Syria’s Assad’s used chemical weapons on opposition, crossing Obama ‘red line’

obama isn't to be criticized because of slowness to act in Syria. It's because he was stupid enough to write a political check he can't cash. He should never have announced his idiot red line in the first place. He did it like he expected not to be dismissed like the pesky fly he is. He is going to give our most avowed enemies military support as if he never expects that support to be used against us.

Assad has had those chemical weapons since he got them from Saddam Hussein at the beginning of the Iraq war. If al quaeda gets them they will go crazy using them. They will be smuggled across the world. The muslim brotherhood in Egypt is already giddy at the prospect.

I hope Assad wins. If he needs Russian help so be it.

that too...
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Apparently McCain addressed this in the senate earlier.
^My comment.
US concludes Syria?s Assad?s used chemical weapons on opposition, crossing Obama ?red line? - The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — The United States has conclusive evidence that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime has used chemical weapons against opposition forces seeking to overthrow the government, crossing what President Barack Obama has called a “red line” that would trigger greater American involvement in the crisis, the White House said Thursday.

Officials said Obama was considering both political and military options, but suggested deeper involvement may not be imminent.

They actually said that the reason they decided to intervene is because, as Clinton put it, not intervening makes Obama look like a total fool and weak. They even admitted that it didn't matter if they had proof or not, or even if he actually crossed a red line, they were going to intervene.

Yet you defend him.
April 26:

GOP policy in Libya: Obama is for interceding, so we are opposed to it.

GOP policy in Syria: Obama is not interceding, we are for it.

I expect the moment Obama decides to act in Syria, the GOP will suddenly be against it. In the meantime, the GOP will criticize Obama's slowness to act in Syria.

God forbid we should actually confirm WMDs were used by the Syrian government. A rumor should be good enough!

Paging Joseph Wilson...

Thank you. Thank you very muuuuuuch...

Gee, still a hack, and completely wrong.

GOP leaders back Obama decision to send military aid to Syrian rebels | World Tribune

The best part, you are so stupid you don't even know you were wrong.
GENEVA | Sun May 5, 2013 6:13pm EDT

(Reuters) - U.N. human rights investigators have gathered testimony from casualties of Syria's civil war and medical staff indicating that rebel forces have used the nerve agent sarin, one of the lead investigators said on Sunday.
Have we just conveniently forgot about this ?

U.N. has testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas: investigator | Reuters


Did you forget about this?

Obama Administration Walking Back Obama?s Red Line

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