himself from his lies and back away from his promises.

And let's not forget that bitch Susan Rice and her neocon influences who were pulling our puppet president' strings.

This is the most embarrassing U.S. foreign policy fail in recent memory. The world is laughing at ridiculous president. This is a fine day.

have you gone down to your local recruiting center yet?

thought not. you're just another chickenhawk, armchair warrior.
Syrian TV has already declared victory saying Obama has cowered in the face of Syrian power. Obama has just given any rogue nation the green light to use WMD with impunity knowing the U.S. will do nothing. Congress is not scheduled to convene until September 9th. What if they use chemical weapons in the mean time? What a limp dick.

and what if NO WMD's are used in that period of time. Does that mean that Assad got the message and complied with the worlds demands that he not use WMDs ?

Probably. In other words as long as he kills his own people using only fighter jets , artillery, tank shells and gunfire, then everything is just fine !
But no chemical weapons Mr. Assad !
Israel is probably having a shitfit.

They want the USA to fight its wars for them.
Israel is probably having a shitfit.

They want the USA to fight its wars for them.

They have looked everywhere and cant find their big-boy pants
Time to go shoot some Gazan fish in a barrel?
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Israel is probably having a shitfit.

They want the USA to fight its wars for them.

They have looked everywhere and cant find their big-boy pants
Time to go shoot some Gazan fish in a barrel?

I think you have it the other way around.

When Israel turned Syria's nuclear reactor into a pile of rubble in 2007, Assad promised retaliation. It's been 6 years, and nada !

When Israel destroyed a Syrian convoy containing weapons for Hezborats, Assas said he would hit Israel back. Still nothing !

So you see Ahmed, it is Assad who cannot find his big boy pants. The guy is a massive coward. But then again, so is Nasrallah and all other Jihadi Arab dictators ;)
Assad has looked all over his compound for his big boy pants, but to no avail. Time to continue slaughtering his own civilians like he's been doing for over two years I guess !
Obama is such a loser, LOL. Mr. tough guy and then he runs away like the yellow striped bastard he is. He is laughing stock, but if he had fired a missile at least he'd be war criminal, and the subject of impeachment. The entire week he has been plotting a way to distance himself from his lies and back away from his promises.

And let's not forget that bitch Susan Rice and her neocon influences who were pulling our puppet president' strings.

This is the most embarrassing U.S. foreign policy fail in recent memory. The world is laughing at ridiculous president. This is a fine day.

have you gone down to your local recruiting center yet?

thought not. you're just another chickenhawk, armchair warrior.

Hey the name calling!
and yet no one is commenting on the news article that Syrian rebels mishandled chemical weapons given to them by the Saudi's who got them from us? If fox news and other news agencies dont report on this It will prove to me once and for all that the mainstream media is truly government lapdogs.
and yet no one is commenting on the news article that Syrian rebels mishandled chemical weapons given to them by the Saudi's who got them from us? If fox news and other news agencies dont report on this It will prove to me once and for all that the mainstream media is truly government lapdogs.

I read the article. Where did it say that Saudi got the weapons from us? And you're just now learning that the MSM are government lapdogs and the propaganda arm of the Democrat party?
Syrian TV has already declared victory saying Obama has cowered in the face of Syrian power. Obama has just given any rogue nation the green light to use WMD with impunity knowing the U.S. will do nothing. Congress is not scheduled to convene until September 9th. What if they use chemical weapons in the mean time? What a limp dick.

Why is it I am not really surprised?... Being the coward douchebag that Obama is...retreat comes easily to him.

Now ...he has more important matters to attend , golf for instance.
Syrian TV has already declared victory saying Obama has cowered in the face of Syrian power. Obama has just given any rogue nation the green light to use WMD with impunity knowing the U.S. will do nothing. Congress is not scheduled to convene until September 9th. What if they use chemical weapons in the mean time? What a limp dick.

and what if NO WMD's are used in that period of time. Does that mean that Assad got the message and complied with the worlds demands that he not use WMDs ?

World's demand? Which world?
Israel is probably having a shitfit.

They want the USA to fight its wars for them.

They have looked everywhere and cant find their big-boy pants
Time to go shoot some Gazan fish in a barrel?

According to Hoffstra if America attacked Syria it would be ok for Syria to target Israeli citizens. So using that logic if America doesn't attack Syria then it would be ok for Israel to target Gazans. Life's a bitch ain't is Yousef?

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