Syria: Everything Is In Place


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Buzzard Gulch, NC
Watching once more how the Syrian government has everything in place in order to set the world up for the catastrophe that's coming. As I said before, they know the sites we will hit. They have moved troops and equipment out and moved in civilian "volunteers" acting as human shields. They will blow up schools and civilian areas and blame it on us. Don't be surprised when you see hundreds of dead women and children or even another "baby milk factory". They will blame us and the sad part is, a lot of the world will believe them.
Let us all join together & wish the innocent Syrian children well. And may this generation of Syrians see that their enemy is not the USA &/or Israel, but their own people.
Watching once more how the Syrian government has everything in place in order to set the world up for the catastrophe that's coming. As I said before, they know the sites we will hit. They have moved troops and equipment out and moved in civilian "volunteers" acting as human shields. They will blow up schools and civilian areas and blame it on us. Don't be surprised when you see hundreds of dead women and children or even another "baby milk factory". They will blame us and the sad part is, a lot of the world will believe them.

When we deliberately target civilians and babies to blow up, the ones on our side responsible for those atrocities against humanity must be tried for their war crimes. That is what intl law provides. Depravity will be illustrated as us. Just think the Truth about who the US really is will be blasted across the internet in photos of dead children we are massacring.
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Watching once more how the Syrian government has everything in place in order to set the world up for the catastrophe that's coming. As I said before, they know the sites we will hit. They have moved troops and equipment out and moved in civilian "volunteers" acting as human shields. They will blow up schools and civilian areas and blame it on us. Don't be surprised when you see hundreds of dead women and children or even another "baby milk factory". They will blame us and the sad part is, a lot of the world will believe them.

When we deliberately target civilians and babies to blow up, the ones on our side responsible for those atrocities against humanity must be tried for their war crimes. That is what intl law provides. Depravity will be illustrated as us.

Watching once more how the Syrian government has everything in place in order to set the world up for the catastrophe that's coming. As I said before, they know the sites we will hit. They have moved troops and equipment out and moved in civilian "volunteers" acting as human shields. They will blow up schools and civilian areas and blame it on us. Don't be surprised when you see hundreds of dead women and children or even another "baby milk factory". They will blame us and the sad part is, a lot of the world will believe them.

When we deliberately target civilians and babies to blow up, the ones on our side responsible for those atrocities against humanity must be tried for their war crimes. That is what intl law provides. Depravity will be illustrated as us. Just think the Truth about who the US really is will be blasted across the internet in photos of dead children we are massacring.

Why are you not talking about the babies that have ALREADY been blown up deliberately by the Syrian regime, you hateful bigot ?
AIPAC to mount major lobbying blitz for Obama's Syria strike plan

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is set to "mount a major blitz" in support of US President Barack Obama's resolution to take military action in Syria,

The powerful pro-Israel lobby in Washington came out in support of the resolution in a statement issued earlier this week, but was expected to step-up its lobbying efforts, as the measure to attack Syria was thus far failing to muster a sufficient number of votes to pass in the House of Representatives, according to lawmakers.
Report: AIPAC to mount major lobbying blitz for Obama's Syria strike plan | JPost | Israel News
This news is floating about but not on main media sources so really needs confirming before we can believe it is true.

Western naval sources reported Friday that a Chinese landing craft, the Jinggangshan, with a 1,000-strong marine battalion had reached the Red Sea en route for the Mediterranean off Syria. If the latest report is confirmed, this will be the largest Chinese deployment in the Middle East in its naval history.
This news is floating about but not on main media sources so really needs confirming before we can believe it is true.

Western naval sources reported Friday that a Chinese landing craft, the Jinggangshan, with a 1,000-strong marine battalion had reached the Red Sea en route for the Mediterranean off Syria. If the latest report is confirmed, this will be the largest Chinese deployment in the Middle East in its naval history.

WTF is China doing there, if this is true ?
This news is floating about but not on main media sources so really needs confirming before we can believe it is true.

Western naval sources reported Friday that a Chinese landing craft, the Jinggangshan, with a 1,000-strong marine battalion had reached the Red Sea en route for the Mediterranean off Syria. If the latest report is confirmed, this will be the largest Chinese deployment in the Middle East in its naval history.

WTF is China doing there, if this is true ?

I read that it was civilian evacuation but would have to try to find the link again
This news is floating about but not on main media sources so really needs confirming before we can believe it is true.

Western naval sources reported Friday that a Chinese landing craft, the Jinggangshan, with a 1,000-strong marine battalion had reached the Red Sea en route for the Mediterranean off Syria. If the latest report is confirmed, this will be the largest Chinese deployment in the Middle East in its naval history.

WTF is China doing there, if this is true ?

I don't know. I got the news in the breaking news section on Debka, but we need to see what mainstream media says about it, to clarify.
Report: China Sends Warships to Coast of Syria
China has reportedly sent warships to the coast of Syria to “observe” the actions of US and Russian ships as tensions build in preparation for a potential military strike on Syria which could come as soon as next week.


According to the Russian news outlet, the People’s Liberation Army dispatched the Jinggangshan amphibious dock landing ship and the vessel was seen passing through the Red Sea towards the Suez Canal, the waterway in Egypt that leads to the Mediterranean Sea and waters off the coast of Israel, Lebanon and Syria.

According to the report, the ship has not been sent to engage in any aggressive actions but is merely there to “observe” the actions of Russian and US warships. However, the Jinggangshan is equipped for combat
» Report: China Sends Warships to Coast of Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

I wonder how many israelis have actually tried sleeping with a gas mask on ?
Wherever any gas comes from that is targeted to Israel you can be sure that the source of it will get far far worse than gas from Israel.
Wherever any gas comes from that is targeted to Israel you can be sure that the source of it will get far far worse than gas from Israel.

We shall see, personally I knew israel would eventually bite off something bigger than it could swallow, they might even have to negotiate an end to the occupation,
bring it on
Wherever any gas comes from that is targeted to Israel you can be sure that the source of it will get far far worse than gas from Israel.

We shall see, personally I knew israel would eventually bite off something bigger than it could swallow, they might even have to negotiate an end to the occupation,
bring it on

How on earth do you think Israel being attacked is it biting off something bigger than it can swallow?
Wherever any gas comes from that is targeted to Israel you can be sure that the source of it will get far far worse than gas from Israel.

We shall see, personally I knew israel would eventually bite off something bigger than it could swallow, they might even have to negotiate an end to the occupation,
bring it on

How on earth do you think Israel being attacked is it biting off something bigger than it can swallow?

Israel wanted a war on Syria, they announced it, they financed it, now they get to see the repercussions, I think it's great! Mazel Tov!
We shall see, personally I knew israel would eventually bite off something bigger than it could swallow, they might even have to negotiate an end to the occupation,
bring it on

How on earth do you think Israel being attacked is it biting off something bigger than it can swallow?

Israel wanted a war on Syria, they announced it, they financed it, now they get to see the repercussions, I think it's great! Mazel Tov!

Wishing thinking on your part. Israel did not want a war on Syria. They know that a war on Syria would involve Israel and Israel does not want any more wars. You can live in your delusional world.
israel has also set out some useful guidelines for attacks on civilians, White flag? shoot anyway, cluster bombs, drop 'em on civilians, White phosphorous in civilian areas? It's only smoke, right?
AIPAC Strongly Urges Congress To Back Syria Strike

After weeks of quietly working behind the scenes to build support for U.S. military intervention in Syria, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) formally called on Congress Tuesday to authorize airstrikes aimed at degrading the Syrian military's ability to use chemical weapons.

"It is imperative to adopt the resolution to authorize the use of force," the powerful Israel lobby said in a statement. It urged members of Congress to "take a firm stand that the world’s most dangerous regimes cannot obtain and use the most dangerous weapons."
AIPAC Strongly Urges Congress To Back Syria Strike

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