Syria : Key Facts curiously Not Debated. +US Pentagon confirms Russia's version ?!

Nov 7, 2016
- Russian Officials said that the Tragedy near Idlib was due to Poisonous Chemicals stocked by Islamist Terrorists to make Bombs used in Iraq, as before in Aleppo (Syria), which explosed when a Syrian Airplane stroke against their Weapons' Factory.

In order to ascertain that, they Proposed a Fair, inclusive and transparent Investigation, with the Participation of Experts from of all Countries involved, led by the International "Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons" (OPCW).

Meanwhile, the Spokesman of Russian President Vladimir Putin, advised to refrain from taking as granded one or another Hasty Hypothesis, until the real Facts are clearly established and Verified.

For the Time being, at least 2 unquestionable Facts seem to give them, at least partialy, Reason in certain Key points :

- The UN reportedly Acknowledged that it does Not yet know How exactly Poisonous Gas was spread in that area.

- An US Pentagon's Spôkesman used a Wording implying a Difference between the origins of the Airstrike and those of the Gas :

- "the Bombs (of a Syrian Airplane) caused the Chemical Weapons (sic !) to disperse" on the ground, he declared.

I.e., the US Pentagon itself made a Distinction between the Syrian Army's Airstrike ("the Bombs") and the Islamist Terrorists' alleged Poisonous Gas deposits ("the Chemical Weapons"), already on that ground.

=> Astonishingly, however, we have Not yet seen almost Noone among those Facts to be clearly Cited and serioously Contested by Critics, on the base of Other Facts and/or Logical Arguments !

It's all as if a Strange "Gray" Atmosphere was Hindering any real Public Debate between opposed Views, while some Old "Cold War" Lobbies of an Establishment against which the New US President Don Trump was Elected by the American People, were notoriously Pushing to Hasty and Negative Moves, that Risk to provoke Irreversible and possibly Unjust Harm, even Before the Public Opinion can have a chance to form a clear view on what the real Facts might be...

IF anyone might have really abused of Chemical or even other Weapons in order to Target innocent Civilian People (including Children) - as, f.ex., ISIL's and other Islamist Terrorists notoriously do more and more frequently nowadays - then, a Strong Punishment would be certanly required.

But, as long as a Total Lack of any serious Public Debate on the above-mentioned Data still Hinders People to Find the Truth, it's not even certain that US President Trump has been correctly Informed about these Crucial Facts, or Not yet !

Something very Fishy seems to be going on.

The sly Harassment and Pressure from a corrupted and unpopular, old and failed Establishment, against New US President Don Trump's pre-Electoral Options, has obviously been going on for too long, and even growing much more greedy...

(PS : Draft Text prepared BEFORE the Military Strikes).
Nobody will look for the real reason of this chemical attack and who has done it.
But New US President Don Trump would, very probably, Look after his own Legacy, as well as to the forthcoming 2018 Mid-Term Elections, in addition to the 2020+ Horizon...

So that his Popular Electoral Promises to the American People, should, normaly, play a Growing Role.

While, on the Contrary, RINOs' and Old Establishment's pressure upon him should be progressively Weakening...

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